Statistics on large table presented on the web -

We have a large table of data with about 30 000 0000 rows and growing each day currently at 100 000 rows a day and that number will increase over time.
Today we generate different reports directly from the database (MS-SQL 2012) and do a lot of calculations.
The problem is that this takes time. We have indexes and so on but people today want blazingly fast reports.
We also want to be able to change timeperiods, different ways to look at the data and so on.
We only need to look at data that is one day old so we can take all the data from yesterday and do something with it to speed up the queries and reports.
So do any of you got any good ideas on a solution that will be fast and still on the web not in excel or a BI tool.
Today all the reports are in c# webforms with querys against MS SQL 2012 tables..

You have an OLTP system. You generally want to maximize your throughput on a system like this. Reporting is going to require latches and locks be taken to acquire data. This has a drag on your OLTP's throughput and what's good for reporting (additional indexes) is going to be detrimental to your OLTP as it will negatively impact performance. And don't even think that slapping WITH(NOLOCK) is going to alleviate some of that burden. ;)
As others have stated, you would probably want to look at separating the active data from the report data.
Partitioning a table could accomplish this if you have Enterprise Edition. Otherwise, you'll need to do some hackery like Paritioned Views which may or may not work for you based on how your data is accessed.
I would look at extracted the needed data out of the system at a regular interval and pushing it elsewhere. Whether that elsewhere is a different set of tables in the same database or a different catalog on the same server or an entirely different server would depend a host of variables (cost, time to implement, complexity of data, speed requirements, storage subsystem, etc).
Since it sounds like you don't have super specific reporting requirements (currently you look at yesterday's data but it'd be nice to see more, etc), I'd look at implementing Columnstore Indexes in the reporting tables. It provides amazing performance for query aggregation, even over aggregate tables with the benefit you don't have to specify a specific grain (WTD, MTD, YTD, etc). The downside though is that it is a read-only data structure (and a memory & cpu hog while creating the index). SQL Server 2014 is going to introduce updatable columnstore indexes which will be giggity but that's some time off.


