Newton's Method in R Precision/Output - r

So, I'm supposed to write the code to execute Newton's Method to calculate the square root of any arbitrary number to a specified precision (tolerance).
Here is my code:
MySqrt <- function(x, eps = 1e-6, itmax = 100, verbose = TRUE) {
GUESS <- 11
myvector <- integer(0)
i <- 1
if (x < 0) {
stop("Square root of negative value")
else {
myvector[i] <- GUESS
while (i <= itmax) {
GUESS <- (GUESS + (x/GUESS)) * 0.5
myvector[i+1] <- GUESS
if (abs(GUESS-myvector[i]) < eps) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Iteration: ", formatC(i, width = 1), formatC(GUESS, digits = 10, width = 12), "\n")
i <- i + 1
eps is the tolerance. When I use the function to calculate the square root of, say, 21, I got this as an output:
> MySqrt(21, eps = 1e-1, verbose = TRUE)
Iteration: 1 6.454545455
Iteration: 2 4.854033291
Iteration: 3 4.59016621
I'm not sure if the function stops carrying out iterations when it is supposed to, however. Can someone verify if my code is correct? This would be greatly appreciated!

Your code is almost correct. It is iterating the correct number of times. The only bug is that you don't increment i until after the break statement, so you are not returning the most recent approximation. Instead you are returning the previous one.
In order to verify that it is stopping at the right time, you can move the tracing line up above the break. You can also add GUESS-myvector[i] to the trace, so you can watch it halt as soon as the difference gets small enough. If you do this and run the function, the fact that it is stopping at the right time, as well as the fact that it is returning the wrong value, will be obvious:
> MySqrt(21,eps=1e-1)
Iteration: 1 6.454545 -4.545455
Iteration: 2 4.854033 -1.600512
Iteration: 3 4.590166 -0.2638671
Iteration: 4 4.582582 -0.007584239
[1] 4.590166
While your code is (almost) correct, it is not written in very good R style. For example, unless you want to return the entire vector of estimates, there is no reason that you need to keep them all around. Also, rather than using a while loop, here it would make more sense to use a for loop. Here one possible improved version of your function:
MySqrt <- function(x, eps = 1e-6, itmax = 100, verbose = TRUE) {
GUESS <- 11
if (x < 0) {
stop("Square root of negative value")
for(i in 1:itmax){
nextGUESS <- (GUESS + (x/GUESS)) * 0.5
if (verbose)
cat("Iteration: ", i, nextGUESS, nextGUESS-GUESS, "\n")
if (abs(GUESS-nextGUESS) < eps)


Writing recursion function for probability

I am trying to find where the probability reaches a certain point; then, the function will return the value responsible for this probability.
The function I wrote takes two arguments
p represents the number of CPUs
q the number of jobs processed by each CPU
The function wants to optimise the number of CPUs in a server that will guarantee a 0.9 probability that each CPU will handle only one job simultaneously. Therefore, the number of processors (p) needs to be > the number of jobs (q).
opcpu <- function(p,q){
if (p < q){
paste("The number of processors should be",q," or more")
} else {
prob = prod(p:(p-(q-1)))/p^q
while (prob < 0.9){
p = p + 1
I wrote the function as a recursion function. But it seems there is something wrong.
I tried to run the function, but it is not working. Solving the problem by trial and error gives that p = 631 when q = 12.
You’re on the right track. Try using if instead of while, and returning either p or a recursive call:
opcpu <- function(p,q) {
if (p < q) {
stop("The number of processors should be", q, " or more")
prob <- prod(p:(p-(q-1)))/p^q
if (prob < 0.9) {
} else {
# 631
Or you could use while instead of recursion:
opcpu <- function(p,q) {
if (p < q) {
stop("The number of processors should be", q, " or more")
prob <- prod(p:(p-(q-1)))/p^q
while (prob < 0.9){
p <- p + 1
prob <- prod(p:(p-(q-1)))/p^q
# 631
Note, I changed your paste() to stop(), since it seems you’re trying to indicate that p < q isn’t valid input. Another option would be to just start testing at p = q if the input is missing or less than q:
opcpu <- function(p,q) {
if (missing(p) || p < q) p <- q
prob <- prod(p:(p-(q-1)))/p^q
if (prob < 0.9) {
} else {
opcpu(q = 12)
# 631

Does anyone know how I can make my code run faster?

