Why does n^O(1) mean “polynomial time?” - math

An algorithm runs in polynomial time if it's runtime is O(nk) for some k. However, I've also seen polynomial time defined as time nO(1).
I have some questions about this:
Why is nO(1) polynomial time? What happened to k?
If nO(1) is polynomial time, then 3n2 should be nO(1). But where did the 3 go? How does that work?

When you have an expression like "the runtime is O(n)" or "the runtime is O(n2)," the O(n) and O(n2) terms aren't actual functions. Instead, they're placeholders for some other function with some property. For example, take this statement:
The runtime of the algorithm is O(n)
This statement really means
There is some function f(n) where the runtime of the algorithm is f(n) and f(n) = O(n)
For example, if a function's actual runtime is 137n + 42, the statement "the runtime of the algorithm is O(n)" is true because there is some function (namely, f(n) = 137n + 42) where the runtime of the algorithm is f(n) and f(n) = O(n).
Given this, let's think about what the statement "the runtime of the algorithm is nO(1)" means. This statement is equivalent to
There is some function f(n) where the runtime of the algorithm is nf(n) and f(n) = O(1)
Now that we've gotten the terminology clearer, what exactly does this mean? Intuitively, a function is O(1) if it's eventually bounded from above by some constant. Therefore, any function f(n) that's O(1) must satisfy f(n) ≤ k once n gets sufficiently large. Therefore, at least intuitively, nO(1) means "n raised to some power that's at most k," which sounds like the definition of a polynomial function.
Of course, there's that pesky issue of constant factors. The function 137n3 is definitely O(n3), but it has a huge constant term in front. On the other hand, if we have a function of the form nO(1), there isn't a constant term in front of the n3. How do we handle this?
This is where we can get cute with the math. In the case of 137n3, note that when n > 1, we have
137n3 = nlogn137 n3 = n3 + logn 137
Notice that this is n raised to the power of logn 137. Although it might look like the function logn 137 grows as n grows larger, it actually has the opposite behavior: it decreases as n grows. The reason for this is that we can use the change of base formula to rewrite logn 137 as
logn 137 = log 137 / log n
Which clearly decreases in the long term when log n decreases. Therefore, the expression 3 + logn137 ends up being bounded from above by some constant, so it's O(1).
Using this technique, it's possible to convert O(nk) to nO(1) by choosing the exponent of n to be k plus the log base n of the constant factor in front of the nk term that comes up in the big-O notation. Similarly, we can convert back from nO(1) to O(nk) by choosing k to be any constant that upper-bounds the function hidden by the O(1) term in the exponent of n.
Hope this helps!


Sum of the powers

I have to code to evaluate the value of following sequence :
( pow(1,k) + pow(2,k) + ... + pow(n,k) ) % MOD
for given value of n,k and MOD.
I have tried searching it on internet. I got an equation . It contains zeta functions and it seems difficult in implementation. I want any simple approach for implementing the same. Note that the value of n is large, so that we cannot simply use brute force to pass the time limit.
Newton's identities might be of help. Calculate the coefficients of the polynomial with 1..n as roots. That pretty trivial. Then use the identities.
It's just the first thing that comes to mind when I see sums of powers.
I think it is nicely compatible with modular arithmetics - there are only multiplications and additions.
I must admit, that Newton's identities are only the rearrangement of the terms, so not much speed gain here.
k=input("Enter value for K: ")
n=input("Enter value for N: ")
mod=input("Enter value for MOD: ")
for i in range(1,n+1):
result=sum % mod
print mod
May be this code is gonna help.
I agree that math.stackexchange.com is a better bet.
But here are random facts that, depending on parameters, may make the problem more manageable.
First, factor MOD, solve for each prime power factor, then use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to find the answer for MOD. Thus without loss of generality, you may assume that MOD is a prime power.
Next, note that 1^k + ... + MOD^k is always divisible by MOD. Therefore you can replace n by n mod MOD.
Next, if MOD = p^i and j is not divisible by p, then j^((p-1) * p^(i-1)) is 1 mod MOD, so we can reduce the size of k.
Of course if (k, n) < MOD and MOD is prime, this will not help you at all. (Which, depending on how this problem arises, may well be the case.)
(If k is small enough, there are explicit formulas that you can produce for the sum. But it seems that for you k can be large enough to make that approach intractable.)

Expected worst-case time complexity of chained hash table lookups?

