How does link with href for Line and Wechat? - wechat

Do you know the protocol for Line and Wechat? I want to find link of Line and Wechat like yahoo(ymsgr:sendIM?userid) and skype(skype:userid?chat)

The protocol you are looking for is weixin://
We are currently aware of 2 different ways to call this:
weixin://contacts/profile/USERNAME - USERNAME is a variable
weixin://qr/DECODED_QR_CODE - DECODED_QR_CODE is the decoded version of a WeChat QR code.
* IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note this functionality has been deprecated*


How can I get message ID in telegram which can be used in URLs in TdApi?

I'm using TdAPi and I want to get the message Id, which combined with the Username gives you the full link, e.g. something like this.
The message id I get right now is something like 161381342160 but I need to get 22.
I'm listening for UpdateNewMessage right now - do I need to check something else?
Please note: this is not a bot, it's a Telegram client program.
Webogram successfully does this but I haven't figured out how it accomplishes that task.
Thank you!

LocustIO: How to do batch request

I started to use LocustIO for load testing a 3rd party API which provides a way to do batch requests (
How can this be done using LocustIO?
I tried with the following:
def batch(self):
response = self.client.request(method="POST", url="/$batch", auth=("ABC", "DEF"), headers={"ContentType": "multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_36522ad7-fc75-4b56-8c71-56071383e77b"}, data="Content-Type: application/http\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n\nGET putyoururlhere HTTP/1.1\nAccept: application/json\n\n\n")
Auth is something I need to have authentication to the API, but that's not the point of the question and "putyoururlhere" should be replaced with the actual url. Either way, it gives errors when executing the test, so I must be doing something wrong.
People with experience how to do this?
Kind regards!
The data parameter should be your POST body (only), you cant put additional headers in it the way you did. You probably just want to add them as additional entries in the dict you pass as headers
Se the documentation for python requests library for more details.

Link message by message_id via telegram bot

I'm writing a simple bot and I want to basically link together two messages. I found that I could link one by replying on it, so it works like a charm. But now I want to insert a link to another message. And here is a problem, the only way to make a link I found is post link like{chat_name}/{message_id}. But it doesn't work for chats that don't have chat_name.
How could it be done?
Usually worked this pattern:{chat_id}/{message_id}, but it worked for me when I sliced chat_id (skipping minus and first 3 digits). For example on JS:
So, for message with chat_id: -1001473943182 and message_id: 5 link would be:
But it work only for chat.type = 'supergroup' as I see and chat must have join link probably.

Can I configure Salt to send emails to 2 targets for Sensu?

I'm configuring Sensu via Salt. Below is my sensu.sls file.
As you can see below, it sends emails to However I want it to send these emails to another email address too. Am I allowed to put 2 email addresses on that line? How do I separate them? Can you please show me a sample?
mail_to: ''
mail_from: ''
aws_access_key: 'BLAHBLAHBLAH'
aws_secret_key: 'BLAHBLAHBLAH2'
aws_ses_endpoint: ''
You may try this:
- ''
- ''
mail_from: ''
aws_access_key: 'BLAHBLAHBLAH'
aws_secret_key: 'BLAHBLAHBLAH2'
aws_ses_endpoint: ''

What is wrong with this call to Google Analytics __utm.gif?

I am trying to use PHP to fire hits at Google to track newsletter opens and clickthroughs. I want to use the same technique for both clickthroughs and opens since the clickthroughs will go to sites outside of my own control - I want to be able to report on the clickthrough rates of the newsletters regardless of where the clicks go to. I was thinking of trying but there is little in the way of example code/support docs to start with so I am hesitant.
Here is my url to __utm.gif broken up over the lines for clarity:
Does the utmhn need to be a legit URL or one associated with the account? What about utmr? I was using that to contain 'click' or 'open' so I could differentiate.
When I click a link in the newsletter I get the expected pixel image returned so Google is getting something anyway even if ignoring my querystring. In my Google Analytics account where should I see the data relating the the __utm.gif hits? So far I see none when using this technique.
P.S. I got this technique from here
Follow up:
I changed a few things and my url now looks like so:
&utm_campaign=tet 2012-06-19 10:41:30
and nothing happens except when I paste that link into my browser then Google gets it, so why does it not work when called from the PHP line $handle = fopen ($urchinUrl1, "r");?
ok, nevermind. I changed my app around so the utm.gif is just included in the email and in a redirect page rather than called from the script. Should have done it that way but got caught up in the fancier idea of calling the url from php.
Even though this question is over a year old...the GA measurement protocol can be used to send hits back to GA for newsletter opens and clickthroughs.
To answer your initial question, it looks like you're missing the utmhid and utmn parameters.
