Page sorting in ASP.NET -

I try to add custom paging and when I login through username and password, an error occurs.
Also I show document only his/her documents like when abc is login then abc only able to view her documents, but when I add custom paging it show me error UserID is not supplied and I also share sp code
Code is
protected void BindRepeater()
SqlConnection con = new
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("sphrdoc2", con);
if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
PagedDataSource pgitems = new PagedDataSource();
DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
In this line
error occurs
Procedure or function 'sphrdoc2' expects parameter '#UserID', which was not supplied.
sp is
ALTER procedure [dbo].[sphrdoc2]
#UserID int
dbo.DocumentInfo.DocID as DocumentID,
dbo.DocumentInfo.DocName as DocumentName,
dbo.DocType.DocType as Document,
dbo.Department.DepType as Department,
dbo.DocumentInfo.Uploadfile as FileUploaded,
dbo.ApproveType.ApproveType AS Status
inner JOIN dbo.DocType ON dbo.DocumentInfo.DocTypeID=dbo.DocType.DocTypeID
inner JOIN dbo.Department ON dbo.DocumentInfo.DepID=dbo.Department.DepID
left join dbo.ApproveType on dbo.DocumentInfo.ApproveID=dbo.ApproveType.ApproveID
where UserID=#UserID
Any one tell me where I done mistake in repeater code?

You need to pass parameters for your stored procedure .
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("sphrdoc2", con);
if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);


I want my table to display all record if no searches were found for a movie but am unsure how to do that

This is my code, tell me where to change because When I do search for a movie that is in a record it displays the result, but when it isn't I only get "Movie Not Found" as in the response.write.
enter image description hereSLNkq.png
I would suggest to put question as text/code instead.
For your case, I suggest you to work with datatable instead of datareader.
== With Datatable approach ==
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Content WHERE MovieTitle=#MovieTitle) SELECT * FROM Content WHERE MovieTitle=#MovieTitle ELSE SELECT * FROM Content");
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MovieTitle", MovieTitle.Text);
cmd.Connection = con;
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataTable dt = new DataTable("Result");
MovieResults.DataSource = dt;
Based on #Shai Cohen's comment, it would be better approach by using ExecuteDataReader if transaction is forward-only. Thanks #ShaiCohen for your comment.
== Without Datatable approach ==
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Content WHERE MovieTitle=#MovieTitle) SELECT * FROM Content WHERE MovieTitle=#MovieTitle ELSE SELECT * FROM Content");
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#MovieTitle", MovieTitle.Text);
cmd.Connection = con;
MovieResults.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Enjoy Coding (;

Must declare the scalar variable "#Sid" in gridview while getting single record

while i'm trying to get single record from database table,based on login user details. i'm getting error,let me know where i'm doing wrong.
string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbcs"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection((cs));
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Student_Details where Sid=#Sid", cn);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Why you are executing query for select statement - cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); not require..
You have to pass parameter value also
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#sid", sid);
you missed this lines:
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("sid", User.Identity.Name)
and also cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); is not necessary.

I need to loop for all records in my table

I need to loop for all records in my table , cose here is not working properly in my project "Auction web system" , I use web service here to check the status of product Periodically , and when the status is opened and data time is less to now , update the product and set its status to "closed". the code here work only for one row at the time ! I need to check for all rows at the same time.
{ string sql12 = "SELECT item_id FROM items Where status='opened' AND endDate<=#endate ";
SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand(sql12, con);
cmd12.Parameters.AddWithValue("#endate", DateTime.Now);
query = Convert.ToInt32(cmd12.ExecuteScalar());
string sql123 = "UPDATE items SET status ='closed' WHERE item_id =#Item_ID";
SqlCommand cmd21 = new SqlCommand(sql123, con);
cmd21.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Item_ID", query);
public void CalculateWinningPrice(Int32 query)
string sql1 = "SELECT MAX(Bid_price) AS Expr1 FROM Bid WHERE (item_id = #Item_ID)";
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(sql1, con);
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Item_ID", query);
Int32 max = Convert.ToInt32(cmd1.ExecuteScalar());
SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("SELECT user_id FROM Bid WHERE(Bid_price =(SELECT MAX(Bid_price) AS Expr1 FROM Bid AS BID_1 WHERE(item_id = #Item_ID)))", con);
cmd3.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Item_ID", query);
Int32 winner = Convert.ToInt32(cmd3.ExecuteScalar());
SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand("SELECT name FROM items WHERE (item_id=#Item_ID)",con);
cmd4.Parameters.AddWithValue("Item_ID", query);
string product_name = Convert.ToString(cmd4.ExecuteScalar());
GeneratePDF.create_pdf(product_name, Convert.ToDecimal(max).ToString("c"), DateTime.Now.ToString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Winners VALUES(#item_id, #user_id,#win_price,#win_date)");
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#item_id", query);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#user_id", winner);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#win_price", max);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#win_date", DateTime.Now);
cmd.Connection = con;
Get results into a datareader MSFT DOCU
then wrap the rest of the code in
This question might also help you.
Reader Question
you can directly update your table by this query
UPDATE items SET status ='closed' WHERE item_id in(SELECT item_id FROM items Where status='opened' AND endDate<=#endate)

