ASP Classic download file script - asp-classic

I have a website being built in ASP Classic, and am having some trouble with a script that allows a user to download a file, but hides the path to the file.
When a user is on a page, they will see a link. The link is coded like this:
Download File
This link takes them to download.asp where code is run to get the file and deliver it. Here is the code I have right now:
const adTypeBinary = 1
dim strFilePath, strFile
strFilePath = "/_uploads/private/"
strFile = Request.QueryString("file")
if strFile <> "" then
'Set the content type to the specific type that you are sending.
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & strFile
set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.type = adTypeBinary
objStream.LoadFromFile(strFilePath & strFile)
response.binarywrite objStream.Read
Set objStream = nothing
end if
This code I put together from both questions on this site (How to download the files using vbscript in classic asp), and from
What is happening, however, is that the download.asp page is giving me a "file not found" error, even though the file is correctly in the web directory "/_uploads/private/".
The file type could be one of several, including pdf, xls, docx, etc.
Is there something in my code that is not allowing the file to be found?

Thanks to user oracle certified professional, in the comments above.
What worked was adding "Server.MapPath" to resolve the file location.
Instead of using:
objStream.LoadFromFile(strFilePath & strFile)
I changed it to:
objStream.LoadFromFile(Server.MapPath(strFilePath & strFile))
Now the link triggers the file to properly download.


Server.MapPath changes file path when passed outside of Class

I abbreviated my code here and hope convey enough data to express the problem I am having. I am more than happy to elaborate as needed.
I have an asp site that has about 70 pages that open files from various locations.
In one scenario I do some file manipulation, like copy, rename, convert to PDF etc.
This is done my moving the file into the project and then eventually serving the file from a project folder.
Originally I created a class with a few functions.
I call the function from the web page and the class manipulates and then opens the file.
Dim ReturnValue As String = OpenMyFile.OpenQCBD(Doc_Id)
The function would manipulate the file and the open it (note the creation of the file path)
OpenTempFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(fpath & "\") & FileName.ToLower, FileName)
Then opens it (contained in the class)
Public Sub OpenTempFile(strURL As String, FileName As String)
Dim req As WebClient = New WebClient()
Dim response As HttpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response
response.Buffer = True
response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=""" & FileName & """")
response.SuppressContent = True
This all worked great and passed the proper file path and opened the file (e.g. \\MyServer\Folder...) This was tested both locally and in production and worked as expected.
I had to make a change and pass the file path back to the asp page and then call the procedure to open the file from there.
Class the function from asp page (same)
Dim ReturnValue As String = OpenMyFile.OpenQCBD(Doc_Id)
Instead of opening the file return the file path
Result = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(fpath & "\") & FileName.ToLower
And then open the file (call from asp page)
OpenMyFile.OpenTempFile(FilePath, Path.GetFileName(FilePath))
This works great running locally on my machine.
However when I run it from the production server the class function returns C:Folder/.. instead //server/folder/... like it did before.
Construction of the file path is the same in both scenarios.
OpenTempFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(fpath & "\") & FileName.ToLower, FileName)
Result = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(fpath & "\") & FileName.ToLower
The only difference is passing it back to the asp page, this is where I receive the wrong path.
Again - works fine on my local machine
Any help or direction would be super helpful, thanks in advance.

ASP.NET how to return pdf file as response without changing response header

I want to return a pdf file as response to some button click.
I succeeded to send the pdf file, but when i try to save it via the browser, it won't let me save it as a .pdf file (but as .aspx file)
here's the code:
Dim myWebClient As WebClient = New WebClient()
Dim myDataBuffer As Byte() = myWebClient.DownloadData(LocalImageURL) ' LocalImageURL is some path to a pdf file
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
if I am adding also the following line before writing the byte array:
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=report.pdf")
it does the trick, but the problem is that the page remains stuck (looks like it still waits for server response to come)
This has been asked and answered before. Details are at the link below: file download handler not work properly

