TCP connection SYN packets being ignored, zero window size? - http

I have an embedded device running an http client. Until now we have always used linux servers but recently have needed to use windows servers and am now having issues.
My device opens a connection sends some data and then closes it ( not neccessarily gracefully as a reset or power failure can occur anytime!).
What im finding is that after a few days at some locations only the server stops accepting new connections from the device.
Originally I thought this might be due to trying to open a connection on already estabilished port as here: What will happen if I send a SYN packet to the server when there has already been a TCP connection established?
but now that I randomize the initial port value after boot up the issue still occurs (I would also expect the old connection to timeout).
I have noticed several things that look strange:
The SYN packet has a zero window size and a zero length, is this correct?
It also has a zero sequence number, I think this is right?
I apologize for lack of detail, I may be able to put up a link to a Wireshark capture at some point. The windows servers we are dealing with are also in 'the cloud' so I have very little in the way of access to server logs (which I find a bit ridiculous).


How to limit HTTPS to one TCP connection?

I'm using uIP along with mbed TLS to run a simple web server on a microcontroller, and host an HTTPS page.
The problem is: my chip only has enough RAM to handle one TLS connection at a time, but Firefox (and Chrome) tries to open multiple connections at once to load the images on the page. If I tell uIP to abort or close additional connections, Firefox assumes an error and gives up loading the rest of the page.
I can tell uIP to limit the total connections to 1, and in that case it just drops new SYN packets if there is already a connection. This actually works, as Firefox will wait and try again until the page is fully loaded. I can't use this a solution however, since I do need to allow more than 1 TCP connection total in order to handle other types of connections (I can serve a regular HTTP web page at the same time, for example). If I could tell uIP to limit connections on a specific port to 1 at a time, that may solve the problem, but I don't think uIP has that capability. I also don't see a way to force uIP to drop certain packets.
I've looked all over the web, but I can't find any information on running a web server using just one TCP connection at a time.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Just ignore the SSL connection until you are ready to process it. Browsers should tolerate this.

How does TCP connection terminate if one of the machine dies?

If a TCP connection is established between two hosts (A & B), and lets say host A has sent 5 octets to host B, and then the host B crashes (due to unknown reason).
The host A will wait for acknowledgments, but on not getting them, will resend octets and also reduce the sender window size.
This will repeat couple times till the window size shrinks to zero because of packet loss. My question is, what will happen next?
In this case, TCP eventually times out waiting for the ack's and return an error to the application. The application have to read/recv from the TCP socket to learn about that error, a subsequent write/send call will fail as well. Up till the point that TCP determined that the connection is gone, write/send calls will not fail, they'll succeed as seen from the application or block if the socket buffer is full.
In the case your host B vanishes after it has sent its ACKs, host A will not learn about that until it sends something to B, which will eventually also time out, or result in an ICMP error. (Typically the first write/send call will not fail as TCP will not fail the connection immediately, and keep in mind that write/send calls does not wait for ACKs until they complete).
Note also that retransmission does not reduce the window size.
Please follow this link
now a very simple answer to your question in my view is, The connection will be timed out and will be closed. another possibility that exists is that some ICMP error might be generated due to due un-responsive machine.
Also, if the crashed machine is online again, then the procedure described in the link i just pasted above will be observed.
Depends on the OS implementation. In short it will wait for ACK and resend packets until it times out. Then your connection will be torn down. To see exactly what happens in Linux look here other OSes follow similar algorithm.
in your case, A FIN will be generated (by the surviving node) and connection will eventually migrate to CLOSED state. If you keep grep-ing for netstat output on the destination ip address, you will watch the migration from ESTABLISHED state to TIMED_WAIT and then finally disappear.
In your case, this will happen since TCP keeps a timer to get the ACK for the packet it has sent. This timer is not long enough so detection will happen pretty quickly.
However, if the machine B dies after A gets ACK and after that A doesn't send anything, then the above timer can't detect the same event, however another timer (calls idle timeout) will detect that condition and connection will close then. This timeout period is high by default. But normally this is not the case, machine A will try to send stuff in between and will detect the error condition in send path.
In short, TCP is smart enough to close the connection by itself (and let application know about it) except for one case (Idle timeout: which by default is very high).
In normal cases, each side terminating its end of the connectivity by sending a special message with a FIN(finish) bit set.
The device receiving this FIN responds with an acknowledgement to the FIN to indicate that it has been received.
The connection as a whole is not considered terminated until both the devices complete the shut down procedure by sending an FIN and receiving an acknowledgement.

