Removing unused Foundation grid classes from SASS - css

I'm a bit new to Foundation and SCSS. I'm trying out the grid Mixin in the example like so:
/* Each individual part that can be added in */
#import "foundation/components/global";
#import "foundation/components/grid";
// #import "foundation/components/visibility";
#import "foundation/components/block-grid";
#masthead { #include grid-row; #include panel;
& > hgroup { #include grid-column(4); }
& > section { #include grid-column(8); }
The problem is the generated CSS has the masthead, hgroup, section classes as expected, but there's also all the usual .small-1, .large-2 grid classes etc.
Is there a way to tell SASS not to generate these "extra" classes?

Got the answer in: How can one import only variables and mixins from Scss stylehsheets?
Basically look for "$include-html*" in foundation/scss/foundation/components/_grid.scss, set to false, and that should turn off the "extra" classes.


Dynamically override Bootstrap CSS variables in React?

So what I have is a React project with Bootstrap.css loaded. I'd like to somehow override the variables, so for instance I have a bunch of buttons like
<button className="btn btn-primary">Hello</button>
Which basically 'inherit' the color from:
:root {
--primary: somecolor;
Is there a way to somehow override this? I've tried passing it in as inline style to components, like <Component style={{"--primary" : "red"}} /> which will override the :root { --primary }, but the button colors will remain the same. What's the easiest way to do this, considering I'm supporting dynamic colors, so I can't create a few CSS files, and it would be good if I didn't have to rewrite every single button I have to be a styled-component that minds props!
There's not really an easy way to do this. You could generate the CSS for the "custom" primary colors in SASS, and then add a "root" primary color class to the component like this...
SASS to generate "primary" color Bootstrap CSS
/* import the necessary Bootstrap files */
#import "bootstrap";
#mixin build-primary-classes($color) {
/* background classes */
#include bg-variant(".bg-primary", $color);
/* btn classes */
.btn-primary {
#include button-variant($color, $color);
.btn-outline-primary {
#include button-outline-variant($color);
/* text- classes */
#include text-emphasis-variant(".text-primary", $color);
/* badge classes */
.badge-primary {
#include badge-variant($color);
/* borders */
.border-primary {
border-color: $color !important;
$customprimarycolors: (
"purple": purple,
"red": red,
"orange": orange
#each $colorName, $color in $customprimarycolors {
.#{$colorName} {
#include build-primary-classes($color);
class Hello extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
<div className={this.props.className}>Hello <button className="btn btn-primary">Button</button></div>
ReactDOM.render(<Hello className="red" />, document.getElementById('root'));
Codeply demo:
Not sure if this will work, but an idea...
Could you edit your bootstrap.css file like this
:root { --primary: unset; }
That way you wouldn't have to overwrite any bootstrap styles?
HONESTLY ... I am not sure if it is a good idea to try to overwrite in CSS a few part of the classes bootstrap builds on a color var like $primary but let's the rest of the classes build on the same var as it is.
That's the way trouble raises up ...
An IMHO better way would be to do it the way Bootstrap provides it:
Changing in SASS the basic var $primary to the new wanted color in Bootstrap the color will change and the classes are there. Or adding a new color $additional-color and adding the color to map $theme-color and all the additional classes are build up on the fly ... Just have a look to the docs ... it is much more easier than it seems to be on the first look:
So yes: in SASS theming is possible just setting/adding the color vars.
But if in a project it is not possible to use SASS or the direct setup is not wanted for some reasons ... there are many free easy to use theming tools in the web which do the job for you. Than you are able to import a clean and consistend Bootstrap CSS with your wanted colors. Because that it is as easy Bootstrap is as successful (what not means I/you need to like it). As Bootstrap 5 still is Beta here an example for BS4 ...!/editor
NOTE: only changing/overwriting the CSS color vars in CSS file is not enough as the colors in the classes are hard coded to the original hex colors. You indeed would have to overwrite the original classes which leads to doubled code structures.

