Widget and Main menu - selected state - wordpress - wordpress

Here's the deal:
Wordpress website:
On the mentioned link the Engineering tab has the selected state (mouse hover the tab Services please). As you can see I have another menu on the right.
What I want is that the selected state of "Engineering" on the Main menu also affects the widget menu so I have the "selected" style information on both menus.
The bottom end is that they are different menus so I'm kinda stuck in here.

ok, here`s the solution:
li.current-menu-item a {


Second menu block not showing children

I have installed a theme that has this block region:
In primary menu there was already a menu that works and can show children.
But i wanted to add another menu so i created a menu and placed the block in primary menu region bellow the main navigation menu that was set with the theme.
The first menu has that plus button to show shildren. But the second one doesn't show the plus and test2 is a child of test.
This is my configuration :
Is it a class problem ? Is there a way to edit the second menu html and give it same class as first menu.

How can I color a one specific item in the header menu of my web site (wordpress)?

I have 6 item in my header menu but I want to make one of them red. How can I do that? Please explain more detailed because I am a lawyer....
Go into Appearance > Menu and select the menu you're after.
Under 'Screen options' on top, check the box to show attributes.
Find your menu item and click it. You'll see the ability to add a class name. Remember what you added.
Under theme options (in the left menu) choose 'global css' and add your styling there.
.class-name { background- color: red;}

How to retrive description of page of menu in wordpress?

In the top menu i want to add description of parent ul in menu. How to retrive parent page description in wordpress
I can't understand your question properly but if you have submenu and you want to show description of the parent menu item of sub-menu and your menu item has a page(not custom menu item) just add description in content area that's all.
When you click parent ul menu item, it will show by theme page.php page.
If my answer is not what you want, please explain

Wordpress navigation Menu issue

I'm having a problem with the second tier of my navigation showing up when I hover over the products button. You can see the problem here. http://www.americancarpgear.com
Any suggestions?
Change line 37 of index.js from:
$(this).find('ul').stop(false, true).fadeIn(200);
$(this).find('ul:first').stop(false, true).fadeIn(200);
There are multiple ul's within the Product drop down, so all children are being shown on hover. Instead, you should only show the first child ul on hover.

Wordpress menus with submenu in other place

I would love to use wordpress built in menu system and I need sub-menus. Is it possible to on hover show that menu items sub-menu in other place. See image.
Thank you. Any suggestions how to achieve this.
You can create the Sub-menu via the CMS in the menu panel dinamically under the parent label. Then you can just hide it onload and show it on the parent's hover. However the sub-menu must have position: absolute and, given your example the liwould have to de displayed inline.
A sample code would be useful to sort out details but this should work.
