Google Maps Custom Icons will not load in any Browser - google-maps-api-3

I used a tutorial to make some custom icons in Google Maps API for some local places. When I am in Dreamweaver and testing on my local server, the icons appear just fine. However, when I upload to my host and try to pull the page up on any browser (safari, chrome, canary, firefox), the images do not load. The placeholders for those images do show, though. I cannot understand what the issue is as I have reloaded and rechecked the code hundreds of times. Any help with this would be appreciated. As the code is very long, I have only included some snippets and the address where it is loaded.
To see the page, go to
I tried to load the code using the forum rules, but no matter what, it would not allow me to put the javascript in this post!
Please let me know if you can help me! This is the last piece of the puzzle I need to load this website! I am a newbie coder so I have made a lot of beginner mistakes!
Edited to add:
Thank you for your help. When I renamed the folder, it was fixed. For some reason, it did not like the folder name "icons". Perhaps this has something to do with Google's API

I get the following errors when I load your page:
Since those are the images you are using to create your custom icons they all fail to generate and won't appear on the map. Make sure you are hosting your images correctly and it should work fine.


Printing Displayed URL Image with Handlebarsjs

Ok so I have this template receipt file that I'm working on. I use this code to display an image on the webpage preview of the receipt:
<div class="barcode"><img class="barcode" src='{{meta_data.[1].[value]}}'/></br>{{meta_data.[1].[value]}}</div>
What the image link ends up looking like in html on the preview page is:
When you try to download the image it's an unnamed .png. It does not exist on my server and is generated by the link on the fly. It's Woocommerce Order Barcodes plugin from Woocommerce. Either way, the image shows perfectly fine in the preview but when I go to print the receipt the image disappears. Can someone help me understand what might be going on and what to do about it.
Not exactly sure what was done, but the developer customized the plugin to work the way I was using it so if someone else tries to use it like I am they will not have a problem either as the plugin is specifically designed to be embedded into different files and templates.
The Plugin is called Digital Barcodes by UKRSolution. Figured since they provided such great support and even extended plugin functionality due to not seeing someone using it in the manner I was, that I would let anyone interested or looking for this type of solution know.

WordPress website loading image which is not present in my website

My WordPress website takes a lot of time to load pages, a problem that many of us face. I used GT metrix to check my WordPress page and then checked my website waterfall.
One thing I saw taking more than half time of my page is an image which is not uploaded in my website.
check this image of gt metrix waterfall:
I checked it, and I found this is an image which I have not used in my entire webpage. Also I could not find where is this image used.
Same thing happens in different pages that has different images to it.
I deleted one image from my media but now when I check the GT metrix waterfall I get a 404 error code which means its still trying to load that image and I cannot find it.
This is a theme which I had purchased and its not a popular theme like divi or ocean and hence could not contact the support.
How to check where a particular image is used in my webpage using
the media library (can I do that?)
How to find out and remove this image? Or at least is there a way where I can delete the image from the library and hence my webpage should not look for this image wasting its time instead of getting a 404 code
Your problem is quite common indeed, for your specific case i can suggest by starting to search the image name in both code + DB, it MUST be somewhere.
If you cannot find it inside your stuff there's only one answer left: there's some JS third party script that is loading that for you, but in this case i seriously dubt it would be in the same domain as your site.
Using the media library there's not much you can understand, if you are VERY lucky it will have a message like "attached to" but that thing cover like 10% of the cases, most of the time the image ARE used but are not attached to anything like a post, so the media library won't tell you anything
I've had this happen before a few times, too. Isn't it frustrating!? If you could provide a URL, I (and others, I'm sure) would be happy to take a look and try to figure out what's going on. :)

Logos missing after Wordpress migration

For some reason I cant find a place to edit the header logo. The logo will appear in chrome browser. In most browsers, it will just be a blank square and say logo.
This all happened after a migration to a different server/database.
There is some info about plugins needing an authentication key. However, Im unsure if this is the problem as it requires purchase. Any ideas? Thank you!
It's a bit unclear on why this would happen as there are a number of reasons.
Here are a few main things to check:
Did the wp-content/uploads/ folder get copied across fully?
If point-1 is correct, can you access the logo file via URL?
Are you using a theme builder to add in the logo? If so, you might need to export and import a theme builder file.
No need to purchase anything. Since you mentioned that this happened after migration. This could be a source issue, the url of the image could be broken or still leading to the old website url. You can check this by going to the DevTools on chrome by tapping F12. Then, click colsole to check if there's an error and let us know about it.

Wordpress youtube embed not clickable bootstrap

After I moved a Wordpress website to production server I noticed youtube embeds were no longer clickable. The image and play button show up but nothing more.
Tried to renew the embed code, using the build in embed function, embed via media browser,... Nothing is working and it's making me crazy.
After some trial and error things I noticed that the video does work when the main bootstrap.css file is removed. Can't seem to find a clue to the solution though.
Yes, I tried to disable all the plugins, with no result.
Changing back to the default twenty fifteen theme results in a working video embed. But since that one isn't build on bootstrap it's just a logic fact.
Anyone seen this before?
Web page with video embedded: click here
The website is sending lots of error messages in he consolu use F12 in Chrome, apparently your www-embed-player-new.js is causing the problem. Not even Edge is running the site correctly. I think you need a Chrome extension to make it work.
I would recommend you changing the plugin that imports the videos. Check this enter link description here
The chrome plugin Google Cast stops the error messages but still doesn't work.
The problem was with the wordpress loop on the single.php page.
A wrong code snippet caused the issue.

Chrome print preview changes styling of web page

Short Version:
I am using Chrome 27.0.1453.94 on Windows 7 Pro
I go to using Chrome
I select Print... | Save as PDF
The print preview looks nothing like the web page - layout, links, fonts all wrong.
How can I fix this to make the PDF styled the same way as the web site?
Long Version:
I am a member of a secure forum (ie have to log in for access), which is base on the phpBB forum template ( Our forum will be cleared of all threads and posts soon to make room for the next round of subscribers.
We have been given permission (even encouraged) by the moderators to download the contents of each topic/thread/post and write them into PDF files so we can keep referencing them in the future. We have to do this ourselves, and I volunteered to do the work as I have an IT background. But its proving harder than I thought.
I was hoping to do the following this process...
Download and add "Stylish" Chrome Extension
Add CSS code to Stylish to modify the appearance of the forum pages ready for PDF migration
In Chrome use Print | Save as PDF option to save styled page as a PDF doc
For multi-page forums, repeat this process for each page and then use PDFMate (or similar) to concatenate the PDF docs together into a single long PDF.
Steps 1, 2 and 4 are working perfectly, but step 3 is not.
The print preview in Chrome screws up the appearance of the forum pages. Layout styling is lost, fonts are completely different, links are missing or look terrible. For example, try printing this page ( - it looks completely different in print preview to how it looks in the browser.
Is there something I can do to fix this? Can I somehow give the print preview version some CSS code to restyle it? Anyone know why this would be happening?
Or alternatively, can you suggest another solution to convert HTML to PDF? I have tried Chrome extensions "iWeb2x" and "Send to Google Drive", but with no success - because the forum is secured, the PDF file they create is the forum's Login page, not the forum thread page I'm currently looking at.
Any help greatly appreciated - thanks.
Have a look here, maybe it's helpful
You can set your own css style for the printed page.
Hope it helps, regards
I had a case, where if the iframe is display:none, the css is not loaded, thus not printing the correct CSS style. You can fix it with visibility:hidden; And size zero
