Image Slider Isn't Responsive - css

I'm working with the Header Image Slider plugin for WordPress (which uses the Nivo Slider) and I can't seem to get the images to the size I need on a smaller screen.
I've looked around plenty and tried various things in my media queries like setting the max-width, but I can't put my finger on what the problem is. Each image is cutting off on the right-hand side. I'd like to get the images to roughly 708x245 on the next step-down. Any advice? Thanks!
My Site


Unable to resize images within portfolio section

Our developer has disappeared off the face of the planet and when our web server updated it's PHP version, formerly square images have cropped to landscape.
The section in question is the portfolio (screenshot attached) these were previously square but not display landscape despite the featured images still being a 1:1 ratio.
I'm familiar with Divi but this seems to be a custom built slider the developer has made and I'm just trying to figure out how I can make these images display as square again as we've sent countless requests to our developer to no avail
enter image description here
Would really appreciate a point in the right direction as I can get the containers to the size they should be but the image never fills them
for this class max-width: 1080px is there, so it is restricting the images to look like rectangle instead of square, and your images are not square
your images are of resolution 400 x 284, so it wont look like square. You can try images as background images in order to appear them as square.

Image resizing issues

So im building my first wordpress site at the moment. Most problems i come across i just do a google search, read, learn, fix.
But one continuous problem i keep getting is images and resizing them.
Im really lost as to how it works, its so simple, yet i cant seem to manage them at all.
Heres some of my issues:
I'm using customizr theme, it has a slider, featured images for posts-big and small (featured image and thumbnail).
I resize the picture to the recommended dimensions, but it never seems to actually resize the picture in the box. And that's for all of them, the slider, thumbnail and featured image.
I toy with the dimensions to try to learn whats happening, but it just doesn't make sense to me, the box just zooms further into the image, the image doesn't actually move or try to fit at all when the dimensions are changed.
They also share the same image for the featured image and thumbnail, even if i click 'thumbnail only' and change the dimensions, it effects all of the images.
The slider images are always cut off, even if i change to the recommended dimensions. I've given up with the slider after a week of resizing, trying new sliders, adding slider codes into .php, enough.
But now this issue with a simple featured image and thumbnail is the last straw. So here it is, my cry for help!
How can i get control of my images, resize effectively, so i dont get these issues every time i try to add images into various functions.
Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

WP Revolution Slider - display problems

I'm having trouble getting Revolution Slider (version to work properly on my website and I'm looking for some help.
For reference the test page I'm using can be located here:
The problem I'm having is the background images on each slide are "zoomed" in. All images are 960x350 and I've set the grid settings also for 960x350. However, inspecting the code, the background images appear to being assigned values of 1653x549.
I've racked my brain but I just can't get it to work. I've tried using the images as "layers" and setting the background to transparent. But then I can't get the images to display at all.
Appreciate any help. Thank you.
i have looked at the code and it says the natural values for the
Best best is to resize the images so they are 960x350 this should fix the issue if the image is zoomed still on the styling of the image set max-width:960; and max-height:350;
to save you the trouble use this image and replace the existing img, if it works then this is due to the natural sizes of the image

One image resizes properly, other does not with Twitter Bootstrap

I'm using Bootstrap 2.3.0 on the following website:
The problem I am having is that when the browser window is resized or when a user is using a tablet/phone, the two logos at the very top of the page are not displaying as I would like.
Below I am showing this behaviour using Chrome on my desktop.
Situation #1: full screen display, logos are spread out and full size. I'm happy with this.
Situation #2: screen size is decreased, but logos are still full size. I would like for either the logos to stay on the same line and for the logos to scale (shrink).
Situation #3: this would likely be solved by whatever fixes situation #2, but I just wanted to show that if I shrink the browser width further, the Agrium logo has scaled (yay!) but the AgTracker logo has not (boooo).
Any help with updating the CSS or way I am using Bootstrap that allows for the logos to both scale and remain on the same line would be appreciated.
There are a couple of ways to solve this problem:
At first, you should recognize that the first two images are actually not two but just a single image. Using this technique, you can make a single png or jpg file with all these three images in combined into a single image file. I would not recommend this, so I would like to propose a much more robust solution using CSS. Please look at my second point.
You can use CSS3's in built feature known as CSS3 Media Queries.
This technology allows you to create responsive websites and be able
to dictate how your content appears on a variety of devices like
mobile, tabs or desktops.

INSTAPRESS WP PLUGIN - CSS Image Sizing on Mobile and Desktop alignment

I am having issues getting my Instagram images to display properly. I have tried all types of tricks and changes but cannot get it to look consistent on both desktop and mobile. It looks perfect when at full window size and across all browsers (except mobile), but when I change the size of the browser viewing window it gets all weird.
Here is my issue:
I need all the horizontal Instagram images to be responsive, meaning when I do change the size of the browser window they will adjust to the dimensions that are appropriate to view them properly. I want them to always stay in a row of 5 images across...
Here is a link to the work in progress:
I have tried modifying the instapress.css to the best of my abilities but now I'm just stuck. I tried using percentages instead of pixels in some places but it's still not working...
What im reading online is that until version 3 nivo slider is not responsive, so you might want to update the library.
Also i noticed that you're calling the tag twice (the first one is between the ie class compatibility code) so watch out for that too.
