yeoman generator font awesome - gruntjs

I created a mobile application with the yeoman mobile-generator.
Now I want to add font awesome. I tried this, but not really works in the compiling process. A small advice or experience would be great
Okay, it's really a bit unclear. Sorry.
The compiling process works, but console says 404 not founds for the fonts.
It's not really clear to me how is a good way to do this. Creating the CSS from the scss files, implemeted the .min.css in the index.html with "<-- build: ... -->" or something else?!
When I add this in my main .scss file the the fonts would not be found.
$fontAwesomePath: "../bower_components/font-awesome/fonts";
#import '../bower_components/font-awesome/scss/font-awesome.scss';
Grunt copies and renames the font files f.e. to:

Sounds like grunt rev is renaming your font file. Just look for something like this in your Gruntfile:
// Renames files for browser caching purposes
rev: {
dist: {
files: {
src: [
'<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/fonts/*'
remove the fonts line and you should be okay.

seems I could fixed this with the help of this answer.
Installed font awesome with bower:
bower install --save font-awesome
Then simply this line in the index.html fixed my problem.
<!-- build:css styles/vendor/fontawesome.css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<!-- endbuild -->
Thanks #OddEssay and #bpaul for our help!!

#importing the scss takes care of the CSS side of things, but I think you also need to move the assests to a location the browser can access them, so grunt-contrib-copy would do the job perfectly. So if your webroot is public Something like:
copy: {
main: {
files: [
{expand: true, cwd: '../bower_components/font-awesome/fonts', src: ['*.*'], dest: 'public/fonts'}


Using font-awesome in ionic 2

How can i use fontawesome with ionic 2, i've following this tutorial but it's not working.
Update in ionic 2 RC.0
Download the font-awesome library.
Create "fonts" folder in src/assets and copy the fonts from the font-awesome/fonts folder
Copy the scss folder and paste it under src/theme/scss
Open the variables.scss file, and copy the below code
#import "scss/font-awesome"; #font-face
{ font-family: 'FontAwesome'; src:
format('svg'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; }
To include your icon in HTML
<i primary class="fa fa-cart-plus fa-lg"></i>
Ionic Beta
Install fontAwesome from the npm library.
Modify the below changes to your gulpfile.ts.
Include gulp task for adding icon css and fonts to your build
gulp.task('myCss', function(){
return gulp.src('path-to-your-font-lib/style.css')
gulp.task('myFonts', function(){
return gulp.src('path-to-your-font-lib/fonts/**/*.+(eot|svg|ttf|woff)')
Modify your gulp build and watch task as follows (Adding your font
and css on watch and build)
gulp.task('watch', ['clean'], function(done){
//existing ionic2 code
gulp.task('build', ['clean','myCss','myFonts'], function(done){
//existing ionic2 code
Include #import "../../node_modules/font-awesome/scss/font-awesome"; in app.core.scss file
To include your icon in HTML
<i primary class="fa fa-cart-plus fa-lg"></i>
font-awesome ionic 2 integration only with configuration files.
Download font-awesome via npm (npm install font-awesome --save)
In the file package.json from your project add this:
"config": {
"ionic_bundler": "webpack",
"ionic_source_map": "source-map",
"ionic_copy": "./config/copy.config.js",
"ionic_sass": "./config/sass.config.js"
On the root folder of your project create config folder and copy the files copy.config.js and sass.config.js (this files are located in (..\node_modules\#ionic\app-scripts\config)
Modify the copied files. In sass.config.js add the reference to font-awesome,
at the end verify that you have something like this
includePaths: [
The most important part here is the last line.
in copy.config add this:
src: 'node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/',
dest: '{{WWW}}/fonts/'
The most important part here is dest '{{WWW}}/fonts/' and not {{WWW}}/assets/fonts/', it because font-awesome.css search fonts in "www/fonts" file.
And finally add #import "font-awesome"; in variables.css (src\theme folder)
After perform all this steps you can use font-awesome in your ionic 2 project.
<i class="fa fa-circle" style="color:#14afef; font-size: small"></i>
It's all
Similar Approach as #Edward suggested, but a bit cleaner way to do this would be
1) npm install font-awesome --save
2) In package.json, add
"ionic_copy": "./config/copy.config.js",
"ionic_sass": "./config/sass.config.js",
3) Create the below files at root level of your project and add following content.
In the file: ./config/copy.config.js
const copyConfig = require('../node_modules/#ionic/app-scripts/config/copy.config');
In the file: ./config/sass.config.js
const sassConfig = require('../node_modules/#ionic/app-scripts/config/sass.config');
4) In ./src/theme/variables.scss
$fa-font-path: "../assets/fonts";
#import 'font-awesome';
There is still a lot of confusion on what is a best practice when it comes to adding FontAwesome to an ionic2 app. I wrote a tutorial about it to mitigate some of that confusion. I hope this helps anybody else out there looking for this info
I tried most of the answers above but they were either too complicated or had a limitation when the core of Ionic2 was upgraded so here is my solution:
It requires manually upgrading of FA when a new version comes out but I don't need to upgrade often as I only use a few select icons.
Ignore the SASS files and copy the contents of \node_modules\font-awesome\fonts to \src\assets\fonts. Also copy \node_modules\font-awesome\css\font-awesome.min.css to the same place.
Reference the csss in your index.html file like this:
<!--Custom Fonts-->
<link href="assets/fonts/comfortaa/comfortaa.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="assets/fonts/gloriahallelujah/gloriahallelujah.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="assets/fonts/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Then to use it, put this into the page's scss:
.logo-text {
font-family: 'comfortaa-bold';
and this in the html:
<h4 class="white-text slogan-text">Come bien a la mitad de precio</h4>
And that should be it...
Update for Ionic 2, Ionic 3+: just one step:
Add font-awesome link to your index.html
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