Determine DateLastModified for a web base JPG Image via ASP or ASPNet

Using VBS in an ASP page or ASPNet page, I would like to determine the date when a remote web-based JPG file was created (or modified, etc). For example a webcam shot which was FTP-ed to the website. Thus, with the URL of the JPG, how can I get to the properties of that JPG.
In the code below I tried to retrieve the image file and save it into my site web, but I get an error on the "objADOStream.SaveToFile (strSave,2)" line which says that
"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Write to file failed.".
I know I have read/write permissions to that folder as I regularly create/delete .txt files there.
Can you comment on why I am not able to save this file?
Assuming I do get it saved will the original file properties be retained?
Or, maybe even better, is there an easier way to get this photo file information?
Here is the code that I cobbled together to retrieve and save the file
dim strURL, strSave, objXMLHTTP, objADOStream, objFSO
strURL = ""
strSave = Server.MapPath("/xxx/photos/") & "photo.jpg"
objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") ("GET", strURL, false)
if err.number=0 then
if objXMLHTTP.readystate = 4 then
If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objADOStream.Type = 1
objADOStream.Write (objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody)
objADOStream.Position = 0
objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.Fileexists(strSave) Then objFSO.DeleteFile (strSave)
objFSO = Nothing
objADOStream.SaveToFile (strSave,2)
objADOStream = Nothing
End If
end if
end if
objXMLHTTP = Nothing
If all you need is to know the last modification date of the file, instead of sending a GET request, send a HEAD request. In your code change GET with HEAD and, after send get
It is possible that the server don't send this information, so you have no way to know this data.

Excel file showing aspx page after download from web folder

I am using the following code to download an excel file from my website:
Dim msFilePath As String
Dim msFileName As String
msFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/Template.xls")
msFileName = msFilePath
Dim mAttachFileName As String = "Template.xls"
Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=""" & mAttachFileName & """")
The excel file is a template being provided with column headings and that is all it contains. When I click on the download button in my website it prompts me to save/open the file with the correct name 'Template.xls'. Once I open it is displaying the aspx page inside the excel file instead of the data that is supposed to be in the file and giving me an error saying it is missing the css file. I have debugged through and the path is pointing to the correct location of the file so I'm not sure what is causing the problem. Any help appreciated!!
I've had exactly the same problem, I'd like to tell why yours doesn't work but i'm not that smart. Instead i'll just tell you what code i've used that now works for me:
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=""" & mAttachFileName & """")
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=""" & mAttachFileName & """")
I know that response.End() is deprecated but without it I always get all that html garbage...
I suddenly started having the problem in my machine. I tried the application in other machines (web app) and it worked. I had to rule out coding issues at that point. I tried a million things and nothing worked. I rebooted the machine and worked.
Rebooting is always my last option, believe me.

Error in file after download

I have word document which is opening perfectly at server but when i download it using button click event of my website it gets currept.
i am using below code on button click to make document download.
please help to resolve this problem:
i am using .net framework 3.5
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=StandardLetter" + _responseId.ToString() + ".doc");
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
Response.TransmitFile (Server.MapPath("~/document/letter/StandardLetter" + _responseId.ToString() + ".doc"));
Do you have a Response.End() after that code you posted? If not, you will get extra "html" code from the aspx file added to the transmitted file - thus corrupting it.
As Akshay Anand mentioned, a better way would be to call HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); instead of Response.End() see docs. See also this question.
Ok well here is the code I use, it's vb but easily converted ;)
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
Dim byteArray As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(MergedFile)
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=""" & ShortFilename & """")
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", byteArray.Length)
This works for PDF and by changing .ContentType to Excel spits that out too.. So I assume this will take any MIME type. Good luck!
I take my pdf document called MergedFile and convert it to a byte(), I give it a 'ShortName' that can be entered by the user. Content-Length is very important..
Instead try:
Response.ContentType ="application/msword";
I dont use Word but for Excel I use:
Response.ContentType = "application/x-msexcel"
