css - how to get floated divs to stack when you zoom in - css

In this responsive design I am trying for, I have three divs floating side-by-side, which get narrower and narrower when you zoom in on them. I would like them to keep their size and stack instead. How do I do this? I am beginning jquery, but for this would prefer to stick to css if possible.
Here is the relevant styling I have for the divs and their parent container div:
#container {
.floating-div {
Thanks for reading~

You would be better served using CSS and breakpoints on view ports to manage the display for your HTML:
CSS Tricks shows how to set up CSS for this purpose: http://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/media-queries-for-standard-devices/
From the code above, there needs to also be a max-width declaration so that as the element is zoomed, it will push the next div down on the page.

solved it. I changed width % to px for the floating div.


Vertically center responsive image in responsive div with CSS

EDIT - As requested here's the Fiddle jsfiddle.net/daghene/eq4tfzLn/
I've already searched a lot on Stackoverflow and Google to find an answer to this but even if there's plenty I don't know why they're not working nor if I'm handling this layout correctly.
Basically I'm using Skeleton responsive framework to make a one-page layout and I have a section where there's a row with this image on the left and text on its right. Below it there's a small twitter paragraph with the latest news.
Basically my problem is: when the first row gets too small and the text starts getting long the image gets way too small and I thought the best solution is to vertically center it, but both it and the div's height are responsive(most solutions requires at least one of the two to be fixed height).
What's your suggestion and far more importantly am I handling this layout well on a logical perspective or is it ok to have paragraphs get THAT long with the image simply sticking to the top?
Note that it displays fine on desktop, tablet and smartphones, there's just that little part where it gets kinda weird...here's the screenshot of how my layout is acting, the third one being the one that I think should be fixed since it's kinda ugly to look at and maybe centering the image would help.
P.s. one thing I forgot, haven't put my code since Skeleton, as most responsive Frameworks, simply requires a .container class with .row and .X columns inside it to give the divs size and centering and I didn't add anything on top of that yet. The only thing I think I'll do is put the sections in a fixed height's div because I plan on making the user scroll them as slides and they'll always need to be 100% viewport height or at least a fixed height like say 600px scaling.
P.s.2 if the only solution is js since we don't know the paragraph's and img's height at all times go ahead and propose a solution, I'm asking if this could be done with CSS since I'm not that good at js yet.
I would give the thanksup row an id - eg vertical and then you can use the following styles to achieve vertical alignment:
#vertical {
#vertical > .columns {
#media (max-width: 565px) {
#vertical > .columns {
display: block;
Updated fiddle

Placing a div at the bottom of another div

I'm trying to do jquery pagination, however I'm having a problem keeping the navigator on the bottom, even with clear: both.
The problem is that the navigation div <div class="alt_page_navigation"></div> needs to be right where </ul> ends and cannot be in another div, or else the pagination get's broken.
Another problem is that because the page is dynamic, I don't know the width of the alt_page_navigation beforehand.
Here's a live page example, I've tried everything google spit up, to no avail.
If anyone knows of a simple solution, please let me know :)
Thank you :))
Clear won't work with your inline-block display, but you need that for centering.
Try this solution for creating a clearing div, then put
<div class="clearfix"></div>
between your products and your pager.
Put padding at the bottom equal to the height of your nav, and position like so:
.wrapper { position:relative; padding-bottom:1.5em }
.nav { height:1.5em; position:absolute; bottom:0 }
For example: http://jsfiddle.net/CwrMq/
But there's no reason to use absolute positioning, either; just make it a proper display:block item. For example: http://jsfiddle.net/CwrMq/1/
Your .alt_page_navigation div has display: inline-block set on it. If you delete this line in css - your div will clear the floats. If you want its content to be in the center of the page simply add text-align: center to it and make sure that its content is inline-block (now your a are block-level). You can see the working example here: http://jsfiddle.net/6FNH6/
Here is a solution i tend to use in situations like this.
Your paginator needs to go inside a container that positions it horizontally
See this fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/94MwF/1/
Basically you are using text-align to horizontally center it, and position absolute to put it at the bottom.

Weird css width issue?

