Is there a way to access ALAssets information outside of resultBlock? - uiimagepickercontroller

Okay so I have my ImagePicker all setup and the ALAssetLibrary setup to get the Picture and Title (if it exists for existing pictures or generic text for a new picture) but now I'm trying to figure out if there's a way I can access this information outside of the block call from the assetForURL method. So here's my code just so I can show what's happening (this is in the viewDidLoad method of a screen that is displayed after a picture selection is made)
__block NSString *documentName;
__block UIImage *docImage;
NSURL *resourceURL = [imageInfo objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL];
ALAssetsLibraryAssetForURLResultBlock resultblock = ^(ALAsset *asset)
ALAssetRepresentation *imageRep = [asset defaultRepresentation];
//Get Image
CGImageRef iref = [imageRep fullResolutionImage];
//If image is null then it's a new picture from Camera
if (iref == NULL) {
docImage = [imageInfo objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];
documentName = #"New Picture";
else {
docImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:iref];
documentName = [imageRep filename];
// get the asset library and fetch the asset based on the ref url (pass in block above)
ALAssetsLibrary *imageAsset = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init];
[imageAsset assetForURL:resourceURL resultBlock:resultblock failureBlock:nil];
Now I want to be able to use the two variables (documentName and docImage) elsewhere in this ViewController (for example if someone wants to change the name of the document before they save it I want to be able to revert back to the default name) but I can't seem to figure out what I need to do so these variables can be used later. Don't know if this makes much sense or not, so if I need to clarify anything else let me know.

Okay so I figured out that the problem wasn't with the code but with my logic on how I was using it. I was trying to do this on the Modal View that was presented after an image was selected instead of just doing this in the ImagePicker screen and then calling the Modal window inside of the result block code.


how to read additional parameters in alfresco 5.1.1- aikau faceted search

Custom Search UI will be populated when user selects Complex asset in the Advance search screen drop down(apart from Folders,Contents) where 12 fields will be displayed .So when user clicks search button ,need to read those values and redirect to the alfresco repo files(org/alfresco/slingshot/search/search.get.js).We have already customized these files(search.get.js,search.lib.js) existed in the repository to suit out logic and working fine in 4.2.2;As we are migrating to 511,so we need to change this logic in customized faceted-search.get.js to read these values.How to write this logic in customized facted-search.get.js?
It's not actually possible to read those URL hash attributes in the faceted-search.get.js file because the JavaScript controller of the WebScript does not have access to that part of the URL (it only has information about the URL and the request parameters, not the hash parameters).
The hash parameters are actually handled on the client-side by the AlfSearchList widget.
Maybe you could explain what you're trying to achieve so that I can suggest an alternative - i.e. the end goal for the user, not the specifics of the coding you're trying to achieve.
We will be reading the querystring values something like below in the .get.js file.
function getNodeRef(){
var queryString = page.url.getQueryString();
var nodeRef = "NOT FOUND";
var stringArray = queryString.split("&");
for (var t = 0; t < stringArray.length; t++) {
if (stringArray[t].indexOf('nodeRef=') > -1) {
nodeRef = stringArray[t].split('=')[1];
if (nodeRef !== "NOT FOUND") {
nodeRef = nodeRef.replace("://", "/");
return nodeRef;
else {
throw new Error("Node Reference is not found.");
It may be help you and we will wait for Dave Drapper suggestion also.

Sending POST variables to a browser window from AIR application

I'm building an AIR application. Basically, what I'm looking to do is using navigateToUrl() to open a browser window, assign it a "name" and then, send variables to that newly opened window using the POST method.
EDIT : I need the window to be visible, this is why I absolutely need to use the navigateToUrl() function
I already know that I CAN'T DO something like this, that the AIR application will send the variables using the GET method...
var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
vars.myVar = "Hello my friend";
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
req.method = "POST": = vars;
Considering the amount of variables I have to send (multiline texts) I absolutely need to send my variables using the POST method else Internet Explorer is truncating the query string... Works fine in Firefox and Safari but unfortunately, we will always have (hope not!) to deal with IE..
So I was thinking something like this :
private var _timer:Timer;
protected function loadPage():void
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
navigateToURL(req, "myPageName");
_timer = new Timer(3000, 1);
_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, postVars);
protected function postVars(event:TimerEvent):void
// I'm looking to send variables using the POST method to "myPageName"
// and possibly using URLVariables()??
Any idea Flex coders? THANKS!
I think what you're going to need to do is open up a page you have control over, then use ExternalInterface to inject the values into a hidden form and then execute the post operation in that page form.submit(), etc.
This can happen almost instantly and it will all appear very seamless to the end user.

