Visualization of xsd Dependencies? - graph

I have a bunch of XSD Files which I did not write myself. The files sometimes import each other:
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
and I would like to get an overview of the dependencies without having to read through all of them.
The URI specified by schemaLocation does not exist, instead a catalog.xml File is used to resolve the schema locations.
Can anybody recommend a tool that can visualize the dependencies of my schemas by also processing the information given in the catalog.xml file?

To follow up on my comment...
I am not aware of any tool that takes into account OASIS catalog files. Have a look at this response, see if it supports what you need (and your platform).
Strictly speaking, there are a number of issues with dependencies diagrams, which is why such a question should be qualified with why do you want it.
Some think that it truly shows dependencies between XSD files; it is not true: it may show what the author thinks the dependencies are, but that wouldn't be what the processor actually agrees to. "schemaLocation" is just a hint that processors may or may not use: "may not" use it if they're instructed otherwise (well known XSDs could be cached internally, through catalog entries or any other proprietary "catalogs"), or because the processor may decide there is no need to load an external reference when there's no use for it anyway (it may happen in some corner cases).
A diagram built as described by explicit schema locations is definitely easier to do. It only shows what the author intended; it doesn't mean that it is the "real one" (as in content is pulled indirectly, which makes the whole XSD set valid, while individual XSDs, open independently of the set, would be invalid).
Trying to build a diagram where dangling or non existing schemaLocation are overridden through a catalog, is way harder, due to the multitude of ways to structure the content, and the resolution mechanism. It would have the same shortcoming as the one above (except now the author is the one of the catalog file, rather than who authored the XSDs).
The "true" dependency can be built by traversing a schema set already loaded and compiled. Even then, you would still need to define criteria regarding dependencies due to substitutable components (elements in substitution groups or derived types, through the use of the xsi:type attribute). That is even harder.

Take a look at this tool: DocFlex/XML XSDDoc.
It is an XML schema documentation generator.
It doesn't visualize xsd dependencies, but it does work with XML catalogs.
The overview of each XSD file lists all other XSD files referenced from it
(i.e. imported, included or redefined).
There is also an opposite list of those schemas that reference the given one.
So, you can use it to figure out which XSD files depend on which.
At least, that will be easier than reading raw XSD files.
As an example, here is a documentation generated with that tool:
XML Schemas for DITA 1.1. It has been generated basically by two files:
ditaarch.xsd is the schema driver that pulls all other schemas (25 in total); catalog.xml is the XML catalog, via which all file references are resolved.
What is specified in schemaLocation attributes in those schemas themselves are just opaque URIs.


Can someone explain FHIR extensions?

I've been trying to wrap my head around authoring profiles in FHIR. The trouble I'm having is around the use of using extensions.
The documentation talks about extensions as if they are simply just there to extend existing elements of the resource which a profile belongs to, this is kind of confirmed to me when using forge because I can add new elements which don't have extensions.
It feels very foreign to me as in our proprietary storage system, we have the equivalent of profiles, and they have properties about them (which I think are similar to elements in fhir), however a property is only designed to store one type of thing; e.g. you might have a patient profile that has the properties DOB, ethniticy, identifier, etc. I don't really understand what profiles are for in the context of fhir, are they similar to my properties? Can I use the to limit the datatype that a profile instance can have for a particular element?
Is there any better documentation than the spec? I'm finding it really hard to get to grips with.
FHIR extensions are used to be able to enter extra data elements, when there's no field for that in the standard definition. Mother's maiden name is an example of that for the Patient resource.
The use of an extension is a standard FHIR mechanism and will always look like this:
<url value=""/>
<valueString value="Williams"/>
The url is the canonical url for the definition of the extension, which is a StructureDefinition resource defining the extension and the datatype(s) of the value.
You can have extensions on every level of a resource/datatype.
Since profiling is a very overloaded term, it is hard for me to understand what you're saying about profiles and properties in your proprietary system, or how that relates to your question. But in general, FHIR profiling is needed and used to
be able to add data when there's no data field for it in the specification (i.e. an extension of the specs)
constrain the specification in places where you need to be more strict, for example to make an optional field mandatory (i.e. a constraint on the specs, also called a profile)
I recommend browsing through some of the profiles and their descriptions on the Simplifier repository to get an idea of why people are creating profiles on FHIR.

How to transfer a structure from one Plone to another

I have a Plone instance which contains some structures which I need to copy to a new Plone instance (but much more which should not be copied). Those structures are document trees ("books" of Archetypes folders and documents) which use resources (e.g. images and animations, by UID) outside those trees (in a separate structure which of course contains lots of resources not needed by the ones which need to be copied).
I tried already to copy the whole data and delete the unneeded parts, but this takes very (!) long, so I'm looking for a better way.
Thus, the idea is to traverse my little forest of document trees and transfer them and the resources they need (sparsely rebuilding that separate structure) to the new Plone instance. I have full access to both of them.
Is there a suggested way to accomplish this? Or should I export all of them, including the resources structure, and delete all unneeded stuff afterwards?
I found out that each time that I make this type of migration by hand, I make mistakes that force me to do it again.
OTOH, if migration is automated, I can run it, find out what I did wrong, fix the migration, and do it all over again until I am satisfied.
In this context, to automate your migration, I advise you to look at collective.transmogrifrier.
I recommend jsonmigrator - which is a twist on collective.transmogrifier mentioned by Godefroid. See my blog on it here
You can even use it to migrate from Archetypes to Dexterity types (you just need matching fieldnames (and matching types roughly speaking).
Trying to select the resources to import will be tricky though. Perhaps you can find a way to iterate through your document trees & "touch" (in a unix sense) any resource that you are using. Then copy across only resources whose "timestamp" indicates that they have been touched.