vertica for non-analytics

I have a big analytics module in my system and plan to use vertica for it.
Someone suggested that we also use vertica in the rest of our app (standard crud app with models from our domain) so not to manage multiple databases.
would vertica fit this dual scenario?
High frequency UPDATEs is probably where Vertica lags behind the worst. I would avoid using it for such data models.
Alec - I would like to respectfully challenge your comments on Vertica. In no way do you need to denormalize or sort data before loading. Vertica also holds the record for fastest loading of data over all databases.
You also talk about Vertica not being able to do complex analytics as well as an RDBMS. Vertica IS an RDBMS and can do analytics faster than any other RDBMS and they prove it over and over.
As far as your numbers, in my use case I load roughly 5 million records per second into my Vertica cluster and have 100's of billions of records.
So Yaron - I would highly recommend you look at Vertica before you rule it out based on this information.
As is often the case these days, a meaningful answer depends on what you need to do. In a general sense, 'big data' solutions have grown from large data volume deficiencies in RDBMS systems. No 'big data' solution can compete with the core capabilities of RDBMS systems, ie complex analytics, but RDBMS systems are poor (expensive) solutions for large data volume procesing. Practical solutions for now have to be hybrid solutions. Vertica can be good once data is loaded, but I believe (not an expert) it requires denormalisation of data and pre-sorting before loading to perform at it's best. For large data volumes this may add significantly to the required resources. There is a definite benefit to using one system for all your needs, but there are also benefits to keeping your options open.
The approach I take is to store and index new data and then provide specific feeds to various reporting/analytic engines as required. This separates the collection and storage of raw data from the complex analytic processing. I am happy to provide more details if you are interested. This separation addresses a core problem which has always been present in database systems. In the past you used to hear 'store fast, report slowly or store slowly, report fast, but you cannot do both'. The search for a complete solution has, in the last few years, spawned the many NoSQL offerings which typically address the 'store fast' task. Some systems also provide impressive query performance by storing data in memory or cache but this requires many servers for large data volumes. I believe NoSQL and SQL solutions can, and will be, integrated, but this is till down the track.
To give you some context, I work with scenarios where at least 1 billion records a day are loaded. If you are dealing with say 100 million records a day (big is relative), then your Vertica approach will probably suffice, otherwise I think you need to expand your options.
Test it. Each use case is different. Assuming Vertica is a solution for every use case is almost as bad as using MongoDB for every use case.
Vertica is a high performance analytics database, column oriented, designed to analyze incredibly large datasets and scale horizontally. It's also expensive, hard to administer, and documentation is spotty. The payoff in the right environment can be easily worth the work, obviously
MySQL is a traditional RDBMS, row oriented, designed to model relationships between structured data, and works well on a single node scale (though many companies have retrofitted it to great success, exemplar gratia, Facebook). It's incredibly well documented and seemingly works on any platform, language, or framework and can be used by anyone.
My guess is using Vertica for an employee address book database is like showing up to a blue collar job in a $3000 suit. Sure it works, but is it the right tool for the job? Maybe if you already have a Vertica license and your applications already have the requisite data adaptors/ORM/etc..., go ahead and give it a shot. It's still a SQL database so it should work fine in those situations. If your goal is minimal programming as opposed to optimal performance, then why use Vertica at all? Sounds like something simpler would be more ideal. Vertica may or may not give better performance in a regular CRUD application environment since it's not optimized for that, but you can always test both and see.
Vertiy have many issues with high concurrency (Many small transaction per minute )
In MPP systems , the data is segmented across the cluster and any time there is need to take cluster level lock ( mainly in commit time ) , so many commits many cluster level X locks .
high concurrency is less the use case in DWH and reporting , so vertica is perfect for that .
In most of the cases OLTP solutions ( like CRM and etc ) required to provide high concurrency for that very is bad choice

Handling extremely large amounts of data in web-based applications

What would be the best way to store a very large amount of data for a web-based application?
Each record has just 3 fields, but there will be around 144 million records a day - stored for one month - 4,464,000,000 records total. Let's round up to 5 billion.
Data has to be searchable on keyword & return results as fast as possible to the end user.
Which programming language?
JSON / XML / Some Database System I've Never Heard Of?
What sort of infrastructure? Imagine this system is only serving the needs of a maximum of 1,000 users at the same time.
I assume the code is the same whether you're searching 10 records or 10 billion, you just have to be a whole lot more efficient. I also assume mySQL/PHP doesn't stand a chance, and we're going to be paying out a very large sum for a hosting solution.
Just need some guidance on where to start, really. Thank you!
There are many tools in the Big Data ecosystem (NoSQL databases, distributed computing, machine learning, search, etc) which can form an answer to your question. Since your application will be write-heavy, I would advocate Apache Cassandra for its excellent write-performance (although it requires more data modeling than a NoSQL/document database such as MongoDB). You also need a Solr or ElasticSearch based search solution, and Map/Reduce for indexes and queries.
The programming language doesn't matter unless you have business end-users which will be writing queries against your Big Data in which case you can use something very SQL-like such as Hive or Pig. To get you started, the following (recent) link might give you some idea on how to pick an analytics stack based on your needs - please note that every database or distributed computing paradigm specializes for some particular use case:
How we picked our analytics stack
Also look at High Scalability for various use cases on how companies tackle their scalability problems.