Or i have been building web pages for too long without a break or something really weird happened.
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px;"></div>
Will result in a long bar of 5 height across the width of the parent div. This should normally not be visible since i gave the div no width.
I tried everything, messed up my whole CSS layout and nothing seemed to get rid of it. I even check some divs of me in that same project that still work like this.
So i opened a new project and just filled in that line above to make sure there wasn't some style setting messing things up. But still there is a green bar showing.
I just want my div to be the size of the text in it.
Again, i could be seeing things but this happened all of a sudden and i'm really clueless...
use display:inline because a div element automatic get the display:block
Your div must have display:block either in your code or inherited from your browser.
change it to display:inline for your desired outcome.
Example here.
Break the document flow
By default, div element has it's style display property set to block, what makes it's width to fill the dimensions of parent.
You have two options to make it clip to text, position: absolute or float: left (right works also, depends), as in:
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px; position: absolute;"></div>
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px; float: left;"></div>
For more information, see CSS Floats and/or CSS Positions.
P.S. Bear in mind, that absolute position and/or floated element will remove it from document flow.
span instead of div (display: inline)
If you want to keep the document flow, use span instead of div - it's display property is inline by default, as Blowsie suggested.
<span style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px;"></span>
display: inline-block
There is also an option with display property set to inline-block, but it's compatibility is limited. See CSS Display property information for more details.
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px; display: inline-block;"></div>
Usually a padding issue. Difficult to diagnose without seeing code or example of site error.
div {padding: 0px;}
in your css
By default, the width of a div is auto, meaning that it will fill the entire available content. To have "no width" as you seem to want, set the width to zero explicitly. Or, use one of the other answers...

CSS Advanced Div Positioning. Auto Arrange to Grid

i have an dynamic image gallery to display, using PHP...
the style & positioning should be that if there is not enough space for a whole div, like in the image above, then the DIVs in the row should position them like the following
centered and equi distant...
here is JS-Fiddle basic template set, if somebody wants to try something on jsFiddle
If you wanted to achieve this with just CSS, the code would be as so:
#div {
.img {
height: 50px;
As far as I remember, that's it..
Good luck!
Never "clear" the float (at least until the end of the grid).
Enclose each img in its own DIV with the float:left style,
Important: Give each of those DIVs the same HEIGHT (slightly larger than the largest photo), otherwise if the images are different heights you will get some weird floating.
Optional: If your images are different widths, and you want a nice 'grid pattern', then you can give all the DIVs a width property.
Beware of the effects of margins on overall height/width.
Also note that if you use the standard meta viewport tag on your pages to format them for narrow mobile screens, this will shove all your images into columns to fit that screen without shrinking them unbearably (provided something else doesn't make the page wide).
#div {
width: 220px;
height: 215px;
float: left;
you can achieve all of that simply with css width property for div
#div {
We implemented almost the same here
here also , you can switch between grid view and normal view , all we are playing around is with divs width
Google had the same problem with their image search... they had to overcome it with fancy scripting. Looking at the source, each row of images is a <ul> inside a <span>, and each image is in an <li>. Then when you resize the window, the images get moved from one <ul> to another. That's the best method they could come up with, apparently.
So, using jQuery:
blocksPerRow = Math.floor($('#container').width() / blockWidth);
$('.row ul').each(function () {
while ($(this).children('li').size() > blocksPerRow)
while ($(this).children('li').size() < blocksPerRow)
I think that should do it. Add that to $(window).resize() as well as the document ready event.

How to get a CSS Layout like at elkaniho.com/

This website http://www.elkaniho.com/ has a CSS layout which is what i want, you see, the divs stack on top of each other, not on a precise grid, but just at the bottom and on the side.
And when you re-size the browser, they all re-adjust perfectly?
anyone know how i can get the same layout like at elkaniho.com or what type of layout this is called?
There is also a neat jQuery plugin called Masonry that can deal with div's of varying width and stacks them up as tightly as possible. Depends on your content.
That's just a six column layout. Easily done with 6 divs:
<div id="container">
<div class="column">one</div>
<div class="column">six</div>
As a fluid layout:
#container { overflow: auto; }
div.column { width: 16%; float: left; }
You can of course fix the widths too.
Each column then has several divs which do what divs (and in fact any block element) do: they stack top to bottom.
The effect you are speaking of is created using javascript. If you look at the source code, you will find a link to a javascript file called funciones.js which includes functions called cajas and cajasInterior that are responsible for this effect. Also note that they are using jQuery.
The functions:
Figures out the maximum number of columns based on the body width, box width and margin
Sets all divs with a class of box and boxInterior to have absolute positions and set their width
Goes through each box and calculate the left and top positions.
I would contact the webmaster of the site and ask permission to use this script and change it to fit your needs.
