Type Parameters on Scala Macro Annotations - reflection

I'm trying to use macro annotations in scala, where my macro annotation would take an argument of another type. It would then use scala reflection to look at the passed in type, and add some methods as appropriate.Eg.
trait MyTrait {
def x: Int
def y: Float
#MyAnnotation class MyClass //<-- somehow, this annotation should reference MyTrait
class MyAnnotation(val target: Any) extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro MyAnnotationImpl.impl
object MyAnnotationImpl {
def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
// if I can get a handle on the type MyTrait in here
// then I can call .members on it, etc.
Basically, the same thing as Using Scala reflection in Scala macros, except using macro annotations. However, when I try to template my macro annotation with a TypeTag
class MyAnnotation[T](val target: Any) extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform[T](annottees: Any*) = macro MyAnnotationImpl.impl[T]
object MyAnnotationImpl {
def impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
I get
[error] /Users/imran/other_projs/learn_macros/macros/src/main/scala/com/imranrashid/oleander/macros/MacrosWithReflection.scala:7: macro annotation has wrong shape:
[error] required: def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro ...
[error] found : def macroTransform[T](annottees: Any*) = macro ...
[error] class MyAnnotation[T](val target: Any) extends StaticAnnotation {
[error] ^
I've also tried to make the type an argument to my annotation, so I would use it like #MyAnnotation(MyTrait) class Foo .... I can extract the name as a String with something like
val targetTrait = c.prefix.tree match {
case Apply(Select(New(Ident(_)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List(Ident(termName))) => termName
but, I'm not sure what I can do w/ that String to get back the full type. I've also tried variants like #MyAnnotation(typeOf[MyTrait]) class Foo ..., and then use c.eval on the typeOf inside my macro, but that doesn't compile either.

In macro paradise 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT we have quite a tricky way of accessing type parameters for macro annotations (the situation will improve later on when we have dedicated APIs for that, but right now it's very difficult to introduce new functionality to scala-reflect.jar in macro paradise, so the current API is a bit rough).
For now it's necessary to specify the type parameter on the annotation class and not to declare any type parameters on the macroTransform method. Then, in macro expansion, access c.macroApplication and extract the untyped tree corresponding to the passed type parameter. Afterwards, do c.typeCheck as described in Can't access Parent's Members while dealing with Macro Annotations.

As Eugene points out in his answer it is possible to match on the tree of the whole macro application. Like every Scala method, annotation macro applications can take multiple type argument lists as well as multiple value argument lists.
Consider the macro application of an annotation macro called test:
#test[A, B][C, D](a, b)(c, d) trait Foo
In the implementation of test we can inspect the macro application by
which will result in:
new test[A, B][C, D](a, b)(c, d).macroTransform(abstract trait Foo extends scala.AnyRef)
To extract the (type/value) parameters from the tree you have to pattern match on the tree. A parser for an arbitrary amount of parameter lists can be found in this project
Using this parser retrieving the first value argument of the macro application is as easy as
val List(List(arg)) = MacroApp(c.macroApplication).termArgs


Is it possible to inherit from something other than the abstract type julia?

I have a function that I can't change and it expects type ExpectedType.
function some_function(some_parameter::ExpectedType)
some implementation
I want to pass my object of type OtherType.
I decided to inherit OtherType from ExpectedType.
struct OtherType <: ExpectedType end
But I'm getting an error: ERROR: invalid subtyping in definition of OtherType
Is it possible to inherit from non-abst types?
How can I get the functionality I need?
It is not possible to inherit from non-abstract type.
What I would typically do is writing a constructor for ExpectedType that takes OtherType as argument and then call some_function(ExpectedType(your_object)).
Also then you could define:
SourceModuleName.some_function(x::OtherType) = some_function(ExpectedType(x))
so that you do not have to call the constructor explicitly.