Using a traditional interface for Dexterity schema or XML?

Plone Dexterity supports the definition of the content-type schema either through an interface (using zope.schema for the definition) or through an XML file. What is the preferred/recommended way?
In addition: is there documentation of the XML dialect used for defining a schema (models/mytype.xml) ?
This presentation appears close but not complete.
I personally much prefer the zope.schema route; I can, if I really wanted to, vary the interface attributes dynamically with python, while the XML definition is of course static.
Also, note that to register adapters and views against an XML-defined schema, you need to pull it into python code anyway:
from plone.dexterity import api
class IMyXMLDefinedType(api.Schema):
The XML dialect is part of plone.supermodel package; I was not able to locate any documentation beyond the source code.
I prefer an interface over an xml model. Partly that is because I prefer Python over XML. Partly it is because you cannot do some things with the XML. For example, if you want to register a field as searchable, with collective.dexteritytextindexer, you (currently) cannot set this in the Plone interface, so you will have to use Python code and therefore an interface. But Martijn shows in his answer that you can use api.model in an interface to refer to an xml file, so maybe that would be a way around it if you really want to.
I'm going to contribute to the mess by saying there is no hard and fast answer.
With simpler content types, or early in the development of more complex ones, I'm often oriented towards the supermodel XML because of how closely it works with the dexterity TTW editor. It allows me to work with a client with very rapid feedback on what they want from their content type.
Sometimes I'll even move into file system development of some features while still having the fields defined in the FTI via supermodel.
However, with more complex content types, you're nearly certainly going to hit something you can't do via supermodel alone. At that point, I usually translate to schema — and that's typically pretty easy to do.
Ideally, if you're doing a lot of dexterity development, you should probably be able to shift pretty easily back and forth. They're just different ways of representing the same objects and attributes.

How to go from xsd schema to Actionscript object (Flex) at runtime?

I have seen questions here asking about xsd->actionscript objects, but these seem to require xsd->java->actionscript and is all in source code. Our requirements are a bit different:
receive an xsd during runtime that we have never seen before
Create an instance object based on the xsd
fill in the values of the instance (either from an xml document or user input - whatever)
Anyone know of an actionscript library or tool that would help us accomplish this at runtime? It would be nice if something like this already existed - but we would certainly settle for a library that gave us a programmatic interface to extract information from an xsd schema. Additionally, we would take suggestions on alternate methods to accomplish the same ends.
Have you looked at the SchemaLaoder...? Not EXACTLY what you're looking for ... But a great start.
First - you should check this blog entry and this blog entry which walks you through Dominic De Lorenzo experiences with utilising functionality within the Flex SDK that provides the automatic mapping of custom ActionScript classes to element definitions within an XML Schema (XSD).
The steps to get moving here include (from Dominic's blog):
0) Create an instance of SchemaLoader and asynchronously load an XML schema from a given URL
1) Once the schema is loaded, add it to the SchemaManager and register any ActionScript classes to their corresponding schema type
---- At this stage you can do several operation based on the schema
2) Load an XML file based off that schema
3) Once the XML is loaded, decode the contents using XMLDecoder. Any classes registered in the schemaTypeRegistry will be used when decoding the xml
4) Encode a custom ActionScript class back into XML using XMLEncoder. XMLEncoder.encode() supports various ways to define the corresponding element in the schema (top level element, a specific type or even a custom XSD definition) that will be used to encode the Actionscript object.
The blog entry has links to code samples, etc...
Hope this helps.

How to keep original dates after uploading to Alfresco?

I am uploading several files to Alfresco repsitory via webdav. The batch process works fine, but after the upload, all dates in the repository are changed to current date.
How can I make it keep and show the original file dates (creation and modified) ?
You can leverage metadata extractors. The main purpose is to extract metadata from binary files during upload. There are lots of built-in metadata extractors, just look for implementers of interface org.alfresco.repo.content.metadata.MetadataExtracter. There are different extractors that can extract creation date and set it as cm:created on Alfresco node.
You can enable metadata extraction by applying it as a rule on a space, look for action named Extract Common Metadata in the actions drop-down-box while creating the rule.
I don't believe it's possible without the importing code explicitly turning off the default behaviour of the "cm:auditable" policy, and I suspect the WebDAV driver doesn't do this (since it has no way of knowing whether that's appropriate or not - there are cases where forcing the creation and modification dates to today is the correct thing to do).
This behaviour is discussed in some detail here - it might be worth evaluating whether the bulk filesystem import tool is a more appropriate way to import the content into Alfresco, particularly since it can preserve the creation and modification dates if you tell it to (i.e. by specifying the values of those properties).
