My application send an Xml message to biztalk via wcf service. This message in then converted to a flat file by Biztalk process(mapping, orchestration,Custom pipeline). The fields of each record(row) is currently separated by a space. But I want to create a flat file in which fields are separated by tilda(~).
For example:
Current Format
name1 address1 dob1
name2 address2 dob2
Required Format
In your Flat File schema, change the Child Delimiter on the record from space to ~
I used to use ressource file in the translation section.
Now i want another method in which i will give to the administrator of my .net mvc5 application the ability to add another language and to enter the translation.
I mean i will put a table in which all the ids and each id have its translation for example id = nameID in the column french = "nom "in th column english = " name"
Any help?
It is not recommended. Because every time the page loads it will have to pick up every word in the database. So with web content mostly text. The query will be very long and many errors occur. Use the file to save the dictionary, such as "Resource file"
Can any body help me with the code how to call a web service in ms excel 2013 please? i was trying to use by using WebService function in excel but that is not working for me.
To learn how to use the Webservice function, we’ll do 2 things:
Use a =WEBSERVICE(url) function to get the data
Use the =FILTERXML(xml, xpath) function to extract a single piece of data from the XML string
Use a =WEBSERVICE(url) function to get the data
First, find a web service. For this example with weather updates, go to to create your free account. Complete the form, then click Signup for API Key.
To set up your API Key, follow these steps:
Select either the Cumulus Plan or the Anvil Plan, whichever you prefer.
Choose whichever option you prefer for the History add-on. Either option will work for this example because we’re not using historical information.
Select Developer. Note: The other available options also will work for this example, but note that there is a fee associated with them.
Click Update Plan.
At the top of the page, click Documentation.
On the left navigation bar titled API Table of Contents, find the Data Features heading, then under that heading, click conditions. (You can also go to
Scroll to the bottom of the page, then copy the URL shown in the box labeled Examples. (The URL format will look like this:[APIKey]/conditions/q/CA/San_Francisco.json). The sample URL will include your unique API Key.
Now that you have a unique API Key, open your Excel spreadsheet and follow these steps to create the =WEBSERVICE(url) function for the current weather conditions:
In cell B5, enter =WEBSERVICE(url). Then replace url with the unique URL including your API Key that you copied a moment ago.
Add quotation marks to both sides of the URL. The format will look like this: “[APIKey]/conditions/q/CA/San_Francisco.json”
Replace the state and city in the URL with a zip code, then add .xml to the end of the URL. The formula in cell B5 should look like this: =WEBSERVICE(“[APIKey]/conditions/[ZipCode].xml”) The[APIKey] will be your unique API Key, and the [Zip Code] will be for the location where you want weather updates.
Press Enter or Return. The formula will return an XML string from the web service.
You can also use cell references in the Webservice function to update URL parameters, such as your zip code. Here is how to set it up:
In cell B1, paste your API Key. In the Name Box, type APIkey to name the cell.
In cell B2, enter the zip code. In the Name Box, type ZipCode to name the cell.
Create your WEBSERVICE function with cell references. The formula should be in this format: =WEBSERVICE(“” & APIkey & “/conditions/q/” & ZipCode & “.xml”)
Copy and paste the entire formula into cell B5.
Update your zip code and then you will see the update to your WEBSERVICE Function URL.
Use the =FILTERXML(xml, xpath) function to extract single pieces of data from the XML string
Now that we have the information from the web service in the Excel spreadsheet, we need to extract the pieces of data we want out of the XML, including the name of the city and current temperature and current weather conditions. To extract the data, follow these steps:
In cell B8, enter the =FILTERXML(B5,”//full”) function. This will give you the city name associated with the zip code.
In cell C8, enter =FILTERXML(B5, “//temp_f”) to extract the current temperature in Fahrenheit.
In cell D8, enter =FILTERXML(B5, “//weather”) to see the current weather condition, such as Light Rain.
With the online weather updates, now our camping trip planning collaboration spreadsheet looks like this:
A note on refreshing data
Please note that WEBSERVICE Functions are “non-volatile”, which means they refresh only when:
A referenced cell is edited
The entire workbook is refreshed (CTRL+ ALT + F9)
Remember that you can use this functionality for many different web services over the internet that you can then analyze using Excel.
I have a requirement to load the csv into DB using oracle apex or pl/sql code, but the problem is they are asking to load the csv file which will not come with same number of columns and column names .
I should create table & upload data dynamically based on the file name and data that i'm uploading.
For every file i need to create a new table dynamically and insert data that are present in csv file.
For Example:
col1 col2 col3 col4 (NOTE: If i upload File 1, Table should be created dynamically based on the file name and table should contain same column name and data same as column headers of csv file . )
file 2:
col1 col2 col3 col4 col 5
file 3:
col4 col2 col1 col3
Depending on the columns and file name i need to create table for every file upload.
Can we load like this or not?
If yes, Please help me on this.
((Where's the PL/SQL code in this solution!!??! Bear with me... the
answer is buried in here somewhere... I introduced some considerations
and assumptions you will need to think about before going into the
task. In the end, you'll find that Oracle APEX actually has a
built-in solution that satisfies exactly what you've specified... with
some caveats.))