How to set custom font for foundation button

I am trying to set a custom font-family for the button in foundation 6 with no luck I am running foundation 6 with sass and believe they have removed the $button-font-family variable that was in previous versions. What is the best solution to achieve this without the variable?
Ideally I would like to apply a text-transform on the button text as well which is also not a button variable in the _setting.sass foundation file. As you may have gathered I am very new to foundation and sass so any help would be greatly appreciated.
It doesn't look like a font-family is specified in scss/components/_button.scss and that's where button syles are defined. The $body-font-family is set in both scss/settings/_settings.scss as well as scss/_global.scss (if not already defined in _settings.scss). So, verify that you have updated the value of $body-font-family there.
Aside from that, if you are using foundation sass semantically (i.e. mixins), you should be able to use the button mixin like so:
#include button( false, #ebebeb, #a5a5a5, black, solid );
..and then set the font-family property after the mixin like you normally would.
----Update: Based on follow up question/comment----
Here's an example main sass file for one of the foundation sites I'm working on now.
// Author copy of Foundation settings/_settings.scss
#import "settings";
// Author copy of Foundation _globals.scss
#import "global";
// Import from Foundation
#import "path/to/foundation-sites/scss/grid/grid";
#import "path/to/foundation-sites/scss/typography/typography";
#import "path/to/foundation-sites/scss/components/button";
// Include Foundation classes/styles that we want to use
#include foundation-global-styles();
#include foundation-typography();
// Author Variables
$color-map : ( 'blue': #40578a, 'blue-tint': #7e8ba8, 'blue-shade': #364a75, 'dark': #3d3e41, 'silver': #bdc0c6, 'gold': #ab883c );
$blue : map-get($color-map, 'blue');
$blue-tint : map-get($color-map, 'blue-tint');
$blue-shade: map-get($color-map, 'blue-shade');
$dark : map-get($color-map, 'dark');
$silver : map-get($color-map, 'silver');
$gold : map-get($color-map, 'gold');
// Author Components
#import "common";
#import "btn";
#import "view";
#import "cover";
#import "header";
#import "hero";
#import "navbar";
#import "main";
#import "page";
#import "intro";
#import "services";
I'll go through this section by section. It's pretty simple and once you have a project set up this way, you'll love it.
// Author copy of Foundation settings/_settings.scss
Here, we are importing a copy of the Foundation _settings.scss file and modifying it for our needs. Don't mess with the original _settings file that ships with Foundation. Doing so will make it more difficult to update the library moving forward.
// Author copy of Foundation _globals.scss
Same concept as the _settings file.
// Import from Foundation
These imports are the only parts of the Foundation framework that I want to use in this case. These component files include the mixins used to generate these components. This allows us to use the mixins semantically in our code.
// Include Foundation classes/styles that we want to use
And this will output the pre-defined classes/styles that we want to use from foundation. Typically, you will at least want to include global and typography styles.
// Author Variables
This is where I put my custom variables (not related to Foundation). You could put this in another partial if you want - just a preference.
// Author components
These are the project's custom components which may or may not utilize Foundation's mixins. The point is, we can if we want to now that we have included the components/mixins we want to use.
So, in your case, you could simply do this:
// Foundation settings
#import "settings";
// Foundation globals
#import "global";
// Import from Foundation
#import "../path/to/foundation-sites/scss/components/button";
// Author Variables
$special-button-font: Georgia, serif;
.special-button {
#include button(false, #ebebeb, #a5a5a5, black, solid);
font-family: $special-button-font;
&.tiny { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, tiny); }
&.small { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, small); }
&.large { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, large); }
&.expanded { #include button-expand; }

Sass/Susy mixin issue

I wanted to make a mixin for column spanning containers in SASS using the Susy framework where I could just use an include in a div and use the span-columns such as this:
#mixin container($columns, $ofColumns) {
#include span-columns($columns,$ofColumns);
Then in CSS use it like this:
#foo {
#include container(4,12);
But I get the error in the output css 'Mixin container is missing argument $columns.' What am I doing wrong here?

Is it possible to create a local/private sass mixin?

I have three sass files: a.scss, b.scss, c.scss
#mixin font($size, $color){
font-size: #{$size};
color: #{$color}
#include font(10px, blue)
#mixin font()
#import a.scss
#import b.scss
I think the mixin font() in b.scss override the mixin font($size, $color) in a.scss.
#include font(10px, blue) // use mixin font() in b.scss, error
Is it possible to create a local/private sass mixin? Or all mixins in sass are global, I have to give them unique name for each mixin?
Mixins within selectors are local to that selector just like Sass variables are. These two mixins are independent of each other:
#mixin my_color(){
color: #ffcc00;
#include my_color;
#mixin my_color(){
color: #00ffcc;
#include my_color;
So, to answer your final question - only mixins defined at the global level are global, and you can otherwise reuse names safely. In your example, if your a.scss, b.scss and c.scss are structured to define different overarching classes (eg .header, .main, .footer) you can have local font mixins for each.
Related: Localizing/Scoping a sass mixin.
UPDATE: Now with the new #use rule you can add private members just by starting its name with either - or _
More info here:
You are right. Just as in a typical CSS file, your sass project is compiled top down. So a mixin sharing the same name as a previous one will overwrite it. If you wish to use the original mixin in c.scss you would have to redefine it.

Sprite loading multiple times, not caching as I would expect

I am trying to create a sprite mixin, based on the compass sprite mixins for SCSS.
The trouble is that the image is loading multiple times. One for each unique call of the image (so each new class name that refers to the sprite)
Here is the SCSS I am using. First we call the compass mixins:
#import "compass/utilities/sprites/sprite-img";
Then I create my own mixin, designed to accept a column of images, with hover states to the right of each image:
$icons: "/assets/icons/socialMediaSprite.png";
#mixin verticalHoverSprite($row){
#include sprite-img("/assets/icons/socialMediaSprite.png",1,$row);
#include sprite-img($icons,2, $row);
The I use the apply the mixins to each required class:
#include verticalHoverSprite(1);
#include verticalHoverSprite(2);
#include verticalHoverSprite(3);
Here is the HTML I am attaching the images to:
<span class="socialMediaLink"></span>
<span class="facebook socialMediaLink"></span>
<span class="twitter socialMediaLink"></span>
Screen shot from Chrome network panel, which shows the image loading three times:
Check that caching is not disabled in your browser (it can be disabled from about v17).
Another idea is you include your image only once:
background: url(yourimage.png) no-repeat;
And then only change it's position with CSS without including the image again:
background-position: 0px 100px;
I guess you are trying to do this way I would just suggest not to include the image for every class, change only the position.
RynoRn was correct, but I thought his answer needed expanding to be specific to Compass SCSS, and not just CSS.
To fix it using compass and scss, I changed the code from the question to the following:
The mixin now has no reference to the image, just changes the position:
#mixin verticalHoverSprite($row){
#include sprite-position(1, $row);
#include sprite-position(2, $row);
and we add the background image to the socialMediaLink class:
#include sprite-background("/assets/icons/socialMediaSprite.png");
#include verticalHoverSprite(1);
#include verticalHoverSprite(2);
#include verticalHoverSprite(3);
