Force alt attribute on post-thumbnail wordpress - wordpress

i want to force the attribute "alt" on thumbnail when admin add new thumbnail on wordpress.
if there is javascript hook on saving thumbnail validator on the input "title" that's well be great!
Thank you.

Found this, place it in your functions.php file in your theme directory
function add_alt_tags($content)
global $post;
preg_match_all('/<img (.*?)\/>/', $content, $images);
foreach($images[1] as $index => $value)
if(!preg_match('/alt=/', $value))
$new_img = str_replace('<img', '<img alt="'.$post->post_title.'"', $images[0][$index]);
$content = str_replace($images[0][$index], $new_img, $content);
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'add_alt_tags', 99999);
Find more here
This is going on my snippet site. Hope it helps

By default, the image returned does not have a title or alt attribute. (Since WordPress 4.7, the alt attribute is no longer added automatically. It will only have an alt attribute if you specifically entered "Alt text" while uploading the image, or if you go back to the Media library and enter "Alt text" for the image).
Currently website(s) traffic from Google search is considerably higher if your images all have (title attribute tags), as well as (alt tags). So, I add the title and alt attributes to post thumbnails with the following function which goes in your theme "functions.php" file. The value for the title and alt attributes will be taken from the title of the image, which is the title of the attachment (not the actual post title).
function eln_add_img_title( $attr, $attachment = null ) {
$img_title = trim( strip_tags( $attachment->post_title ) );
$attr['title'] = $img_title;
$attr['alt'] = $img_title;
return $attr;
add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_attributes','eln_add_img_title', 10, 2
If you don't want the image attributes taken from default image name
you can change the code so the image attributes taken from
"post_title" as follow:
// Force adding missing image alt & title for WordPress.
function eln_add_img_title( $attr, $attachment = null ) {
$img_title = trim( strip_tags( $attachment->post_title ) );
$attr['title'] = the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' );
$attr['alt'] = the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' );
return $attr;
add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_attributes','isa_add_img_title', 10, 2 );
Hope this help you and save your time, Have a nice day :)


Looking for query to get meta_value

So i'm using Wordpress, Woocommerce and the "Product Video for WooCommerce" plugin by Addify. The URL to a mp4 video is stored in the:
wp_postmeta table
In this table, the post_id matches the product.
In the "meta_value" i can see the URL i've added.
No my question;
I want to place a download button that downloads the video stored in this location.
I've located the woocommerce hook where the button needs to come, but I can't figure out how to fetch the url from this meta_value.
My code skills are very basic so this is to complicated for me.
Can anyone help me out on this?
This showed me that the URL is visible but surely not the end goal :-)
add_filter( 'woocommerce_share', 'custom_button', 20 );
function custom_button() {
$meta = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '', true);
//Here I want to add the button
print '<button>Download video</button>';
'woocommerce_share' hook is an action, not filter.
Try this
add_action( 'woocommerce_share', 'custom_button', 20 );
function custom_button() {
$download_url = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'afpv_cus_featured_video_id', true);
if ( empty( $download_url ) ) { // do not print anything if download_url doesn't exists
// print the download button
printf( '<a href="%s" class="button" target="_blank" download>%s</a>',
esc_url( $download_url ),
__( 'Download video', 'text-domain' ) // string can be translated, change text-domain by the theme domain or plugin domain

Woocommerce add img tag on order admin details page

I have a wordpress website where customers make an image with text and icons, once processed thru woocommerce and payed for that image name 12345.png is saved as Customer_product_image
function add_order_item_meta($item_id, $values) {
$key = 'customer_product_image'; // Define your key here
$value = $values['user_img']; // Get your value here
woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, $key, $value);
And i works great, but now i'm banning my head against the wall! When the purchased image is displayed on the Order admin detail page, it shows up as CUSTOMER_PRODUCT_IMAGE: 1234.png how on earth would i go about wrapping that within an image tag so the image is displayed there?
I've searched high and low on google but haven't been able to find anything, its probably that i dont know what do actually search for....
This did the trick for me!
First i added this snippet for removing the custom meta item on order detail render:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_hidden_order_itemmeta', 'hide_order_item_meta_fields' );
function hide_order_item_meta_fields( $fields ) {
$fields[] = 'current_view';
$fields[] = 'custom_image';//Add all meta keys to this array,so that it will not be displayed in order meta box
return $fields;
second i added it back with this, and with the desired text and image tag:
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_order_itemmeta', 'order_meta_customized_display',10, 3 );
function order_meta_customized_display( $item_id, $item, $product ){
$all_meta_data=get_metadata( 'order_item', $item_id, "", "");
$useless = array(
);// Add key values that you want to ignore
$customized_array= array();
foreach($all_meta_data as $data_meta_key => $value) {
$newKey = ucwords(str_replace('_'," ",$data_meta_key ));//To remove underscrore and capitalize
$customized_array[$newKey]=ucwords(str_replace('_'," ",$value[0])); // Pushing each value to the new array
if (!empty($customized_array)) {
foreach($customized_array as $data_meta_key => $value){
echo "<div class='product_container'><span>Produkt Billede: </span><img src='".wp_upload_dir()['baseurl'].'/flapper/'. $value ."' /> </div>";
i found the answer to this question on this page
You can use the filter woocommerce_order_item_display_meta_value to output the image. Place this code in your functions.php file, you'll need to modify the src attribute of the img tag to include the appropriate URL before the filename value. You can also modify the display label with the filter woocommerce_order_item_display_meta_key
add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_item_display_meta_value', 'modify_order_item_display_value' , 10, 3 );
function modify_order_item_display_value( $display_value, $meta, $wc_order_item ) {
$meta_data = $meta->get_data();
if( $meta_data['key'] === 'customer_product_image' ) {
return '<img src="' . $meta_data['value'] . '">';
return $display_value;
add_filter('woocommerce_order_item_display_meta_key', 'modify_order_item_display_key', 10, 3);
function modify_order_item_display_key( $display_key, $meta, $wc_order_item ) {
$meta_data = $meta->get_data();
if( $meta_data['key'] === 'customer_product_image' ) {
return 'Customer Image';
return $display_key;

