chunky_png NoMethodError - css

I'm trying to create a sprite with compass, but I keep getting this error:
NoMethodError on line ["225"] of /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/chunky_png-1.2.7/lib/chunky_png/canvas/png_encoding.rb: undefined method `downto' for 150.25:Float
I have tried everything including using previous version of chunky_png and reinstalling compass and sass.
Would love to know how to fix this.

I found the solution. I just had to update all of my ruby gems and then restart my computer. I have had no problems since.


Error while Using OpenAerostruct and OpenMDAO together

When I run the code given in the document on combined aero and structure I go this error:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'matlib'
Based on the previous answer I had got, I tried to install the updated version of 'matplotlib' , but this has not solved the problem. Any help will greatly help me as I am a FORTRAN era person and a new convert to Python.
It looks like you're trying to use an intel compiled version of python and numpy can't find an necessary underlying library. Something is messed up in your python/numpy install.
This has nothing to do with OpenAeroStruct or OpenMDAO. If you can't fix your install, I suggest trying out the Anaconda python distribution, which should have everything precompiled correctly.
I don't have enough rep to comment, but please view this answer as a comment and I'll edit it once I can answer more properly.
That sounds like a numpy installation issue. Could you please post the entire error trace that you get when you try running the command?
Additionally, what system are you on (Windows, Mac, Linux), how did you install Python, and have you tried any other Python-based code that you can get to work successfully?
Edit: the most recent version of OpenAeroStruct has been modified to avoid this issue altogether.

Errors running Grunt and Sass

I've been trying to get Sass up and running with Bootstrap. I've followed the tutorial, going so far as to install exact versions of the dependencies listed rather than the default/latest versions. I've done this from scratch at least three times. I've uninstalled and reinstalled different versions of Sass and Compass (mainly according to Sass --compass --watch Error: Cannot load compass), as well as older versions of Ruby (I just installed 2.3.3, down from the latest release).
But whenever I get to running the grunt sass command, something goes wrong. I've gotten errors about not being able to load Compass. If I search and rectify that, I'll go through an error or two more (not on hand sorry, I've closed everything out), but keep ending up on:
C:/Ruby23-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/compass-core-1.1.0.alpha.3/lib/compass/core/caniuse.rb:72: warning: circular argument reference - browsers
Use --trace for backtrace.
Warning: Exited with error code 1 Use --force to continue.
I've looked up this error, and I've tried doing the bundle update listed here, but end up right back where I started with the same problems (since now there are updated versions of dependencies that apparently don't play well together, and compass things don't work again).
I know how to use Sass, I just can't practice since I can't get it running. I'm newer to coding, and I don't know Ruby at all, so I'm stuck now that my search-fu has failed me. My machine is running Windows 10. I am specifically looking to set up Sass to run with Bootstrap 4 (yes, I know it's in alpha, it's what I'm required to use for work) and there doesn't seem to be any good documentation out there about how to actually get it running properly.

Error 13 with Foundation when trying to run Grunt

Running "sass:dist" (sass) task
Warning: bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/functions:13: error: error reading >values after )
Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Look below for solution.
So I found the solution to the error thanks to:
Michael Degli-Angeli
(9/11/2014) - It appears Micheal removed his post from the following link/thread
Turns out this is a error with Foundation and just started happening today. (9/10/2014)
The Solution:
Just remove !global from line 13 in
and run grunt like so:
Note: Be careful if your bower.json is compiling with the latest Foundation.
The problem when removing !global is that I have now a very long compiled output file with a lot of dupped stuff. Just use the inspector in Chrome and you'll see... I can't find other solution for now...
Simply updating grunt-sass seems to do the trick, see Paul Angus's reply on Zurb's forum
npm install --save-dev grunt-sass
Afterwards, grunt build should compile with no errors.

grunt assemble error _config.yml file not generated?

I'm working to try to install the boilerplate-bootstrap example in a effort to learn/play around with assemble. The example fails for me after I try to run grunt saying to please run bower install before continuing. Looking in the Gruntfile.js, I can see that it is looking for vendor/bootstrap/_config.yml. Seems like I'm doing something pretty basic wrong here. the example I'm referring to is listed here:
Let me know if you have any suggestions at all for me - thanks
Just follow the prompt and run bower install bootstrap. All will make sense afterwards. The _config.yml file is in the root of the Bootstrap project, but you won't find it unless Bootstrap is downloaded with Bower first.

LESS CSS on Windows

Trying to set up LESS for CSS on my Windows box, I've installed ruby and rubygems and followed the instructions exactly.
I have put teststyle.less in C:\.
When I type
lessc teststyle.less
to compile it into a .css file, I get an error:
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Out of those familiar with LESS, do any of you have a solution to my problem?
Did I mess up the install?
If you don't want to use GUI to compile LESS on Windows, there is a clean way to get lessc command on Windows command line. It only requires you to install node.js, which is required by original lessc anyway.
So, install node.js ( and install "less" module for node.js. The latter provides lessc executable (lessc.cmd on Windows) as well, so you should only make sure it gets under your PATH in Windows.
If you don't have node.js yet, here are step-by-step instructions:
Install node.js (
In new command-line, go to node.js installation directory (where node.exe is located), and execute > npm install less (make sure you do so from node.js installation directory only)
Latter downloads less module for node.js, as well as lessc.cmd to node_modules/.bin/ directory. Add this directory to PATH
Now, in new command line you may enjoy the use of lessc as usual
You should look at, less ported to C# and specifically designed for .NET. You can use either a handler or compile.
Been using it for about six months, it's great.
Oops...saw windows and assumed dot net, perhaps that's not your environment. If not, never mind...
lessc does work on Windows now. See the Github page about commandline LESS tools for installation and usage instructions. The Github page with a list of LESS GUI tools might also be interesting.
Original answer:
The lessc command line tool for less.js doesn't work on Windows. If you want command line compiling of your LESS files you should check out this post.
Also be sure to check out WinLess. WinLess is a compiler (with GUI) for LESS. WinLess can watch your LESS files, and automatically compile them when they have changed.
If you are using Visual Studio for your projects you should also check out the BuildEventScript of
Be sure to check which compiler is being used when you are using different programs to compile your LESS code. If you are using programs which use different compilers you should watch out for interoperability issues (LESS code working correctly with one compiler, but not with another).
FYI, I found this Windows command line tool to compile LESS into CSS useful. It uses less.js to do the compilation. The command syntax is not very graceful, but it works well.
I just started using Crunch to compile Bootstrap and its pretty awesome. Its built on Adobe Air, which you will have to install if you don't already have it.
I think I found the problem. In my first installation I installed to C:\Program Files\Ruby
so I uninstalled and tried the default 'C:\Ruby' install path. Seems to fix the problem and it now works correctly. Thanks.
I have a recompiled version of DotlessCss that can accept less code from standard input and output the css code to the standard output. I have attached it at the following link LESS CSS Compiler for Windows
Only this PHP compiler didn't crashed with my crazy project structure with CSS imports in LESS, etc.
Very simple shell command for compiling LESS to CSS:
plessc input.less > output.css
You can use Prepros App for windows. It can compile less, sass, jade, stylus, markdown, coffeescript and haml with live browser refresh.
