Use of find in unix on strange file/directory names [duplicate] - unix

Im a beginner scripter, writing scripts in tcsh and csh(these are teached in my course)
Im writing a script which uses find for putting path of directories
this is the part of the script:
set list = (`find $PATH -type d`)
it works fine until the file or directory names arent named such as:
#fi##lename&& or −filename or :−,?!drectoryanem!-``
These special characters i couldnt handle i changed the find script to:
set list = ("`find $PATH -type d`")
bit none of these works, when i want to use the path from the list in this next script:
foreach i ($list:q)
foreach file (`find "$i" -maxdepth 1 -type f`)
it couldnt handle these special file names, so i get many errors like find: −."!filename: no such filename or directory

I worked it out
It had to be this way:
set subor = ("`find "'"$i"'" -type f -maxdepth 1`")
now it ignores everything in the filenames
and in:
foreach j ($subor:q)
i quoted it this way it ignores the white characters in file names


Passing wildcards to find

I'm trying to automate my test runner better. For that I need the update file name in a variable. As this name depends on a the version I'm trying to use a find with a pattern to get the file name. That works just fine in bash.
However if I use that same pattern in expect find complains that it can't find anything.
My guess is that expect is doing something to my wildcards. However my experiments with {}, "", '' or \ didn't result in it working.
I guess I could create a helper sh script to write it into a file and then read that file but I don't like that solution and there has to be an option to pass characters with special tcl meaning as arguments.
At the moment my call looks something like this with an absolute path in front of the pattern:
set pattern {[0-9]*/*test*}
set updateFile [exec find ${pattern} -type f]
The result is that find reports '[0-9]*/*test*': No such file or directory. The pattern is what I would expect and when I call find [0-9]*/*test* -type f in bash it results in the expected file path. Find also works fine as long as I don't have any wild cards.
Has anybody an idea what is wrong?
When you run find [0-9]*/*test* -type f in Bash, it's Bash who interprets the wildcard [0-9]*/*test* and expand it to multiple files. And then Bash would pass the expanded multiple files to find. That's to say find never sees the wildcard.
For exec find $pattern -type f, Tcl would not interpret what's in $pattern and pass it directly to find. Unfortunately find also does not interpret the wildcards here so it fails with error like find : '[0-9]*/*test*': No such file or directory.
To work around, you can invoke find with bash -c:
exec bash -c "find $pattern -type f"

Zsh filename expansion over multiple directories recursively

Problem: I have a directory $BASE, and in this directory (and/or any of the directories below it) are zero or more directory entries matching the pattern *.x. I want to loop over all these entries. I want to use foreach and not find $BASE -name '*.x' for this procedure. I have zsh 5.3.
My current approach goes like this:
foreach f in $BASE/*.x(N) $BASE/**/*.x(N)
# ... do something with $f
Is there a way to write the glob pattern more uniformely (not requiring the repetition of *.x)?
foreach f in $BASE/**/*.x(N) is sufficient. ** already matches 0 or more directories, so the pattern matches $BASE/*.x already.

How to rename file from the specific pattern within the file

I would like to change the file name according to the specific pattern within the file. Let's say I have the unique pattern that starts with "XmacTmas". I would like to use this pattern to rename the file with the additional character like "_dbp1".
Now my file name is "xxo1" and I want "XmacTmas_dbp1".
How can I do this in for thousands of files with some script.
find . -name 'XmacTmas*' -exec echo mv {} {}_dbp1 \;
find the files of interest and execute command after replacing {} with the found filename.
Escape the ;. Without the \, find would take it as part of the command to execute.
If only files in the actual directory are needed, add -maxdepth 0 before -name (or any other of find's numerous options)
If the result is as needed, remove the echo

How to display contents of all files under a directory on the screen using unix commands

Using cat command as follows we can display content of multiple files on screen
cat file1 file2 file3
But in a directory if there are more than 20 files and I want content of all those files to be displayed on the screen without using the cat command as above by mentioning the names of all files.
How can I do this?
You can use the * character to match all the files in your current directory.
cat * will display the content of all the files.
If you want to display only files with .txt extension, you can use cat *.txt, or if you want to display all the files whose filenames start with "file" like your example, you can use cat file*
If it's just one level of subdirectory, use cat * */*
find . -type f -exec cat {} \;
which means run the find command, to search the current directory (.) for all ordinary files (-type f). For each file found, run the application (-exec) cat, with the current file name as a parameter (the {} is a placeholder for the filename). The escaped semicolon is required to terminate the -exec clause.
I also found it useful to print filename before printing content of each file:
find ./ -type f | xargs tail -n +1
It will go through all subdirectories as well.
Have you tried this command?
grep . *
It's not suitable for large files but works for /sys or /proc, if this is what you meant to see.
You could use awk too. Lets consider we need to print the content of a all text files in a directory some-directory
awk '{print}' some-directory/*.txt
If you want to do more then just one command called for every file, you will be more flexible with for loop. For example if you would like to print filename and it contents
for file in parent_dir/*.file_extension; do echo $file; cat $file; echo; done

Find a file in directory where i know part of the filename and the extension

I know the file im looking for begins with a data for example 20131111 and I know the file ends in .log, but I don't know the full file name,
what is a unix command that would allow me to see all files beginning with or containing this date and ending with .log.
Like this, for example:
find /certain/path -type f -name "20131111*.log"
-type f - just files.
-name "20131111*.log" files whose name starts with 20131111 and ends with log.
