Property executeChildBindings not found on s:Application - apache-flex

I changed from mx:Application to s:Application in the GraniteDS examples. When i deploy and run the project in JBoss 5 I get the error as ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property executeChildBindings not found on [SwfName].
I am building all the JARs and SWFs for Granite from source. One of the class has the offending line
So what is the equivqlent for a s:Application?

I suppose you can user executeBindings() method.
More information is available here


How to deploy EJB and War modules at same time in NetBeans 8.2 and GlassFish 4.1.1

I have a problem to deploy EJB and WAR modules at the same time in NetBeans 8.2 on GlassFish 4.1.1. The following message is shown:
[[ Exception Occurred :Error occurred during deployment: Exception while preparing the app : Could not resolve a persistence unit corresponding to the persistence-context-ref-name [ejb.NewMessage/em] in the scope of the module called [TestEJB-ejb]. Please verify your application.. Please see server.log for more details.]]
When I checked server.log file of GlassFish server, I faced with the following erreor message:
[2018-07-28T12:59:45.406+0430] [glassfish 4.1] [SEVERE] [] [javax.enterprise.system.core] [tid: _ThreadID=427 _ThreadName=admin-listener(7)] [timeMillis: 1532766585406] [levelValue: 1000] [[
Exception while preparing the app : Could not resolve a persistence unit corresponding to the persistence-context-ref-name [ejb.NewEntityFacade/em] in the scope of the module called [TestEJB-ejb]. Please verify your application.]]
Is there any solution for that?
Thanks for your help.
If you did not start to create your app or if you did not choose your programming framework, you can switch to Java Spring with less headache!
Read the first paragraph of the following link:

NetBeans IDE 8.0.1 gives Redefinition failed with error 62 Check JVMTI documentation for this error code

I am using NetBeans IDE 8.0.1,jdk1.7.0_67,tomcat apache-tomcat-7.0.47. I have written a sample HelloWorld Spring MVC application and trying to profile the application. when i profile the application i get the following error
Redefinition failed with error 62
Check JVMTI documentation for this error code.
I have gone through the following links
As said in the links i have set the property "-Xverify:none" in netbeans.conf. After setting the property i get the same error.
This is the default options present in netbeans.conf
netbeans_default_options="-J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true -J-Xverify:none"
Can some one please help me. Thanks in advance

Linkage error:Loader Constraint violation: previously initiated loading for a different type with name "org/w3c/dom/Type Info"

I am using java1.6,grails 2.0. I want to process Docx documents.For this i have added jars poi-ooxml-3.5-FINAL.jar,ooxml-schemas-1.1.jar.
But in code line this.document = new XWPFDocument(buffInputStream);
i got below error
Class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
Message org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions
I am trying to add jars either xmlbeans-2.5.0.jar or xbean-2.1.0.jar.
I am getting below error
| Error Fatal error during compilation java .lang.LinkageError: loader
constraint violation: loader (instance of bootloader)
previously initiated loading for a different type with name "org/w3c/dom/Type Info" (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
If i verify my Jre System Library, rt.jar contains this TypeInfo class. how
to solve this problem? Please advice. Thank you.
I have tried removing library and used jarscan to search this class. But i didn't find any where. Please help out to figure out how else i can find where is this class and how to resolve this
This happened to me with the JMX MBeanServer class. Groovy was loading one of them with its classloader and so was the JVM.
In your case it sounds like the TypeInfo class exists in rt.jar just fine, but another class loader loads it from that jar (or another jar) again.
Running the JRE with "-verbose:class" showed that double load behavior. Then I moved the offending jar out of my classpath and it worked just fine with the one loaded by Groovy.
I would recommend moving rt.jar out of your classpath, or if you need other classes inside of rt.jar try unjaring and rejaring it without the Type class. That way the classloaders will be forced to use the ones in xmlbeans-2.5.0.jar or xbean-2.1.0.jar.

RAD 8.5 unable to run standalone java app that calls EJB and MQ

I used to be able to run my standalone java app that calls EJB and MQ using JNDI on RAD 7.5.5. I upgraded to RAD 8.5 and when I tried to run it, I received the error Failed to create InitialContext using factory specified in hashtable. I'm also using the same WAS for both RAD version so I'm not sure why it's not working now.
Is there anything special that I need to do in RAD 8.5?
This is my bootstrap classpath entries: WAS v7.0 JRE, %WAS_RUNTIME%\, WAS v7.0 lib.
Below are the lines where I set up the environment (the second line seems to be needed for RAD 8.5):
System.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "iiop://localhost:2809");
System.setProperty("", "");
Below is the stack trace from my code:
2012-11-30 16:50:14,945 main FATAL ram.hs.edi.EDIDaemon(line 183) - Unable to get running status: javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Failed to create InitialContext using factory specified in hashtable. Root exception is java.lang.NullPointerException
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.initializeDefaultInitCtx(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.internalInit(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(
at ram.hs.edi.EDIDaemon.isRunning(
at ram.hs.edi.EDIDaemon.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
... 8 more
This may be little late answering it but please try to do the following:
1) Add the jar "" or equivalent jar on the Bootstrap path of your standalone Java Class.
2) Add the jar "" or equivalent jar on the JVM Class path.
After doing the above I was able to get the InitalContext successfully. Hope this helps.

Flex module error

I'm trying to load a module into a flex 4 application (the module was compiled using SDK4 as well) but I got this error (I'm migrating this app from Flex 3 to Flex 4):
VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::LayoutContainer could not be found.
at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()
at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/deferredNextFrame()
at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/update()
at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/moduleCompleteHandler()
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Step3_img_logo is not defined.
at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()
at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/deferredNextFrame()
at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/update()
at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/moduleCompleteHandler()
I'm using this code to add the module to a VBox:
var module:ModuleLoader = new ModuleLoader();
module.url = "layout/ImportContacts.swf?id_user=45";
Any ideas?
is your module compiled as Spark or Halo instance?
Did you load all RSLs you need?
problem was I created the module in a different project and it was optimized for it. tks.