Flex: create buttons dynamically and assign value from txt file

I made a basic text editor that lets users insert predefined strings into the document with button clicks. What I need to do now is let the user define their own buttons and string values.
For example I have a button that inserts "Hello" into the text. The user may want to create a button that adds "Goodbye".
To accomplish this I figured I would create a .txt file called buttons.txt or something. i would readutfbytee, loop through it to create the buttons. problem is I know what I want to do but not sure where to start. Can someone give me a kick start?
Please check the following code as the simple way to externalize your button settings:
buttons.txt content sample:
Helo=Hello World&Test=Test Inserted
protected function loadSettings():void
var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
varLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
varLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSettingsLoaded);
varLoader.load(new URLRequest("data/buttons.txt"));
protected function onSettingsLoaded(event:Event):void
var varLoader:URLLoader = URLLoader(;
var varButtons:URLVariables =;
var buttons:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
for(var label:String in varButtons{
//use parsed buttons dictionary
For starters you need to decide how you are going to store that data that the user enters.
A flex web app can't save any files to the server, so if you want to save this across multiple computers, you'll need a server to do the data saving / retrieval.
If you want to store the buttons just temporarily, and unique to one computer, you can stuff them into a SharedObject.
After you decide this, then you can get more specific on a question of how to do exactly what you're wanting.

Mango Application Tile - remove back

This is a simple question, and a seemingly simple task but I can't find any info on how to accomplish what I need to do.
I have an application whose main tile (when pinned) sometimes needs to be the default, single sided tile and sometimes needs to have information displayed on the back of the tile. I can add the BackBackgroundImage, BackContent and BackTitle successfully from the ScheduledActionService, but I can't remove them when they are no longer required. This isn't a secondary tile so I can't remove it and re-create and re-add it.
Does anyone know if it is possible to revert a double-sided tile back to single-sided via code, and if so, how can I achieve that behaviour, please?
The settings that get applied from the StandardTileData object are additive - if you only specify a title, for example, all other elements remain the same and only the title is updated. I have attempted to set the three parameters that appear on the back of the tile to null and had partial success. The effect is that the background image, title text and content text are all removed, but the tile still flips over to show a completely empty reverse side.
So, looking at the documentation, the tile back behaves differently to the front. Setting the back content or backtitle to string.Empty will remove those. All good there. However, it does say that "If set to an empty URI, the BackBackgroundImage will not be displayed.". How do I go about creating an empty Uri? I tried new Uri(string,Empty) but that throws an exception about trying to create an empty Uri - which is what I'm trying to do.
OK, I think I've got it, and it appears to be related to a change in the way tile data is handled...
Previously, setting a value to an empty string would have now effect in the tile. For eaxmple, setting title = string.Empty would leave the existing title in place. Now, though, it will blank out the title. That's good - it means I can remove BackTitle and BackContent string easily. We're half way there.
Now, to get rid of the BackBackgroundImage, the documentation states "If set to an empty URI, the BackBackgroundImage will not be displayed." - all good, except you can't create an empty Uri in any simple way. The one way I've made it work is to set it to a Uri value that doesn't exist, eg
BackBackgroundImage = new Uri("obviouslyMadeUpLocation", UriKind.Relative);
I would have expected that to throw an exception when you try to apply it to the tile, but it doesn't - it just clears the background image.
So that's it. All I appear to need to do is to call the following to unset these properties and put my tile back as it was.
private void ResetMyMainTile()
ShellTile tile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First();
StandardTileData data = new StandardTileData
BackBackgroundImage = new Uri("IDontExist",UriKind.Relative),
BackContent = string.Empty,
BackTitle = string.Empty
This one works for me.
new Uri("Background.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
ShellTile TileToFind = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First();
if (TileToFind != null)
StandardTileData NewTileData = new StandardTileData
Title ="Status",
BackgroundImage = new Uri("Background.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute),
Count = 0,
BackTitle = "",
BackBackgroundImage = new Uri("doesntexist.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute),
BackContent = ""
Try setting the whole tile (all details) again to everything as was before / is now but without the background details.
Does this not work?:
ShellTile tile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First();
tile.update(new StandardTileData());

Why am I losing my databinding when printing to an XpsDocument?

