Does google measure page load on push state? - google-analytics

I'm currently working on a website which is structured as a single page app (loads everything in once). The site relies on the pushState api in order to function and of course for analytics purposes we correctly track the user on these events so our views are accurate.
What I am wondering though, as it's currently my main focus, is whether google analytics is measuring page load when these page tracking events occur? And if so how exactly does it calculate the load time in this circumstance. (I know on initial page load it will use the navigation API)
Thanks in advance!

Site speed tracking occurs only for visits from those browsers that
support the HTML5 Navigation Timing interface or have the Google
Toolbar installed. Typically this includes: Chrome, Firefox 7 and
above, Internet Explorer 9 and above, Android 4.0 browser and above,
as well as earlier versions of Internet Explorer with the Google
Toolbar installed.
So it will measure timing accurately regardless of how you load the tag since it uses the browser API window.performance.timing.
More about the Navigation Timing API:


Power BI Iframe: Issue with IE and Edge

We have an Application Developed in ASP.NET inside which we have added an embedded Power Bi Dashboard using iFrame.
The Dashboard is working as expected in Chrome but facing the following issues with IE and Edge.
On IE the Dashboard is not being Displayed when viewed from the Embedded Application and upon clicking the power bi Sign-In button (shown within the Iframe), the application as a whole gets redirected to When you click the back button and refresh, still the sign-in prompt is shown in the iframe.
On Edge, the behavior is same as in IE, except that you click the back button from the website and then refresh the page, then the report renders correctly within the Iframe.
I tried clearing the Cache and Cookies, tried adding * site and * to trusted sites list(per power bi forums) but still not working.
I suggest you check for the latest Windows updates and try to install it. Then after again try to test this issue on your side.
If the issue persists then hard refresh the page. Clear all the data for that site and again try to load the page.
I tested the issue with IE 11.1.18362.0 and Microsoft Edge 44.18362.1.0. As per my testing results, both browsers display the Power BI dashboard in ASP.NET site without any issue.
Output in IE 11:
Output in MS Edge:
If the issue persists then try to check the console to see whether there is any error or warning message. It can help to narrow down the issue.

Google Embedded Iframe Calendar Not Displaying Events Consistently [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 4 years ago.
Improve this question
I've made up an intranet for the company I work with. The intranet requires the user to log in with their Google account to get access. As such, I've also set up an embed code for Google Calendars using the default iframe embed and used a little php to swap out the calendar to look at the user's email to show the appropriate calendar to them (ex: logging in as will populate the calendar with's address while logging in as will populate the calendar with's address).
This has worked well for most people, but there are some troubles we are running into with certain browsers and the errors are very inconsistent, which has made troubleshooting difficult. Also, when I check the source code, the correct email is showing up in the iframe so the php swapping is likely not the issue.
Example 1: I log in with Firefox on Windows 10. The calendar works as expected.
Example 2: I log in with Chrome on Windows 10. The calendar shows, but events do not display. No errors are given.
Example 3: Co-worker #1 logs in with Chrome on Windows 10. The calendar works as expected.
Example 4: Co-worker #2 logs in with Chrome on Windows 10. He gets a "You do not have permission to view one or more calendars" error despite the source code clearly pointing to only his personal calendar, which he undoubtedly has access to (He is also logged into his Google account on Google itself, so it's not a conflict there either).
Example 5: I log in with Chrome on Windows 10 in Incognito Mode. The calendar works as expected.
Example 6: I log in with Edge on Windows 10. The calendar works on the initial log in, but the moment I navigate to another page, the calendar still displays but all events disappear with no errors displayed. This persists until I log in again.
Example 7: Co-worker #3 logs in with Chrome on Mac OSX. The calendar works on the initial log in, but the moment she navigates to another page, the calendar still displays but all events disappear with no errors displayed. This persists until she logs in again. (This is consistent across any browser she uses)
Example 8: Co-worker #4 logs in with Chrome on Mac OSX. The calendar works as expected.
Ultimately I'm just lost on where to start with searching for these errors and narrowing down what the cause is. Clearing caches only seems to work sometimes, and other times even causes a different error to start popping up. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing these inconsistent errors and where to start looking for fixing this issue?
This is still an intermitttent issue when using embedded Iframe calendar with a different browser.
Here are some suggested solutions for this issue:
Clearing the cache and cookies
Before integrating the calendar, click the Customize button from the Google Calendar Settings on how to embed on your website then try to explore.
From this github post, rullzer suggest an idea of a cleaner approach to handle cookies on IFRAME to migrate to lax samesite cookies for all cookies.
This only makes the cookies more secure. Plus it makes sure that if
you embed some public page somewhere everbody will see the exact same
thing. (as the IFRAME won't send any cookies then resulting in a true
'publicpage' rendering).

