UISearchBar in UINavigationController introduces ~60px offset in SearchResultsTable - uinavigationcontroller

As soon as I display my search bar in the navigation controller, the behavior of the search results table changes - the table content is offset vertically by about 60px.
Changing the table's contentOffset on the delegate ResultsWill/Did Appear makes no difference.
Setting displayInNavigationController = false restores expected alignment of results (directly below search bar with no gap).
The blank area appears to be part of the table/scrollview, as I can force the results cells to temporarily display in the blank section by scrolling down.
Any idea how to get those first result cells to display at the top of the results window?

It looks like you have viewController.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets set, but you don't actually want this adjustment. You can turn this option off via either Interface Builder (find "Adjust scroll view insets" checkbox) or programmatically.


Navigating to a tab containing a table causes background to expand past screen boundary and other set boundary's

I have this page with a permanent sidebar. Along the top of the page there is a group of MUI tabs.
The Estimations tab contains a Material-Table. Navigating to this tab causes the page to expand horizontally. I want to stop this from happening.
Setting a fixed width to the table only stops the table from expanding. The background still expands when navigating to this tab. Setting a fixed width for the Paper component in IntakeDetails2 does not stop this expansion from occurring.
This code sandbox link shows a working demo of this issue. I would like to keep the estimation tab along with its table within the same boundary as the solutioning tab. The outcome here would be a horizontal scroll bar on the table itself rather than the web page.

Xamarin.Forms ScrollView ScrollToAsync behaviour

I have been having issues with using the ScrollToAsync function of a ScrollView when running on Android, not tested on iOS yet.
I'm using Xamarin.Forms version using .Net Standard
Testing on the Android Emulator (8.0, API26) and a Google Pixel (8.1 API27), both have the same issue.
I use NavigationPage and Navigation.PushAsync to move between pages (therefore have navigation bars on every page).
I want to create an auto populate field control, the user types in the first few letters and I look up the results in a database / static list of string and display the results below for the user to click/tap.
I have this working using a composite control (the contents of the frame marked interesting below).
The problem I have is scrolling the view to show the results.
My page has this layout hierarchy:-
Frame (some label and entry fields inside a stack layout)
Frame (some label and entry fields inside a stack layout)
Frame (some label and entry fields inside a stack layout)
Frame (the interesting one that deals with scrolling)
Heading Label
Label x:Name="ScrollToLabel"
Entry x:Name="ScrollToEntry"
Grid x:Name="ScrollToGrid"
Entry x:Name="Hidden" Text="I should stay visible as you type"
Frame (some label and entry fields inside a stack layout)
Frame (some label and entry fields inside a stack layout)
Button Text = Done
When the user clicks/taps in to ScrollToEntry, the keyboard opens and pans the control to above the keyboard (ok so far).
When the user starts typing in ScrollToEntry, the code populates ScrollToGrid with up to 5 results.
At this point I want to make sure that the grid results are visible for the user to tap on.
I have tried 2 different options, ScrollToAsync(ScrollToLabel, Start) and ScrollToAsync(Hidden, MakeVisible).
Neither work as I would like 100% of the time.
ScrollToAsync(ScrollToLabel, Start)
If the ScrollToEntry is at the bottom of the screen, the navigation bar is hidden and the view pans up too far.
The ScrollToLabel is now off the top of the screen.
When the second letter is clicked/tapped, the Navigation bar is restored and the scroll scrolls correctly, ScrollToLabel at the top of the screen.
If the ScrollToEntry is near the top of the screen, the navigation bar is not hidden and it scrolls correctly.
ScrollToAsync(Hidden, MakeVisible)
This is my preferred option because it would only scroll as far as needed to display all the results (not all the way to the top).
This works even worse than the first one.
In most cases, it does not scroll at all, I assume it thinks it already visible but is actually behind the keyboard?
If it does scroll, the label Hidden is still not displayed (I tested with both a HeightRequest="0" version and a visible version, both the same result).
I tried using the below code to change the adjust to resize.
2 issues,
1. Because it resizes, the Done button now is above the keyboard, taking up space.
2. When clicking the hardware back button (not the done or navigation back button) the previous view now has a white space where the keyboard was.
If using the done or navigation back, the screen initially appears with the white space but then refreshes to full screen.
I have created a sample app that highlights the issues (by default using pan, not resize).
It's the most simple version of the layout I'm using...
Am I doing something wrong or is this just how it works? If its how it works, this must be a bug? If I'm doing it wrong, can someone tell me what or suggest a different way of doing it?

Is there a way to add pages after a footer in RDLC?

