Opening and reading multiple netcdf files with RnetCDF - r

Using R, I am trying to open all the netcdf files I have in a single folder (e.g 20 files) read a single variable, and create a single data.frame combining the values from all files. I have been using RnetCDF to read netcdf files. For a single file, I read the variable with the following commands:
nc ='')
lw =,'LWdown',start=c(414,315,1),count=c(1,1,240))
where 414 & 315 are the longitude and latitude of the value I would like to extract and 240 is the number of timesteps.
I have found this thread which explains how to open multiple files. Following it, I have managed to open the files using:
filenames= list.files('/MY_FOLDER/',pattern='*.nc',full.names=TRUE)
ldf = lapply(filenames,
but now I'm stuck. I tried
var1= lapply(ldf,,'LWdown',start=c(414,315,1),count=c(1,1,240)))
but it doesn't work.
The added complication is that every nc file has a different number of timestep. So I have 2 questions:
1: How can I open all files, read the variable in each file and combine all values in a single data frame?
2: How can I set the last dimension in count to vary for all files?

Following #mdsummer's comment, I have tried a do loop instead and have managed to do everything I needed:
# Declare data frame
#Open all files
files= list.files('MY_FOLDER/',pattern='*.nc',full.names=TRUE)
# Loop over files
for(i in seq_along(files)) {
nc =[i])
# Read the whole nc file and read the length of the varying dimension (here, the 3rd dimension, specifically time)
lw =,'LWdown')
# Vary the time dimension for each file as required
lw =,'LWdown',start=c(414,315,1),count=c(1,1,x[3]))
# Add the values from each file to a single data.frame
There may be a more elegant way but it works.

You're passing the additional function parameters wrong. You should use ... for that. Here's a simple example of how to pass na.rm to mean.
x.var <- 1:10
x.var[5] <- NA
x.var <- list(x.var)
x.var[[2]] <- 1:10
lapply(x.var, FUN = mean)
lapply(x.var, FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)
For your specific example, this would be something along the lines of
var1 <- lapply(ldf, FUN =, variable = 'LWdown', start = c(414, 315, 1), count = c(1, 1, 240))
though this is untested.

I think this is much easier to do with CDO as you can select the varying timestep easily using the date or time stamp, and pick out the desired nearest grid point. This would be an example bash script:
# I don't know how your time axis is
# you may need to use a date with a time stamp too if your data is not e.g. daily
# see the CDO manual for how to define dates.
files=`ls MY_FOLDER/*.nc`
for file in $files ; do
# select the nearest grid point and the date slice desired:
# %??? strips the .nc from the file name
cdo seldate,$date -remapnn,lon=$lon/lat=$lat $file ${file%???}_${lat}_${lon}_${date}.nc
Rscript here to read in the files
It is possible to merge all the new files with cdo, but you would need to be careful if the time stamp is the same. You could try cdo merge or cdo cat - that way you can read in a single file to R, rather than having to loop and open each file separately.


Loop over a large number of CSV files with the same statements in R?

I'm having a lot of trouble reading/writing to CSV files. Say I have over 300 CSV's in a folder, each being a matrix of values.
If I wanted to find out a characteristic of each individual CSV file such as which rows had an exact number of 3's, and write the result to another CSV fil for each test, how would I go about iterating this over 300 different CSV files?
For example, say I have this code I am running for each file:
values_4 <- read.csv(file = 'values_04.csv', header=FALSE) // read CSV in as it's own DF
values_4$howMany3s <- apply(values_04, 1, function(x) length(which(x==3))) // compute number of 3's
values_4$exactly4 <- apply(values_04[50], 1, function(x) length(which(x==4))) // show 1/0 on each column that has exactly four 3's
values_4 // print new matrix
I am then continuously copy and pasting this code and changing the "4" to a 5, 6, etc and noting the values. This seems wildly inefficient to me but I'm not experienced enough at R to know exactly what my options are. Should I look at adding all 300 CSV files to a single list and somehow looping through them?
Appreciate any help!
Here's one way you can read all the files and proceess them. Untested code as you haven't given us anything to work on.
# Get a list of CSV files. Use the path argument to point to a folder
# other than the current working directory
files <- list.files(pattern=".+\\.csv")
# For each file, work your magic
# lapply runs the function defined in the second argument on each
# value of the first argument
everything <- lapply(
function(f) {
values <- read.csv(f, header=FALSE)
apply(values, 1, function(x) length(which(x==3)))
# And returns the results in a list. Each element consists of
# the results from one function call.
# Make sure you can access the elements of the list by filename
names(everything) <- files
# The return value is a list. Access all of it with
# Or a single element with

How to merge netcdf files separately in R?

