fancybox makes multiple request on iframe - iframe

I'm using the fancybox v2.1.5 for a .net application.
I use the iframe for displaying an aspx-side. Works fine. But today I noticed, that the request to my aspx-page to be displayed in a fancybox was made 4 times. I tested it with another page - same issue.
Here is all what I do:
Change password
This is the easy side, but in another there are some DB-Calls an many lines of code, so it isn't really a good thing because of the performance.
I've only found one very old link: google groups


How to not reload iFrame between page clicks

I'm having a tough nut to crack here.
I have the following situation:
- in an iFrame (no way around it) I'm loading an external website/application.
- This iFrame is on one page and one page only.
- Whenever you visit the iFrame page the first time a certain load time is needed for the applicaton (about 5seconds on average).
- In the application you can change the view and parameters etc.
- When you leave that page and go to another, and return later on to the iFrame page the requirement is that there is no load, and the content of the iFrame is as you have left it earlier.
I know this can be done by using frames (which are so 90's) but I really don't want to do that. There has to be a more modern way of doing it.
Just to note, the website around the iFrame is using Sitecore, so this might be a limiting factor in some solutions.
The things I have thought of:
- use 2 frames, one for the header with navigation, and another for the content. In that way the iframe never has to reload and we have moved back in time... :(
- ever click is an Ajax call, the iFrame is in a div that is hidden until the right button is clicked.
And then I found something called BigPipe. I haven't found an ASP.NET implementation yet, but I was hoping someone already had some experience with this.
Anyone any better ideas?
If your iFrame is a control on a Sitecore sublayout or rendering (or can be moved to a rendering/sublyaout), you can check off the Cacheable option on the sublayout and set it to vary by content or device or whatever depending on what it is. Then you will have the content of that frame in Sitecore's cache, which is managed by Sitecore and it'll always render the cached version whenever possible and should basically solve your dilemma.

My website requires multiple refreshes to show new content

I am in charge of updating a large e-commerce website, We hired an outside web developer to code the website, so I'm not very familiar with the back-end side of things.
My problem: The front page requires multiple manual refreshes in order for newly posted content to show up.
The front page is an ASP.NET storefront, separate from the rest of the site (which is run on Wordpress). The Wordpress site loads properly, but on the front page, I have to hit F5 a bunch of times for new stuff to show up (I am using the newest version of Chrome). In IE, it refuses to refresh at all. The cache has to expire before a user in IE can see new content.
The web developer said there was nothing he could do about it. But that doesn't seem like normal website behavior to me.
I have tried adding "no-cache" META tags to force the page to refresh every time it is visited, but it didn't work.
Any thoughts? I appreciate it.
If you are using css/js files, you can try to force browsers to load the latest CSS file by changing a version number. I think its called as css versioning.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="yourwebsitescsslocation/style.css?v=1324491378" type="text/css" />
if you change 1324491378 to some other value it will force browser to load css again rather than from cache. You can use changeset number or current timestamp as version number and make sure that it changes everytime you make changes to css.
see below article for some additional help: page with iframe with youtube video sometimes requires refresh

I have an page with an iframe in it that shows a youtube video. I have buttons that use the youtube api to control the video. I'm finding that often the video doesn't show up, and I have to do a view-refresh to make it work. This problem is limited to Internet Explorer, I believe that Google chrome does not have the same problem.
I've been told not to use iframes at all by a tech support person at the server company that hosts my site. They say people are moving away from iframes, and that I should use other methods of embedding youtube videos.
I could certainly do that, but youtube recommends using iframes, because they are more flexible.
If I could make the 'refresh' problem predictable, I would submit it to Microsoft, but I can't figure out why it happens sometimes, but not other times.
I could also force a refresh.
My question is, does anyone have a clue why this bug is happening.
This happens a lot with IFRAME content. I believe it's to do with the way that Internet Explorer caches stuff, but to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure on the details.
What I can share is an old trick we used to use with dialog boxes.
Say your src attribute is ""
You can bang an extra parameter onto that GET string, like:-
See the extra doesntmatter parameter there? The value is random, or based on a timestamp. Your choice. The trick is to give a different URL to IE each time. This'll stop it from trying to use a cache for your IFRAME content.

Correct way to link to new page in canvas page app php-sdk

I'm running in to a couple of issues and wondered if anyone had any insight. I'm using the latest php-sdk I'm developing a canvas app that has a number of different steps. These steps are spread across multiple pages. Now when I first enter the app everything seems to work fine. The access token is there and I can call the api functions. On the second page (which is linked to in the same iframe) I get OAuth errors. Now if I use this on the 2nd page:
$me = $facebook->getUser();
it returns the correct user id, but I still get errors when trying to use an api query (specifically a FQL one in this instance)
Now, bear in mind these links are within the iframe so I was assuming the signed_request is getting lost somewhere, I know facebook normally issues this via a POST. If I set all my links to target="_parent" with a url such as then everything works fine. Facebook clearly posts the correct info this time. Subsequently, then when I use links that only redirect the iframe it seems to work fine again (implying a cookie is being set somewhere).
Now I've seen other apps that don't have a target="_parent" that seem to work correctly, only ever loading the iframe on subsequent clicks and not the full facebook site. So I can only assume they are storing this info somewhere. I've tried to inspect these apps using httpfox but I can't see anything obvious. Does anyone have any links for best practice with multiple page apps? I know I can get around this using full urls and target="_blank" but I would like to know what's going on here. I've looked through the developer docs and the canvas page examples, but there's nothing obvious to me.
Any help or info would be appreciated
Many Thanks
There is some ways to achieve this
using Facebook JavaScript SDK (which will set cookie for you, so PHP-SDK can rely on it)
issuing POST request to your pages including signed_request from initial page loaded in canvas

iframed ASP actions trouble

This is actually a follow up on my previous question (link)
I've created the HttpHandler and it works fine for now, I'll add flexibility by using the querystring and session to point the post I'm making in the right direction.
The next question is as follows.
Now that I have the old page iframed as it should be, there's still the trouble of handling the postbacks (or actions) these pages trigger.
Every button action (asp form post) refers to a page that is not there (it's on the other server from which I am importing functionality).
I've tried using a url mapping to the other server but I get an error that tells me the external link is not a valid virtual directory. Hence I discarded this option.
I there anyway to keep functionality going inside the iframe?
please do ask clarification if you need it.
I got a solution from a colleague.
before passing the response string to the Iframe from the handler I use a string.replace to adjust the urls in the old site. This way they point to the old site and everything works again :)