Can TCP re-transmit a handshake when it’s lost in transport?

I saw a large number of failed connections between two hosts on my intranet (call them client and server).
Using netstat on both machines, I see corresponding port numbers where the server end is in SYN_RECV state and the client is in SYN_SENT.
My interpretation is that the server has responded to the client’s SYN with a SYN,ACK but this packet has been lost. The handshake is disrupted, the socket connection is in an incomplete state, and I see the client time out after 20-45 seconds.
My question is, does TCP offer a way for the server to re-transmit the SYN,ACK after some interval? Is this a good or bad idea?
More system details if relevant: both ends RHEL5, ssh succeeds, ping loses 100%, traceroute succeeds. Client is built on OpenOrb (Java), server is Mico (C++).
SYN and FIN flags are considered part of the sequence space and are transmitted reliably (so, the answer to your immediate question is "yes, it does, by default").
However, I think you really want to dig a bit deeper, because:
If you have a large number of failed connections on the hosts on your intranet, this points to a problem in the network - normally you should have a low, if any, connections that are stuck in these states. Retransmissions would mean your connection will hiccup for 2,4,8,.. seconds (though not necessary - depends on the TCP stack. Nonetheless nothing pretty for the users).
I would advise to run tcpdump or wireshark on both hosts and trace where the loss of the packets happens - and fix it.
On older hardware, a frequent reason could be a duplex mismatch on some pair of the devices in the path (incorrectly autodetected, or incorrectly hardcoded). Some other reasons may be a problem with the driver, or a bad cable (not enough bad to cause complete outage, but bad enough to cause periodic blackouts).

TcpListener stops accepting or accepts broken connections

We currently experience a problem with a self-written server application running on Windows (occurs on different versions). The server listens at a TCP port, accepts connections, exchanges some data and then closes the connections again. There are about 100 clients that connect from time to time.
Sometimes the server stops to work: Log files show that connections are still accepted, but that at the first read attempt a socket error (10054 - Connection reset by peer) occurs. I don't think it is a client issue because it suddenly stops working for all clients.
Now we found out, that the same problem occurs with our old server software, that is even written in another programming language. So it doesn't seem to be an error in our program - I think it has to be some kind of OS / firewall issue? Of course, firewalls have been deactivated, which didn't solve the issue yet.
Any ideas where to look into? Wireshark logs will follow soon..
Excerpt from the log (Timestamp, Thread Id, message)
11:37:56.137 T#3960 Connection from
11:37:56.138 T#3960 Client Exception: Socket Error # 10054
Connection reset by peer.
11:37:56.138 T#3960 ClientDisconnected
11:38:00.294 T#4144 Connection from
You can see that the exception occurs almost at the same time as the connection is accepted, in this case the client reconnects after a few seconds.
A "stateful" firewall or NAT keeps track of connections, and ought to send RSTs for connectiosn it doesn't know about. If the firewall loses track of connections for some reason, then you'll probably see random connections being reset.
Our router at work does this — it forgets about connections when the PPP connection dies, which is remarkably unhelpful when it rains and the DSL restart takes a bit too long. However, instead of resetting connections, it just drops packets (even more unhelpful!).
Sounds like a firewall or routing issue - maybe stale connections get disconnected after a timeout period. Are you using a ping/keepalive inside your protocol.
Otherwise you may ask Wireshark to see what is going on.
First, thanks for many hints - I'm afraid the problem was a completely different one which you couldn't possibly solve by reading my question.
The server application uses log4net, configured with a log file an ImmediateFlush = true. If every log statement is directly written into the file and multiple socket connections occur this slows down the whole application.
The server needed about a minute to really accept the connection. This was far more than the timeout on clientside. So in the log there was only shown "accepted" followed by "disconnected" - even the log was delayed!
Sorry for the inconvenience...
Have you tried changing the backlog and then see how much time or how many clients are served before this problem occurs
You don't say what Windows versions you're using for the server, but you should be aware that the Windows TCP/IP stack behaves differently in server and client OSes. There are limits on how many simultaneous incoming connections a client OS will allow, and they are significantly lower than you might expect.
What do the logs look like from the client side?
Since the error is stating that the client is dropping the connection; if you see the same error on the client side then it is a firewall or proxy that is dropping the connection (both side seeing the opposite side dropping the connection is indicative of a proxy/firewall).
If the error is not present on the client side; then I would say that your client side is where you will see the actual error.

