Go : doubly linked list implementing panic error - pointers

Link #1 http://play.golang.org/p/CKRNyWYF8X
Link #2 http://play.golang.org/p/oT2yKzFwep
From the first link,
I am sure that the panic error comes from this
func (A *DoublyLinkedList) AddHead(input_value interface{}) {
temp_node := &Node{value: input_value, prev: nil, next: A.head}
original_head_node := A.head
original_head_node.prev = temp_node
But when I use this for doubly linked list, it panics little later. And still fails because this one below does not connect the original head with previous pointer.
func (A *DoublyLinkedList) AddHead(input_value interface{}) {
A.head = NewNode(input_value, nil, A.head)
This is the one. This one has the similar problem.
cannot assign to target_node.GetPrevNode().GetNextNode()
Does go not support pointer reference this way? I did fix this just assigning a new variable every time I need to get the pointer. But my first question on the top still does not compile.
In short, how do I connect the doubly linked list when adding a new element in Go?

You need to initialize the properties inside the DoublyLinkedList. It seems to me, you are currently creating a reference to it in NewDoublyLinkedList() with 2 nil properties.
type DoublyLinkedList struct {
head *Node // nil
tail *Node // nil
length int
And when doing this
original_head_node := A.head // A.head == nil
original_head_node.prev = temp_node // You are trying to access a property in nil


How to check if nested pointers access/methods are invalid at runtime

Let's say I have a Go struct that looks something like this (please pardon syntax for the sake of explanation):
type Foo struct {
MyBar *Bar
type Bar struct {
value int
func (b* Bar) Bark() {
fmt.Printf("Hello I'm a bar with value: %v", b.value)
Now, let's say that this Foo struct is stored in memory on a process, and it takes some time for the MyBar field to be populated. As in, it is nil for sometime. Is there any way that I can check if its save to access the Bark() method at run time without manually doing nil checks?
For example, something like:
// Early on, this happens:
f := &Foo{}
// And later, I wanna see if its safe to do:
if isSafe(b.MyBar) {
The reason I ask this is for deeply nested pointers, this can become pretty painful. Any thoughts?
There is no shortcut for deep checking a struct for nil pointers. Your isSafe is essentially a nil check:
if b.MyBar!=nil {
Alternatively, you can also check for nil receiver in the method:
func (b* Bar) Bark() {
if b!=nil {
fmt.Printf("Hello I'm a bar with value: %v", b.value)
This last usage may hide bugs in your program, though, because it will run without panicking even when the receiver is not supposed to be nil.

Golang, convert nil pointer of struct to error, but not get nil value [duplicate]

