"Counting Inequalities in Heaps" - count

Does the following code have any errors in terms of counting how many values are less than or equal to a value "z" input by the user? In particular, I would like someone to look at the final function of this code to tell me if there are any errors.
(define (create-heap v H1 H2)
(list v H1 H2))
(define (h-min H) (car H))
(define (left H) (cadr H))
(define (right H) (caddr H))
(define (insert-h x H)
(if (null? H)
(create-heap x '() '())
(let ((child-value (max x (h-min H)))
(root-value (min x (h-min H))))
(create-heap root-value
(right H)
(insert-h child-value (left H))))))
(define (insert-all lst H)
(if (null? lst)
(insert-all (cdr lst) (insert-h (car lst) H))))
(define (count-less-than-or-equal-in-heap z H)
(cond ((or (null? H) (> (h-min H) z)) 0)
(+ 1 (count-less-than-or-equal-in-heap z (right H))
(count-less-than-or-equal-in-heap z (left H))))

There are no errors:
> (define heap (insert-all '(0 5 10 15) '()))
> (count-less-than-or-equal-in-heap -1 heap)
> (count-less-than-or-equal-in-heap 0 heap)
> (count-less-than-or-equal-in-heap 15 heap)
> (set! heap (insert-all '(0 5 5 5) '()))
> (count-less-than-or-equal-in-heap 0 heap)
> (count-less-than-or-equal-in-heap 5 heap)
> (count-less-than-or-equal-in-heap 50 heap)


