Visual Studio 2013 will not show design view -

I'm having a problem with Visual Studio 2013, the latest build off MSDN.
When in an ASP.Net application I cannot see the design view. When I switch to design view all I see is the message Loading Master Page... in the upper left hand corner.
Anyone else see this issue or have a work around?

It looks like you have added some controls which has come constructor logic failing due to some dependency that is causing your form not to open in design mode.
Try move your control from Form designer & add the control in code editor in Form Load event .
Also try to debug your code.

I'm facing the same problem, it actually does display in designer but takes a lot more time like mine took approx 10 minutes. In my case I'm using 2 ListViews and a nested listviews with their datasources and nested master pages. So I think it makes sense to take time in loading the designer.

At the solution explorer, right click on the file and select open with then select -Web Forms Editor- you can set it as default if you want. To see the code, right click on the file and select -View Mark Up - I hope it helps.


AJAXControlToolKit Partial postback not working

I thought including ajax control toolkit is a simple thing, but for some odd reason it's not working. It always triggers a full postback from a button inside UpdatePanel.
I am using VS 2015 / 4.6.1 / Class Library output type. ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll v18.1.1 is added via Nuget. I created a very basic web form page with only an update panel and a label outside of it. Clicking on a button inside update panel always causes a full post, updating the label outside along with it.
Oddly enough, I created a blank Web Site project with the same page and code behind, and it works fine as expected there.
I use browser debugging tool to observe the network output. The site that works appears to have 1 reference to WebResource.axd and 2 references to ScriptResource.axd. Versus the site that doesn't work having only 1 reference to Scriptresource.axd and none to WebResource.axd.
Is there something I missed? Any further techniques I can use to troubleshoot the problem?
One full day of trouble shooting. This setting in web.config prevents ajax control toolkit from performing partial page load.

Disable next record button on Dynamics crm 2016 form

I'm using Dynamics Crm 2016 and I need to disable the next/previous record buttons in the form ribbon for particular pages. I've tried using jquery to hide the button, it's just an anchor, but that's not working. See below
$("[title='Next Record (Ctrl+>)']").hide()
I have that code on a web resource loaded on the form, set to run on the forn load event but it's not working. It works when run it in the web developer console (IE 11). Can I do this another way, using the Xrm toolkit perhaps?
I don't believe there is a supported way to do this. JQuery would be one approach, but it would be unsupported and potentially break with any updates pushed by Microsoft.

ASP.NET - Elements disappear on the design view after updating XAML source

I think this is a bug in Visual Studio but again I'll try my chance to get a solution for this. I've recently had a problem with my form elements becoming invisible after editing the XAML source. Let's say I want to add a list item to a dropdownlist. If I do it visualy in the design view there's no problem, but if I directly change it in the XML source all the elements in one of the divs disappear and I get "Error creating control Unknown service tag 'uc1:DatePicker'". (Datepicker is my User Control and I've had a lot of headache with it.). However I can see them in the source. Each time I touch the source I have to close and reopen the aspx page.

ASP.NET Treeview Control not expanding on click

I having an issue with the ASP.NET Treeview control. I create the treeview just fine but the nodes will not expand or collapse. I see there is a javascript error but it is for line 1 character 0 of the webpage, there is nothing at line 1 character 0.
I am using the ASP:Treeview control in conjunction with the Telerik controls, but I'm not sure if that is an issue.
I saw there was a similar question here but the answer is not pertinent to my site. Has anyone run into this issue before? I've tried searching Google and tried a number of proposed solutions but so far none have worked.
Thank you,
Normally with problems like this it is best to isolate the code which is causing the problem. For example, create a minimal page with no other controls or external JavaScript and see if the problem persists.
It's also useful to use a decent debugger. The latest IE8 actually has a very good Visual Studio-style JavaScript debugger built in - go to your page, hit F12 and the go to the Script tab and click 'Start Debugging' and see where that leads you.
I've seen unhelpful javascript errors when a page does an AJAX postback, an exception occurs on the server, and the client javascript is unable to handle what the server returns. You could ascertain if this is happening by debugging the site, putting a breakpoint on the Page_Load method (or something similar), and see if it gets hit when trying to collapse or expand the TreeView.

CompositeControl design time GUI creation

I don't know if this is a right question, but i need to understand how it works.
I want to create CompositeControl with design time support, the GUI of the design time support is rendered CreateChildControls().
My question is: When i drop this control on aspx page, what is actually happening in the background for gui to appear on design view?
Does it executes CreateChildControls()?
Is it possible to debug the gui creation process?
The CreateChildControls will be called in design surface. You can debug your control simply.
Set your control's class library as a start up project.
Open the class library's properties panel.
Hit the Debug tab.
Select the Start external program and browse your visual studio location.
%VSPath%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
Put a break point on the CreateChildControls.
And press F5.
Create a new web project and Add your control to the Toolbox.
And Drop it onto the page.
Break point will be called.