I fail to understand how to correctly assure that something is not nil in this case:
package main
type shower interface {
getWater() []shower
type display struct {
SubDisplay *display
func (d display) getWater() []shower {
return []shower{display{}, d.SubDisplay}
func main() {
// SubDisplay will be initialized with null
s := display{}
// water := []shower{nil}
water := s.getWater()
for _, x := range water {
if x == nil {
panic("everything ok, nil found")
// First iteration display{} is not nil and will
// therefore work, on the second iteration
// x is nil, and getWater panics.
The only way I found to check if that value is actually nil is by using reflection.
Is this really wanted behaviour? Or do I fail to see some major mistake in my code?
Play link here
The problem here is that shower is an interface type. Interface types in Go hold the actual value and its dynamic type. More details about this: The Laws of Reflection #The representation of an interface.
The slice you return contains 2 non-nil values. The 2nd value is an interface value, a (value;type) pair holding a nil pointer value and a *display concrete type. Quoting from the Go Language Specification: Comparison operators:
Interface values are comparable. Two interface values are equal if they have identical dynamic types and equal dynamic values or if both have value nil.
So if you compare it to nil, it will be false. If you compare it to an interface value representing the pair (nil;*display), it will be true:
if x == (*display)(nil) {
panic("everything ok, nil found")
This seems unfeasible as you'd have to know the actual type the interface holds. But note that you can use reflection to tell if a non-nil interface value wraps a nil value using Value.IsNil(). You can see an example of this on the Go Playground.
Why is it implemented this way?
Interfaces unlike other concrete types (non-interfaces) can hold values of different concrete types (different static types). The runtime needs to know the dynamic or runtime-type of the value stored in a variable of interface type.
An interface is just a method set, any type implements it if the same methods are part of the method set of the type. There are types which cannot be nil, for example a struct or a custom type with int as its underlying type. In these cases you would not need to be able to store a nil value of that specific type.
But any type also includes concrete types where nil is a valid value (e.g. slices, maps, channels, all pointer types), so in order to store the value at runtime that satisfies the interface it is reasonable to support storing nil inside the interface. But besides the nil inside the interface we must store its dynamic type as the nil value does not carry such information. The alternate option would be to use nil as the interface value itself when the value to be stored in it is nil, but this solution is insufficient as it would lose the dynamic type information.
Some people say that Go's interfaces are dynamically typed, but that is misleading. They are statically typed: a variable of interface type always has the same static type, and even though at run time the value stored in the interface variable may change type, that value will always satisfy the interface.
In general if you want to indicate nil for a value of interface type, use explicit nil value and then you can test for nil equality. The most common example is the built-in error type which is an interface with one method. Whenever there is no error, you explicitly set or return the value nil and not the value of some concrete (non-interface) type error variable (which would be really bad practice, see demonstration below).
In your example the confusion arises from the facts that:
you want to have a value as an interface type (shower)
but the value you want to store in the slice is not of type shower but a concrete type
So when you put a *display type into the shower slice, an interface value will be created, which is a pair of (value;type) where value is nil and type is *display. The value inside the pair will be nil, not the interface value itself. If you would put a nil value into the slice, then the interface value itself would be nil and a condition x == nil would be true.
See this example: Playground
type MyErr string
func (m MyErr) Error() string {
return "big fail"
func doSomething(i int) error {
switch i {
return nil // == nil
case 1:
var p *MyErr
return p // != nil
case 2:
return (*MyErr)(nil) // != nil
case 3:
var p *MyErr
return error(p) // != nil because the interface points to a
// nil item but is not nil itself.
case 4:
var err error // == nil: zero value is nil for the interface
return err // This will be true because err is already interface type
func main() {
for i := 0; i <= 4; i++ {
err := doSomething(i)
fmt.Println(i, err, err == nil)
0 <nil> true
1 <nil> false
2 <nil> false
3 <nil> false
4 <nil> true
In case 2 a nil pointer is returned but first it is converted to an interface type (error) so an interface value is created which holds a nil value and the type *MyErr, so the interface value is not nil.
Let's think of an interface as a pointer.
Say you have a pointer a and it's nil, pointing to nothing.
var a *int // nil
Then you have a pointer b and it's pointing to a.
var b **int
b = &a // not nil
See what happened? b points to a pointer that points to nothing. So even if it's a nil pointer at the end of the chain, b does point to something - it isn't nil.
If you'd peek at the process' memory, it might look like this:
address | name | value
1000000 | a | 0
2000000 | b | 1000000
See? a is pointing to address 0 (which means it's nil), and b is pointing to the address of a (1000000).
The same applies to interfaces (except that they look a bit different in memory).
Like a pointer, an interface pointing to a nil pointer would not be nil itself.
Here, see for yourself how this works with pointers and how it works with interfaces.
I'll take an alternative route to answer your concrete question, by providing the exact answer you were looking for:
Replace the check:
if x == nil {
panic("everything is ok. nil found")
if _, ok := x.(display); !ok {
panic("everything is ok. nil found")
The idea here is that we are trying to convert the interface type (shower) to the concrete type display. Obviously the second slice item (d.SubDisplay) is not.

Go: Passing pointers of an array to gob without copying?

I have a very, very large array (not slice) of maps that I am then trying to encode. I really need to avoid making a copy of the array but I can't figure out how to do this.
So I far I have this:
func doSomething() {
var mygiantvar [5]map[string]Searcher
mygiantvar = Load()
Save(`file.gob.gz`, &mygiantvar)
func Save(filename string, variable *[5]map[string]Searcher) error {
// Open file for writing
fi, err := os.Create(filename)
if err !=nil {
return err
defer fi.Close()
// Attach gzip writer
fz := gzip.NewWriter(fi)
defer fz.Close()
// Push from the gob encoder
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(fz)
err = encoder.Encode(*variable)
if err !=nil {
return err
return nil
From my understanding that will pass a pointer of mygiantvar to Save, which saves the first copy. But then the entire array will surely be copied into encoder.Encode which will then copy it around many more functions, right?
This mygiantvar variable will be something like 10GB in size. So it must avoid being copied ever.
But then again perhaps only the actual array [5] part is copied but the maps inside of this are pointers inside an array, so the array of pointers to maps would be copied instead of the maps themselves? I have no idea about this - it's all very confusing.
Any ideas?
Note that Encoder.Encode will pass around an interface{}.
func (enc *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error {
That means a kind of a pointer to whatever you will be passing to it, as I described in "what is the meaning of interface{} in golang?"
(see also "Why can't I assign a *Struct to an *Interface?")
An interface value isn't the value of the concrete struct (as it has a variable size, this wouldn't be possible), but it's a kind of pointer (to be more precise a pointer to the struct and a pointer to the type)
That means it won't copy the full content of your map (or here of your array).
Since array is a value, you could slice it to avoid any copy during the call to Encode():
err = encoder.Encode(*variable[:])
See "Go Slices: usage and internals"
This is also the syntax to create a slice given an array:
x := [3]string{"Лайка", "Белка", "Стрелка"}
s := x[:] // a slice referencing the storage of x
If that doesn't work, you can keep *variable (here an array: [5]map[string]Searcher), as map types are reference types, like pointers or slices: the copy won't be huge.
See "Go maps in action".
While the array will be copied when passed to interface{}, the map content won't be copied.
See this play.golang.org example:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var a [1]map[string]int
a[0] = make(map[string]int)
a[0]["test"] = 0
func modify(arr interface{}) {
a := arr.([1]map[string]int)
a[0]["test"] = -1

Reflect thinks struct Value is also a ptr?

