Using cookies websites showing items on different website -

Once I visit a ecommerce website and then go to some other website, I see the items that I visited on the 1st ecommerce website. I want this technique to be implemented on my website too. What is this technique called and how can I implement this?
Any help would be appreciated.

Poor man single sign on ? The basic technique is quite simple - you have one root cookie domain like ''; and cookie like "ID" on that domain.
On your ecommerce page, include javascript, that will check if cookie "LocalID" exists in page; if it doesn't add reference to
<script src=""></script>
This script will be served by .ashx handler on domain; with behavior:
1) if no cookie value for "ID" exists, create new "ID" cookie and assign it random guid
2) send back script
3) this script will set cookie "LocalID" to have the same value as the "ID" cookie (handler on will generate javascript dynamically)
That's pretty much it, you can now relay on LocalID cookie to be unique for the same user (more precisely browser with cookies turned on) across different websites on every ecommerce domain implementing this. Now you just need some persistent storage to which your applications have access to (webservice, database) and use LocalID cookie as key for retrieving/persisting user profile.


Google cross domain analytics add params in URL when cookies are not accepted

One of my clients has a cross domain analytics set up.
Everything works well, but there are different behaviors when user gives full cookie consent and when he allows only strictly necessary cookies.
Behavior in case of full cookie consent:
GA stores data into cookies i.e. _ga cookie _ga_ID can be found in console cookie tab.
Behavior in case of only strictly necessary cookie consent:
GA stores some data in URL, for example:*XXXXXXX*_up*MQ..*_ga*ZZZZZZZ.*_ga_YYYYYYY*YYYYYYY..
According to google documentation the second case is default behavior. And cross domain measurement is working when _gl param is added to url.
What I do not understand is why are URL params not added everytime and only when some cookies are not accepted, so I would like to get better understanding of this.
There is also a possible issue which I do not understand and that is:
GA params are added to url also when user is just switching between subsites in the same domain i.e. from to If I understand correctly this should not happen as I am staying within domain.
The questions I am most interested in are:
How is GA determining if it should store its data as cookies or push it to url?
Where are these parameters stored before user redirect first time? Is it part of datalayer / google_tag_manager global variables?
Is there way to store the params somewhere else than in url when full cookie consent is not granted?
Is adding of GA params to url even when staying withing same domain a correct behavior?
Project details:
Site is running on Wordpress and use OneTrust for cookie management.
EDIT: Issue with URL resolved.
In my case this issue was caused by update of consent mode template (gtm-templates-simo-ahava). Reverting to previous version fixed the problem. Possible cause of the problem can be maybe connected to this pull request in template repository
How is GA determining if it should store its data as cookies or push it to url?
Pushing the data to url is the mechanism of cross-domain tracking. You set a list of domains that cross-domain tracking should work for. This is likely your problem here. You're not supposed to set subdomains, only TLDs in vast majority of cases.
Where are these parameters stored before user redirect first time? Is it part of datalayer / google_tag_manager global variables?
This data is stored in cookies before the user goes to a different domain. If cookies are deleted, then it's stored in the JS scope of the GA library. This implies that they would be erased and regenerated on JS context loss. Loss on a page unload, regeneration on a page load.
Is there way to store the params somewhere else than in url when full cookie consent is not granted?
Well. Yes. But very tricky and expensive. And the immediate question is why would you do that. This would defeat the purpose of blocking the cookie. Natively, GA doesn't support other methods of passing the value, but if you're into tinkering, you can either store the value on your backend and then retrieve it, using some "primary functionality" cookie. Another option is using third party server's cookies, but that would defeat the purpose even more.
Is adding of GA params to url even when staying withing same domain a correct behavior?
No, it's most likely a mistake.
Now, you really asked all the right questions, so I don't have much to add, except that disabling your primary anonymized behavioral tracking is usually a lazy "safe" choice. And lazy here implies wrong.
Normally, larger corps don't block primary tracking. They only block third party marketing-related tracking. Basically, pixels. They consider their main analytics part of the primary functionality, which is a strong case given that main analytics data is often used in debugging, performance measurement and even for app security audits.
Finally, using onetrust or a similar solution to completely manage your tracking is sub optimal. They basically just destroy all "offending" cookies all the time. This will mess up your behavioral data very significantly.
The proper way to use consent management systems is declaring user consent choice in your tag management system and then in it, block rules/tags from firing in case the consent is not given. You normally just carefully block marketing tags there based on consent. Remember, consent management systems are only deleting cookies. Because that's trivial. They don't block network requests. Absence of cookies may not prevent the data from being sent, often even uniquely identifying the client, using the primary cookie's user id, allowing to match the activity to the backend database.