Rejecting a TCP connection before it's being accepted?

There are 3 different accept versions in winsock. Aside from the basic accept which is there for standard compliance, there's also AcceptEx which seems the most advanced version (due to it's overlapped io capabilities), and WSAAccept. The latter supports a condition callback, which as far as I understand, allows the rejection of connection requests before they're accepted (when the SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT option is enabled). None of the other versions supports this functionality.
Since I prefer to use AcceptEx with overlapped io, I wonder how come this functionality is only available in the simpler version?
I don't know enough about the inner workings of TCP to tell wehter there's actually any difference between rejecting a connection before it has been accepted, and disconnecting a socket right after a connection has been established? And if there is, is there any way to mimic the WSAAccept functionality with AcceptEx?
Can someone shed some light over this issue?
When a connection is established, the remote end sends a packet with the SYN flag set. The server answers with a SYN,ACK packet, and after that the remote end sends an ACK packet, which may already contain data.
There are two ways to break a TCP connection from forming. The first is resetting the connection - this is the same as the common "connection refused" message seen when connecting to a port nobody is listening to. In this case, the original SYN packet is answered with a RST packet, which terminates the connection immediately and is stateless. If the SYN is resent, RST will be generated from every received SYN packet.
The second is closing the connection as soon as it has been formed. On the TCP level, there is no way to close the connection both ways immediately - the only thing you can say is that "I am not going to send any more data". This happens so that when the initial SYN, SYN,ACK, ACK exchange has finished, the server sends a FIN packet to the remote end. In most cases, telling the other end with FIN that "I am not going to send any more data" makes the other end close the connection as well, and send it's own FIN packet. A connection terminated this way isn't any different from a normal connection where no data was sent for some reason. This means that the normal state tracking for TCP connections and the lingering close states will persist, just like for normal connections.
Now, on the C API side, this looks a bit different. When calling listen() on a port, the OS starts accepting connections on that port. This means that is starts replying SYN,ACK packets to connections, regardless if the C code has called accept() yet. So, on the TCP side, it makes no difference whether the connection is somehow closed before or after accept. The only additional concern is that a listening socket has a backlog, which means the number of non-accepted connections it can have waiting, before it starts saying RST to the remote end.
However, on windows, the SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT call allows the application to take control of the backlog queue. This means that the server will not answer anything to a SYN packet until the application does something with the connection. This means, that rejecting connections at this level can actually send RST packets to the network without creating state.
So, if you cannot get the SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT functionality enabled somehow on the socket you are using AcceptEx on, it will show up differently to the network. However, not many places actually use the immediate RST functionality, so I would think the requirement for that must mean a very specialized system indeed. For most common use cases, accepting a socket and then closing it is the normal way to behave.
I can't comment on the Windows side of things but as far as TCP is concerned, rejecting a connection is a bit different than disconnecting from it.
For one, disconnecting from a connection means there were more resources already "consumed" (e.g. ports state maintained in Firewalls & end-points, forwarding capacity used in switches/routers etc.) in both the network and the hosts. Rejecting a connection is less resource intensive.
