Customize search results for Custom Post Types - wordpress

I am writing a Wordpress plug-in that creates several Custom Post Types (CPT). For they have their own custom fields, that need to be displayed in the search results, I need to customize the search results output.
Do I need to write my own theme for that or is there a hook (or other way) to solve this in my plug-in code?

You could hook into get_the_content and get_the_excerpt filters and test with is_search() to see if you should alter the returned value or not.
Not tested, but this is the idea:
add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'my_search_excerpt' );
add_filter( 'get_the_content', 'my_search_excerpt' );
function my_search_excerpt( $content ) {
if ( is_search() ) {
$content = 'This is a search excerpt for ' . get_the_title();
// maybe add a read more link
// also, you can use global $post to access the current search result
return $content;

I see four possibilities:
Create a new (child) theme
Override the search template using filters (template_include)
Use client-side code to modify the appearance (CSS / JavaScript, poor workaround)
Hook the_content or the_excerpt
The easiest way might be to copy the search.php file of your installed theme and modify it to fulfill your needs. You can then hook it in using the first or second way. The first requires you to create a child theme, the second to create a plugin. The latter might be more complex so I would suggest to create a theme (take a look at template files of child themes for an explanation).


Single Post Template Override for Custom Post Type

I've got kind of a unique scenario that I'm trying to nail down. I'm working on a new template for a custom post type that already exists. Basically, we're replacing the single-customposttype.php file with a new one. All of that is going swimmingly, except one thing - they have one post in that custom post type that they want to keep the OLD template on.
So there's a NEW single-customposttype.php file that will work as the default single template for that CPT.
But I need ID #93 to use the OLD single-customposttype.php template. I hoped just doing single-customposttype-93.php might do the trick, but it doesn't. What's the best way to apply the other template to only one post id?
Thanks in advance!
I deal with custom template loading all the time, it's really pretty simple! Really, all you need to do is hook into the template_include hook, and override the template based on whatever conditions you want.
That hook takes a single argument, the $template file to load. You can then use any conditionals you want and force a separate file to load instead.
add_filter( 'template_include', 'custom_template_include', 99 );
function custom_template_include( $template ){
// For ID 93, load in file by using it's PATH (not URL)
if( get_the_ID() === 93 ){
// Note the file name can be ANYTHING, the WP auto-template names don't matter here
$file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/post-id-93-custom-template.php';
// It's generally good to see if the file exists before overriding the default
if( file_exists( $file ) )
$template = $file;
// ALWAYS return the $template, or *everything* will be blank.
return $template;
It's really that simple! Inside the custom PHP file, you have access to all of the WordPress functions and such as you would with a default template.
Generally you'll want to use the file_exists() function on the template, just to make sure it's found, otherwise you'll be passing along a file that doesn't exist, and that page will not load. By checking if it exists, it will still fall back to the old template if it's not found (deleted/renamed/moved, etc)
Also, you always need to have return $template at the end, otherwise anything that uses WordPress' template system will break.
I made a quick example on a demo site:
The policies are a custom post type, and the cookie policy loads normally. The other one is modified with the same code as above (with the name/ID changed to match), and it's loading in a simple .php file with that content in it.

Finding hooks Wordpress

I know there are lists of hooks for WordPress like -->
But if I want to find hooks for a plugin like WC Vendors there is a much shorter list of hooks on their website.
Are 'do_action' and 'apply filter' functions the only thing we can modify?
If given a class like -->, is there any way to modify it?
Are we limited to the do_action hooks or is there a way to modify other areas as well? Can we use the WordPress hooks to hook into the WC Vendors plugin as well?
Mostly you should try to accomplish any task with hooks, but some tasks are just not possible without actually modifying the actual code. But we all know its not good to modify core code, as all changes disappear after an update. So instead of modifying a class, you can extend it. You can override the current features and also add new ones. Extending a class is as easy as using a relavant hook in functions.php and then extending it in the same file or requiring it from another file. Here is an official tutorial on how to add a new shipping method to the woocommerce shipping class.
Sometimes you dont even need all the hooks, you just need to find the ones that are running on a specific page. For this you can use the code below to list all the current hooks.
$debug_tags = array();
add_action( 'all', function ( $tag ) {
global $debug_tags;
if ( in_array( $tag, $debug_tags ) ) {
echo "<pre>" . $tag . "</pre>";
$debug_tags[] = $tag;
} );
Or you can use this plugin "simply show hooks"which is really helpful while development as it gives you an idea of where each hook is being triggered on the page.

Wordpress filter get_the_content()

I'm writing a plugin that requires adding to the content; adding a filter to the_content() is straightforward enough, but the theme I'm testing in uses get_the_content() to build the page.
There's an indication that it should be possible in the Wordpress codex but I don't understand the example:
If you use plugins that filter content (add_filter('the_content')), then this will not apply the filters, unless you call it this way (using apply_filters):
apply_filters('the_content',get_the_content( $more_link_text, $stripteaser, $more_file ))
Can anyone help / explain?
What they're saying is you'd have to add code to the place that get_the_content() is called. From your description, that's in the theme - you'd have to change the theme's get_the_content() call as described.
The reason for that is that there are no filters in the get_the_content() function that you can hook into with your plugin (have a look at the source - there are no calls to the apply_filters() function in get_the_content(), except one for the "more" link text).
Late to the party, but here it goes:
In your functions.php you can add something like this:
function do_filter_stuff($content) {
//Whatever you want to do with your content
add_filter( 'the_content', 'do_filter_stuff' );
Next, in your page.php (or whichever template you want to use it in) you can call the raw content with the same filter as following:
<?php echo do_filter_stuff(get_the_content()); ?>

Wordpress widget/plugin - content based on text of post(s)/page(s) visible?

I'm new to the Wordpress plugin and widget APIs, but I'm sure this is possible.
I'd like to make a plugin or widget that would create links to other posts or external sites based on certain keywords/tags in the content of the given page/post.
Is this possible?
For example, if a term is in all-caps, link to the Wiktionary definition; inside a <news>..</news> pair, go to Google's news search; etc.
This is definitely possible. Don't bother looking into the widget api for this. Look at the filter api. WordPress has an api that allows you to filter content before it's sent to the browser. In this case, you'd do something like this:
function my_super_awesome_content_filterer( $content ){
$content = preg_replace( '#([A-Z]+)#', '$1', $content );
add_filter( 'the_content', 'my_super_awesome_content_filterer' );
Read more about filters here:

How to filter Wordpress posts using a hook in a plugin?

I'm creating a Wordpress plugin and, being a newbie in the development on this platform, I'm stuck on this problem.
I'd like to have posts in the loop filtered by categories, defined by the user through an admin page. I would actually like to be able to modify query_post() parameters in the plugin, but the only trick I found is to re-run the query_post() with my user-defined criteria, thing that I would like to avoid.
Also, due to the plugin nature, I think it make no sense to modify the theme's template.
I'm sure the solution is evident, but can't find it!
I thought there was a nicer solution, but this is how I finally solved it:
add_filter ( 'query_vars', 'myplugin_filter_posts');
function myplugin_filter_posts( $content )
//WP's query handler
global $wp_query;
//The id of the category whose posts I'd like to show
$catId = 1;
$result = $wp_query->query( 'cat='.$catId );
return $content;
If you tips for a better solution, please share :)
