Prevent items in scope from writing to a different user's records - firebase

I was having success with using AngularFire in a scenario where there is one user on my application.
Now that I have authentication up and running, I'm noticing that assigning items to $scope.items is catastrophic when switching users, mainly due to the $scope failing to update correctly.
Reading directly from the docs...
var ref = new Firebase('https://<my-firebase>');
angularFire(ref, $scope, 'items');
I need these to be only the items of the currently authorized user. So currently, I do this (if there's a better way, don't hesitate to tell me!)
var ref = new Firebase('https://<my-firebase>');
angularFire(ref, $scope, 'items');
I generate userId using auth.provider and, btw. Now that my items are namespaced in (let's say) user1
var ref = new Firebase('https://<my-firebase>[user1id]');
angularFire(ref, $scope, 'items');
I add items to $scope.items
$scope.create = function(item) {
/* Pretend the user adds these from the interface.
{ name: 'eenie' },
{ name: 'meenie' },
{ name: 'miney' },
{ name: 'moe' }
The problem
Now if I just log out and login as someone else, magically that user has eenie meenie miney and moe because $scope.items held the array between logout and login.
I tried to set $scope.items = [] on logout event, but that actually empties all the records. I'm pulling my hair out. This is 0.001% of what I need to do in my project and it's taking my whole weekend.
Update New method
$scope.create = function() {
$scope.selectedDevice = {
name: 'New Device',
userId: $scope.user.provider + $
return $scope.devices.push($scope.selectedDevice);
$scope.$on('angularFireAuth:login', function(evt, user) {
var promise, ref;
ref = new Firebase('' + (user.provider + + '/registry/');
promise = angularFire(ref, $scope, 'devices');
It now will accurately create items under the user's id. However, still, once you logout and log back in, those items do not get cleared from $scope.devices. Therefore, they just add themselves to data but under the newly logged in user.
I did a lot of trial and error. I probably set $scope.devices to [] and moved around login events in every possible combination. What eventually worked was #hiattp's fiddle in the accepted answer.

This is a result of the implicit data binding remaining intact as you switch users. If the new user shows up and creates a new binding, it will consider the existing data to be local changes that it should assimilate (that's why you see the original user's items being added to the new user), but if you try to clear them first without releasing the binding then you are implicitly telling Firebase to delete that data from the original user's item list (also not what you want). So you need to release the data bindings when you detect the logout (or login) events as needed.
The callback in the angularFire promise provides an "unbind" method (see here and here):
var promise = angularFire(ref, $scope, 'items');
// Calling unbind() will disassociate $scope.items from Firebase
// and generally it's useful to add unbind to the $scope for future use.
You have a few idiosyncrasies in your code that are likely causing it not to work, and remember that unbind won't clear the local collection for you. But just so you have an idea of how it should work (and to prove it does work) here is a fiddle.

You need to unbind $scope.items on logout. The best way to do this will be to save the unbind function given to your promise in $scope:
var ref = new Firebase('https://<my-firebase>[user1id]');
angularFire(ref, $scope, 'items').then(function(unbind) {
$scope.unbindItems = unbind;
$scope.$on('angularFireAuth:logout', function() {


Reactive subscription on user collection

I am trying to subscribe to profdle information of a different user than the logged in user, but I am facing issues as mentioned below
I am using angular-material and my code looks like below:
//publish user info upon following user
Meteor.publish("getUserInfo", function (userId) {
return (Meteor.users.find({_id: userId}, {fields: {profile: 1}}));
$scope.$meteorSubscribe("getUserInfo", askLikeController.$root.askLike[0].userId).then(function (subscriptionHandle) {
//Second element in the userProfile array will have the profile of required user
askLikeController.$root.usersProfile = $meteor.collection(Meteor.users, false);
1. In the variable askLikeController.$root.usersProfile, I am getting both the loggedIn user and the desired userinfo having userId, I was expecting userinfo of only desired userId, why is this?
2. The subscription "getUserInfo" is not reactive, and even the subscription is lost after processing few blocks of code and then in the askLikeController.$root.usersProfile I am left with only user profile of logged in user, my guess is that my subscription is being replaced by inbuilt Meteor subscription for user.
How do I solve the issues?
First, make sure you have removed autopublish:
> meteor remove autopublish
To get reactivity in angular-meteor you need $meteor.autorun and $scope.getReactively. Here's an example:
// we need the requested id in a scope variable
// anytime the scope var changes, $scope.getReactively will
// ... react!
$scope.reqId = askLikeController.$root.askLike[0].userId;
$meteor.autorun($scope, function() {
$scope.$meteorSubscribe('getUserInfo', $scope.getReactively('reqId')));
askLikeController.$root.usersProfile = $meteor.collection(Meteor.users, false);
Getting only the user you selected: NOTICE- the logged in users is always published. So you need to specify which user you want to look at on the client side, just like you did on the publish method. So, in the subscribe method:
askLikeController.$root.usersProfile = $meteor.collection(function() {
return Meteor.Users.find({_id: $scope.getReactively('reqId')})
}, false);
At this point you might be better off changing it to an object rather than a collection:
askLikeController.$root.usersProfile = $scope.$meteorObject(Meteor.Users, {_id: $scope.getReactively('reqId')});