When implementing a hash table using a good hash function (one where the probability of any two elements colliding is 1 / m, where m is the number of buckets), it is well-known that the average-case running time for looking up an element is Θ(1 + α), where α is the load factor. The worst-case running time is O(n), though, if all the elements end up put into the same bucket.
I was recently doing some reading on hash tables and found this article which claims (on page 3) that if α = 1, the expected worst-case complexity is Θ(log n / log log n). By "expected worst-case complexity," I mean, on expectation, the maximum amount of work you'll have to do if the elements are distributed by a uniform hash function. This is different from the actual worst-case, since the worst-case behavior (all elements in the same bucket) is extremely unlikely to actually occur.
My question is the following - the author seems to suggest that differing the value of α can change the expected worst-case complexity of a lookup. Does anyone know of a formula, table, or article somewhere that discusses how changing α changes the expected worst-case runtime?
For fixed α, the expected worst time is always Θ(log n / log log n). However if you make α a function of n, then the expected worst time can change. For instance if α = O(n) then the expected worst time is O(n) (that's the case where you have a fixed number of hash buckets).
In general the distribution of items into buckets is approximately a Poisson distribution, the odds of a random bucket having i items is αi e-α / i!. The worst case is just the m'th worst out of m close to independent observations. (Not entirely independent, but fairly close to it.) The m'th worst out of m observations tends to be something whose odds of happening are about 1/m times. (More precisely the distribution is given by a Β distribution, but for our analysis 1/m is good enough.)
As you head into the tail of the Poisson distribution the growth of the i! term dominates everything else, so the cumulative probability of everything above a given i is smaller than the probability of selecting i itself. So to a good approximation you can figure out the expected value by solving for:
αi e-α / i! = 1/m = 1/(n/α) = α/n
Take logs of both sides and we get:
i log(α) - α - (i log(i) - i + O(log(i)) = log(α) - log(n)
log(n) - α = i log(i) - i - i log(α) + O(log(i))
If we hold α constant then this is:
log(n) = i log(i) + O(i)
Can this work if i has the form k log(n) / log(log(n)) with k = Θ(1)? Let's try it:
log(n) = (k log(n) / log(log(n))) (log(k) + log(log(n)) - log(log(log(n)))) + O(log(log(n)))
= k (log(n) + o(log(n)) + o(log(n))
And then we get the sharper estimate that, for any fixed load average α, the expected worst time is (1 + o(1)) log(n) / log(log(n))
After some searching, I came across this research paper that gives a complete analysis of the expected worst-case behavior of a whole bunch of different types of hash tables, including chained hash tables. The author gives as an answer that the expected length is approximately Γ-1(m), where m is the number of buckets and Γ is the Gamma function. Assuming that α is a constant, this is approximately ln m / ln ln m.
Hope this helps!

Fast Fourier Transform Pseudocode?

The purpose of the following code is to convert a polynomial from coefficient representation into value representation by dividing it into its odd and even powers and then recursing on the smaller polynomials.
function FFT(A, w)
Input: Coefficient representation of a polynomials A(x) of degree ≤ n-1, where n
is a power of 2w, an nth root of unity.
Output: Value representation A(w^0),...,A(w^(n-1))
if w = 1; return A(1)
express A(x) in the form A_e(x^2) and xA_o(x^2) /*where A_e are the even powers and A_o
the odd.*/
call FFT(A_e,w^2) to evaluate A_e at even of powers of w
call FFT(A_o,w^2) to evaluate A_o at even powers of w
for j = 0 to n-1;
compute A(w^j) = A_e(w^(2j))+w^j(A_o(w^(2j)))
return A(w^0),...,A(w^(n-1))
What is the for loop being used for?
Why is the pseudocode only adding the smaller polynomials, doesn't it need to subtract them too? (to calculate A(-x)). Isn't that what the algorithm completely based on? Adding and subtracting the smaller polynomials to reduce the points in half?*
Why are powers of "w" being evaluated as opposed to "x"?
I am not a too sure if this belongs here, since the question is quite mathematical. If you feel this question is off-topic, I would appreciate it if you moved it to a site where you felt this question would be more appropriate, rather that just closing it.
*Psuedocode was gotten from Algorithms by S. Dasgupta. Page 71.
The loop is for recursion.
No need to add for negative x; the FFT transforms from time to frequency space.

Proving worst case running time of QuickSort

I am trying to perform asymptotic analysis on the following recursive function for an efficient way to power a number. I am having trouble determining the recurrence equation due to having different equations for when the power is odd and when the power is even. I am unsure how to handle this situation. I understand that the running time is theta(logn) so any advice on how to proceed to this result would be appreciated.
Recursive-Power(x, n):
if n == 1
return x
if n is even
y = Recursive-Power(x, n/2)
return y*y
y = Recursive-Power(x, (n-1)/2)
return y*y*x
In any case, the following condition holds:
T(n) = T(floor(n/2)) + Θ(1)
where floor(n) is the biggest integer not greater than n.
Since floor doesn't have influence on results, the equation is informally written as:
T(n) = T(n/2) + Θ(1)
You have guessed the asymptotic bound correctly. The result could be proved using Substitution method or Master theorem. It is left as an exercise for you.

Asymptotic complexity constant, why the constant?

Big oh notation says that all g(n) are an element c.f(n), O(g(n)) for some constant c.
I have always wondered and never really understood why we need this arbitrary constant to multiply with the bounding function f(n) to get our bounds?
Also how does one decide what number this constant should be?
The constant itself doesn't characterize the limiting behavior of the f(n) compared to g(n).
It is used for the mathematical definition, which enforces the existence of a constant M such that
If such a constant exists then you can state that f(x) is an O(g(x)), and this is the usual notation when analyzing algorithms, you just don't care about which is the constant but just the complexity of operations itself. The constant is able make that disequation correct by ensuring that M|g(x)| is an upper bound of f(x).
How to find that constant depends on f(x) and g(x) and it is the mathematical point that must be proved to ensure that f(x) has a g(x) big-o so there's not a general rule. Look at this example.
Consider function
f(n) = 4 * n
Doesn't it make sense to call this function O(n) since it grows "as fast" as g(n) = n.
But without constant in definition of O you can't find n0 such as that for all n > n0, f(n) <= n. That's why you need constant, and indeed from condition,
4 * n <= c * n for all n > n0
you can get n0 == 0, c == 4.