I have a footer, and a rectangle, which contains textboxes for terms and conditions. It's visibility is based on a conditional. The problem is that the terms and conditions take up more than 1 page, so they get cut off. Is there a way to add additional pages after a footer?
Here's the visibility code with the conditional :
=IIf(First(Fields!IsUSA.Value, "PurchaseOrder"), false, true)
Or IIf(Globals!PageNumber=Globals!OverallTotalPages, false, true)
You could place the terms and conditions onto a rectangle (or multiple rectangles) and play with the size so they fit a new page perfectly.
The PageBreak properties can be of use here.
Simply place this rectangle at the very bottom of your report body (not the the page footer).
If you place it at the very bottom this will always be on the last page of the document. So you don't need an expression to have it appear only at the end.
However, you could define an expression for the Visibility property of the rectangle if you wish to have more control over it. So you can hide it based on a parameter value instead of having to create another second report without them.
If you sized the rectangle correctly and defined the right BreakLocation you should be able to get the desired behavior.

iOS10 storyboard layout issue

We have a table view with prototype cells in a storyboard that work well in iOS 7 to 9. The content of the cells is layed out with AutoLayout.
In iOS 10, the prototype cell does not display its content. The cell is black.
If I run the view debugger and show the clipped content, I see the cell's content being shown. Part of it is within the cell's bounds, part of it outside. Even then, the content's position does not correspond to the layout constraints.
Also, when looking at the view hierarchy on the left hand side of the view debugger, I can see that the cell has no children.
Deleting this line fixed the issue:
expiryDetailsTableViewCell.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;

Making a Flex DataGrid scroll smoothly

I've noticed that the default behaviour for a DataGrid's vertical scroll bar is to scroll one row at a time. This is all well and good when the rows are all uniform and small (e.g. displaying a single line of text), but gets really ugly as soon as you have rows with variable heights.
I'm curious, is there a way to make DataGrid scrolling "smooth"? For instance, is there a way to have the DataGrid scroll by a set number of pixels, lines of text, etc. rather than scrolling one row at a time?
So far, the only solution I've managed to come up with is to place the DataGrid in a Canvas and have the Canvas do the scrolling instead of the DataGrid. The issue with this approach, though, is that as soon as the Canvas scrolls far enough, the DataGrid headers scroll off-screen. Ideally, I'd like to get the smooth-scrolling nature of the Canvas, but also keep the DataGrid headers visible. Is that possible?
The way that ItemRenderer's work in Flex 3 makes smooth scrolling difficult to achieve. Basically Flex recycles item renderers scrolled off of the top of the list as the display objects used for new data at the bottom of the list. Adobe's implementation of most list components in Flex 3 creates and adds these items as they come on to the screen rather than just off the screen, so they "pop in" and smooth scrolling isn't available. I'm not sure why they couldn't have done it in a similar manner for items +/- one position above or below the current scroll pane, but they didn't, and we're stuck with sticky scrolling by default.
Work-arounds do exist, though the one you've noted (dropping the datagrid into a canvas) negates the display-object saving intention of item renderers and incurs a performance cost. This will be fixed for most list-based Flex components in Flex 4, though it won't be fixed immediately for DataGrid. The DataGrid / AdvancedDataGrid component is maintained by a separate team based in India, last time I heard, and so it tends to be a bit behind the rest of the SDK.
I'd recommend trying something similar to this implementation of a smooth-scrolling list by Alex Harui. I'm not sure exactly how well it'd work for DataGrid or AdvancedDataGrid, but this is the most intuitive technique I can think of for making the list scroll correctly.
Try this... It's still based on Alex's code that was mentioned above. His should still be a great start for removing the snap-to-row behavior. Original source:
Alex's original some code for smooth vertical scrolling but that was not an issue I had with the DataGrid. It was smooth scrolling horizontally that I needed. I am using the DataGrid in an unorthodox manner for analyzing plain text reports output by our database (great way of providing visual feedback on a document). The code below allows content to go off screen and the user can scroll without that snap-to-column behavior.
You can adapt this to use the same math routines for vertical scrolling and then it will make scrolling possible and ignore the snap to row behavior. In particular switch the usage of the listContent.move method to move the contents vertically and use a inverse of the rounded pixel value you calculate from the vertical scroll bar (as opposed to my using the horizontal).
This method is bit simpler than Alex's method from the link above - a lot less code so try adapting and see how it works.
override protected function scrollHandler(event:Event):void
// Override the default scroll behavior to provide smooth horizontal scrolling and not the usual "snap-to-column" behavior
var scrEvt:ScrollEvent = event as ScrollEvent;
if(scrEvt.direction == ScrollEventDirection.HORIZONTAL) {
// Get individual components of a scroll bar for measuring and get a horizontal position to use
var scrDownArrow:DisplayObject = horizontalScrollBar.getChildAt(3);
var sctThumb:DisplayObject = horizontalScrollBar.getChildAt(2);
// I replaced maxHorizontalScrollPosition in Alex's code with "1300" to fix my exact application. In other situations you may finding using some property or different value is more appropriate. Don't rely on my choice.
var hPos:Number = Math.round((sctThumb.y - scrDownArrow.height) / (scrDownArrow.y - sctThumb.height - scrDownArrow.height) * 1300);
// Inverse the position to scroll the content to the left for large reports
listContent.move(hPos * -1, listContent.y);
// Go ahead and use the default handler for vertical scrolling
else {
