Finding master page control from within iFrame -

I have one main master page say MasterPage1. In that master page I have a splitter. In that splitter there is an iframe. Within that iframe we load another master page say "MasterPage2". In MasterPage2 we load a page on which different User Controls are rendered.
Now I want to find a control on MasterPage1 from my User Control loaded on the page in MasterPage2.
Please help....

Problem To your Scenario:
masterpages and content pages are rendered as a single object, thus the page class is able to reference every element found in both the objects(master and content page). When you are rendering an iframe the iframe content is requested by client hence no reference exists. so it is not possible to reference each other on server.
Solution to the problem
From above you must have realized all the problem is the reference , so you will have to hack inti it. the simplest way I can think is to use querystring.
call the iframe page with querystring containing a identifier to the masterpage like mpage=mpage1,mpage=mpage2 etc.
Now in masterpage2 request the querystring to find which masterpage is applied and proceed. This way you will have little relaxaction because masterpage1 content cannot be changed but masterpage2 can be.
Now you will need to work more to what you need. Proceed only if this is the only way to solve the real problem(I think the problem is not masterpage but the solution to the problem that is making you to do these weired things).
Well for that you will have to use javascript and handlers which will render and return the rendered usercontrol. But i seriously say not to use this setup in production and find other alternative by changing your code to use usercontrol instead of iframe.


Make one popup which can be used on multiple pages in ASP.Net

I have two web-form pages in ASP, one for viewing a record and and another for editing it. I would like to have a link on each which popups a box to allow editing a certain property on the record. If I only placed it on the Edit page, I would use an UpdatePanel but I would have to copy and paste code if I wanted it on the View page as well. Is there a way to have the code in one area which be can be referenced and used from both pages?
Edit: I know I could make a custom control to handle it although it would include all its HTML on the page when the page first loads, not when the link is clicked.
Edit2: I wanted to avoid having the contents of the popup rendered when the page first loads but now I realize it's just a matter of not binding any data in it until the Postback occurs.
You can use a MasterPage for both the pages, and put the popup with UpdatePanel on the master page, so you can access it from both the pages.
Hope it helps.
Don't forget to upvote it if it solves you problem.
Thanks.. :)
Make the bulk of the panel a user control (ascx). Then just put a thin wrapper around it on both the pages where you need it. The bulk of the code is then in the ascx and ascx.vb and does not need to be written twice.

How to avoid refreshing of masterpage while navigating in site?

In my website, I have created a masterpage and attached all of my pages to it.
My masterpage structure contains a header and a footer. On the left it has a treeview control, which i have attached to all my pages, and on the right there is a contentplaceholder to show the content of respective pages.
My problem is that when I click any link in the treeview it refreshes the whole masterpage and open the respective page. I wish to avoid this refresh. Means it should show the contents of page on right side contentplaceholder without refreshing the whole page.
I have seen people suggesting to use iframes. But for using iframes I shall have to restructure my website. Is there any other solution than iframes and with minimal changes to the work that I have done?
You will probably want to look at using AJAX to stop this from happening. You will want to read up on using an UpdatePanel. Below are some good articles that goes over this:
You also have the option of using jQuery to handle your AJAX calls. While I typically prefer the use of jQuery when using AJAX, I am not sure I would use it in your situation. If you would like to look at what it offers take a look at these links:
You could put the content you wish to change inside an asp:UpdatePanel that way that will be the only thing that is repainted (it uses AJAX under the hood):
The master page class derives from the UserControl class and the master page is like a child control. So we can say that master page is not a true page, when a page loads we can notice the navigation URL in the address bar is the content page's but not the master page! so we cannot refresh a content page without refreshing master page.
there is one way to avoid flickering the page by adding the code in < Head > section in the masterpage.
<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=0)"/>
<meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="blendTrans(Duration=0)"/>

Stop Master page refreshing while navigating between pages?