If you are working within the Oracle APEX platform, you will have some advantages. APEX Version 4.2 and higher has a new page element called "Data Loading". The disadvantage however is that the definition of the upload target is fixed and not dynamic. You will need to know how your table is structured prior to loading the data.
One approach to overcome this is to build a generic, two-column table as your target, which will serve for all uploads. Column 1 will be your file-name and column two will be a single clob data type, which will contain the entire data file's contents including the header row. The "Data Loading" element will give the user the opportunity to verify and select this mapping convention in a couple of clicks.
At this point, it's mostly PL/SQL backend work doing the heavy lifting to parse and transform the data uploaded. As far as the dynamic table creation, I have noticed that the Oracle package, DBMS_SQL allows the execution of DDL SQL commands, which could be the route to making custom tables.
Alex Poole's comment is important as well, you will need to make some blanket assumption about the data type or have a provision to give more clues about what kind of data is contained. Assuming you can rely on a sample of existing data values is not good... what if all the values in your upload are null? I recommend perhaps a second column in the data input with a clue about the type of data for each column... just like the intended header names, maybe: AAAAA = for a five character column, # = for a numeric, MM/DD/YYYY = for a date with a specific masking.
The easier route:
You will need to allow your end-user access to a developer-role account on a workspace of your APEX server. It is not as scary as you think. With careful instruction and some simple precautions, I have been able to make this work with even the most non-technical of users. The reason for this is that there is a more powerful upload tool found under the following menu item:
SQL Workshop --> Utilities --> Data Workshop
There is a choice under "Data Load" --> "Spreadsheet Data"
The data load tool will automatically do the following:
Accept a CSV formatted file through a browse function on your client machine
Upload the file and parse the first record for the column layout (names)
Allow the user to create a new table from the uploaded file, or to map to an existing one.
For new tables, each column data type can be declared and also a specific numeric/date mask if additional conversion from the uploaded data is necessary.
Delimiter type, optional enclosures (like double quotes), decimal conventions and currency types can also be declared prior to parsing the uploaded file.
Once the user has identified all these mappings and settings, the table is created with the uploaded data. Any errors in record upload are reported immediately afterwards with detailed feedback on the failed records.
A security consideration to note:
You probably do not want to give end users access to your APEX server's backend... but you CAN create a new workspace... just for your end users... create a new database schema for receiving their uploads, maybe with some careful resource controls. Developer is the minimum role needed... but even if the end users see the other stuff there won't be access to anything important from an isolated workspace.
I have implemented the isolated workspace approach on a 4.0/4.1 release APEX platform a few years back, and it worked nicely. Our end user had control over the staging and quality checking of her data inputs (from excel spreadsheet/csv exports collected from a combination of sources). I suppose it may have been even better to cut her out of the picture entirely and focused on automating the export-review-upload process between our database and her other sources. In this case, the volume of data involved was not great enough (100's to 1000's of records) and the need for manual review and edit of the exported data was very important prior to pushing it into the database... so the human element was still important in this case - it is something you'll want to think about now.
What is the best practice to upload bunch of data(multiple rows) at once time. I don't want to upload any files on the server.
Is it good to have a text area to input data with a predefined structure(format). And create a small parser to read and analyze that input to insert it into to the database.
I have the data set in excel file. I want to store it in the database, I don't want to upload the server.
Data sample :
id fid sid name
1- 3a3458 2a2125 3a4541 John Smith
2- 313547 3a4541 212145 Albert koku
100- ...
Since the data has already a predefined structure, to avoid manual errors and parsing I would build an interface which contains a <table> and the user will fill the corresponding data and then submit it to the server.
But if you don't want to bother to guide the user and help him then you could of course use a <textarea> in which the user could enter the data under some known form: CSV, JSON, XML, ... and then do the parsing on the server.
I am trying to generate schema for a flat file the content of which are separated by carriage returns. Please see a sample of the data from the import file below:
XYZ Industries Limited
All telephone calls routed to a different no.
tomorrow is critical. To have the
documents ready for inspection.
XYZ Industries Limited
Further prep re hearing/how inital costs
estimate reached/emails to update XYZ,
collation of docs fro tomorrow. 1735 - 1815
In the sample above there are two records. Each record is separated by a carrige return. In turn each field in the record is also separated by carriage return. This is all fine but when it comes to the last field in the record, which is the "Description" field, you will see that there are carriage returns within the text (as they are entered by the user in the source system).
Here in lies the challenge for me, I haven't been able to successfully generate a schema using the Flat File Schema wizard available in BizTalk Server 2010 such that the "Description" field comes out as a single record. Because when I put Line Carriage delimiter it always treats the Description lines as separate records. When I go to validate the schema it always fails. Could somebody point me in the right direction as to what I might be doing wrong here.
Do you have any control over the source system? If so, you can set an escape character on the record. Assuming the use of a backslash for an escape character, the description field would then contain:
All telephone calls routed to a different no.\
tomorrow is critical. To have the\
documents ready for inspection.\