Dart - Casting List<SuperType> to List<SubType> using generics

I am new to Flutter and Dart, coming from native Android.
Android has a very nice database abstraction architecture called the Room Persistence Library. As far as I am aware, no such database abstraction architecture exists for Flutter using the MVVM / MVC design patterns.
My solution was to create a Dart version of it myself. I got it pretty much done after a few headaches, but I cannot seem to get LiveData to work properly using generics.
I set up my class like this:
class LiveData<T> {
Now when I want to return some data, it can either be an Object or List<Object>. I found a neat hack for differentiating the two from T:
// Parse response
// This checks if the type is an instance of a single entity or a list.
if (entity is T) {
cachedData = rawData.isEmpty ? null : entity.fromMap(rawData.first) as T;
} else {
cachedData = rawData.map((e) => entity.fromMap(e)).toList() as T;
The problem lies in the second block:
cachedData = rawData.map((e) => entity.fromMap(e)).toList() as T;
With the error:
- Unhandled Exception: type 'List<Entity>' is not a subtype of type 'List<Vehicle>' in type cast
The question then becomes: How can I cast Entity to Vehicle when I do not have access to the Vehicle class. Only an instance of it is assigned to an Entity entity variable.
Here's a snippet to demonstrate my access to Vehicle:
final Entity entity;
...assign Vehicle instance to entity...
print(entity is Vehicle) // True
I've tried using .runtimeType to no avail. I have also thought about splitting LiveData into two classes, the second one being LiveDataList. Although this seems to be the easiest solution to not bug the code- it would bug me (bad pun is intentional) and break the otherwise pretty direct port of Room.
As a temporary solution, I have abstracted out the build logic into a generic function to be passed to the LiveData in the constructor.
final T Function(List<Map<String, dynamic>> rawData) builder;
And now I call that instead of the previous code to build the cachedData.
// Parse response
cachedData = builder(rawData);
With the constructor for the LiveData<List<Vehicle>> called when accessing all vehicles in the Dao<Vehicle> being:
class VehicleDao implements Dao<Vehicle> {
static LiveData<List<Vehicle>> get() {
return LiveData<List<Vehicle>>(
(rawData) => rawData.map((e) => Vehicle.fromMap(e)).toList(),
In Dart (and indeed in many languages) generics screws with the concept of inheritance. You would think that if Bar inherits from Foo, that List<Bar> would also be castable to List<Foo>.
This is not actually going to be the case because of how generics work. When you have a generic class, every time you use that class with a different type, that type is treated as a completely separate class. This is because when the compiler compiles those types, class MyGenericType<Foo> extends BaseClass and class MyGenericType<Bar> extends BaseClass are basically converted to something like class MyGenericType_Foo extends BaseClass and class MyGenericType_Bar extends BaseClass.
Do you see the problem? MyGenericType_Foo and MyGenericType_Bar are not descendants of one another. They are siblings of each other, both extending from BaseClass. This is why when you try to convert a List<Entity> to List<Vehicle>, the cast doesn't work because they are sibling types, not a supertype and subtype.
With all this being said, while you cannot directly cast one generic type to another based on the relationship of the generic type parameter, in the case of List there is a way to convert one List type to another: the cast method.
List<Entity> entityList = <Entity>[...];
List<Vehicle> vehicleList = entityList.cast<Vehicle>(); // This cast will work
One thing to note though, if you are casting from a supertype generic to a sub-type generic and not all the elements of the list are that new type, this cast will throw an error.