Calculate at runtime vs Lookup from SQL Server Table

I have an MVC application that needs to run several tillion calculations. Of those, I am interested in only about 8 million results. I have to do this work because I need to see an overall high and low score. I will save this data, and store it is in a single table of 16 floats. I have a few indexes too on this table for lookups. So far I have only processed 5% of my data.
As users enter data into my website, I have to do calculations based on their data. I have to determine the Best and Worst outcomes. This is only about 4 million calculations. Right now, that takes about a second or less to calculate on my local PC. Or it is a simple query that will always return 2 records from my stored data. The Best and The Worst. Right now, the query to get the results is the same speed or faster than calculating the result, but I don't have all 8 million records yet. I am worried that the DB will get slow.
I was thinking I would use the Database Lookup, and if performance became an issue, switch to runtime calculation.
QUESTION: Should I just save myself the trouble and do the runtime calculation anyway?
I am not sure which option is more scalable. I don't expect a large user base for this website.
The site needs to be snappy.
Your question is a little vague to provide a clear cut answer, but my guess is using the db to calculate the totals will be far more efficient than you writing the code on the website. Sql Server will attempt to optimize the query to use as much of the server resources as possible to make it more efficient. Your code won't do that unless you specifically write it to do so.
I would start by loading the data and doing tests before making an optimization strategy. You have no idea where the real bottlenecks of the system will be before you load data that is remotely close to what you are going to have to deal with.
If I understand the question performing the calculation is more scalable has it is on that single data set. As you add data to a table even with indexes lookups will get slower. Also the indexes increase table size and increase the time required to insert a record.
If I've understood you correctly, this is a question about caching - should you calculate on the fly, or lookup the results in a cache?
In most web architectures, your SQL database is a brilliant cache, right up to the point where it becomes a terrible cache. Scaling your (SQL) database is notoriously tricky - introducing clustering, sharding etc. becomes a production in its own right.
My - very general - advice is to use your relational database for managing transactional data, and to use caching technology for caching. 8 million records should fit into RAM on a decent server these days - and you can add web servers far more cheaply than scaling your database.

ASP.NET/SQL 2008 Performance issue

We've developed a system with a search screen that looks a little something like this:
As you can see, there is some fairly serious search functionality. You can use any combination of statuses, channels, languages, campaign types, and then narrow it down by name and so on as well.
Then, once you've searched and the leads pop up at the bottom, you can sort the headers.
The query uses ROWNUM to do a paging scheme, so we only return something like 70 rows at a time.
The Problem
Even though we're only returning 70 rows, an awful lot of IO and sorting is going on. This makes sense of course.
This has always caused some minor spikes to the Disk Queue. It started slowing down more when we hit 3 million leads, and now that we're getting closer to 5, the Disk Queue pegs for up to a second or two straight sometimes.
That would actually still be workable, but this system has another area with a time-sensitive process, lets say for simplicity that it's a web service, that needs to serve up responses very quickly or it will cause a timeout on the other end. The Disk Queue spikes are causing that part to bog down, which is causing timeouts downstream. The end result is actually dropped phone calls in our automated VoiceXML-based IVR, and that's very bad for us.
What We've Tried
We've tried:
Maintenance tasks that reduce the number of leads in the system to the bare minimum.
Added the obvious indexes to help.
Ran the index tuning wizard in profiler and applied most of its suggestions. One of them was going to more or less reproduce the entire table inside an index so I tweaked it by hand to do a bit less than that.
Added more RAM to the server. It was a little low but now it always has something like 8 gigs idle, and the SQL server is configured to use no more than 8 gigs, however it never uses more than 2 or 3. I found that odd. Why isn't it just putting the whole table in RAM? It's only 5 million leads and there's plenty of room.
Poured over query execution plans. I can see that at this point the indexes seem to be mostly doing their job -- about 90% of the work is happening during the sorting stage.
Considered partitioning the Leads table out to a different physical drive, but we don't have the resources for that, and it seems like it shouldn't be necessary.
In Closing...
Part of me feels like the server should be able to handle this. Five million records is not so many given the power of that server, which is a decent quad core with 16 gigs of ram. However, I can see how the sorting part is causing millions of rows to be touched just to return a handful.
So what have you done in situations like this? My instinct is that we should maybe slash some functionality, but if there's a way to keep this intact that will save me a war with the business unit.
Thanks in advance!
Database bottlenecks can frequently be improved by improving your SQL queries. Without knowing what those look like, consider creating an operational data store or a data warehouse that you populate on a scheduled basis.
Sometimes flattening out your complex relational databases is the way to go. It can make queries run significantly faster, and make it a lot easier to optimize your queries, since the model is very flat. That may also make it easier to determine if you need to scale your database server up or out. A capacity and growth analysis may help to make that call.
Transactional/highly normalized databases are not usually as scalable as an ODS or data warehouse.
Edit: Your ORM may have optimizations as well that it may support, that may be worth looking into, rather than just looking into how to optimize the queries that it's sending to your database. Perhaps bypassing your ORM altogether for the reports could be one way to have full control over your queries in order to gain better performance.
Consider how your ORM is creating the queries.
If you're having poor search performance perhaps you could try using stored procedures to return your results and, if necessary, multiple stored procedures specifically tailored to which search criteria are in use.
determine which ad-hoc queries will most likely be run or limit the search criteria with stored procedures.. can you summarize data?.. treat this
app like a data warehouse.
create indexes on each column involved in the search to avoid table scans.
create fragments on expressions.
periodically reorg the data and update statistics as more leads are loaded.
put the temporary files created by queries (result sets) in ramdisk.
consider migrating to a high-performance RDBMS engine like Informix OnLine.
Initiate another thread to start displaying N rows from the result set while the query
continues to execute.