User ID Clearing

This is not SEO related but somewhat merely client related.
There is a website in particular that uses Google Analytics tracking to uniquely identify each one of their users.
This website has a blocking system that is preventing me from viewing some of their content, which I'd like to view.
I figured out that the website uses the Google Analytics cookie to somehow identify me.
Is there a way I can somehow spoof the client-ID from Google Analytics to basically make a new identity for myself? Thanks community.
GA has two ids that could identify a user, clientId and userId. The client id is set by the javascript tracking code. To delete that you would simply have to delete the _ga cookie. You will get a new ID randomly generated that does not identify you other than in the sense that multiple pageviews with that clientId will be treated as coming from the same user.
The userId is set by the server when a user logs in (to connect all sessions of that user, however it must not personally identify the user in question), so at that point the website already has to know you to set a userid.
It seems more than unlikely (and technologically not even feasible) to use Google Analytics to limit access to a website. For starters, Google provides an opt-out plugin for Analytics that would make such a system rather ineffectual, and I'm not quite sure how such a system would work.
To yet answer your question, you can change the clientId by manipulating the _ga cookie and replace the value therein, and you could spoof the userID e.g. by using a browser plugin that allows you to manipulate http requests. However I don't think this will let you bypass any access protection.

Single Sign On (SSO) between Wordpress and CakePHP

I have an existing Wordpress site. The plan is to rebuild the site using the cakePHP framework. Due to time restrictions, I want to replace individual sections of the Wordpress site one at a time. This will mean that both apps will be running side by side for a certain period of time. I need to control access to the cakePHP app using the authorization provided by Wordpress. I'm not sure the best way to go about doing this. I've seen similar questions asked a lot, but I have not yet found a clear solution.
I'm thinking about two approaches:
Plan A:
Configure Cake to look for Wordpress's authorization cookies.
configure Cake to look at Wordpress's database.
Borrow some of Wordpress's authorization logic to teach Cake's Auth component how to authenticate WP users.
Plan B:
set up an authorization API on my Wordpress site.
set up separate auth component in cake.
ping the WP endpoint when a user hits a protected page in the cake app and then manually log in the user. (This would create a second set of auth cookies)
Do either of these sound like the right approach? Is there a better way to do this?
Helpful references: Article about Cake session handling, Cake Auth component documentation, Cake Auth tutorial, brief overview of WP authorization, a more in depth look at wordpress authorization
We've started working on this, and it seems like it will work, but there is a very tricky aspect involving password hashing that warrants its own question. If you're following this thread, you may want to have a look.
I once had a similar situation: Cross framework authentication zend + codeigniter which was few months ago...
Anyways, this is what I will prefer:
set up an authorization API on my Wordpress site.
set up separate auth component in cake.
ping the WP endpoint when a user hits a protected page in the cake app and then manually log in the user. (This would create a second set of auth cookies)
Here, I would suggest a slight change which is do-able.
Make sure, you have a token system of SSO. As in, when person is logged in on Wordpress, set another cookie which will have a token: Token will be username + password (hashed) + secret key, which will be same between Wordpress and CakePHP. On either site, look up for cookie and manually log the user in or just perform a database look up. Hashing is important for that cookie!
However, if the site is using different domains, you might need to re-strategize:
I had different domains once. At the login or unauthorized page, I would ping the other website and bring up their login box. On the other website if the user is logged in, they get post login page and if request URI has sent a token, we perform normal operation and return the authorized token to this (current) domain.
In simple words:
Site A = WordPress & Site B = CakePHP
Site B hits a page where authorization is required then, ping Site A for a login (as it happens when u do Login-with-Facebook sort), which will request via a Token (private key) and REQUEST_URI which will be part of SSO verification table on Site A, if person is already logged in then, Site A will return (via POST) a token, which further will be decrypted via (private key) of Site B and log the user in. Private key of B and A will be same.
Hope this was understandable.
Questions? :)
Answer to your questions in comment:
Ideally, why we use SSO? We use it because of many constraints. For example: You have a database of say... a million row with more than thousand tables, you need to add a module over ur huge app already... so, instead, you will use another database... SSO will return user information, which can further be replicated. For example, when you click on 'Login with Facebook', it returns requested information, like email address, or user's name or even profile picture. Which can further be added to our database... Keeping different databases is strongly recommended :)
To your 2nd and 3rd question: Should both sites reference the same users table in the database? different databases is recommended unless, you are using the same data. Or say changing the software platform.
Should I copy the site-specific user rows into separate user tables for each app? Yes, that should happen automatically. Once you are registered on a main site, nothing happens, things should happen once you are logged in already and then go to site B... Once logged in, user info can always be requested :) That way, new site will have active users ! 2 birds?
Don't complicate (bother) yourself with how what works but, concentrate on how, what is achievable in short period. SSO - Logged in - Restricted page - Look out for log ins - Either login - If already logged in - fetch user info - If user info exists - login via secondary site OR set the new user info . Done!
We developers love flow charts! Don't we? I just created one:
Further answers:
Does the "Fetch User Info" stage mean that we take the user info from the site which is logged in, and create a new user (row) automatically in the other site?
Ideally, you will ask permission from the user before they 'allow' their info to be used but, it varies how your privacy policies are.
In other words, one site handles all the registration/user-creation and the other site just waits for that user to show up and trigger automatic creation. OR at the moment a user registers on the one site, BOTH databases get a user row inserted?
one site handles all the registration/user-creation and the other site just waits for that user to show up and trigger automatic creation. You can have both. Sign up on your website and also a trigger based automatic creation. Depends on your strategy. OR at the moment a user registers on the one site, BOTH databases get a user row inserted? That would be a horrible practice! It will kill the motive of SSO. Motive of SSO is to create an auth family which can be used by users so that they do not have to register every now and then for different websites. update only one database at a time and other when required :)
Questions? :)
I have done this once. I don't have the snippets and/or any references to anything. But thought it might be helpful.
Configure WP and CakePHP both to use same session, you can do this by session id and session name,
When User registers for your website, register them using both WP and CakePHP,
Choose one framework that will handle login view from the front end. I had chosen CakePHP as I was more proficient with it, once the login is successful locate the same user in other framework's DB and authenticate the user using their authentication system.
Hope this helps !!!
If you are building a closed system, meaning you have to be signed in to access anything useful in the site, then you can use CAS . I know it's used by mainly universities, but for closed systems it works.
( If you need to handle anonymous users the suggestions below might help)
Keep it simple and, similar to Part A of your plan, have a cookie ( visible by both cake and wordpress ) that simply states if a user is logged in. The cookie should be created/checked by both cake and WP. Cake does not need to look at WP's DB. The cookie can have information on how the users in each system are mapped.
Have a central login screen, this is similar to what CAS does. But please build your own. CAS does not handle anonymous users. I am currently creating a central login screen for work. It's simple. The central login screen will handle all authentication and create the cookie visible to both WP and cake. This would mean that the login link for WP and cake will redirect a user to a common page. The link will need to provide a callback URL so that after the user authenticates successfully, he is redirected back to the original service. You will need to decide on a central DB for user authentication.
The cookie approach has following bonus:
It's a lightweight solution and can be wrapped with an on/off switch. In WP, simply wrap the cookie logic with a wp_options value.
You can use WP's and cake's authentication system. no need to work with API's and/or sessions. No need to couple applications by looking at each other's DB.
You can keep roles and permissions native, meaning WP will work with it's own roles and permissions system and your cake application will work with it's system.
Adding a new "service" to your platform is as simple as "create/check for a cookie" then use the system out-of-the-box auth system to log the user in.
Single Sign On is as simple as creating a cookie. Single Sign Off would be deleting the cookie.
I can definitely go into more detail on each suggestion if you're interested.