Building the built-in procedure "build-list" in Racket

I am trying to build the built-in procedure build-list in Racket.
The built-in function works like this:
(build-list 10 (lambda (x) (* x x)))
>> '(0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81)
My implementation is a recursive definition for a recursive procedure:
(define (my-build-list-recur list-len proc)
(if (= list-len 0)
(cons (proc (sub1 list-len)) (my-build-list-recur (sub1 list-len) proc))))
When I call my implementation, I have:
(my-build-list-recur 10 (lambda (x) (* x x)))
>> '(81 64 49 36 25 16 9 4 1 0)
As you might have seen, I get the same result, but in a reverse order.
What can I do to have the result in the same order as the native function?
P.S.: I have done an implementation using a recursive definition for an iterative procedure which works perfectly. I am struggling now to generate the same result with the totally recursive procedure. I already know how to solve this doubt with long tail recursion.
This is my implementation with long tail recursion:
(define (my-build-list list-len proc)
(define (iter list-len accu n)
(if (= (length accu) list-len)
(reverse accu)
(iter list-len (cons (proc n) accu) (add1 n))))
;(trace iter)
(iter list-len '() 0))
Ok so you're looking for an answer that does not use state variables and a tail call. You want for a recursive procedure that also evolves a recursive process. Not sure why you want this other than just to see how the definition would differ. You should also read about tail recursion modulo cons (here, and on wikipedia) – it's relevant to this question.
;; recursive procedure, recursive process
(define (build-list n f)
(define (aux m)
(if (equal? m n)
(cons (f m) (aux (add1 m)))))
(aux 0))
(build-list 5 (λ (x) (* x x)))
;; => '(0 1 4 9 16)
Notice how the aux call is no longer in tail position – ie, cons cannot finish evaluating until it has evaluated the aux call in its arguments. The process will look something like this, evolving on the stack:
(cons (f 0) ...)
(cons (f 0) (cons (f 1) ...))
(cons (f 0) (cons (f 1) (cons (f 2) ...)))
(cons (f 0) (cons (f 1) (cons (f 2) (cons (f 3) ...))))
(cons (f 0) (cons (f 1) (cons (f 2) (cons (f 3) (cons (f 4) ...)))))
(cons (f 0) (cons (f 1) (cons (f 2) (cons (f 3) (cons (f 4) empty)))))
(cons (f 0) (cons (f 1) (cons (f 2) (cons (f 3) (cons (f 4) '())))))
(cons (f 0) (cons (f 1) (cons (f 2) (cons (f 3) '(16)))))
(cons (f 0) (cons (f 1) (cons (f 2) '(9 16))))
(cons (f 0) (cons (f 1) '(4 9 16)))
(cons (f 0) '(1 4 9 16))
'(0 1 4 9 16)
You'll see that the cons calls are left hanging open until ... is filled in. And the last ... isn't filled in with empty until m is equal to n.
If you don't like the inner aux procedure, you can use a default parameter, but this does leak some of the private API to the public API. Maybe it's useful to you and/or maybe you don't really care.
;; recursive procedure, recursive process
(define (build-list n f (m 0))
(if (equal? m n)
(cons (f m) (build-list n f (add1 m)))))
;; still only apply build-list with 2 arguments
(build-list 5 (lambda (x) (* x x)))
;; => '(0 1 4 9 16)
;; if a user wanted, they could start `m` at a different initial value
;; this is what i mean by "leaked" private API
(build-list 5 (lambda (x) (* x x) 3)
;; => '(9 16)
Stack-safe implementations
Why you'd specifically want a recursive process (one which grows the stack) is strange, imo, especially considering how easy it is to write a stack-safe build-list procedure which doesn't grow the stack. Here's some recursive procedures with a linear iterative processes.
The first one is extremely simple but does leak a little bit of private API using the acc parameter. You could easily fix this using an aux procedure like we did in the first solution.
;; recursive procedure, iterative process
(define (build-list n f (acc empty))
(if (equal? 0 n)
(build-list (sub1 n) f (cons (f (sub1 n)) acc))))
(build-list 5 (λ (x) (* x x)))
;; => '(0 1 4 9 16)
Check out the evolved process
(cons (f 4) empty)
(cons (f 3) '(16))
(cons (f 2) '(9 16))
(cons (f 1) '(4 9 16))
(cons (f 0) '(1 4 9 16))
;; => '(0 1 4 9 16)
This is insanely better because it can constantly reuse one stack frame until the entire list is built. As an added advantage, we don't need to keep a counter that goes from 0 up to n. Instead, we build the list backwards and count from n-1 to 0.
Lastly, here's another recursive procedure that evolves a linear iterative process. It utilizes a named-let and continuation passing style. The loop helps prevent leaking the API this time.
;; recursive procedure, iterative process
(define (build-list n f)
(let loop ((m 0) (k identity))
(if (equal? n m)
(k empty)
(loop (add1 m) (λ (rest) (k (cons (f m) rest)))))))
(build-list 5 (λ (x) (* x x)))
;; => '(0 1 4 9 16)
It cleans up a little tho if you use compose and curry:
;; recursive procedure, iterative process
(define (build-list n f)
(let loop ((m 0) (k identity))
(if (equal? n m)
(k empty)
(loop (add1 m) (compose k (curry cons (f m)))))))
(build-list 5 (λ (x) (* x x)))
;; => '(0 1 4 9 16)
The process evolved from this procedure is slightly different, but you'll notice that it also doesn't grow the stack, creating a sequence of nested lambdas on the heap instead. So this would be sufficient for sufficiently large values of n:
(loop 0 identity) ; k0
(loop 1 (λ (x) (k0 (cons (f 0) x))) ; k1
(loop 2 (λ (x) (k1 (cons (f 1) x))) ; k2
(loop 3 (λ (x) (k2 (cons (f 2) x))) ; k3
(loop 4 (λ (x) (k3 (cons (f 3) x))) ; k4
(loop 5 (λ (x) (k4 (cons (f 4) x))) ; k5
(k5 empty)
(k4 (cons 16 empty))
(k3 (cons 9 '(16)))
(k2 (cons 4 '(9 16)))
(k1 (cons 1 '(4 9 16)))
(k0 (cons 0 '(1 4 9 16)))
(identity '(0 1 4 9 16))
'(0 1 4 9 16)

How to build a rolling window procedure using racket/scheme?

