HTML codes refernce tag - button

I want to create a html page, where the data given in the submit button should automatically?
go the other buttons ..for example :
If i enter america in the submit button ;
below that i want a google button where the value "America" should go directly to the google button so when the user clicks google button the search result for america should be displayed.
Ex : ;
The submit button text should be placed after the "=" in the google link

Your question is unclear, but i guess this is what you want ...
<form action="" method="get">
Google Search: <input type="text" name="q" />
<input type="submit" value="Search" />


How to Disable submit button on form after user click in the submit button angular 6

This is what I want my button to do .
I want my button to be disable until the user enter all the values need it in the form.
Once the user enter all the values in the form the user should be able to click in the submit button.
Then after the user click in the submit button this button should be disables again
I try this something like this
<div class="field is-grouped">
<p class="control">
<button class="button is-info"
[disabled]="!aFormGroup.dirty || !FormGroup.valid "
onClick= "this.disabled=true"
submit() {..}
my button get disable when the user click in the button but I don't get any results from the api .
It seem that nothing is send to the api
This works
<div class="field is-grouped">
<p class="control">
<button class="button is-info"
[disabled]="!aFormGroup.dirty || !FormGroup.valid "
submit() {..}
but my button is not disable after the user click on it
You can define a public boolean field in the component and bind the value to the [disabled] attribute in the html.
[disabled]="!aFormGroup.dirty || !aFormGroup.valid || isDisabled"
and set the value to true in the submit method.
Here is a little example

Form Submission on Enter Press

I have a form in my ASP .NET project that takes the users input, and appends it to a URL to search a wiki. The form works perfectly when you enter in a search term, and click the 'search' button, however when you type into the input box and hit enter, the page refreshes and the box clears.
my html
<label id="sideBarLabel"> Services
<input type="text" placeholder="Search Wiki: e.g. E911" name="queryString" id="query-string" />
Search Wiki
my js
function searchWiki(){
var siteQuery = $('#query-string').val();
window.location.href = "/dosearchsite.action?queryString=" + siteQuery;
Can anyone help ?
Your searchWiki() js method is only called when the evenement onclick is raised on your button, but not when your form is submitted.
There is several ways to achieve what you want:
Add a js method to catch the onsubmit event of your form:
$("form").on("submit", searchWiki());
Or add a tag on your form:
<form onsubmit="searchWiki()">
Or specify the action attribute on your form:
<form action="/dosearchsite.action">
Note that in ASP.NET, the ModelBinder will link your form inputs to your controller action parameters, using the name attribute of the inputs. That means that you should not specify them in the url yourself.
You should also declare your form using Html.BeginForm or Ajax.BeginForm if you want your form to be submitted by ajax.
#Html.BeginForm("ActionName", "ControllerName")
<label id="sideBarLabel">Services
<input type="text" placeholder="Search Wiki: e.g. E911" name="queryString" id="query-string" />
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Search Wiki"/>
This will call searchWiki when you press enter.
$('#query-string').keypress(function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {

Button Click on Page Load Razor

I have the following code that i would like to execute when the user loads the page. The code is currently for a update button that the user clicks and updates some values on the webpage. The user would like to do this without having to click on the update button.
using (Html.BeginForm("UpdateProductionData", "Home", FormMethod.Post))
<h3>Date :</h3> <input type="text" id="dp" name="dp" />
<input type="submit" value="Update"/>
I have tried looking at jquery. I am wondering if this is possible inside razor.

ASP - Disable a button to prevent user from clicking twice

I am working on an ASP website. I want to disable a button after the user clicks the button.
If the users click the button twice by mistake, the DetailsPage.ASP is executed twice and duplicate entries are inserted into Database.
How to disable a button in ASP code to prevent the users from clicking twice?
Page1: Mainpage.asp page
<form action="DetailsPage.asp" method="POST">
<input type="Submit" name="Submitbutton" value="Update Details">
How to prevent the users from clicking the button twice or alert them if they try to click second time?
Another other suggestions to handle this type of scenario will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
<% dim disabled
If request.form("Submitbutton") <> "" Then
disabled = " disabled"
End If %>
Then code your button like this
<input type="Submit" name="Submitbutton" value="Update Details" <%=disabled%>>
Add a handler for the form in JavaScript;
function submitForm(form)
form["Submitbutton"].disabled = true;
return true;
Attach it:
<form action="DetailsPage.asp" method="POST" onsubmit="submitForm(this);">

How to fake submit with a button outside the form

I want to have a top menu with New, Save, Cancel buttons and below, 3 different entry forms, similar to a "desktop application". When form1 is filled up, Save button would submit the form. Also, if form2 or form3 are filled up, the same Save button can submit the form, taking into account that is in a different form.
Is it possible to do this, a submit button outside form tags ?
If not, any suggestion how to fake submit?
Thanks for your help
You just have to trigger the submit event with .submit in jQuery by example.
Here is the doc :
Instead of an <input type="submit"> button or jQuery call you could use the new HTML5 <button> element and its form attribute to specify which form(s) the button belongs to. Then just set its formaction attribute to the required destination. Documentation
<form id="form1">
<form id="form2">
<form id="form3">
<button form="form1 form2 form3" formaction="processForm.php" formmethod="POST">
You can use
$("#formId").submit(function() { /*your stuff*/ });