Refreshing page with meteor iron router

Here is the problem :
I am currently programming a chatapp based on what i found on github (
I am refactoring it with iron-router.
When I go to the page (clicking on the link) I get an existing chatroom (that's what I want)
When I refresh the page (F5) I get a new created chatroom ! (what i want is getting the existing chatroom ...)
Here is the code in ironrouter :
Router.route('/chatroom', {
name: 'chatroom',
data: function() {
var currentId = Session.get('currentId'); //id of the other person
var res=ChatRooms.findOne({chatIds:{$all:[currentId,Meteor.userId()]}});
var newRoom= ChatRooms.insert({chatIds:[currentId, Meteor.userId()],messages:[]});
You can find my github repo with the whole project :
Thanx a lot !
Your route data depends on Session variables which will be erased after a refresh. You have a few options but the easiest would be to put the room id directly into the route: '/chatroom/:_id'. Then you can use this.params._id to fetch the appropriate ChatRooms document. Note that you could still keep '/chatroom' for cases where the room doesn't exist, however you'd need to redirect to '/chatroom/:_id' after the insert.
In meteor, the Session object is empty when the client starts, and loading/refreshing the page via HTTP "restarts" the client. To deal with this issue, you could persist the user's correspondent id in a Meteor.user attribute, so that you could easily do:
Router.route('/chatroom', {
name: 'chatroom',
data: function() {
var currentId = Meteor.user().profile.correspondentId;
var res=ChatRooms.findOne({chatIds:{$all:[currentId,Meteor.userId()]}});
var newRoom= ChatRooms.insert({chatIds:[currentId, Meteor.userId()],messages:[]});
This would work, with the proper permissions, but I would recommend not allowing the direct update of that value on the client (I don't know if you want users to be able to override their correspondentId). So if you want to secure this process, replace all that code with a server method call, where your updates are safer.
Another (and more common case) solution was given by David Weldon, if you don't mind having ids in your URL (and therefore not a single url)

Publication of items where User is in group (Alanning Roles and Publications)

