ASP Site - Updating Dlls on Change -

When I make a change to the a aspx.cs page in my website and then build I notice that none of the dlls in the Bin folder are updated, the only dlls I can see in there are the references the web app uses. I want to bring across this one change rather than redeploy the whole site so where are the changes being saved?
I've tried various things like build solution, rebuild solution, build website, rebuild web site.
Is it possible my dll is being sent elsewhere? How would I go about finding out where?

In Solution Explorer, on root project node, right-click and select Properties. Click on the "Build" tab and look under "Output" section. Here you will see the actual output path and can change it to your bin folder.

In Solution Explorer, on root project node, right-click and try to Clean solution and then again build whole solution.


ASP.NET MVC 4 IncludeDirectory from a another referenced project

I'm facing out a strange problem while using ASP.NET MVC 4.
I have 2 "Web Site" projects:
The first named "MyWebSite"
The second named "MyWebSite.Support"
I need to include the scripts under MyWebSite into MyWebSite.Support, so i thought to create a bundle in MyWebSite.Support and to reference that directory (MyWebSite/Scripts) inside that bundle by using "IncludeDirectory"
The problem is that i didn't found a way to correctly do that. It simply doesn't work because the starting path for the IncludeDirectory should be "~", which is the project virtual root path.
PS: If you have another solutions they are welcome!.
I don't even know if it's a good solution (i usually am not a everything_related_microsoft developer)
You could add the scripts as a link to the other project. This will assure you that they are copied when you deploy and you can use them in bundles. To do that, right-click on your scripts folder and select "Add existing item". In the dialog box select the files you want to add. Instead of clicking "Add Item", click on the little arrow next to it and select "Add as a link".
This will not actually copy the files, but include them as a linked file.
This has several advantages:
Files are shared between projects at Design time
You only need to share the files you want, not everything
You don't need any IIS configuration
You can easily edit the same file from each project (without copying it)

Visual Studio 2012 Website - Make Project Folder Mirror Explorer

I'm guessing there's a standard way to do this that I never learned... I have a VS solution with some folders in it, you know, Models, Views, Controllers, etc. I added a few custom ones like Styles, Scripts, and Images. Naturally, I started saving images for the site in the Images folder in Explorer that VS created. I was sad to learn, however, that these files don't just show up in my solution, therefore they don't get Web Deployed either. Bummer. What is the right thing to do here?
P.S. Some of you probably jumped when I said I made a Scripts folder. I know about the built in minification stuff, and I don't want to use it at this point. Thanks.
If you don't mind getting your hands dirty in the .csproj file, firstly remove any existing file references from the Images folder of the project and then insert this before the <Import> tags.
<Content Include="Images\**\*.*" />
This will automatically include all files contained in the Images folder and its subfolders when the project is loaded.
Click Show All Files in the toolbar on top of Solution Explorer.
You can then right-click a file or folder and click Include in Project.
You also need to make sure that the files' Build Action is set to Content, but that should happen automatically.

Published project files ignored

I've been trying to publish my Visual Studio 2010 project. I do this by accessing a hard drive which corresponds to a URL, so X:\Options\Forms\HD\ corresponds to /HD. Yet when I go to the URL, it says I don't have a default.aspx page. Yet when I look in the corresponding file directory the default.aspx page is right there. Why is the browser ignoring it? Another issue I have is that not all of the files are getting published when I select the option in Visual Studio; many are left behind including my default.aspx.vb file.
To make sure files get published, make sure that they have the correct Build Action set (check the Properties window for the file). Especially, if it is set to None or if the files are not part of the solution/project they won't get published. The "Content" build action is a good choice for any file that just needs to be published.
Extra tip: for files that VS doesn't know the default build action is None. You can however configure VS to use whatever build action you want.
I've written about it here:
Also, I've created a simple tool that generates the necessary configuration file:

How to get ASP.NET website precompilation to exclude a certain folder

The several different environments (e.g. live, demo etc) of my web app are differentiated by config settings in a folder called EnvironmentConfiguration. Whenever I update one of the sites, I delete the EnvironmentConfiguration folder from the precompiled site before copying the website files over (i.e. in order that the EnvironmentConfiguration folder in the deployment location is not replaced).
Just to save mistakes, is there a way I can get Visual Studio not to produce the EnvironmentConfiguration folder when it precompiles the site for me?
You could try a couple of things.
1) Right click on the folder in the solution and select exclude from Project.
2) Look at each of the files in the folder and set the BuildAction property to 'None' rather than 'Content'

How to create a solution file using vs 2008

I have all the files for the deployment listed below :
The above files can be copy pasted in the webapps folder and default.aspx could be run from the browser.
i want to create a solution sln file from this. How to create a solution file?
A solution is merely a container of projects. If you create a project containing these files, the solution file will be created automatically in the same directory (unless you specify otherwise).
File -> New Project
Expand Other Project Types, Select
Visual Studio Solutions
Under Templates, ensure you have
selected Blank Solution
Enter a name and a location for the
solution and click OK
File -> Add -> Existing Web Site
Select the folder that contains your
website and click Open
It looks as though you are creating a web site. I've never been able to create a solution with just a website in it (a web application is a different beast however). However, I have found a workaround, although it's a little cludgy. Create a new class library project (any project type will do really). This will create the project file. Then File -> Add -> Exisiting Web Site. Point to your existing web site and add it. This will create the solution file as you now have two items. You can now delete the first project that you created. This will leave you with a solution file with one web site in it.
