WordPress - Filter by Custom Taxonomy - wordpress

I created a custom taxonomy using Custom Post Type UI. How can I get this taxonomy to available in the sidebar/ widgets so that I can sort by it?

You'll have to look into Creating your own Widget, or hardcoding into your sidebar your own WP_Query to filter and sort according to whatever criteria you need.


WordPress - Toggle metabox visibility on post type edit screen using Gutenberg and its REST_API

I have some difficulties to interact with my metaboxes using REST_API.
In a post type, I have a taxonomy called JOBS (with terms like webdesigner, developer, seo, etc.) and each job has its own taxonomy (Webdesigner, Developer, Seo, etc.).
Now I want to show the metabox of the job taxonomy only when the term of the job is checked in the JOB taxonomy.
Example : When I check the term "Webdesigner" of the JOBS taxonomy, I want to show the metabox of the Webdesigner taxonomy.
Have you an idea how to do that ?
Thank you ! :)
You can use JavaScript to toggle the taxonomy meta boxes based on some attributes (class, id...) that you can map these 2 types of taxonomies.
If you don't have enough data in the HTML output of the taxonomy meta boxes in which you can map them together, then you can search for the hook (or filter) that runs when displaying the HTML markup of a meta box to add for example an attribute that contains the IDs of the associated terms of the other taxonomy.

WP ACF: hide/display terms of taxonomy on conditional logic

Using ACF in Wordpress, my form has ACF taxonomy field (based on a custom taxonomy).
In the ACF taxonomy list, I need to hide or display some specific taxonomy terms depending of what has been previously choosen in the form.
Terms be displayed or hidden would have been set in arrays with ID.
The best would have been a plugin that allows in ACF to add manually the terms but it does no exist.
Thanks for help.

Use Taxonomy ACF to affect Custom Taxonomy post count

Is there a way to use an "ACF Taxonomy Field" to affect "Custom Taxonomy" post count? Right now I am using ACF Taxonomy Field, but my Custom Taxonomies have 0 posts assigned.
I want to use ACF to assign Custom Post to Custom Taxonomy:
Instead of the default way:
Is this possible? I'm trying to do this way because it is more friendly to the end-user and ACF is more flexible; I can restrict it if I need the user to select only one taxonomy and make other restrictions.
Very big and basic mistake... Taxonomy ACF has a checkbox:
Thats make the Taxonomy ACF affect the Custom Taxonomy post count.

How to create Custom field in Custom Post-type

I've a custom post-type "video" and i enabled custom fields already.
i need to create three custom fields, 1. video file, 2. video url, 3. video code.
i tried couple of tutorials on tutsplus and other sites but not get working as i need.
anyone can help.
Wordpress has a built in api function, add_meta_box which you can use to output the form fields for your post meta. in the post_type argument you need to put 'video'
In order to capture the form input you need to use the save_post action, take a look here
Easiest way is to use a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields. You'll have a nice interface to add your custom fields and to choose on which post type to show them.

Add Custom Taxonomies to Custom post types automatically

I am building a website using Wordpress and Thesis theme where I would be using custom post type say 'Movie'. I also have an API which given the title of the movie Gives the list of Genres it belongs to. I have "genres' Custom taxonomy already created.
I would like to know if there is any filter/action as 'Category_save_pre' where I can hook my API to assign the Genre automatically.
Try save_post - http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/save_post