De-normalize live data for the sake of reports - Good or Bad?

What are the pros/cons of de-normalizing an enterprise application database because it will make writing reports easier?
Pro - designing reports in SSRS will probably be "easier" since no joins will be necessary.
Con - developing/maintaining the app to handle de-normalized data will become more difficult due to duplication of data and synchronization.
Denormalization for the sake of reports is Bad, m'kay.
Creating views, or a denormalized data warehouse is good.
Views have solved most of my reporting related needs. Data warehouses are great when users will be generating reports almost constantly or when your views start to slow down.
This is why you want to normalize your database
To free the collection of relations from undesirable insertion, update and deletion dependencies;
To reduce the need for restructuring the collection of relations as new types of data are introduced, and thus increase the life span of application programs;
To make the relational model more informative to users;
To make the collection of relations neutral to the query statistics, where these statistics are liable to change as time goes by.
—E.F. Codd, "Further Normalization of the Data Base Relational Model" via wikipedia
The only time you should consider de-normaliozation is when the time it takes the report to generate is not acceptable. De-normalization will cause consistentcy issues that are sometimes impossible to determine especially in large datasets
Don't denormalize just to get rid of complexity in reporting, it can cause huge problems in the rest of the application. Either you don't enforce the rules resulting in bad data or if you do then inserts, deletes and updates can be seriously slowed for everyone not just the two or three people who run reports.
If the reports truly can't run well, then create a data warehouse that is denormalized and populate it in a nightly or weekly feed. The kind of reports that typically need this do not generally care if the data is up-to-the minute as they are usually monthly, quarterly, or annual reports that process (and especially aggregate) large amounts of data after the fact.
You can do both... let the normalized database for applications.
Then create a denormalized database for reports, and create an application which regulary copy data from one database to the other.
After all, reports don't always need to have the latest updated data, most of the time you can easily launch an update every 1 hour on the reporting database, and only once a day day.
Beyond the data warehouse and views solutions provided in other answers, which are good in some ways, if you are willing to sacrifice some performance to get a good to the last second data, but still want a normalized database, you could use on Oracle a Materialized View with fast refresh on commit, or in Sql Server, you could use clustered indexes for a view.
Another Con is that the data is likely not to be real-time as there is some time moving around the data to go from a normalized form to a de-normalized. If someone wants the report to be up to the very second it was requested, that can be tough to do in this situation.
If this is a duplication of the synchronization in the original post, sorry I didn't quite see it that way.