When written this way the error says: 4 parts after if:
(define (rolling-window l size)
(if (< (length l) size) l
(take l size) (rolling-window (cdr l) size)))
and when there's another paranthesis to make it 3 parts:
(define (rolling-window l size)
(if (< (length l) size) l
((take l size) (rolling-window (cdr l) size))))
then it says: application: not a procedure;
How to write more than one expression in if's else in racket/scheme?
Well that's not really the question. The question is "How to build a rolling window procedure using racket?". Anyway, it looks like you're probably coming from another programming language. Processing linked lists can be a little tricky at first. But remember, to compute the length of a list, you have to iterate through the entire list. So using length is a bit of an anti-pattern here.
Instead, I would recommend you create an auxiliary procedure inside your rolling-window procedure which builds up the window as you iterate thru the list. This way you don't have to waste iterations counting elements of a list.
Then if your aux procedure ever returns and empty window, you know you're done computing the windows for the given input list.
(define (rolling-window n xs)
(define (aux n xs)
(let aux-loop ([n n] [xs xs] [k identity])
(cond [(= n 0) (k empty)] ;; done building sublist, return sublist
[(empty? xs) empty] ;; reached end of xs before n = 0, return empty window
[else (aux-loop (sub1 n) (cdr xs) (λ (rest) (k (cons (car xs) rest))))]))) ;; continue building sublist
(let loop ([xs xs] [window (aux n xs)] [k identity])
(cond ([empty? window] (k empty)) ;; empty window, done
([empty? xs] (k empty)) ;; empty input list, done
(else (loop (cdr xs) (aux n (cdr xs)) (λ (rest) (k (cons window rest)))))))) ;; continue building sublists
(rolling-window 3 '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
;; => '((1 2 3) (2 3 4) (3 4 5) (4 5 6))
It works for empty windows
(rolling-window 0 '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
;; => '()
And empty lists too
(rolling-window 3 '())
;; => '()
Here is an alternative:
#lang racket
(define (rolling-window n xs)
(define v (list->vector xs))
(define m (vector-length v))
(for/list ([i (max 0 (- m n -1))])
(vector->list (vector-copy v i (+ i n)))))
(rolling-window 3 '(a b c d e f g))
(rolling-window 3 '())
(rolling-window 0 '(a b c))
'((a b c) (b c d) (c d e) (d e f) (e f g))
'(() () () ()) ; lack of spec makes this ok !
Following modification of OP's function works. It includes an outlist for which the initial default is empty list. Sublists are added to this outlist till (length l) is less than size.
(define (rolling-window l size (ol '()))
(if (< (length l) size) (reverse ol)
(rolling-window (cdr l) size (cons (take l size) ol))))
(rolling-window '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 2)
(rolling-window '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 3)
(rolling-window '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 4)
'((1 2) (2 3) (3 4) (4 5) (5 6))
'((1 2 3) (2 3 4) (3 4 5) (4 5 6))
'((1 2 3 4) (2 3 4 5) (3 4 5 6))
Any improvements on this one?
(define (rolling-window l size)
(cond ((eq? l '()) '())
((< (length l) size) '())
((cons (take l size) (rolling-window (cdr l) size)))))

Unexpected error in simple recursion(Scheme Language)

I'm learning Scheme using racket. I made the following program but it gives a contract violation error.
expected: (exact-nonnegative-integer? . -> . any/c)
given: '()
The program finds a list of all numbers in an interval which are divisible by 3 or 5.
#lang racket
;;Global Definitions
(define upper-bound 10)
(define lower-bound 0)
;;set-bounds: Int, Int -> ()
(define (set-bounds m n)
(set! upper-bound (max m n))
(set! lower-bound (min m n)))
;;get-numbers: () -> (Int)
(define (get-numbers)
(build-list upper-bound '()))
;;make-list: Int, (Int) -> (Int)
(define (build-list x y)
[(= x lower-bound) y]
[(= (modulo x 5) 0) (build-list (sub1 x) (cons x y))]
[(= (modulo x 3) 0) (build-list (sub1 x) (cons x y))]
[else (build-list (sub1 x) y)]))
EDIT: I made the changes suggested by Oscar Lopez.
An alternative method can be with the use of for/list to create the list:
(define (build-list ub lst)
(for/list ((i (range lb ub))
#:when (or (= 0 (modulo i 3))
(= 0 (modulo i 5))))
(define lb 0)
(build-list 10 '())
'(0 3 5 6 9)
Actually lst is not needed here:
(define (build-list ub)
(for/list ((i (range lb ub))
#:when (or (= 0 (modulo i 3))
(= 0 (modulo i 5))))
So one can call:
(build-list 10)
Following is a modification of the recursion method (uses 'named let'):
(define (build-list2 ub)
(let loop ((x ub) (lst '()))
[(= x lb) lst]
[(= (modulo x 5) 0) (loop (sub1 x) (cons x lst))]
[(= (modulo x 3) 0) (loop (sub1 x) (cons x lst))]
[else (loop (sub1 x) lst)])))
Also, if you always have to call your function with an empty list '(), you can put this as default in your argument list:
(build-list x (y '()))
Then you can call with simplified command:
(build-list 10)
You should test first the condition where the recursion stops - namely, when x equals the lower-bound:
(define (build-list x y)
[(= x lower-bound) y]
[(= (modulo x 5) 0) (build-list (sub1 x) (cons x y))]
[(= (modulo x 3) 0) (build-list (sub1 x) (cons x y))]
[else (build-list (sub1 x) y)]))