I'm using Master Page in my application, in the master page I put a ContentPlaceHolder in Update Panel to support AJAX in child pages, the question is how to stop Refreshing "master page controls" while navigating between pages?
For navigation between pages I tried to use Response.Redirect, windows.location java script with no success, shall I use the Frames or IFrames instead of Master Pages to stop Refreshing?
any suggestion to solve this issue will be highly appreciated, Thanks in advance...
If you don't want the page to refresh when switching between "pages", you will not have any good solution using master page. As others have said in different words, the master page is just a common "template" that is used by different pages. The navigation between is just like calling different pages, and of course will reload the entire page, including the master page content.
A sollution I have used with Ajax is
to have each "page" as a user
controls, and put them all in an
UpdatePanel with visible="false".
Then for navigation between "pages", switch
visibility for the user controls
to show the right "page" control.
The alternative is to use iframe.
Neither of these solutions use MasterPage.
The MasterPage concept was designed to simplify a common look before Ajax was introduced in ASP.NET. After Ajax became popular, the demand for not refreshing the entire page has been more common.
A masterpage is nothing more than extending your "normal" page with (most of the time) the default layout of your application. The master page and the contentplaceholders are rendered as a full html page. When you navigate between pages it is the normal behavior that your whole page refreshes. This is how the web works.
Working with an iframe could solve your problem. However that has some other side effects:
The whole masterpage isn't useful anymore. The content around your iframe is the "masterpage".
With a masterpage you actually browse to another url, you also see in the url bar of your browser. When you work with an iframe you navigate within the iframe to another page. The url in your browser will stay the same. When the user of your application hits the refresh button it always starts again at the default page you assigned to your iframe in the html. Of course there are some workarounds
Anyway. It really depends on your application. There are multiple solutions to work around the refresh behavior.
Having a structure like the one you've explained:
Child page 1
Child page 2
Then you cannot prevent the page from refreshing when you switch from page 1 to page 2 etc. for you have a single "page" entity (master content + selected page content) when it's rendered to the browser.
If you want to switch betweent different app views inside the very same page (so to prevent a complete page refresh) you could use a single page (the Master becomes quite useless) with an updatePanel in which you load the different views.
You can also use iFrames, but if you have to handle any type of communication between different parts of the page (some of which are inside iFrames) I would personally advice not to use them.

dynamically load user controls using jquery ajax

I've read several articles on this issue, and technically speaking, all they end up doing is taking html code from a user control and injecting it into the containing page. I want a true user control to be loaded on to the page, so that on postback, I still have access to that loaded user control and I can validate fields on it on server side, etc. etc. What I mean to say is that once the user control has been loaded onto the page using ajax, it should there after act like it was originally created as part of page life cycle when the page was first loaded. Does that make sense? Any ideas on how to do this? UpdatePanel may be a solution, but I'd rather not use that.
Update panel is the solution since you need it to update the page's ViewState so that the newly added usercontrol needs to be part of the page lifecycle. Also, when the page does post back, you need to remember that it was added and re-add it so that the control structure gets re-created properly.
When you dynamically create user controls, you have to make sure to bind to the elements. Look into

Is it possible to hide the content of an master page, if page is opened as a popup?

I have several aspx pages that can be opened either normally (full screen in browser), or called from another page as a popup (I am using Greybox, fwiw)
If the page is opened as a popup in Greybox, I would like to NOT display the master page content (which displays common top and left menus, etc).
As far as I know, there is no way of knowing server side if the page is a popup, this must be detected in client side javascript (in the case of Greybox, by checking window.parent.parent), and therefore the master page content must be hidden via javascript as well.
Any ideas on how to approach this?
Create a simplified master page for the popup. Override the OnPreInit method (of the actual page) and switch out the masterpage based on a querystring argument:
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
if(Request["PopUp"] == "Y")
MasterPageFile = "~/MyPopUp.master";
Well you could conditionally render the navigation controls etc. based on a querystring, pass the string in when it's a popup and if it exists don't render the controls. There are a few different ways to do it, but I think you should have the server not render the controls rather than client side hiding them.
P.S. Haven't heard of Greybox so I can't offer any specific insight there.
I agree. This is a server-side problem, not something to scrape into shape on the client side. It may also be valuable to organize your web pages where the common content between the pop-up and a main page is maintained separately and imported server-side into the page that has the master-page surround. Pages that link pop-ups should use the comment content, not the surrounder.
Lots of ways to do this (but I don't suppose anyone wants to know how FrontPage extensions help). Try server-side includes.
