How to pass parameters in a call to test using quality-center? - hp-quality-center

Is it possible to pass a parameter of a test case, in the testplan module of hp quality center 10, to a "call to test"? If I add in the call the parameter <<< parameter_name >>> the test runner won't evaluate the parameter to its value.

I think you should use triple <<< and >>> signs, have a look at this tutorial video:


How to Parameterize test cases in robot framework?

I need to provide multiple inputs to a testcase using robot framework. I had done similarly in pytest with parameterization, is there any similar way to do in robot framework as well..
You can use variables for this.
for example
robot --variable HOST: /testfolder/
variable ${HOST} will have value in this testrun
I think you can use Arguments using Robot framework. Keywords can accept zero or more arguments, and some arguments may have default values. It is best way to supply parameters to your testcase/keyword based on input required. More documentation can be found at -
Approach that i made:
As i'm calling my robot call only once for a suite and in test suite each indivdual test case may have different no and different variables.
I made a json file to have:
test suite name >
test case name >
test case params
max no of params in that test suite .
I'm adding a common tag as param1 param2 for test cases based on no of params for each tc and iterate the call for the robot test suite with above tags and variable as ${params} with tag name. So that only those test cases will be picked.
Param details i'm reading the json file in the test case based on the variable passed ${params}.
robot --variable params:param1 -i param1
robot --variable params:param2 -i param2
TestCase[xxx]: Sample Test Case
[Documentation] Sample Test Case
[Tags] Sanity param1 param2 param3

I'm using cloud-functions-emulator, 1 Param is OK, but 2 Param?

I'm trying to use cloud-functions-emulator, When I try to call with 1 Parameter,
functions call auth --data {\"token\":\"1234ssss\"}
everythings fine, but When I try to call with 2 Param,
functions call auth --functions call hell --data '{\"names\":\"test.txt\",\"buket\":\"my-bucketssssssss\"}'
is making an error = Error: "data" must be a valid JSON string!
how can I go with 2 Params??
Try the following two commands:
echo "{\"hello\": \"world\"}"
echo '{\"hello\": \"world\"}'
The outputs will be:
{"hello": "world"}
{\"hello\": \"world\"}
Notice that supplying your command in single quotes cancels the escaping of the double quotes resulting in un-desired content. Try your command as:
functions call auth --functions call hell --data "{\"names\":\"test.txt\",\"buket\":\"my-bucketssssssss\"}"
functions call auth --functions call hell --data '{"names":"test.txt","buket":"my-bucketssssssss"}'

RED Robot Editor - One TestCase Dependent To Other [duplicate]

I have a large number of test cases, in which several test cases are interdependent. Is it possible that while a later test case is getting executed you can find out the status of a previously executed test case?
In my case, the 99th test case depends on the status of some prior test cases and thus, if either the 24th or the 38th fails I would like the 99th test case NOT to get executed at all and thus save me a lot of time.
Kindly, explain with some example if possible. Thanks in advance!
Robot is very extensible, and a feature that was introduced in version 2.8.5 makes it easy to write a keyword that will fail if another test has failed. This feature is the ability for a library to act as a listener. With this, a library can keep track of the pass/fail status of each test. With that knowledge, you can create a keyword that fails immediately if some other test fails.
The basic idea is, cache the pass/fail status as each test finishes (via the special _end_test method). Then, use this value to determine whether to fail immediately or not.
Here's an example of how to use such a keyword:
*** Settings ***
Library /path/to/
*** Test Cases ***
Example of a failing test
fail this test has failed
Example of a dependent test
[Setup] | Require test case | Example of a failing test
log | hello, world
Here is the library definition:
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
class DependencyLibrary(object):
def __init__(self):
self.test_status = {}
def require_test_case(self, name):
key = name.lower()
if (key not in self.test_status):
BuiltIn().fail("required test case can't be found: '%s'" % name)
if (self.test_status[key] != "PASS"):
BuiltIn().fail("required test case failed: '%s'" % name)
return True
def _end_test(self, name, attrs):
self.test_status[name.lower()] = attrs["status"]
To solve this problem I'm using something like this:
Run Keyword if '${PREV TEST STATUS}'=='PASSED' myKeyword
so maybe this will be usable also for you.