I am trying to calculate Sigma(n=0 to infinity) (−1)^n/(n + 1) as accurately as possible. But my code takes forever and I am not able to see whether my answer is right. Does anyone know how I can make my code faster? The sum is supposed to converge to log(2). My idea is that f(n) will eventually become a very small number (less than 2^-52) and a time would come when R would consider sum = sum + f(n) and that's when I'd want the code to stop running. But clearly, that doesn't seem to work and my code takes forever to run and at least to me, it doesn't seem to ever stop.
f <- function(n)
s <- function(f){
sum <- 0
n <- 0
while(sum != sum + f(n)) {
sum <- sum + f(n)
n <- n + 1
return(c(sum, n))
List s(int max_iter) {
double sum = 0;
double sum_prec=NA_REAL;
double n = 0;
for (;sum != sum_prec && n < max_iter;n++) {
sum_prec = sum;
return List::create(
_[\"sum\"] = sum,
_[\"iterations\"] = n,
_[\"precision\"] = sum-sum_prec
) ;
test <- s(100000000)
When you use a huge number of subsequent iterations you know that R is not appropriated. However C++ functions are very easy to use within R. You can do something like that by example. The function needs a max of iterations and returns a list with your sum, the number of iterations and the precision.
EDIT : By precision I only do sum-sum_prec so this is not the real interval.
EDIT 2 : I let the sum != sum_prec for the example but if you don't have a supercomputer you're not supposed to see the end lol
EDIT 3 :
Typically, a fast R base solution would be something like :
base_sol <- function(n_iter) {
v <- seq_len(n_iter)
v <- (-1L)^(v-1L)/v
sum = sum(v),
iterations = n_iter,
precision = v[length(v)]
Which is only 1.5 times slower than c++, which is pretty fast for an interpreted language, but has the con of loading every member of the sum in ram (but then, R is made for stats not for calculating things at 2^-52)

Error in if (randomNumber <= p) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I get a problem when I run this program in R.
anybody help me to solving this problem..?
cdf2 <- function(x, help) {
pgamma(x, shape=par_1[1], scale=par_1[2]) *
pgamma(x, shape=par_2[1], scale=par_2[2])-help
nextEventTime <- function(censoring) {
randomNumber <- runif(n=1, min=0, max=1)
pnew <- randomNumber * (1 - cdf2(censoring, 0)) + cdf2(censoring, 0)
uniroot(f=cdf2, interval=c(0, 1000*tau), help=pnew)$root
hazardRate1 <- function(t) {
dgamma(t, shape=par_1[1], scale=par_1[2]) /
(1 - pgamma(t, shape=par_1[1], scale=par_1[2]))
hazardRate2 <- function(t) {
dgamma(t, shape=par_2[1], scale=par_2[2]) /
(1 - pgamma(t,shape=par_2[1], scale=par_2[2]))
nextEventType <- function(t) {
p <- hazardRate1(t)/(hazardRate1(t)+hazardRate2(t))
randomNumber <- runif(n=1, min=0, max=1)
if (randomNumber <= p) {1} else {2}
for(i in 1:nrow(dfnexteventime)){
When I run this program, this program will error & produce output like this
Error in if (randomNumber <= p) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I think this problem because t value in nextEventType(t) function can't zero (t!=0).
But nextEventTime(dfnexteventime$nexteventtime[i]) never produce zero value, when I run this part for 10 times,
for(i in 1:nrow(dfnexteventime)){
without nextEventType function. This part never produce 0 value.
So, I confuse, what is a problem?.
I want result nextEventType(t) produce not zero value.
because if using zero value will be Error in if(ramdonNumber <= p) { :...
Your problem isn't calling nextEventType(t) on zero, since this will never happen. However, the same error occurs whenever nextEventType(t) is called on a value of t greater than 195. At this point, the term pgamma(t, shape=par_1[1], scale=par_1[2]) is so close to one that R evaluates 1 - pgamma(t, shape=par_1[1], scale=par_1[2]) to zero, so hazardRate1(t) returns Inf. Since nextEventType(t) is trying to assign p to Inf/Inf, p is never defined.
> p <- hazardRate1(196)/(hazardRate1(196) + hazardRate2(196))
> p
[1] NaN
This will only happen in very extreme cases, when you happen to draw > 195 in nextEventTime(t), which only occurs around once in 30,000 random draws. That's why you don't see it when you run it 10 times, but often you do when you run it 20,000 times.
random_draws <- numeric()
for(i in 1:1000000) random_draws[i] <- nextEventTime(0)
length(which(random_draws > 195))
# > [1] 28

What is wrong with my R for-loop that sums a series?