is it possible to read a csrf token from one site to allow access to content on another site

Here is the scenario...
I have a site:
and I set a token(cookie, something like that) from when a user has SUCCESSFULLY logged in.
I also have
On I want to display data to users that have that token/cookie/etc available to them.
Here is the use-case
user logs into ( framework hosted on different server - this is our primary product that requires a subscription / username & login )
user then has access to a section that is hidden from plublic view on (wordpress site hosted on goDadday - this site contains a knowledge base that we do not want to make public unless they have done [XXXXX] )
both sites are hosted independently of each other and do not share a common username and password
Another scenario is to set up wordpress to allow a specific section as a jsonp response. but only if the user is logged in at to allow the user to have access to the jsonp response located at
Any ideas from you beautiful people?
It really depends on the level of security you require. You can log a user in to a Wordpress site without a password by using wp_set_auth_cookie, however if you are just validating that a user is logged into the ASP.NET site and then using JSONP to load a page that set's the auth cookie, it will work, however you definitely have some security gaps.
A better solution would be to set a domain level cookie for with a token that can be read by any server in your domain. The Wordpress site could then check is_user_logged_in(), and if not take that cookie value and make a back end call to the ASP.NET site to verify its authenticity, and then call wp_set_auth_cookie(). A simple web service would likely be the best option. You would still need some level of mapping between usernames on the ASP.NET and Wordpress site however to know which user_ID to pass.

Couple questions regarding ASP and Razor

I've got some things in my mind, I thought I'd ask the veterans here. I'm creating a website using Razor syntax and WebMatrix. I'm currently implementing a user login system into it. So my questions are:
In WebSecurity, when a token is generated (for creating new account, or recovering password, etc.), is this token a public key? Can it be safely emailed to the user over unsecured network or email. Is it a good practice (or useful) to further encrypt this token?
I've set my secured pages to not to cache on web browser, i.e. pages which are accessed by user after he signs-in with his password. I think its a necessary action because when a user logs out, I don't want the user to press the browser's back button and see the secured pages again. So I set all the secured pages' expiry as follows:
Response.Expires = -1;
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
My question on above is that if I set my pages to expire immediately, the browser does not cache anything and reloads the page every time user visits it, does it mean that the browser will not even cache the linked style sheets, script files and images? I've set my images to preload so that the website's presentation works smoothly; will the immediate-expiring of webpage cause these images and everything to be loaded all over and over again on each page?
It's not a "public token", in the sense that anyone who gets access to that token can use it to reset the user's password and log in. So it does need to be sent securely, and the reset link should require SSL.
No, the setting of cache expiry on specific pages will not affect the caching of other content. You can set the cache policy/headers of static content using IIS manager, or in the web.config.