I have a data structure like this demo. As you can see, foo has an embedded pointer to bar:
type foo struct {
type bar struct {
S []byte
And I'm using the reflect package like this:
func test(x interface{}) {
var v = reflect.ValueOf(x)
if v.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
fmt.Println("was a struct")
// panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Elem on struct Value
// v = v.Elem()
// panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Field on ptr Value
v = v.FieldByName("S")
func main() {
var f foo
So v.Kind() is recognized as a reflect.Struct, but if I try to treat it like a struct by using .FieldByName("S"), it panics because it thinks v is a ptr.
So then if I try to treat it like a ptr by calling .Elem(), it panics because it thinks v is a struct.
I've tried reflect.Indirect(), as well as a few other things, but I can't figure out how to get the field of an embedded pointer.
Is there a way to get the reflect.Value representation from an embedded pointer to a struct?
Demo: http://play.golang.org/p/n0eea6XW3I
EDIT: Also tried v = v.FieldByName("bar"), but got:
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
The first thing we need to realize is that the line var f foo is equivalent to f := foo{}. This initializes the internal field bar (of type *bar) to its zero value... nil. The behavior of embedded types and reflect seems to be that it treats the embedded type's fields as fields of the type itself. So when you request v.FieldByName("S") it's trying to find that field in f's member, bar, which is nil.
You're trying to do this (*f.bar).S. (In Go the explicit pointer dereference isn't needed, but it makes my point). Now the question is: if you change is to v.FieldByName("bar") why does it give an error? Same reason.
Look closely at the stack trace, the FieldByName line no longer crashes, the line that crashes is fmt.Println(string(f.S)). Again, semantically you're doing (*f.bar).S. But the member "bar" is nil, so you are, in fact, doing a nil pointer dereference.
You can fix both errors by changing var f foo to f := foo{&bar{}}.
i was getting this error " panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Elem on struct Value" bcz of this line "reflect.ValueOf(parameterName).Elem()"
1.When i am using Elem() in reflex ,it means parameterName inside valueOf() should be a pointer to structure
func Search(flight interface{}, key string) string {
val := reflect.ValueOf(flight).Elem()
for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
valueField := val.Field(i)
typeField := val.Type().Field(i)
if key == strings.ToLower(typeField.Name) {
return valueField.Interface().(string)
return ""
Now while calling search function my call should be like this!
result := Search(&flights, key)

assigning nil to pointer

I'm trying to implement a delete() method to a list (no HEAD ref)
I find out that I can modify the parameter to a struct.
func (l *LinkedList) Delete(n *Node) {
if n.next == nil {
n = nil
} else {
current := &n
*n = *n.next
*current = nil
The "else" part works fine, but deleting the last node does not modify the list
Tried using
*n = nil
But then I have the compile error.
cannot use nil as type Node in assignment
Code complete in this playground:
You're just doing it wrong. I mean classic element removal from single linked list. Right way:
func (l *LinkedList) Delete(n *Node) {
// if we want to delete the head element - just move the head pointer
if l.head == n {
l.head = n.next
// otherwise find previous element to the one we are deleting
current := l.head
for current != nil && current.next != n {
current = current.next
// and move that previous element next pointer to the next element
if current != nil {
current.next = n.next
So what was wrong in your example? In your Delete function you are receiving a pointer to some node. This pointer is local to your function, it's like a local variable. It doesn't matter if you assign nil to a local variable inside your function. Outside - no one will see such assignments. What you want to do - is to change the next pointer of the previous list item. This way the item will no longer be in the list. GC will remove the actual allocated memory.
Since go pointers are "real" pointers, this can be implemented without special case for the head removal, by using an additional level of indirection, as suggested by Linus in his famous TED talk (and earlier in slashdot Q&A - see "favorite hack" question):
func (l *LinkedList) Delete(n *Node) {
// initialize indirect with the address of a head pointer
indirect := &(l.head)
// until indirect has address of a pointer to the node we're deleting
for *indirect != n {
// check that it's not the end of the list
if (*indirect).next == nil {
// the node we're tryign to delete is not in the list
// set indirect to the address of the next pointer
indirect = &(*indirect).next
// indirect has address of a pointer we need to modify to delete the node
*indirect = n.next
IMO two levels of inderection is harder to understand than a simple special case for deleting the head element, but Linus is not exactly an ordinary developer like myself :)