Here is my function that does a loop:
answer = function(a,n) {
for (k in 0:n) {
x =+ (a^k)/factorial(k)
answer(1,2) should return 2.5 as it is the calculated value of
1^0 / 0! + 1^1 / 1! + 1^2 / 2! = 1 + 1 + 0.5 = 2.5
But I get
#[1] 0.5
Looks like it fails to accumulate all three terms and just stores the newest value every time. += does not work so I used =+ but it is still not right. Thanks.
answer = function(a,n) {
x <- 0 ## initialize the accumulator
for (k in 0:n) {
x <- x + (a^k)/factorial(k) ## note how to accumulate value in R
answer(1, 2)
#[1] 2.5
There is "vectorized" solution:
answer = function(a,n) {
x <- a ^ (0:n) / factorial(0:n)
In this case you don't need to initialize anything. R will allocate memory behind that <- and sum.
You are using Taylor expansion to approximate exp(a). See this Q & A on the theme. You may want to pay special attention to the "numerical convergence" issue mentioned in my answer.

Writing a square root function in R

I'm trying to write a square root function in R. The function is supposed to behave like sqrt() but not use that function of course. I'm supposed to use Newton's method for computing the square root, which is:
y(a+1) = [y(a) + x / y(a)]/2
Here x is the number I'm trying to calculate the square root of and y(0) would be the initial guess of the square root of x.
The function is supposed to take in four arguments: x (the number I'm trying to compute the square root of), eps (the difference in value between iterations that are considered be equal), iter (the max number of iterations), and verbose (says I want to output intermediate results).
My issue is that I am not very well versed in writing functions in R. I have experience in C++, but they are slightly different in R.
I believe I'm supposed to write something that goes like this.
Asks the user to input a number as a guess for the value we want to calculate the square root of. Make a for loop from 1 to iter with two if statements 1) that stop the function and output the y value if the max number of iterations have been reached 2) stop the function and output the y value if the difference between successive iterations is less than eps.
Here is the code I have so far:
MySqrt <- function (x, eps = 1e-6, iter = 100, verbose = TRUE) {
for (i in 0:itmax) {
y[0] <- readline(prompt="Please enter your initial square root guess: ")
y[i + 1] = (y[i] + x / y[i])/2
if (i == 100) {
stop (return(y[i + 1]))
if (abs(y[i + 1] - y[i]) < eps) {
stop (return(y[i + 1]))
return(y[i + 1])
Here is the error I receive after entering the initial square root guess: Error in y[0] <- readline(prompt = "Please enter your initial square root guess: ") :
object 'y' not found
Honestly, I didn't expect the code to work because I'm sure there are more than one errors.
You should use iter instead of itmax.
I initialized y within the function and input of y should be formatted as a number instead of a character. You could also simplify the if statement by using | (or).
I also added "cat" function so you could see what i is before the function prints out the square root value.
MySqrt <- function (x, eps = 1e-6, iter = 100, verbose = TRUE) {
y = 0
y[1] = as.numeric(readline(prompt="Please enter your initial square root guess: "))
for (i in 1:iter) {
y[i+1] = as.numeric((y[i] + (x/y[i]))/2)
if (i == 100 || abs(y[i+1] - y[i]) < eps) {
cat("This is", i,"th try: \n")
Try this simply:
newton.raphson <- function(x, start, epsilon=0.0001, maxiter=100) {
y <- c(start) # initial guess
a <- 1 # number of iterations
while (TRUE) {
y <- c(y, (y[a] + x / y[a])/2)
if (abs(y[a+1] - y[a]) < epsilon | a > maxiter) { # converged or exceeded maxiter
a <- a + 1
newton.raphson(2, 0.5, 0.01)
# [1] 1.414234
newton.raphson(3, 0.5, 0.01)
# [1] 1.732051
since sqrt(n) < n/2 then with precision of 1/10000
while (abs(x*x-y) > 1e-10)
{x=(x+y/x)/2 }
In Newton’s method. If you want to know the square root of a, you can start estimate a number, x (for examples a/2), you can compute a better estimate with the following formula:
y = (x + a / x) / 2
If y != x, you set x = y, and repeat until y == x. Then you get the square root of a. Please see the code below:
square_root <- function(a) {
x <- a/2
while (TRUE) {
y <- (x + a / x) / 2
if (y == x) break
x <- y