ngBoilerplate and Font Awesome

I have a ngBoilerplate project, I would like to add Font Awesome to it.
I have installed Font Awesome with:
bower install font-awesome --save-dev
I then added the following to the build.config.js file:
css: [
assets: [
And I added the following to my src/less/variables.less file:
#fa-font-path: "../assets";
Now I would like to add a simple home icon to my site with:
<i class="fa fa-home"></i>
Instead now I get a ␦ (ascii, blank square) where the icon should be.
The Font Awesome CDN works fine but cant get it to work with bower.
So for some reason I get an intermittent error that the font files cant be found.
I amended the build.config.js and removed 'vendor/font-awesome/fonts/*'.
Then I configured Gruntfile.js to copy the fonts to the folder that error was looking for. I did this by adding the following to the copy section:
font_awesome_fonts: {
expand: true,
flatten: true,
src: 'vendor/font-awesome/fonts/*',
dest: '<%= build_dir %>/vendor/fonts'
And added the following to the delta.assets section:
This seemed to work but now I get the following warning messages in console, no idea why, at least it works now:
localhost/:1 Failed to decode downloaded font: http://localhost:14080/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.3.0
localhost/:1 Failed to decode downloaded font: http://localhost:14080/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.3.0
localhost/:1 Failed to decode downloaded font: http://localhost:14080/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.3.0
Thanks for your question; it got me on the path to this answer.
What worked for me was using the Font Awesome LESS file instead of the CSS. In src/less/main.less I added the following:
#import '../../vendor/font-awesome/less/font-awesome.less';
I made this declaration in my src/less/variables.less:
#fa-font-path: ".";
I also removed any mention of the font awesome from the vendor css section of build.config.js. My font declaration looks a bit different, but should be effectively the same:
vendor_files: [
js: ...,
css: [
assets: [
I haven't noticed your issue with the fonts not copying, nor have I seen the messages in the console, but the icons show up correctly when hosting the files in a webserver and browsing to my app.