Dictionary as variable in Robot Framework: code runs ok but the IDE yields error

I'm trying to set up a dictionary as a variable (so I can use it as a Resource and access its values from another file) and there is something that is driving me crazy.
Here is the code I have (just for testing purposes):
*** Settings ***
Documentation Suite description
Library Collections
*** Variables ***
&{SOME DICT} key1=value1 key2=value2
*** Test Cases ***
Dict Test # why $ instead of &?
${RANDOM VAR}= Get From Dictionary ${SOME DICT} key1
If I run that, I got the expected result ([ WARN ] value1) BUT the IDE (PyCharm) is complaining about that ${SOME DICT} variable is not defined, and the dictionary declaration is not highlighted the same as variable or a list.
If I change that to &{SOME DICT} the IDE won't complain anymore, but the test fails with the following output:
Dict Test | FAIL |
Keyword 'Collections.Get From Dictionary' got positional argument after named arguments.
That is puzzling me to no end: why I have to use a $ instead of a & if it's a dictionary to make it work? Is there something I am doing wrong and it is just running by luck?
Thanks for any advice or guidance you may have!
Have a look into "Get from Dictionary" libdoc,looks like example is showing the same as your working snippet:
Name: Get From Dictionary
Source: Library (Collections)
Arguments: [dictionary, key]
Returns a value from the given ``dictionary`` based on the given ``key``.
If the given ``key`` cannot be found from the ``dictionary``, this
keyword fails.
The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword.
| ${value} = | Get From Dictionary | ${D3} | b |
| ${value} = 2
Keyword implementation details are as follows:
return dictionary[key]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("Dictionary does not contain key '%s'." % key)
So indeed, Robot sends representation of dict content and not dict name thus value for key can be returned.
This is the same as direct call in python:
a = {u'key1': u'value1', u'key2': u'value2'}
In the end, libdoc for that KW is not straightforward but your PyCharm plugin for Robot does not work properly in this case.
In RED Robot Editor (Eclipse based), proper case does not rise any warnings in editor, wrong-case provides error marker about arguments (better but still not clear what is exactly wrong. Blame minimalistic libdoc info).
ps. I am lead of RED project to be clear.
Simple Example to Use Key Value Variable in robot framework
Set value to dictionary
Get value from dictionary
&{initValues} Create Dictionary key1=value1 key2=value2
Set To Dictionary ${initValues} key1=newvalue1
Set To Dictionary ${initValues} key2=newvalue2
Set To Dictionary ${initValues} key3=newvalue3
${value} Get From Dictionary ${intialValues} key1

How can I tell robot framework not to log a keyword?

In a robot framework test case I set a variable and then do a process.
Because the setting of the variable is not a very interesting bit of information, I don't want to include that in my report.
| Verifying STUFF |
| | ${endpoint}= | set variable | STUFF
| | Verify
My report contains this:
KEYWORD: ${endpoint} = BuiltIn.Set Variable STUFF
But I would rather not have it there. How can I tell Robot Framework to just not log that line?
It looks like this should do it:
pybot --removekeywords NAME:SetVariable testcase.txt
But the Set Variable keywords are still there.
(And yes, I upgraded my robot framework to 2.8.3 to take advantage of this function.)
The best you can do is to use
Set Log Level NONE
but it will still log all the keyword calls, just not anything inside those.
Or if you call a python function which calls another function, then the call to the second function is not logged.
Like this:
*** Settings ***
*** Test Cases ***
Set Log Level NONE
${a} foo
*** Keywords ***
No Operation
Log 123
and being like this:
def foo():
abc = bar()
return abc
def bar():
c = 1
print c
return c
The problem is that when you assign a variable like ${var} = Keyword, the name of the keyword in Robot Framework outputs is ${var} = Keyword, not Keyword as you would expect. If your keyword is from a library or a resource file, its name will also be included like ${var} = MyLibrary.Keyword. The latter is a feature but the former is a bug that is hopefully fixed in RF 2.9.
An easy workaround for the keyword name, for now, including the variable name is using wildcards. Something like this ought to work for you:
--RemoveKeywords 'name:* = BuiltIn.Set Variable'
You can use --removekeywords or --flattenkeywords option on pybot to remove the content of keyword So if you have e.g. keyword "foo" that contains lot's of logging keywords, you can set "--flattenkeywords name:foo" option to pybot, and In the log you'll only see the primary keyword, but no keywords inside it.
If you use a python library, the following monkey-patching works for me:
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
from robot.output.logger import LOGGER
import types
def _nothing(*args, **kwargs):
def disable_keyword_logging(self):
self._logging_methods = (LOGGER.start_keyword, LOGGER.end_keyword)
LOGGER.start_keyword = types.MethodType(_nothing,LOGGER)
LOGGER.end_keyword = types.MethodType(_nothing,LOGGER)
def enable_keyword_logging(self):
LOGGER.start_keyword, LOGGER.end_keyword = self._logging_methods
Then when this script is run:
Disable keyword logging
Log Hello world
Enable keyword logging
the "Log" keyword is not logged to the output but the output is.
If you really want nothing (also no debug/info/warn information logged by the called keywords), you will still have to set the log level to "NONE".
Robot Framework doesn't log "global" variables as part of a variable table. Global is in quotation marks because Set Global Variable actually is logged, but if you initialize your variable like so...
*** Variables ***
${endpoint} stuff
*** Keywords ***
...then it will not be in the Log. Additionally, if you don't want anyone to see the variable at all if they're just looking at the front end of your testing suite, you can bury it in a Resource file and the call the Resource file.
Robot Framework logs your Set Variable keywords and results because Set Variable implies that you're setting a variable dynamically and might be setting it based on the result of a keyword, in which case you'd probably want to know what the result of the keyword is. If you're just creating a static variable, then no extra work beyond the table is required. Is a dynamic variable a required part of your code?
