Depth First Search - graph

Perform Depth-first Search on the graph shown starting with vertex a. When you traverse the neighbours, process them in alphabetical order.
The question is to find the DFI, Level and the Parent of each vertex.
Here is a picture of it:
I'm unsure of how to get going with this, it is a practice question for an upcoming exam. I know for depth first search, it uses a stack and it will start at vertex a and go in alphabetical order in the stack but i'm not sure how I would get the values for each of the columns. Can someone explain further or help me with this?

So you start at 'a' and must traverse the nodes in alphabetical order so from a you either have the option of going to b or g so you choose b because it is first alphabetically. from b your only choice is g and so on....
now for your values. the parent of a is null since you have no previous nodes the parent of b is a and the parent of g is b and so on.
the dfs level is the level that it would end up on a tree. so imagine that you do your traversal then erase all lines that weren't part of the traversal. and then you take your root and 'shake it out' what i mean is you rearrange it so that it looks like a tree. (this particular graph is very uninteresting) and then you assign levels based on that tree.
And the dfs index is simply the order in which you touched the nodes.
The folowing are for your graph but using g as a starting point....I think it makes it slightly more intersting
the numbers are the order in which the edges were taken.
Here is what i was talking about when i said 'shake it out' this is what your tree looks like and in blue i show the level of each node(0 based). I hope the images make it a little more understandable.
the one i drew( the terrible free hand one) was formed by deleting all of the edges that weren't used and then rearranging them to look like a tree.
You can think of the depth as how many steps did i have to take from the root to get to the current node. so from g to b is 1 step so depth of 1 from g to i 3 because we go from g->c->d->i 3 steps. after you have made your traversal you ignore the fact that you can in fact get from g to i in two steps(g->h->i) because it wasnt part of the traversal

The index is simply the number in order that the node is visited. a is first, write 1 there. Knowing depth first search as you do, you should know what the second node is; so write 2 under that. Depth is how high a node is; every time you deepen the depth, it increases, and whenever you go shallower, it's less. So a is on depth 1; the next node and its sister will be on depth 2, etc. The parent is the letter identifying the node that you just came from; so a has no parent, and the node with index 2 will have a as parent.
If your class uses a zero-based numbering system, replace 2 in the above paragraph with 1, and 1 with 0. If you have no idea what "zero-based numbering system" is, ignore this paragraph.


More info needed on number of nodes generated by Breadth First Search

I am new to AI and was going through Peter Norvig book. I've looked into this question already What is the number of nodes generated by breadth-first search?.
It says that if we apply goal test to each node when it is selected for expansion then we have nodes = 1 + b + b^2 + b^3 + ... + b^d + (b^(d+1) - b)
But what if my goal state is a leaf node at the final depth. So there is no depth at all after the goal. Then how can b^(d+1) evaluate?. eg: in a tree with max depth 3, if my goal lies at depth 3, then how would I evaluate b^(3+1) when there is no 4th level at all?. Please clear my doubt. Thanks in advance!
Note that the answer you linked mentioned that that is the amount of nodes that will be generated in the worst case.
Generated means that not all of those nodes are tested to see if they are the goal; they're simply generated and stored so that they can eventually be compared to the goal in case the goal is not found yet.
Worst case has two important implications. Try to visualize the Breadth-First Search going from left to right, then down one level, then left to right again, then down, etc. With worst case we assume that, on whatever depth level d the goal is located, the goal is the very last (rightmost) node. This means that all nodes to the left of it are compared to the goal node, and any successors/children of them are generated as well.
Now, I know that you said that in your case there are no nodes at a depth level below d, but the second implication of saying worst case is that we do assume there are basically infinitely many depth levels.
Indeed, for your case that equation is not entirely correct, but this is simply because you don't have the worst case. In your case, the search process would indeed not have to generate the last (b^(d+1) - b) nodes of the equation.
A final note on the terminology you used: you asked how b^(d+1) (for example, b^(3+1) can be evaluated if there is no depth level below d = 3. There is still no problem to mathematically evaluate that term. Even in your case there is no depth level 4, we can still mathematically evaluate the term b^(3+1). In your case it would not make sense to do so, because it is not correct, but we can still evaluate the term just fine.

Graph Edges Deletion

We are given a undirected graph without loops.We have to check if it is possible to delete edges such that the degree of each vertex is one.
What should I try to this question? Should I use adjacency matrix or list.
Please suggest me the efficient way.
If the graph needs to be fully connected, it's possible if and only if
there are exactly two vertices and they have an edge between them.
If it does not need to be fully connected you must search for a
similar constellation. That is, you need to see if it is possible to
partition the graph into pairs of vertices with one edge in each
pair. That is what we are after. What do we know?
The graph has no loops. This means it must be a tree! (Not necessarily
binary, though). Maybe we can solve this eagerly by starting at
the bottom of the tree? We don't know what the bottom is; how do we
solve that? We can decide this ourselves, so I decide to pick all the
leaves as "bottom".
I now propose the following algorithm (whose efficiency you may
evaluate yourself, it isn't necessarily the best algorithm):
For each leaf L:
Let P be the parent of L, and Q the parent of P (Q may be NULL).
Is the degree of P <= 2? That is, does it have only one edge
connecting it to L, and possibly one connecting it to Q?
If no: Pick another leaf L and go to 1.1.
If yes: L and P can form a pair by removing the edge between P and Q. So
remove L and P from your memory (in some way; let's come back to
data structures later).
Do we have any vertices left in the graph?
No: The answer is "Yes, we can partition the graph by removing edges".
Only one: The answer is "No, we cannot partition the graph".
Did we remove any nodes?
If yes: Go back to 1 and check all the current leaves.
If no: The answer is "No, we cannot partition the graph".
So what data structure do you use for this? I think it's easiest to
use a priority queue, perhaps based on a min-heap, with degree as
priority. You can use a linked list as a temporary storage for leaves
you have already visited but not removed yet. Don't forget to decrease
the priority of Q in step 1.2.2.
But you can do even better! Add all leaves (vertices with degree 1) to
a linked list. Loop through that list in step 1. In step 1.2.2, check
the degree of Q after removing L and P. If the degree is 1, add it to
the list of leaves!
I believe you can implement the entire algorithm recursively as well, but I let you
think about that.