I need to loop for all records in table in my database

I need to loop for all records in my table , cose here is not working properly in my project "Auction web system" , I use web service here to check the status of product Periodically , and when the status is opened and data time is less to now , update the
product and set its status to "closed".
the code here work only for one row at the time !
I need to check for all rows at the same time.
string sql12 = "SELECT item_id FROM items Where status='opened' AND endDate<=#endate ";
SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand(sql12, con);
cmd12.Parameters.AddWithValue("#endate", DateTime.Now);
query = Convert.ToInt32(cmd12.ExecuteScalar());
string sql123 = "UPDATE items SET status ='closed' WHERE item_id =#Item_ID";
SqlCommand cmd21 = new SqlCommand(sql123, con);
cmd21.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Item_ID", query);
public void CalculateWinningPrice(Int32 query)
string sql1 = "SELECT MAX(Bid_price) AS Expr1 FROM Bid WHERE (item_id = #Item_ID)";
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(sql1, con);
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Item_ID", query);
Int32 max = Convert.ToInt32(cmd1.ExecuteScalar());
SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("SELECT user_id FROM Bid WHERE(Bid_price =(SELECT MAX(Bid_price) AS Expr1 FROM Bid AS BID_1 WHERE(item_id = #Item_ID)))", con);
cmd3.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Item_ID", query);
Int32 winner = Convert.ToInt32(cmd3.ExecuteScalar());
SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand("SELECT name FROM items WHERE (item_id=#Item_ID)",con);
cmd4.Parameters.AddWithValue("Item_ID", query);
string product_name = Convert.ToString(cmd4.ExecuteScalar());
GeneratePDF.create_pdf(product_name, Convert.ToDecimal(max).ToString("c"), DateTime.Now.ToString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Winners VALUES(#item_id, #user_id,#win_price,#win_date)");
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#item_id", query);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#user_id", winner);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#win_price", max);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#win_date", DateTime.Now);
cmd.Connection = con;
You can just use one update statement to update all the items status to 'colesed' where the enddate is passed. This is only if you don't need the item_id somewhere else.
So your code above can be;
string sql123 = "UPDATE items SET status ='closed' Where status='opened' AND endDate<=GETDATE()";
SqlCommand cmd21 = new SqlCommand(sql123, con);
You can combine both queries into one query and update directly as follows:
Update items
Set status = 'closed'
Where status='opened'
AND endDate<=#endate
Then pass the required value as parameter and run the query with ExecuteNonQuery method.

Detailsview in ASP.NET

I am trying to hit sql server with objectdatasource and return a datatable to fill my details view control. the selected ID value is returned by a gridview control. It seems like the datatable is not filled by adapter, and i couldn't figure out why. The ID in sql is set as a primary key (Int, 4, not null). The debugger says the Detail datatable is null. Any help is much appreciated.
public DataTable GetDetail(string ID)
if (ID == "")
return null;
DataTable Detail = null;
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connection))
string comm = #"select * from dbo.Products where ID = #ID";
SqlDataAdapter adapter=null;
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(comm, conn))
cmd.Parameters.Add("ID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Convert.ToInt32(ID);
adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
return Detail;
I think you missed the commandType
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
Try this
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connection))
string myquery="select * from dbo.Products where ID = #ID";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(myquery, con);
SqlDataAdapter dap = new SqlDataAdapter();
dap.SelectCommand = cmd;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = ID;
return ds.Tables[0];
Thanks for ALL.
The problem is I didnt initialize my datatable to a new instance.
DataTable Detail = null; ===> DataTable Detail = new Datatable();
and also the convert should be done in sql not in codes.
cmd.Parameters.Add("ID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = ID;
string comm = #"select * from dbo.Products where ID = convert(int,#ID)";