Common LISP function for calculate numbers and ignoring letters

I need to write for school a function that can calculate numbers and ignore the letters. Do I need to make a case for every operation? I don't know how to start. For example:
(+ 1 A 2 X) = (3 A X)
(- A 5 1 A) = 4
(* 2 C 0) = 0
So I have done a part of the problem. The 2 functions DELNUM and DELSYM are for deleting the numbers respectively the symbol from a list. It's all working now, just for example like (- A 5 A) -> 5 isn't, because I need some conditions for that.
(defun delnum (l)
(remove-if-not #'symbolp l))
(delnum '(4 S 56 h ))
;;-> (S H)
(defun delsym (l)
(remove-if-not #'numberp l))
(delsym '(+ a 1 2 3 b))
;;-> (1 2 3)
(defun test (l)
((null l) nil)
((case (car l)
(+ (cons (apply #'+ (delsym l)) (delnum (cdr l))))
(- (cons (apply #'- (delsym l)) (delnum (cdr l))))
(* (cond ((eql (apply #'* (delsym l)) 0) 0)
( t (cons (apply #'* (delsym l)) (delnum (cdr l))))))
(/ (cond ((eql (car (delsym l)) 0) '(error division by zero))
((eql (find 0 (delsym l)) 0) '(error division by zero))
(t (cons (apply #'/ (delsym l)) (delnum (cdr l))))))))))
(test '(/ 0 )) ;-> (ERROR DIVISION BY ZERO)
(test '(+ 1 2 A)) ;-> (3 A)
(test '(- 6 5 A C)) ;-> (1 AC)
(test '(- 1 5 A C X 0)) ;-> (-4 A C X)
(test '(* 0 5 A C)) ;-> 0
(test '(* 10 5 A C)) ;-> (50 A C)
(test '(/ 12 0 V 1 2)) ;-> (ERROR DIVISION BY ZERO)
(test '(/ S 3 7 C)) ;-> (3/7 S C)
(test '(+ -A A 5)) ;-> it gotta display 5 or (5)

Implementation of Heaps Algorithm in Scheme (permutation generation)

I want to implement Heap's algorithm in Scheme (Gambit).
I read his paper and checked out lots of resources but I haven't found many functional language implementations.
I would like to at least get the number of possible permutations.
The next step would be to actually print out all possible permutations.
Here is what I have so far:
3 (define (heap lst n)
4 (if (= n 1)
5 0
6 (let ((i 1) (temp 0))
7 (if (< i n)
8 (begin
9 (heap lst (- n 1))
10 (cond
11 ; if even: 1 to n -1 consecutively cell selected
12 ((= 0 (modulo n 2))
13 ;(cons (car lst) (heap (cdr lst) (length (cdr lst)))))
14 (+ 1 (heap (cdr lst) (length (cdr lst)))))
16 ; if odd: first cell selectd
17 ((= 1 (modulo n 2))
18 ;(cons (car lst) (heap (cdr lst) (length (cdr lst)))))
19 (+ 1 (heap (car lst) 1)))
20 )
21 )
22 0
23 )
24 )
25 )
26 )
28 (define myLst '(a b c))
30 (display (heap myLst (length myLst)))
31 (newline)
I'm sure this is way off but it's as close as I could get.
Any help would be great, thanks.
Here's a 1-to-1 transcription of the algorithm described on the Wikipedia page. Since the algorithm makes heavy use of indexing I've used a vector as a data structure rather than a list:
(define (generate n A)
((= n 1) (display A)
(else (let loop ((i 0))
(generate (- n 1) A)
(if (even? n)
(swap A i (- n 1))
(swap A 0 (- n 1)))
(if (< i (- n 2))
(loop (+ i 1))
(generate (- n 1) A))))))
and the swap helper procedure:
(define (swap A i1 i2)
(let ((tmp (vector-ref A i1)))
(vector-set! A i1 (vector-ref A i2))
(vector-set! A i2 tmp)))
Gambit v4.8.4
> (generate 3 (vector 'a 'b 'c))
#(a b c)
#(b a c)
#(c a b)
#(a c b)
#(b c a)
#(c b a)
