Orchard1.7 - Bootstrap Integration - orchardcms-1.7

I have used Orchard for my project and installed Bootstrap 3.0.0 theme as it will quick and reliable for me to design whole site using Bootstrap 3.0.0. I have created one custom module using http://docs.orchardproject.net/Documentation/Creating-a-module-with-a-simple-text-editor
But at the end, I am not able to get access of my module. Let me know if anyone can help me.

There is a bootstrap 3 theme on the gallery. You can find it here: http://gallery.orchardproject.net/List/Themes/Orchard.Theme.Bootstrap
It's pretty straightforward to modify, it also will help you to build your own theme and understand how the things work.


Intergrating WordPress Plugins into a bootstrap site

I hope you do not mind if I ask a general questions regarding bootstrap and WordPress.
I have created a website using just bootstrap. I am trying to set up an Appointment Booking System on it. I know that in WordPress there is a good plugin for this that would work well.
I have two questions regarding the above statement.
Is there a way that I can keep my customized bootstrap theme and integrate a WordPress plug in into my site without having to build the site from scratch in WordPress.
2) Is there a way to load my bootstrap code into the WordPress portal (so it is a customized bootstrap site) but that I would be able to use all of the available WordPress plugins.
Unfortunatly, if you want to use your custom html you need to create a custom WordPress theme. By the way, this is not difficult at all, and if you have already your static files setted up, splitting them in a theme is almost straigth forward.
Before stepping into it and start trying some good starter blank themes (underscores, timber, root etc..) my advice is: follow a simple guide and learn core WordPress theme hierarchy, then you'll be able to do almost anything.
This is the first guid I found but - ehi - Google is your best friend!

Bootstrap alternative for Storefront

I use bootstrap for my website which uses storefront child theme. However, bootstrap.css has many conflicts which those in storefront.
I found some tutorials that show the fix for boostrap-woocommerce conflict. However, it does not work for Storefront
Are there any good alternatives that I can use for styling? Or how do you guys avoid those conflicts? Thanks
you should use bootstrap's 'Customize and download' tool
this should help you deal with conflicts. this tool is not available for version 4 but you can do in manually, check the documentation

Bootstrap integrated to Magento E-commerce. How?

I have question to people who had experience with Magento and Bootstrap. I was looking for some information how to integrate Bootstrap to Magento, but it did't helped me. I working right now on project that should be created on Bootstrap framework. So my questions is how to integrate bootstrap to magento right? So I can get bootstrap.css files that not mix with my own style.
I know that Boilerplate mix style with magento and code is too long, so I would happy to use it.
There are flew blog available where explain the how bootstrap and magento integrated.
You can try this

Using front end frameworks with a Wordpress site?

I've been tasked with modifying the frond end of a Wordpress site, which is something I have not done before. I was first thinking of using Handlebars an Bootstrap, but I'm not even sure that will even work with the Wordpress framework.
If those don't work, what would be a good way to create a nice UI for the Wordpress site? Is creating my own theme a viable option? What tools am I even available to use?
Thank you.
Some of my favorite starter themes are:
http://themble.com/bones/ and http://underscores.me/
You can also look at frameworks like:
http://themeshaper.com/thematic/ or http://my.studiopress.com/themes/genesis/
I've used AngularJS with WordPress in the past, so I don't see why you wouldn't be able to use Handlebars (I haven't done it myself, but if you search, I'm sure you'll find some help there).
If you still want to use Bootstrap, there some tutorials on how to integrate it: http://digitalfellows.commons.gc.cuny.edu/2013/11/18/learn-bootstrap-part-2-adding-bootstrap-to-wordpress/

Integrate Joomla CSS system with Twitter-Bootstrap CSS

It's less that 24 hours that I've known Bootstrap and I've fallen in love into it!
As I've understood, Bootstrap is a collection of CSSs ready to use.
We should only give the class name according to Bootstrap and our website will have a modern and perfect look.
Now the problem is that Joomla builtin system doesn't use Bootstrap compatible classes.
Is there a fast way to change way to change Joomla builtin CSS system to be compatible with Bootstrap?
Hope it be understandable.
Maybe there is a plugin to convert Joomla CSS system to Bootstrap-familiar CSS. I couldn't find such exact plugin.
I know the feeling about Bootstrap. A lot of people would disagree, but I too really like it. However, even though Joomla 3.0 is based on Bootstrap, I wouldn't recommend using it, as it's the short release. Joomla 2.5 is still the long term recommended version to use, therefore I suggest you stick with that and find yourself a Boostrap template, such as Joomstrap, which is free. Please note that the template was based on Bootstrap 2.0.4, so you will need to download the latest version and replace the CSS and JS files.
You might also be interested in the Boostrap template based on Gantry for Joomla 2.5.
Having said to stick with Joomla 2.5 as it's the long term release, once Joomla 3.5 comes out, which will be the next long term release, I would upgrade to that. This too will also be based on Bootstrap.
If it's possible for you to upgrade your System, the new Joomla 3.0 comes with Bootstrap. Otherwise you only have to build an own Template where you use this Framework.
There is no problem with doing that.
You start with developing a custom template, then after that you just use overrides for your components etc.
You don't need a plugin.
