How do I pass dynamic variables into templates in Meteor? - meteor

Using data of the form:
users =
_id: 'foo'
books: [
{name: 'book1'}
{name: 'book2'}
<template name="user">
{{#each get_users}}
{{> shelf}}
<template name="shelf">
{{#each books}}
{{> book}}
<template name="book">
<div contenteditable="true" data-id="{{_id}}">{{name}}</div>
I want _id in the book template to refer to the _id of the user, but _id is not in scope inside the book template. I'd like to be able to do something like {{> book _id}}, but that doesn't work, I think because book can only have one argument, and that is each {name: 'book1'} doc.

Use a custom block helper. It would be nicer if Meteor allowed multiple arguments for custom block helpers (this is supported in Handlebars). Since it doesn't (see the the wiki), this is the best I came up with, passing a modified this to the subtemplate book.
<template name="shelf">
{{> book}}
Templates.shelf.my_iterator = (options) ->
html = "
for book in this.books =
html += options.fn this


How to pass a variable to a partial in handlebars?

I'm trying to use the lookup function in handlebars to pass a dynamic partial, but it's not quite working for me.
My data is:
"sections": [
Template looks like:
{{#each copy.sections}}
<section class='section' id='section-{{this}}' aria-labelledby='hed-{{this}}'>
<h2 class='section__hed' id='hed-{{this}}'>{{this}}</h2>
{{> graphic/(lookup . 'this') }} // Need to render this dynamically
Basically I'd like the lookup to resolve as:
{{> graphic/about}}, {{> graphic/when}}, and {{> graphic/where}}
If your data is:
var copy = {
"sections": [
You only need to specify {{#each sections }} instead of {{#each copy.sections}}:
{{#each sections}}
<section class='section' id='section-{{this}}' aria-labelledby='hed-{{this}}'>
<h2 class='section__hed' id='hed-{{this}}'>{{this}}</h2>
graph/{{ this }}
I couldn't make sense out of your code {{> graphic/(lookup . 'this') }}, it does not have a valid syntax, so I assumed what you are trying to do is graph/{{ this }}.

Meteor: Spacebars each parameter

I'm new to Meteor.js and have run into a problem.
I am passing in a user object to a profile template e.g.:
_id: "D8JpXRQskm3grykjg",
username: "foo",
profile: {communities: ["AkGCakz6mSgMb8qyS", "j8aB3i5iscrC4ehkA"]},
<template name="profile">
<h1> {{username}}: {{_id}} </h1>
{{#each profile.communities}}
{{> communityItem}}
The problem is I've already written a communityItem template that I am using elsewhere which accepts the communityName. Is there a way that I can write a helper function, passing in the communityIds list that would return a list of community names? I would like:
{{#each getCommunityNames(profile.communities)}}
{{> communityItem}}
I could very well be approaching the problem the wrong way or not writing in a "Spacebars" fashion. Thanks!
sure you can:
getCommunityNames: function(commIds) {
var communities = Communities.find({_id: {$in: commIds}}).fetch();
return _.pluck(communities, 'name'); // returns ['Name 1', 'Name 2'];
Note, the syntax method param not method(param)
{{#each getCommunityNames profile.communities}}

Meteor: nested templates and a pseudo switch conditional

I'm new with meteor and at the moment i'm testing out nested templates. More specific, i'm trying to get this pseudo switch working.
I have a PARENT template that gets data from a template.helper function where it gets the data for the {{#each}}.
This is the PARENT template
<template name="result">
{{#each Tresult}}
<div class="jow">
<div>{{> Tstatus}}</div>
The PARENT also includes another template {{> Tstatus}}
This is the CHILD template
<template name="Tstatus">
{{#status_is "green"}}
{{> Tstatus_green}}
{{#status_is "red"}}
{{> Tstatus__red}}
{{#status_is "orange"}}
{{> Tstatus__orange}}
<template name="Tstatus_green">
<template name="Tstatus_red">
<template name="Tstatus_orange">
<span>orange {{number}}</span>
This template can also include 3 other templates:
But the problem is, how do i get this pseudo switch working. So i only need to include 1 of the 3 templates, based on it's status color.
And this is the helper function for the PARENT template
return Ttable.find()
I would do something like this:
//"this" will be the current Ttable document
var color = getColorFunction(this)
return Template["Tstatus_"+color]
<template name="Tstatus">
{{#with getStatusColor}}

Polymorphism in Meteor Templates

Say I have a Meteor application which displays widgets. A widget can have one of several forms:
<template name="textWidget">
<template name="imgWidget">
<img src="{{myImagePath}}" />
<template name="listWidget">
{{#each items}}
{{> listWidgetItem}}
Is there a good pattern for rendering a specific template given a record type?
Naively, I can do something like:
<template name="masterTemplate">
{{#each widgets}}
{{#if widgetType "text"}}
{{> textWidget}}
{{#if widgetType "img"}}
{{> imgWidget}}
{{if ... }} ... {{/if}}
With a helper like:
Template.masterTemplate.widgetType = function(cmp) {
return cmp ===;
This seems like a very clunky and unflexible way to operate though. Am I missing an obvious library or design pattern for this use case?
You can try something like this:
UI.registerHelper('widget', function () {
var templateName = + 'Widget';
return Template[templateName].extend({ data: this });
and you can use it as follows:
{{> widget context}}
{{#with context}}
{{> widget}}

How to render a Meteor Template from Collection of Template names?

I have three simple Templates in Meteor, and a Collection on the server with any combination of their names. I want to be able to render these templates dynamically based on which of their names are in the Collection.
Currently I am trying to accomplish this by using the client to subscribe to the Collection, and access the names through a template function. Unfortunately, if I try to run ">" on the names, Meteor attempts to render the variable name instead of the Template pointed to by its value.
So instead of rendering the html in template1, template2, and template3, the output is merely their names on the page: "template1 template2 template3".
Here is the code I've been using, I hope there's a way to solve my issue without having to run Meteor.render manually.
Server js:
TemplatesToRender = new Meteor.Collection("templatesToRender");
TemplatesToRender.insert({templateName: "template3"});
TemplatesToRender.insert({templateName: "template2"});
Client html:
{{#each templatesToRender}}
{{> templateName}} // meteor trying to render a template
// called "templateName" instead of the
// variable inside templateName.
<template name="template1">
<span>Template 1</span>
<template name="template2">
<span>Template 2</span>
<template name="template3">
<span>Template 3</span>
You can make a render helper:
Handlebars.registerHelper('render', function(name, options) {
if (Template[name])
return new Handlebars.SafeString(Template[name]());
And use it with
{{render templateName}}
You might want to try this
in your html
{{> templateToRender}}
<template name="templateToRender">
{{! use below to detect which template to render}}
{{#if templateName "template1"}}
{{> template1}}
{{#if templateName "template2"}}
{{> template3}}
{{#if templateName "template3"}}
{{> template3}}
<template name="template1">
<p>this is template1</p>
<template name="template2">
<p>this is template2</p>
<template name="template3">
<p>this is template3</p>
in your script
Template.templateToRender.templateName = (which) ->
# if user have a field like templateName you can do things like
tmplName = Meteor.user().templateName
# Session.equals will cause a template render if condition is true.
Session.equals which, tmplName
Meteor 1.0 just came out today, and I just want to update this for 2014 :)
{{> Template.dynamic template=template [data=data] }}
Sample Usage:
{{#each kitten}}
{{> Template.dynamic template=kitten_type data=this }}