Binding works. The issue is that the XpsDocumentWriter doesn't properly write the first page of the first document of a FixedDocumentSequence. This seems to be an issue encountered by lots of people doing this sort of thing (i.e., five developers worldwide). The solution is slightly odd. I include it as an answer.
Okay, its a bit more subtle than the question suggests.
I've got a series of FixedPages, each has its DataContext set individually. Each FixedPage also has one or more controls that are bound to the context.
If I add these FixedPages to a single FixedDocument and write this single FixedDocument to an XpsDocument, my binds are de-referenced (so to speak) and the correct values are presented in the XpsDocument.
If I add these FixedPages to individual FixedDocuments (each FP gets added to a new FD), then these FixedDocuments are added to a FixedDocumentSequence, and this sequence is then written to the XpsDocument, my binds are NOT de-referenced and my FixedPages appear blank.
Debugging tells me that I'm not losing my bindings or my binding context, so that's not the cause of this failure.
Here's some sample code to illustrate what's going on:
// This works
FixedPage fp = CreateFixedPageWithBinding();
fp.DataContext = CreateDataContext();
// Add my databound fixed page to a new fixed document
var fd = new FixedDocument();
var pc = new PageContent();
// Create an xps document and write my fixed document to it
var p = Package.Open("c:\\output.xps", FileMode.CreateNew);
var doc = new XpsDocument(p);
var writer = XpsDocument.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(doc);
// This does NOT work
FixedPage fp = CreateFixedPageWithBinding();
fp.DataContext = CreateDataContext();
// Add my databound fixed page to a new fixed document
var fd = new FixedDocument();
var pc = new PageContent();
// Create a fixed document sequence and add the fixed document to it
FixedDocumentSequence fds = CreateFixedDocumentSequence();
var dr = new DocumentReference();
(fds as IAddChild).AddChild(dr);
// Create an xps document and write the fixed document sequence to it
var p = Package.Open("c:\\output.xps", FileMode.CreateNew);
var doc = new XpsDocument(p);
var writer = XpsDocument.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(doc);
You can see that the only difference between the two is that I'm adding the fixed document to a fixed document sequence, which then gets written.
Obviously, whatever magic happens that causes the databinding to be evaluated and the bound values be inserted isn't happening when my fixed documents aren't being Written to the Xps Document. I need to be able to write more than one fixed document, and the Write method can only be called once, thus requiring I add the FixedDocuments to a FixedDocumentSequence which I then write. But I also need my damn databinding to work as well!
Any help in this situation would be appreciated. I know its not exactly the most common part of the framework; I'm just hoping that someone here has some operational experience with this (I'm looking at you, lurking MS employee).
The cause of this bug is that the FixedPage's layout isn't being updated prior to writing. This causes the first FixedPage in the first FixedDocument in the FixedDocumentSequence to be written incorrectly. This affects NO OTHER PAGES IN THE RESULTING DOCUMENT, which made this bug/edge case harder to nail down.
The following WORKS (rewritten version of the non-working example):
FixedPage fp = CreateFixedPageWithBinding();
fp.DataContext = CreateDataContext();
var fd = new FixedDocument();
// set the page size on our fixed document
fd.DocumentPaginator.PageSize =
new System.Windows.Size()
Width = DotsPerInch * PageWidth,
Height = DotsPerInch * PageHeight
// Update the layout of our FixedPage
var size = fd.DocumentPaginator.PageSize;
page.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(), size));
var pc = new PageContent();
// Create a fixed document sequence and add the fixed document to it
FixedDocumentSequence fds = CreateFixedDocumentSequence();
var dr = new DocumentReference();
(fds as IAddChild).AddChild(dr);
// Create an xps document and write the fixed document sequence to it
var p = Package.Open("c:\\output.xps", FileMode.CreateNew);
var doc = new XpsDocument(p);
var writer = XpsDocument.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(doc);
I found this issue while trying to use XpsDocumentWriter to write to a PrintQueue. The following code prints the first page correctly.
//Prints correctly
FixedDocumentSequence Documents = new FixedDocumentSequence();
//some code to add DocumentReferences to FixedDocumentSequence
PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog
PrintQueue = LocalPrintServer.GetDefaultPrintQueue()
printDialog.PrintTicket = printDialog.PrintQueue.DefaultPrintTicket;
if (printDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
Documents.PrintTicket = printDialog.PrintTicket;
XpsDocumentWriter writer = PrintQueue.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(printDialog.PrintQueue);
writer.Write(Documents, printDialog.PrintTicket);
printerName = printDialog.PrintQueue.FullName;
If you remove the printDialog.ShowDialog() and just attempt to silent print to the default printer, the first page prints incorrectly. However, in my scenario, I didn't need to use a FixedDocumentSequence so I swapped it out for just a single FixedDocument and silent printing worked. I tried updating the layout on the FixedPage without success. Weird how the first page prints fine if I show the print dialog though.
One reason that you lose a binding is that you throw an exception somewhere - unfortunately, this exception is silently swallowed and your binding just "stops working". Turn on First-chance exceptions and see if anything gets hit.
