Logo in between navigation bar menu [Wordpress] - wordpress

I am developing a website by customizing a wordpress theme. I want to display my logo in between navigation bar menu. like this
Home AboutUs [MY LOGO] Gallery ContactUs
How can I do this? I can create my own divs to achieve this but don't know what should I write for first 2-3 page's links and other 2-3 page's links
If you have any website in mind displays navigation bar like this and is responsive you can give me its link.
Any help would be much appreciated.

your are give the background image on class of the div in the menu so ealiy get icon between the menu.
I have a get issue that type so i have give background image on the class of the div


Wordpress; Weptile Slider overlaying menus

I'm working on a Worpress site and I stumbled upon this annoying problem: On the very top of my index page I got a widget area which is displaying a Weptile Slider. Everything is a ok except slider is overlaying a Worpress menu (in header.php). What I'm trying to do is to push the slider into background, so the menus will dropdown correctly on top of the slider content. Right now the nav bar is useless. I have no idea what to do.
Use z-index:999; css for menu container.

Complex wordpress menu layout

I am creating a wordpress page with complex menu layout system.
This is a first for me to get stuck with menu.
My menu virtually looks like this, looks simple.
but, my site structure is not that easy.
I have horizontal -main_menu_item's on top of page,
after that there is slider and after slider comes horizontal main_menu_subitem's.
Now comes content part of --main_menu_subitem's and if it has ---main_menu_subitem2's they will be displayed on sidebar.
My problem is that how can i break one menu into three different blocks of code that i can display in different places?
--main_menu_subitem --main_menu_subitem --main_menu_subitem
---main_menu_subitem2 | content area
---main_menu_subitem2 | content area
---main_menu_subitem2 | content area
So, anyone seeing this easy and would like to give me a hand on this?

bootstrap child menu not align properly

Please see the menu image bellow
i'm using bootstrap navigation menu here .when if its items are few its child pop up menu goes as this .i'm tried a lot but not found a good result ,this menu items generated by dynamically from asp.net
help me to solve this .

When adding a Lightbox my dropdown menu shows up on top of the image

I have been trying to set up a simple lightbox for my trip reports on my website. I finally got Lightbox JS to work on my site (I had issues getting Lightbox 2 to load up) but I also use AllWebMenus and when you select the first lightboxed image the menus shows up on top of the photo. Any idea how I can set it up that the menu does not show up on top of the image?
Here is a link to my test page.
Just add z-index: 9999 to the div #lightbox

Wordpress menus with submenu in other place

I would love to use wordpress built in menu system and I need sub-menus. Is it possible to on hover show that menu items sub-menu in other place. See image.
Thank you. Any suggestions how to achieve this.
You can create the Sub-menu via the CMS in the menu panel dinamically under the parent label. Then you can just hide it onload and show it on the parent's hover. However the sub-menu must have position: absolute and, given your example the liwould have to de displayed inline.
A sample code would be useful to sort out details but this should work.