I am using Alanning Roles to maintain a set of groups/roles for the users of my application. When a user creates an "Application", I generate a new role for them as the app_name + UUID, then add that as a group with the roles of Admin to the user that created it. I can then use the combination of the generated group name plus either the Admin or Viewer roles to determine which Applications the user has rights to see and/or edit.
The issue that I am having is that I can't figure out a good way to get the publication to only publish the things the user should see. I know that, by default at least, publications are not "reactive" in the way the client is, and they they are only reactive for the cursors they return. But, in my code I create the group/role first, add it to the user, then save the "Application", which I thought would rerun my publication, but it did not:
Meteor.publish('myApplications', function(groups) {
if (this.userId) {
console.log('Running myApplications publication...');
console.log('Found roles for user ' + this.userId + ': ', Roles.getGroupsForUser(this.userId));
return Applications.find({group: {$in: Roles.getGroupsForUser(this.userId)}});
} else {
//console.log("Skipping null user");
return null;
But, contrary to what I thought would happen (the whole publication method would re-run), I am guessing what really happens is that only the Cursor is updates. So for my next attempt, I added the mrt:reactive-publications package and simply got a cursor to the Meteor.users collection for the user, thinking that would "trigger" the publication to re-run when the user gets updated with the new group/role, but that didn't work.
I have this finally working by simply passing in the groups for the user:
Meteor.publish('myApplications', function(groups) {
if (this.userId) {
if (!groups || groups.length === 0) {
groups = Roles.getGroupsForUser(this.userId);
console.log('Running myApplications publication...');
console.log('Found roles for user ' + this.userId + ': ', Roles.getGroupsForUser(this.userId));
return Applications.find({group: {$in: groups}});
} else {
//console.log("Skipping null user");
return null;
And then I just call the publication like Meteor.subscribe('myApplications', Roles.getGroupsForUser(Meteor.userId())) in my route's waitOn, but this would mean that any client could call the same publication and pass in any groups they like, and potentially see documents they were not intended to see. That seems like a pretty large security flaw.
Is there a better way to implement this such that the client would not be able to coax their way to seeing stuff not theirs? I think the only real way would be to gather the groups on the publication side, but then it breaks the reactivity.
After sifting through a bunch of docs and a few very helpful stack posts, this is the alternative I came up with. Works like a charm!
My objective was to publish 'guest' users' info to the group admins for approval/denial of enhanced permissions.
Meteor.publish('groupAdmin', function(groupId) {
// only publish guest users info to group admins
if(Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, ['group-admin'], groupId)) {
// I can't explain it but it works!
var obj = {key: {$in: ['guest']}};
var query = {};
var key = ('roles.' + groupId);
query[key] = {$in: ['guest']};
return Meteor.users.find(query, {
fields: {
createdAt: 1,
profile: 1
} else {
Reference: How to set mongo field from variable
& How do I use a variable as a field name in a Mongo query in Meteor?

angularFire startAt querying and binding deletes new data

The application shows work-shifts for certain time-period. firebaseConn.getShifts is the API-function to get the shiftData for the given time period.
firebase: 2.0.6
angularFire: 0.9.0 (confirmed with 0.8.2 also)
This is my firebase schema:
And this is the code:
.factory('watchers', function(bunch-of-dependencies) {
var unbindShifts = function() {};
var inited = false;
var shifts = {};
... some irrelevant code in between ...
function initShifts() {
shifts.object = firebaseConn.getShifts( false, from, to, $scope );
$scope.shifts = shifts.object;
shifts.object.$bindTo($scope, "shifts").then(function(unbind) {
unbindShifts = unbind;
The firebase-queries (that have worked fine before adding the unbind / bind and possibly time-based querying might cause issues too):
firebaseConn.getShifts = function(asArray, from, to, scope) {
return cacheRequest(FBURL + "shifts", asArray, [from, to]);
function cacheRequest(url, asArray, limits) {
var type = asArray ? "array" : "object";
var startAt = limits ? limits[0] : undefined;
var endAt = limits ? limits[1] : undefined;
var retObj, FBRef;
cached[url] = cached[url] || {};
/* If there are limits-parameters we don't cache at all atm. Since those queries should be checked differently than static urls */
if(!limits && cached[url][type]) {
FBRef = cached[url][type];
} else {
FBRef = cached[url][type] = createFBRef(url, startAt, endAt);
if(asArray) {
retObj = FBRef.$asArray();
} else {
retObj = FBRef.$asObject();
return retObj;
function createFBRef(resourceURL, startAt, endAt) {
var modifiedObject = $firebase( createRef( resourceURL ).orderByKey().startAt(startAt).endAt(endAt) );
return modifiedObject;
function createRef(resourceURL) {
return new Firebase( resourceURL );
Now I have located the problem to be with the query limiting. If the from and to Dates are undefined, this works without problems. But I need to be able to limit the amount of data, since loading many years of workshift-data, to show a weeks time, won't be good :).
The actual problem is not displaying and fetching the data, everything works fine, it's related to the times and re-binding.
If I do any changes to e.g. "20150115"-table. For example I add another "groups"-child there. When i unbind and rebind, the whole "20150115"-table gets deleted and this holds true only to the latest changes. If I add multiple child to different dates e.g. "20150113", "20150114", "20150115" and the latest change is in "20150115" and then I unbind + re-bind another time from firebase, all the other root-paths will stay as they are, but the latest change in "20150115" will make the whole tree deleted.
I hope I make myself clear, so for safety I try to explain it again in simpler way.
- Changes to 1. "20150113", 2. "20150114", 3. "20150115" through the app.
- Changing timeline from UI causes: unbind + re-bind
- As a side-effect the whole "20150114" tree gets deleted.
The problem is somehow related to advanced querying with orderByKey().startAt(startAt).endAt(endAt) and binding.
Also for additional info. The data which is added through the UI gets added to the firebase database, but when the re-binding happens, the data is deleted from the database. Specifically on rebind, unbinding causes no issues, if I delay rebinding with timeout.
I have found the source of the actual issue. After the new binding is in place and everything seems to be in order, there is an angular watch event that kicks in. The event tries to save the last change user made before re-binding.
So if I have and active timeline for december (20141201 - 20141230) and I change "20141225"-data. Then change the timeline to 20150101 - 20150130, causing unbind and rebind (or manually fetching new data). There will be an event, after the binding has been done and everything seems to be in order, trying to save 20141225 data to either the new timeline (20150101 - 20150130) or the old one, not sure which one. This causes the firebase to actually delete the whole 20141225-tree, instead of saving the data.
The new data makes it into your Firebase fine, which you can see by either checking your Firebase dashboard or by running a quick snippet like this in your browser's dev console:
new Firebase("https://firebaseurl").once('value', function(s) { console.log(s.val()); })
The data even makes it back into your application. The only problem is that Angular doesn't know that new data has arrived, so it doesn't update the view with the new data.
Normally AngularFire's $asObject and $asArray methods take care of notifying AngularJS when new data arrives from Firebase. But since you are constantly creating new queries, you'll have to take care of that yourself.
There are a few ways to signal the new data to AngularJS and I'm definitely not an expert on which one is best. But if you add $scope.$apply(); to your setDays function it works:
function setDays(ref) {
var FBRange = setFBRange(ref, from, to);
var days;
days = $firebase(FBRange).$asObject();
$scope.days = days;
days.$bindTo($scope, "days").then(function(unbind) {
unbindDays = unbind;
// As a result of the new binding entry gets mysteriously deleted from firebase
$scope.$apply(); // Tell AngularJS about the new data, so that it updates the view
function setFBRange(ref, from, to) {
return ref.orderByKey().startAt(""+from).endAt(from + to + "");
Updated Plunkr with this change (and some others to help in debugging):

