Automated delete on SFTP server (PuTTY? WinSCP?) - sftp

I'm searching for a solution to easily delete files on a SFTP server automatically after a specific period of days.
I read something about automation via PSFTP from PuTTY and WinSCP. But there are no examples for deleting files...

With WinSCP, use the rm command with a filemask with a time constraint (to select only files with certain age, if I understand correctly, what you want to do).
E.g. to delete all files older than 5 days:
rm *<5D
For all the other instructions to assemble a script and schedule its run, see:
Automate file transfers (or synchronization) to FTP server or SFTP server
Schedule file transfers (or synchronization) to FTP/SFTP server
See also:
Documentation for the rm command;
Documentation for the file masks.

SFTP server is also a SSH server. Write a simple code in any language that you're comfortable with and schedule it with crontab.


How do I scp a file to a Unix host so that a file polling service won't see it before the copy is complete?

I am trying to transfer a file to a remote Unix server using scp. On that server, there is a service which polls the target directory to detect incoming files for processing. I would like to ensure that the polling service does not pick up new files before the copy is complete. Is there a way of doing that?
My file transfer process is a simple scp command embedded in a larger Java program. Ideally, a solution which did not involve changing the Jana would be best (for reasons involving change control processes).
You can scp the file to a different (/tmp) directory and move the
file via ssh after transfer is complete. The different directory needs to be on the same partition as the final destination directory otherwise there will be a copy operation and you'll face a similar problem. Another service on the destination machine can do this move operation.
You can copy the file as hidden (prefix the filename with .) and copy, then move
If you can modify the polling service, you can check active scp processes and ignore files matching scp arguments.
You can check for open files with lsof +d $directory and ignore them in the polling server
I suggest copying the file using rsync instead of scp. rsync already copies new files to temporary filenames, and has many other useful features for file synchronization as well.
$ rsync -a source/path/ remotehost:/target/path/
Of course, you can also copy file-by-file if that's your preference.
If rsync's temporary filenames are sufficient to avoid being picked up by your polling service, then you could simply replace your scp command with a shell script that acts as a wrapper for rsync, eliminating the need to change your Java program.
You would need to know the precise format that your Java program uses to call the scp command, to make sure that the options you feed to rsync do what you expect.
You would also need to figure out how your Java program calls scp. If it does so by full pathname (i.e. /usr/bin/scp), then this solution might put other things at risk on your system that depend on scp (like you, for example, expecting scp to behave as it usually does instead of as a wrapper). Changing a package-installed binary like /usr/bin/scp may also "break" your package registration, making it difficult to install future security updates because a binary has changed to a shell script. And of course, there might be security implications to any change you make.
All in all, I suspect you're better off changing your Java program to make it do precisely what you want, even if that is to launch a shell script to handle aspects of automation that you want to be able to change in the future without modifying your Java.
Good luck!

Example SFTP batch upload script for AS400 server to upload to a Unix SFTP server

Suppose I have a file called helloworld.txt on an AS400 and I want to write a script to automate the daily upload of the source file helloworld.txt on an AS400 server to upload to a Unix SFTP server, say s
Does someone have such a script? Is OpenSSH the only tool that can be used on the AS400 to get this accomplished or are there any other methods? If LFTP could be installed on the AS400, that would be an easy solution but since it's only for Unix/Linux/Win/Mac then I don't have this option. I read Scott Klement's article at:
I just need an example basic script to get this done. I'd appreciate this.
The MidrangeWiki topic on SSH has some information and examples that may be helpful.
sftp is intended primarily as an interactive utility. scp performs the same function non-interactively.
The command, once authentication is set up, would simply be:
scp helloworld.txt<destination path>
LFTP can be installed with some preparation in the PASE environment. See Open Source Binaries. Currently offline. Use the Google cache.

Unix Shell script to copy files from unix location to windows FTP

Could anyone provide me Unix shell script to copy files from unix location to windows FTP location.
I'm going to assume you have access to the unix box. Sounds like a simple cron job using ftp. You'll need to review the crontab syntax to set that up. Check out this article on scripting FTP to get you started there.

Rsync changed files on server

I have a rsync client which pushes all changes to the server. Suppose I change already existing copy on the server and do a rsync from my rsync client. The client is not updating the changed copy in the server i.e. it is unable to see the change i have made in the server.
I am using rsync with the following options:
How to make the client see the changed copy and update it?
Let's use different terms. Source and Target make more sense for this. You have a server that is normally your Target. Now you've made changes to files on the server that you'd like reflected in Source.
What you're asking to do is reverse the roles of Source and Target in order to update this file.
The -u option already tells rsync "skip files that are newer on the receiver". So you may be safe if you simply run an rsync in the other direction -- from your tradition target to your traditional source. Files that are newer on your "client" won't be updated (because of -u); only the file that is newer should be updated.
Test this with -v -n options before running it "for real".

deleteing multiple files in remote box via sh

Several files in remote machines ought to be deleted via sh. Name of the files to be deleted are know
1) script was written with ftp (requires credential) and delete command. File names were passed as array(iterated via for loop-with ftp+delete commands enclosed within for loop). files were not getting deleted by this approach
2) another approach attempted was to pass temp.ftp(which contains delete command) to ftp command and rm the temp.ftp file eg.ftp <
require pointers to delete muliple files in remote machine via shell script
I recommend using ssh instead of ftp for interfacing with the remote unix machine.
SSH allows you to run remote commands easily and securely.
Read this article for more info.