I am a user of R and would like some help in the following:
I have two netcdf files (each of dimensions 30x30x365) and one more with 30x30x366. These 3 files contain a year's worth of daily data, where the last dimension refers to the time dimension. I wanted to combine them separately i.e. I wanted the output file to contain 30x30x1096.
Note: I have seen a similar question but the output results in an average (i.e. 30x30x3) which I do not want.
from the comment I see below you seem to want to merge 3 files in the time dimension. As an alternative to R, you could do this quickly from the command line using cdo (climate data operators):
cdo mergetime
or using wildcards:
cdo mergetime file?.nc
cdo is easy to install under ubuntu:
sudo apt install cdo
Without knowing exactly what dimensions and variables you have, this may be enough to get you started:
output_data <- array(dim = c(30, 30, 1096))
files <- c('', '', '')
days <- c(365, 365, 366)
# Open each file and add it to the final output array
for (i in seq_along(files)) {
nc <- nc_open(files[i])
input_arr <- ncvar_get(nc, varid='var_name')
# Calculate the indices where each file's data should go
if (i > 1) {
day_idx <- (1:days[i]) + sum(days[1:(i-1)])
} else {
day_idx <- 1:days[i]
output_data[ , , day_idx] <- input_arr
# Write out output_data to a NetCDF. How exactly this should be done depends on what
# dimensions and variables you have.
# See here for more:

Populating a matrix (or a DF or a DT) with a loop from a folder containing txt files

I wrote my first code in R for treating some spectra [basically .txt files with a Xcol (wavelength) and Ycol (intensity)].
The code works for single files, provided I write the file name in the code. Here the code working for the first file HKU47_PSG_1_LW_0.txt.
# import Spectra
colnames(PSG1_LW)[colnames(PSG1_LW)=="V2"] <- "PSG1_LW"
colnames(PSG2_LW)[colnames(PSG2_LW)=="V2"] <- "PSG2_LW"
#Plot 2 spectra and define the Y range
plot(PSG1_LW$V1, PSG1_LW$PSG1_LW, type="l",xaxs="i", yaxs="i", main="Raman spectra", xlab="Raman shift (cm-1)", ylab="Intensity", ylim=range(PSG1_LW,PSG2_LW))
lines(PSG2_LW$V1, PSG2_LW$PSG2_LW, col=("red"), yaxs="i")
# Temperature-excitation line correction
laser = 532
PSG1_LW_corr <- PSG1_LW$PSG1_LW*((10^7/laser)^3*(1-exp(-6.62607*10^(-34)*29979245800*PSG1_LW$V1/(1.3806488*10^(-23)*293.15)))*PSG1_LW$V1/((10^7/laser)-PSG1_LW$V1)^4)
PSG1_Raw_Corr <-cbind (PSG1_LW,PSG1_LW_corr)
lines(PSG1_LW$V1, PSG1_LW_corr, col="red")
plot(PSG1_LW$V1, PSG1_Raw_Corr$PSG1_LW_corr, type="l",xaxs="i", yaxs="i", xlab="Raman shift (cm-1)", ylab="Intensity")
Now, it's time for another little step forward. In the folder, there are many spectra (in the code above I reported the second one: HKU47_PSG_2_LW_all_0.txt) having again 2 columns, same length of the first file. I suppose I should merge all the files in a matrix (or DF or DT).
Probably I need a loop as I need a code able to check automatically the number of files contained in the folder and ultimately to create an object with several columns (i.e. the double of the number of the files).
So I started like this:
listLW <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = "LW")
numLW <- as.integer(length(listLW))
numLW represents the number of iterations I need to set. The question is: how can I populate a matrix (or DF or DT) in order to have in the first 2 columns the first txt file in my folder, then the second file in the 3rd and 4th columns etc? Considering that I need to perform some other operations as I showed above in the code.
I have been reading about loop in R since yestarday but actually could not find the best and easy solution.
You could do something like
# Load data.table library
# Import the first file
DT_final <- fread(file = listLW[1])
# Loop over the rest of the files and use cbind to merge them into 1 DT
for(file in setdiff(listLW, listLW[1])) {
DT_temp <- fread(file)
DT_final <- cbind(DT_final, DT_temp)