google analytics pixel is firing but no results

I am tracking my application with Google Analytics Universal Analytics, I had implemented a code into my web site, and into my desktop application using POST web requests.
Everything works fine in last Wednesday(20.11.13), and I could see the results in the real-time report. But today(24.11.13) the real time reportstopped showing results.
I had tryed to debug it with fiddler, and the pixels seems to fire correctly, so my questions are:
how do I check that Google Analytics actually accepted the tracking request? does 200 header response is good enough?
Do you know if Google had changed their API?
Do you know if they have problems with their real time report? (my other real time reportis still working so I don't think this is the reason)
OK, If anyone encountered this weird issue, the solution is wierder.
My production GA works fine but all the test one stopped working, the solution was toopen a new GA account and point my GA pixels to this account.
I believe they have a glitch or they blocked my test accounts.
Try using Omnibug for Firefox or GA Debug for Chrome. They will tell you weather your measuring tags fired successfully or if there was an issue.
I am attaching a screenshot of Omnibug -- it lists all the tags fired on any given page:

html scraping POST information using and htmlAgility

Im working on a web-scraping project i know how to get certain data from target page through HtmlAgilityPack. But i dont know what to send in the Post information of that page. The page is not sending any information through querystring. There are three textboxes in that page, two checkboxes and a search button
when i inspect the button with firebug it gives following information
<img border="0" align="top" onclick="javascript:PVO_PId_Search(
document.ProtocolForm.selPltType[document.ProtocolForm.selPltType.selectedIndex].value)" onmouseout="this.className='flyOut'" onmouseover="this.className='flyOver'" alt="Search" value="PSearch" name="PSearch" onload="javascript:updateButtonWithOneTxtbox(document.ProtocolForm.searchplt,this,'v_images/Search_button.gif','v_images/Search_button_grey.gif');" src="v_images/Search_button.gif" class="flyOut">
Now my question is, Is there any tool or firefox addin available which i can use and monitor (or debug) what kind of Post information it is passing ?
You can use built-in Web Developer tools in Chrome and/or Safari, etc to inspect all http request/responses between your client (browser) and the (server) web site. You'll see it in the NETWORK inspector tools.
However, unless it's your site, or some worthy educational experiment, whether or not you can actually spoof (yes, that's what it really amounts to) a POST (or GET) to the site depends on whether or not it has some built in protections/validations that protect it from such attempts.
Just fire up Chrome and (on Windows) CTRL+SHIFT+I (Safari, its CTRL+ALT+I) and you should see the NETWORK INSPECTOR:
Update 2:
And just for reference, if you want network inspection that isn't dependent on a browser, Fiddler is always part of my personal tool kit.

Can I use google analytics on vkontakte?

I want to use Google Analytics on my Vkontakte application (written with Flex). Vkontakte does not support naturally in Google Analytics (not as Facebook) which means I can't even put the Google Analytics JS at the bottom of the page (or even use JS for that matter). What I can use is the AS3 library of Google Analytics, but for some reason it reports of failed gif requests every time I use it to report on an event.
Is it even possible to use Google Analytics on the described environment?
If so, what could be the reason of the failed gif requests? Is it debugable?
Update #1:
After debugging the "Google Analytics for flex" source code, I got this error: Error #2035: URL Not Found.
Update #2:
It turns out to be a known bug as suggested here. It works perfectly on IE.
Update #3:
It works on FF when I disable the "ABP Tracking Filter (by rick752)" filter at the "AdBlock Plus" extension.
It's possible, the problems I've experienced were due to FF problem as stated in the question.
One potentially relevant way to debug this: install a network monitor like Fiddler, and look at the requests going over the wire. Do you see the right GIF get downloaded? If so, you're good. If not, you'll see what's going on on the network.
Here's some info from Google on debugging the gif requests. What do you mean when you say it failed?