Custom Page Title Shortcode within another Shortcode

I use this function to obtain the title of post page in the content area:
function myshortcode_title( ){
return get_the_title();
add_shortcode( 'page_title', 'myshortcode_title' );
So, I have a plugin that when I use this shortcode below it read the text beetween the shortcode:
[responsivevoice voice="UK English Male"] Wonderful World [/responsivevoice]
So, what I'm doing and it's my question also is how can I put the "page title shortcode" within responsivevoice shortcode like this?
[responsivevoice voice="UK English Male"] [page_title] [/responsivevoice]
(It should get the title of the post page, but it doesn't work).
Choose one of the following options, and add the code snippet after:
add_shortcode( 'page_title', 'myshortcode_title' );
Option #1: [responsivevoice2]
add_shortcode( 'responsivevoice2', 'responsivevoice2' );
function responsivevoice2( $atts = array(), $content = '' ) {
if ( $content = do_shortcode( $content ) ) {
return RV_add_bblisten( $atts, $content );
return '';
Sample usage:
[responsivevoice2 voice="UK English Male"] [page_title] [/responsivevoice2]
This Shortcode allows you to use the [page_title] or any other Shortcodes in the
text to be spoken.
Option #2: [responsivevoice_page_title]
This Shortcode will always use the page title (or the title of the current post)
as the text to be spoken. With this Shortcode, you don't need the [page_title]
Shortcode anymore.
add_shortcode( 'responsivevoice_page_title', 'responsivevoice_page_title' );
function responsivevoice_page_title( $atts = array() ) {
if ( $page_title = get_the_title() ) {
return RV_add_bblisten( $atts, $page_title );
return '';
Sample usage:
[responsivevoice_page_title voice="UK English Male" /]

Function to Change Page Title In Wordpress

I am using the below function to change the page title in wordpress. It is working on a single page (page.php), but is not working on my static home page or individual posts (single.php).
What do I need to change in order to make this work across the entire site?
function wpse46249_filter_wp_title( $title ) {
$some_custom_title_content = 'This is added to title';
$custom_title = $title . $some_custom_title_content;
return $custom_title;
add_filter( 'wp_title', 'wpse46249_filter_wp_title' );
function wpse46249_filter_wp_title( $title ) {
$some_custom_title_content = 'This is added to title';
$custom_title = $title . $some_custom_title_content;
return $custom_title;
add_filter( 'the_title', 'wpse46249_filter_wp_title' );
please note the title is saved in wp_posts table. The filter you used above will change all new posts titles being saved. This filter just modifys the title after pulling it from the db and doesn't actually change the db value.
Also will only work on pages where the_title() is called.

Only show images/attachments within the gallery?

When i create a page, add a gallery, and browse this gallery on the front-end it will browse all the attachments that are associated with that page, instead of just the images within that gallery. Is there a way to filter all the other attachments and only show the images within a certain gallery? So that, for instance, when I delete the gallery and add a new gallery on the same page > only the new gallery is shown?
Any ideas?
This might not be the most elegant way, but i've found it very usefull.
Passing a post ID to the function below will load a gallery from the post_content of that post. So you would create a gallery and insert it into your post content, then in the template you run this function and will be returned with an array of attachments in that gallery which you are free to to whatever with, i.e slideshows and the likes.
function wp_load_gallery($post_id) {
$post = get_post( $post_id );
$regx = '/' . get_shortcode_regex() . '/';
preg_match( $regx, $post->post_content, $matches );
$ids = shortcode_parse_atts( $matches[3] );
$gallery = array( );
foreach( explode( ',', $ids['ids'] ) as $id ) {
if($id) {
$gallery[] = get_post( $id );
return $gallery;
Note that the shortcode is not cut from the content, so when you display the content you should run it through the strip_shortcodes function, i.e:
echo strip_shortcodes( get_the_content() );
This allows you to update the gallery whenever you want with whatever you want.
To simply display all images:
$gallery = wp_load_gallery($YOUR_POST_ID);
foreach($gallery as $image) {
echo wp_get_attachment_image($image->ID);