Automate script for many genes with different values

I am interested in making my R script to work automatically for another set of parameters. For example:
gene_name start_x end_y
file1 -> gene1 100 200
file2-> gene2 150 270
and my script does trivial job, just for learning purposes. It should take the information about gene1 and find a sum, write into a file; then it should take information of the next gene2, find sum and write this into a new file and etc, and lets say I would like to keep files name according to the genes name:
file_gene1.txt # this file holds sum of start_x +end_y for gene1
file_gene2.txt # this file holds sum of start_x +end_y for gene2
etc for the rest of 700 genes (obviously manually its to much work to take file1, and write file name and plug in start and end values into already existing script )
I guess the idea is clear, I have never been doing this type of things, and I guess its very trivial, but i would appreciate if anyone can tell me the proper definition of this process so I can search and learn online how to do it.
P.S: I think in Python I would just make a list of genes and related x/y values, loop and select required info, but I still don't know how I would keep gene names as a file name automatically.
I have to supply the info about a gene location, therefore start and end, which is X and Y respectively.
x=100 # assign x to a value of a related gene
y=150 # assign y to a value of a related gene
a=tbl[which(tbl[,'middle']>=x & tbl[,'middle']<y),] # for each new gene this info is changing accoringly
write.table( a, file= ' gene1.txt' ) # here I would need changing file name
my thoughts:
may be I need to generate a file, which contains all 700 gene names and related X and Y values.
then I read line one of this file and supply it into my script (in case of variable a, x and y)
then my computation is over I write results into a file and keep a gene name, that was used to generate this results.
Is it more clear?
P.S.: I Google it by probably because I don't know the topic I cant find anything relevant, just give me the idea where I can search, I would like to learn this programming step anyway.
I guess so you are looking for reading all the files present in a folder (Assuming all your gene files written in a single folder using your older script). In that case you can use something like:
directory <- "C://User//Downloads//R//data"
file <- list.files(directory, full.names = TRUE)
Then access filename using file[i] and do whatever needed (naming the file paste("gene", file[i], sep = "_") or reading it read.csv(file[i])).
I would divide your problem in two parts. (Sample data for reproducible example provided below)
library(data.table) # v1.9.7 (devel version)
# go here for install instructions
1st: Apply your functions to your data by gene
output <- dt[ , .( f1 = sum(start_x, end_y),
f2 = start_x - end_y ,
f3 = start_x * end_y ,
f7 = start_x / end_y),
2nd: Split your data frame by gene and save it in separate files
output[,fwrite(.SD,file=sprintf("%s.csv", unique(gene))),
Latter on, you can do bind the multiple files into one single data frame if you like:
# Get a List of all `.csv` files in your folder
filenames <- list.files("C:/your/folder", pattern="*.csv", full.names=TRUE)
# Load and bind all data sets
data <- rbindlist(lapply(filenames,fread))
ps. note that fwrite is still in development version of data.table as of today (12 May 2016)
data for reproducible example:
dt <- data.table( gene = c('id1','id2','id3','id4','id5','id6','id7','id8','id9','id10'),
start_x = c(1:10),
end_y = c(20:29) )

Read Multiple ncdf files and make average in R

By using R ill try to open my NetCDF data that contain 5 dimensional space with 15 variables. (variable for calculation is in matrix 1000X920 )
This problem actually look like the same with the other question before.
I got explanation from here and the others
At first I used RNetCDF package, but after some trial i found unconsistensy when the package read my data. And then finally better after used ncdf package.
there is no problem for opening data in a single file, but after ill try for looping in more than hundred data inside folder for a spesific variable (for example: var no 15) the program was failed.
> days = formatC(001:004, width=3, flag="0")
> ncfiles = lapply (days,
> function(d){ filename = paste("data",d,".nc",sep="")
> open.ncdf(filename) })
also when i try the command like this for a spesific variable
> sapply(ncfiles,function(file,{get.var.ncdf(file,"var15")})
so my question is, any solution to read all netcdf file with special variable then make calculation in one frame. From the solution before i was failed for generating the variable no 15 on whole netcdf data.
thanks for any solution to this problem.
this is the last what i have done
when i write
for(i in seq_along(files)) {
nc <- lapply(files[i],open.ncdf)
lw = get.var.ncdf(nc,"var15")
i can get all netcdf data by > nc
so i how i can get variable data with new name automatically like lw1,lw2...etc
i cant apply
var1 <- lapply(files, FUN = get.var.ncdf, variable = "var15")
then i can do calculation with all data.
the other technique i try used RNetCDF package n doing a looping
# Declare data frame
#Open all files
files= list.files("allnc/",pattern='*.nc',full.names=TRUE)
# Loop over files
for(i in seq_along(files)) {
nc =[i])
# Read the whole nc file and read the length of the varying dimension (here, the 3rd dimension, specifically time)
lw =,'DBZH')
# Vary the time dimension for each file as required
lw =,'var15')
# Add the values from each file to a single data.frame
i can take a variable data but i just got one data from my all file nc.
note: sampe of my data name (,
This solution uses NCO, not R. You may use it to check your R solution:
ncra -v var15 data20150102*.nc
That is all.
Full documentation in NCO User Guide.
You can use the ensemble statistics capabilities of CDO, but note that on some systems the number of files is limited to 256:
cdo ensmean data20150102*.nc
you can replace "mean" with the statistic of your choice, max, std, var, min etc...