how to discard initial data in a Firebase DB

I'm making a simple app that informs a client that other clients clicked a button. I'm storing the clicks in a Firebase (db) using:
All clients get notified of other user's clicks with an on, such as
db.on('child_added',function(snapshot) {
var msg = snapshot.val().msg;
However, when the page first loads I want to discard any existing data on the stack. My strategy is to call db.once() before I define the db.on('child_added',...) in order to get the initial number of children, and then use that to discard that number of calls to db.on('child_added',...).
Unfortunately, though, all of the calls to db.on('child_added',...) are happening before I'm able to get the initial count, so it fails.
How can I effectively and simply discard the initial data?
For larger data sets, Firebase now offers (as of 2.0) some query methods that can make this simpler.
If we add a timestamp field on each record, we can construct a query that only looks at new values. Consider this contrived data:
"messages": {
"$messageid": {
"sender": "kato",
"message": "hello world"
"created": 123456 // Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
We could find messages only after "now" using something like this:
var ref = new Firebase('https://<your instance>');
var queryRef = ref.orderBy('created').startAt(Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP);
queryRef.on('child_added', function(snap) {
If I understand your question correctly, it sounds like you only want data that has been added since the user visited the page. In Firebase, the behavior you describe is by design, as the data is always changing and there isn't a notion of "old" data vs "new" data.
However, if you only want to display data added after the page has loaded, try ignoring all events prior until the complete set of children has loaded at least once. For example:
var ignoreItems = true;
var ref = new Firebase('https://<your-Firebase>');
ref.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
if (!ignoreItems) {
var msg = snapshot.val().msg;
// do something here
ref.once('value', function(snapshot) {
ignoreItems = false;
The alternative to this approach would be to write your new items with a priority as well, where the priority is Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP (the current server time), and then use a .startAt(...) query using the current timestamp. However, this is more complex than the approach described above.