Finding minimum height of a binary tree

Please read my question before you report it as a duplicate. In the literature, to find the minimum height of a tree, the common approach is as follow:
int minDepth(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) { return 0;}
return 1 + Math.min(minDepth(root.left), minDepth(root.right));
However, I think it does not distinguish between a leaf and a node with only one child and so it returns a wrong value. For example if our tree looks like this:
A is root
B is the left child of A
C is the right child of B
M is the left child of C
This function returns one while the leaf is 3 hop away from the root and so the min height is 4.
Since this recursive version is generally suggested in the literature, I think I am missing something.
Could somebody clear this for me?
Your comments indicate that the texts where you found this actually use the same definitions for the terms I use. If that is indeed the case, then the question is not why the algorithm you have shown is correct – it simply is wrong under those conditions.
Just take the third simplest binary tree, the one consisting of two nodes. It has exactly one leaf, its depth is two and its minimal depth is also two. But the algorithm you quoted returns the value one. So, unless the authors use a different definition for one of the terms (e.g., “minimal height” meaning “shortest path out of the tree”/“shortest path to a null pointer”), the result is simply wrong.

Directed Acyclical Graph Traversal... help?

a little out of my depth here and need to phone a friend. I've got a directed acyclical graph I need to traverse and I'm stumbling into to graph theory for the first time. I've been reading a lot about it lately but unfortunately I don't have time to figure this out academically. Can someone give me a kick with some help as to how to process this tree?
Here are the rules:
there are n root nodes (I call them "sources")
there are n end nodes
source nodes carry a numeric value
downstream nodes (I call them "worker" nodes) preform various operations on the incoming values like Add, Mult, etc.
As you can see from the graph below, nodes a, b, and c need to be processed before d, e, or f.
What's the proper order to walk this tree?
I would look into linearization of DAGs which should be achievable through Topological sorts.
Linearization, from what I remember, basically sorts in an order which holds to the invariant that for all nodes (Node_X) that have an outdegree to any other given node NodeA, NodeX appears before NodeA.
This would mean that, from your example, nodes a,b, and d would be processed first. Node c second. Nodes e and f, last.
You need to process the nodes via a Topological sort. The sort is not necessarily unique so there might be more than one available order (not that this should matter anyway).
The linked wikipedia page should have concrete algorithms to help you.

general idea and maybe example on graph

I'm looking for a general idea (and maybe some code example or at least pseudocode)
Now, this is from a problem that someone gave me, or rather showed me, I don't have to solve it, but I did most of the questions anyway, the problem that I'm having is this:
Let's say you have a directed weighted graph with the following nodes:
AB5, BC4, CD8, DC8, DE6, AD5, CE2, EB3, AE7
and the question is:
how many different routes from C to C with a distance of less than x. (say, 10, 20, 30, 40)
The answer of different trips is: CDC, CEBC, CEBCDC, CDCEBC, CDEBC, CEBCEBC, CEBCEBCEBC.
The main problem I'm having with it is that when I do DFS or BFS, my implementation first chooses the node and marks it as visited therefore I'm only able to find 2 paths which are CDC and CEBC and then my algorithm quits. If I don't mark it as visited then on the next iteration (or recursive call) it will choose the same node and not next available route, so I have to always mark them as visited however by doing that how can I get for example CEBCEBCEBC, which is pretty much bouncing between nodes.
I've looked at all the different algorithms books that I have at home and while every algorithm describes how to do DFS, BFS and find shortest paths (all the good stufF), none show how to iterate indefinitively and stop only when one reaches certain weight of the graph or hits certain vertex number of times.
So why not just keep branching and branching; at each node you will evaluate two things; has this particular path exceeded the weight limit (if so, terminate the branch) and is this node where I started (in which case log my path history to an 'acceptable solutions' list); then make new branches which each take a step in each possible direction.
You should not mark nodes as visited; as MikeB points out, CDCDC is a valid solution and yet it revisits D.
I'd do it lke this:
Start with two lists of paths:
Solutions (empty) and
ActivePaths (containing one path, "C").
While ActivePaths is not empty,
Take a path out of ActivePaths (suppose it's "CD"[8]).
If its distance is not over the limit,
see where you are by looking at the last node in the path ("D").
If you're at "C", add a copy of this path to Solutions.
Now for each possible next destination ("C", "E")
make a copy of this path, ("CD"[8])
append the destination, ("CDC"[8])
add the weight, ("CDC"[16])
and put it in ActivePaths
Discard the path.
Whether this turns out to be a DFS, a BFS or something else depends on where in ActivePaths you insert and remove paths.
No offense, but this is pretty simple and you're talking about consulting a lot of books for the answer. I'd suggest playing around with the simple examples until they become more obvious.
In fact you have two different problems:
Find all distinct cycles from C to C, we will call them C_1, C_2, ..., C_n (done with a DFS)
Each C_i has a weight w_i, then you want every combination of cycles with a total weight less than N. This is a combinatorial problem (and seems to be easily solvable with dynamic programming).