Kotlin reflection on object instance

I've been trying some stuff from kotlin.reflection during my project, and got stuck on something what occurs to me as hard to understand, I have declared object as follows:
object WebsiteMapping
const val ADMIN = "/admin"
once I call:
.forEach { field -> println(field.type) }
what I get is:
class java.lang.String
class mapping.WebsiteMapping
When I looked a little bit into what is behind declaredFields invocation I grasped why it works as it is, but is there any convenient way of taking only declared consts within that object without getting also root of the whole structure?
The field with the type class mapping.WebsiteMapping is, basically, not the root of the structure but a special field generated in the object type that holds the reference to the singleton object.
In Kotlin, this field is named INSTANCE by convention. You can therefore filter the fields that you get from the class as follows:
.filter { it.name != "INSTANCE" }
.forEach { println(it.type) }
Another solution is to switch from java.reflect.* to the Kotlin reflection API kotlin.reflect (needs a dependency on the kotlin-reflect module), which automatically filters the property:
.forEach { println(it.returnType) }

Creating a new instance of a KClass

I have a Kotlin class whose primary (and only) constructor is empty.
I have a reference to this class:
val kClass: KClass<MyClass> = MyClass::class
How do I create an instance of this class using reflection?
In Java I would do myClass.newInstance() but it seems in Kotlin I need to find the constructor first:
I have seen mention of primaryConstructor in some bug reports but it's not showing up in my IDE.
In your case, Java reflection might be enough: you can use MyClass::class.java and create a new instance in the same way as you would with Java reflection (see #IngoKegel's answer).
But in case there's more than one constructor and you really need to get the primary one (not the default no-arg one), use the primaryConstructor extension function of a KClass<T>. It is a part of Kotlin reflection, which is not shipped within kotlin-stdlib.
To use it, you have to add kotlin-reflect as a dependency, e.g. a in Gradle project:
dependencies {
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlin_version"
Assuming that there is ext.kotlin_version, otherwise replace $kotlin_version with the version you use.
Then you will be able to use primaryConstructor, for example:
fun <T : Any> construct(kClass: KClass<T>): T? {
val ctor = kClass.primaryConstructor
return if (ctor != null && ctor.parameters.isEmpty())
ctor.call() else
You can use the Java class to create new instance:
For those checking this question now, since Kotlin 1.1 there's also createInstance() extension method on KClass
Much like the accepted answer, this function works only in case class has an empty constructor or constructor with all default arguments.
Expanding on Alexeys Answer, to include a primary constructor call with parameters:
/* Example class with no-args constructor */
class MyClass
/* Example class requiring parameters */
class MyClassWithParams(parameter1: String, parameter2: MyClass)
val myKClass: KClass<MyClass> = MyClass::class
val myKClassWithParameters: KClass<MyClassWithParams> = MyClassWithParams::class
/* We can create an object by calling createInstance when no constructor parameters are required as explained in other answers. */
val myObject: MyClass = myKClass.createInstance()
/* To create an object with parameters, we need to get the constructor first, and call it with the parameters instead, similarly to how we would do in Java. */
val myObjectWithParameters: MyClassWithParams? =
"StringParameter", myObject

What's the use of expression.init() in Swift

The Swift Programming Language guide, page Language Reference -> Expressions, section Postfix Expressions -> Initializer Expression talks about the syntax
<expression>.init(<initializer arguments>)
When would you use this (apart from self.init() and super.init() which are already covered in other parts of the grammar)? It seems to me that in any case where the above expression is valid (and the expression is not self or super), you can also do:
<expression>(<initializer arguments>)
While the syntax template looks like this:
<expression>.init(<initializer arguments>)
the grammar just defines an initializer-expression as:
initializer-expression → postfix-expression . init­
Note that the invocation arguments are not included. This matches constructs like A.init, and is necessary because init is a keyword, so A.init will not match explicit-member-expression (which requires an identifier rather than a keyword as the member name).
Initializer expressions are a part of the grammar because you can invoke an initializer that belongs to class that is not the direct superclass of the class you are writing (C invokes A.init in this example):
class A {
var property: String
init() {
property = "hello"
class B: A {
init() {
property = "goodbye"
class C: B {
init() {
C().property // "hello"
I don't think there are many use cases for this, but both the grammar and the compiler allow it and this example compiles and runs correctly.
You can also use an initializer expression in the global scope like you would a normal initializer. The following two lines are equivalent:
