Optimizing doctrine query using DQL - symfony

I use in my code a simple query that works fine in all the cases. This means that if the user has not a photo (for example) the query goes fine:
The entity User has a lot of relations with other entities, this is the reason to optimize the number of queries to avoid Doctrine's lazy loading. Then I make this query with DQL using QueryBuilder:
public function findUsuario($id_user){
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->select('u, p, co, ci, f, s, q, b, r, se, com, t, beb, prof, v, h, i, idi, usf')
->from('UserBundle:User', 'u')
->innerJoin("u.pais", 'p')
->innerJoin("u.comunidad", 'co')
->innerJoin("u.ciudad", 'ci')
->innerJoin("u.fotos", 'f')
->innerJoin("u.sexo", 's')
->innerJoin("u.quiero", 'q')
->innerJoin("u.busco", 'b')
->innerJoin("u.relacionPareja", 'r')
->innerJoin("u.sexualidad", 'se')
->innerJoin("u.complexion", 'com')
->innerJoin("u.tabaco", 't')
->innerJoin("u.bebida", 'beb')
->innerJoin("u.profesion", 'prof')
->innerJoin("u.vivienda", 'v')
->innerJoin("u.hijo", 'h')
->innerJoin("u.ingreso", 'i')
->innerJoin("u.idiomas", 'idi')
->innerJoin("u.usuarioFavoritos", 'usf')
->where('u.id = :id')
->setParameter('id', $id_user);
$query= $qb->getQuery();
return $query->getSingleResult();
This works well when the user has information on all related entities, but if for example a user has no photo, the following exception occurs: "No result was found for query although at least one row was expected"
I don't understand why, can anyone shed some light? Thanks

An inner join should be used when you want all your rows to have data on the other side of the relationship, if no data exists on the other side of the relationship then the row will be omitted.
You can find more details about the different type of JOINs on this page.
Instead of the innerJoin method you will need to use the leftJoin method.
(Also, you have a bigger problem: you have way too many JOINs, I'd advise you to review the organization of your entities.)


Use the Doctrine's QueryBuilder to get Categories with a minimum number of products

I want to use the Doctrine's QueryBuilder to get Categories with a specified attribute and a number minimum of products inside. I precise that's the first time I use this Doctrine's function. I discovered that and I realized that it's so much powerful than basics repositories functions. I'm a very beginner with SQL because I used to use Repository's functions.
But I think I achieve this in pure SQL:
SELECT category.*,COUNT(*)
FROM category_product
INNER JOIN category ON category_product.category_id = category.id
WHERE category.name = 'region'
GROUP BY category_product.category_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 20
At the moment I'm totally lost with DQL construction. My Category and Product Entities both have a Many to Many relationship and I can't reach traducing this to Doctrine. I tried using the category_product table auto-generated by doctrine's but It doesn't want to access this table...
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c');
->where("c.name = 'region'")
->innerJoin('c.products', 'p', 'WITH', 'COUNT(c.products) > :minimum')
->setParameter('minimum', $minimum);
dump($qb->getQuery(), $qb->getQuery()->getResult());
Each Time I uses a new construction I have Semantical errors I'm not able to correct...
Thanks a lot for your help
You could try some thing like here (piece of code from my working model)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
->where('c.name = region')
->addSelect('COUNT(c.products) AS counter')
->innerJoin('c.products', 'p')
->having('count(p.id) >= :minimum')
->setParameter('region', $region)
->setParameter('minimum', $minimum)
related post: here
Ok Thanks to you I got it.
I shouldn't select the COUNT because I typed the return to be an Array of categories but it returned an array of arrays with contains the category and the count... I had to group by c too.
Thanks a lot for your help !
The answer is :
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
->where('c.name = :region')
->innerJoin('c.products', 'p')
->having('SIZE(c.products) > :minimum')
->setParameter('region', $region)
->setParameter('minimum', 20);

DQL Request with LeftJoin

I want to count how many times my theme is used in my Blog.
Any blog posts (articles in french) can use one or more theme.
So I have a table (ManyToMany) :
themes_articles (id_theme,id_article) And :
theme (id_theme,nom_theme)
articles (blog posts) (id_article, description ...)
In SQL, I do :
SELECT T.id,nom_theme,count(A.themes_id) from themes_articles A right join themes T on T.id=A.themes_id group by nom_theme
It works, but when I want to use right join in DQL, it's a little bit hard. I switched my two tables for use a left join but I don't know how I can use my relation table here (themes_articles).
I tried something like this :
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('')
->select(array('T.id', 'nomTheme', 'count(A.themes_id) as nombre'))
->from('themes', 'T')
->leftJoin('themes_articles', 'A', 'WITH', 'T.id= A.themes_id')
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
But it doesn't work.
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 93 near 'themes_articles': Error: Class 'themes_articles' is not defined.
How can I do to convert my SQL request in DQL request ?
Thank you a lot for any help.
Use like this
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder()
->select(array('t.id', 't.nomTheme', 'count(ta.themes_id) as nombre'))
->from('<YOUR BUNDLE>:<Theam Entity Class>', 't') //Like AcmeTheamBundle:Themes
->groupBy('t.nomTheme'); //better to use theam id
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
It is a little bit better ! I had to add the name of the relation between Articles and themes (contient) in my request.
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('t')
->select(array('t.id', 't.nomTheme', 'count(ta.id) as nombre'))
->leftJoin('t.contient', 'ta', 'WITH', 't.id= ta.id')
->groupBy('t.nomTheme'); //better to use theam id
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();

Using left join with query builder doctrine

Having some problems retrieving ManytoOne relationships when using left join.
Before was using this query to query for conferences
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
IDENTITY(u.place) AS place_id,
IDENTITY(u.sponsor) AS sponsor_id,
IDENTITY(u.tour) AS tour_id,
Now I'm trying to left join with diffusion which is tied to the diffusion in a many to many relationship.
$qbt = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
->from('AppBundle:Conference', 'p')
->leftJoin('p.diffusion', 'c');
However this query doesn't return the u.place, u.sponsor and u.tour which are ManyToOne relationships.
leftJoin must be followed by 'WITH'. So for example:
->leftJoin('p.diffusion', 'p', 'WITH', 'p.user=u.id', 'u.id');
But i think it's better to post both your entities so i can give you the exact answer.
Found the issue , I had to add
->setHint(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HINT_INCLUDE_META_COLUMNS, true)
to the getQuery , because getArrayResults by default doesn't return foreign keys( the place, sponsor and tour respectivly).
Here is my final query in the conference repository
$qbt = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
->from('AppBundle:Conference', 'conference')
->leftJoin('conference.diffusion', 'diffusion');
return $qbt
->setHint(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HINT_INCLUDE_META_COLUMNS, true)

Symfony createQueryBuilder with many to many

In my system candidate and profession has many to many relationship. I need to implement following query in symfony.
FROM candidate AS c
LEFT JOIN candidate_profession AS cp ON cp.candidate_id=c.id
WHERE cp.profession_id = 2
So i wrote following code.
$matched = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Candidate')
->where('c.professions = :profession')
->setParameter('profession', $job->getProfession())
$job->getProfession() is return profession object. But it show following error.
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 51 near 'professions =': Error: Invalid PathExpression. StateFieldPathExpression or SingleValuedAssociationField expected.
How i implement that query?
I think your query should look like this:
->leftJoin('c.professions', 'p')
->where('p.id = :profession')
->setParameter('profession', $job->getProfession())
More about join clauses: http://doctrine-dbal.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/query-builder.html#join-clauses
First of all, I don't know where you have placed that snippet of code but I strongly advice you to migrate it into a Repository if you don't have already done (but looking at code I'm not sure you have)
Second, you need to pass an ID as ->getProfession() (as you already noticed) will return the whole object and you don't need it
So your query should be like this
$matched = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Candidate')
->where('c.professions = :profession')
->setParameter('profession', $job->getProfession()->getId())
Please pay attention
You didn't specify the cardinality of relationship between job and profession: if is a something-to-Many you can't simply use ->getId() as returned object is an ArrayCollection, so, in that case, you need to do a loop to extract all id(s) and then use something like "IN" clause

symfony2 doctrine join

Okay, so i've got a query that i've researched and researched how to get this to work and for the life of me i cant!... perhaps i'm just doing this incorrectly and the minimal information ive found..
I've got a table named timeclock setup.. which has a field: noteBy_id in it which is an id to the user the record belongs to...
What I need to do now, is for the management side of things in the system.. I anticipate more than 1 company using this timeclock system, and as such I need to filter the results based on the company id.. In the user table, i have a field named parentcompany_id
So, lets see if I can express in words what I need to do..
I need to Select * from timeclock and left join user.parentcompany_id where timeclock.daydate < :start and where u.parentcompany = :pid
where start is: `date('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
I've setup this query:
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$start = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
$qb = $em->getRepository('EcsCrmBundle:TimeClock');
$qb = $qb->createQueryBuilder('t');
$query = $qb->select('t, u.parentcompany_id')
->from('timeclock', 't')
->leftJoin('Ecs\AgentManagerBundle\Entity\User', 'u', 'ON' 'u.id = t.noteBy_id AND u.parentcompany_id = :pid')
->where('t.daydate < :start')
->andWhere("t.noteBy_id != ''")
->setParameter('start', $start)
->setParameter('pid', $user->getParentcompany())
$entities = $query->getArrayResult();
I've looked and looked and can't find a solution to the error that I get which is:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("[Semantical Error] line 0, col 112 near 'u ON u.id = t.noteBy_id': Error: Identification Variable Ecs\AgentManagerBundle\Entity\User used in join path expression but was not defined before.") in EcsCrmBundle:TimeClock:manager.html.twig at line 5.
and the query that gets output is:
SELECT t, u.parentcompany_id FROM Ecs\CrmBundle\Entity\TimeClock t LEFT JOIN Ecs\AgentManagerBundle\Entity\User u ON u.id = t.noteBy_id AND u.parentcompany_id = :pid, timeclock t LEFT JOIN Ecs\AgentManagerBundle\Entity\User u ON u.id = t.noteBy_id AND u.parentcompany_id = :pid WHERE t.daydate < :start AND t.noteBy_id != ''
which under normal circumstances would work perfectly... but in this, it just doesn't... Any ideas?
I've recently had to do it like this.. I'm guessing in this that your noteBy is a ManyToOne in the user table and you are wanting to have it filter the results by the company of the admin that is currently logged into your system..
So, adapting a join I had to write myself for such a task is easy enough. I personally like to use the QueryBuilder so this will be done in query builder..
Your first mistake in your query is the ->from('timeclock', 't') line. Because you have previously created your object with $qb = $em->getRepository('EcsCrmBundle:TimeClock'); $qb = $qb->createQueryBuilder('t'); you don't need the from in the query builder, as it will be generated for you.
The next issue, is the leftJoin and I'll explain why when I've shown you a working version.
And the last issue, preventing this from working how you want it - is a missing andWhere clause. So, lets take a look at a working query.
$query = $qb->select('t, u')
->leftJoin('t.noteBy', 'u', 'WITH', 'u.id = t.noteBy')
->where('t.daydate < :start')
->andWhere('u.parentcompany = :pid')
->setParameter('start', $start)
->setParameter('pid', $user->getParentcompany())
So because we've already created the object by using $qb = $qb->createQueryBuilder('t') we just select t and u
For the join, we're joining the timeclock table by the noteBy column, which is the user id from the user table. So, the first argument being the "from" alias. So, since we've aliased the timeclock table with t we use t.noteBy. The next argument in the leftjoin is the alias of the 2nd table, which is u in this case but can be anything.. The third argument for a leftJoin anyway - is the way you join it.. either a WITH or ON will work here. and the 4th argument, is the match you wish it to have.. in this case u.id must equal t.noteBy
You will see that I got rid of one of the andWhere, I did this because with the properly structured query you shouldn't need it. I did however add in the andWhere for the u.parentcompany since that is afterall what you are looking to filter by you should have it in a WHERE instead of as a match in the join itself.
The documentation is very limited in this, and it took me a while to figure it all out as well.. You, undoubtedly - like me, came to using doctrine from writing your queries by hand. And So since you seem to be just starting with Symfony (i am myself as well about 2 months in now), you're still in the hand-coding mindset. But with further time, you'll start understanding the DQL way of life. Try this query out and see what happens.
Ok, first you would need to relate entity Timeclock to Company. Whenever you want to join two entities in Doctrine they need to be related by some attribute (that is, table column).
I don't see any need for User entity in this query as all info is available through Company entity and you are not filtering down results based on any user properties.
You desired query should look something like this (more or less). I took liberty and ditched _id suffixes from entity attributes as they tend to cloud what is really going on. ;)
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery("SELECT t, c.id FROM EcsCrmBundle:TimeClock t JOIN t.company c WHERE c.id = :pid AND t.daydate < :start AND t.noteBy != ''");
$query->setParameter('start', $start);
$query->setParameter('pid', $user->getParentcompany());
return $query->getArrayResult();
Also, I did inner-join (JOIN) as I think there could not be timeclock without it's company but feel free to change that to LEFT JOIN if that suits you better.
Is this what you were trying to achieve?