Grunt does not compile font-awesome.LESS or CSS

The already answered questions on this issue didn't solve my problem.
When I pull in the Font Awesome library with Bower and integrate the library directly in index.html or alternatively use the hosted version like in the following, the icons are displaying fine:
<link href="bower_components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
However, no icons are displayed when I am compiling font-awesome.less or font-awesome.css with Grunt (Please see the picture: The Bootstrap LESS which I import in base.less works fine!):
#import "base.less";
#import "/bower_components/fontawesome/less/font-awesome.less";
//#import (less)"//";
Gruntfile.js (excerpt):
less: {
development: {
options: {
compress: true, // Minification
files: {
// Compile frontend.less into frontend.css
// Compile backend.less into backend.css
I would appreciate your advise how to import / compile font-awesome.less correctly with Grunt or if this is a Font Awesome bug.
According your Grundfile.js you will create the ./public/assets/css/frontend.min.css file for your compiled css. You should set #fa-font-path relative to that file. Because of "http://localhost/testing/bower_components/bootstrap/fonts/" works in your situation also #icon-font-path: "testing/bower_components/bootstrap/fonts/".
In you frontend.less:
#import "base.less";
#import "/bower_components/fontawesome/less/font-awesome.less";
#icon-font-path: "testing/bower_components/bootstrap/fonts/";
Alternatively copy the font files from /bower_components/bootstrap/fonts/ to /public/assets/fonts and set #icon-font-path: "../fonts" (the default already defined in "/bower_components/fontawesome/less/variables.less).
Notice that v4.2 of Font Awesome also allows you to set:
#fa-font-path: "//"; // for referencing Bootstrap CDN font files directly

Building Stylus Themes with Grunt

I'd like to have my stylus file accept variable input from grunt, loop the variable values, and output different themed css files.
Then I could easily switch themes like this.
Is this possible? How would one set it up?
Right now I have grunt compiling stylus into my css. But, to generate a different theme, I have to manually change the value of my themeName variable in my mainCSS.stylus file and rebuild with grunt.
What do you think about this way:
There is a main.styl, that contains:
#import "variables";
//some other styles and imports
and there are some themes files:
using grunt-contrib-copy you can copy the file themes/default.styl to the variables.styl and compile stylus to the css styles, than you delete variables.styl and again copy themes/pretty-theme.styl to the variables.styl and compile and so on.
copy: {
default-theme: {
src: 'themes/default.styl',
dest: 'variables.styl',
pretty-theme: {
src: 'themes/pretty-theme.styl',
dest: 'variables.styl',
very-theme: {
src: 'themes/very-pretty-theme',
dest: 'variables.styl',

Using ionicons in a rails app

I have a rails app I'd like to use these in. Following the instructions, I ensured the font path in .css was assets/fonts/ionicons... but it doesn't seem to be working. Anyone ever use these before?
If anyone else has trouble to use ionicons in your rails projects, I suggest to use the gem font-ionicons-rails that I built.
It's very simple to use, as below:
Add this to your Gemfile:
gem "font-ionicons-rails"
In your application.css, include the css file:
*= require ionicons
Sass Support
If you prefer SCSS, add this to your application.css.scss file:
#import "ionicons";
If you use the Sass indented syntax, add this to your application.css.sass file:
#import ionicons
Then restart your webserver if it was previously running.
That's all. Now you are ready to use ionicons in your project using the tag i or using the gem helper to improve use.
ion_icon "camera"
# => <i class="ion-camera"></i>
ion_icon "camera", text: "Take a photo"
# => <i class="ion-camera"></i> Take a photo
ion_icon "chevron-right", text: "Get started", right: true
# => Get started <i class="ion-chevron-right"></i>
content_tag(:li, ion_icon("checkmark-round", text: "Bulleted list item"))
# => <li><i class="ion-checkmark-round"></i> Bulleted list item</li>
It's pretty ease now, yay.
These are the steps I usually take:
Add the following to config/application.rb
config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'fonts')
Make the directory app/assets/fonts and copy the font files to that directory.
Copy ionicons.css to app/assets/stylesheets
Edit ionicons.css file and update the url() calls to work with the asset pipeline:
src: font-url("ionicons.eot?v=1.3.0");
src: font-url("ionicons.eot?v=1.3.0#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"),
font-url("ionicons.ttf?v=1.3.0") format("truetype"),
font-url("ionicons.woff?v=1.3.0") format("woff"),
font-url("ionicons.svg?v=1.3.0#Ionicons") format("svg");
Restart webrick/thin/whatever and you should be good. :)
