Setting up trust for SSL sites hosted in IISExpress -

When I try to browse any SSL site in IISExpress over ports 44300 - 44399, the site shows up as untrusted.
The following links discuss how to setup IIS to serve externally and/or moving the cert from the Personal to Trusted root.
Create a Self-Signed Certificate within IIS Express
I don't really want to server externally over port 443. What I'd like is for the cert that IISExpress installs to be trusted so that any SSL sites in the port range 44300 - 44399 are considered trusted.
I've tried moving the IISExpress cert from the Personal to the Trusted root store but this does not seem to work.
Is this at all possible to do?

This is the way I did it, which is probably the simplest way possible:
Run your website to start IISExpress.
Run IE as an Administrator and browse to your SSL-enabled site.
Install the certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities:
That's it.
I only recommend doing this on a development box. If the IISExpress cert isn't generated randomly for your machine (does it? I don't know), there are serious security implications for putting the cert in the trusted store. If you're concerned, better to follow the more complicated set up of creating your own CAcert locally.


Will my SSL certificate work for new Wordpress website on IIS?

I have an IIS running on the server and a website (.net) running perfectly on http (80) and https (443). And i have a new Wordpress website. I wanna publish the wordpress site on the same domain. In order to do it i will remove the files of the present website and place the new site's files and in theory,i expect IIS will start to show this new site. And all the bindings and everything s set on IIS for this SSL certificate for the same domain. So my question is , can i expect that new site will run perfectly on http (80) and https (443)? Or will https fail?
Yes, in theory it should work but as you know with IIS, what is true in theory may not always be true in practice.
What you will find tricky is that Wordpress is heavily reliant on URLs and it may be tricky to run both options, ideally you should force one or the other but there are techniques that allow you to run both.
I can't speak for the effectivity or efficiency of this but here's a link:
Well in theory it supposed to work but it didn t. Eventually i figured that SSL certificate was revoked.

How can I enforce IIS 8.5 Web Deploy to use SSL (HTTPS) Only

I've just set-up a website on Windows 2012 (IIS 8.5).
I'm using Visual Studio 2013, and I'm wanting to configure Web Deploy so that our developers can only deploy over SSL (HTTPS).
In the website settings I've configured the SSL for the site;
For the website binding, I only have HTTPS present;
However it seems that I can still publish using WebDeploy over HTTP and I can browse to the site using HTTP, even though the file in this case wasn't found.
My main requirement is to stop developers being able to publish over HTTP. How can I achieve this ?
I think you should try to redirect all HTTP Requests towards HTTPS
URL rewriting in IIS 7+:
Make sure that you don't have another IIS web site (usually the Default Web Site) that binds to port 80 with All unsigned IP address and no host header. That kind of site is a "catch-all" site that gives you the 404.

Applying SSL on the localhost

I am applying SSL in my sample web application using self signed certificate. The purpose is to test the session availability when I go from http to https or the other way round.
My localhost address is localhost:5366. I have done these as follows:
I have added a website in IIS. But confused that when binding using http, I give port 5366. I works fine but when I remove it and apply https, port 5366. The page doesnot load.
So, what should I do to accomplish this?
Its a bit confusing, but if i can bet, you are interchanging the debug mode from VS and the published site, correct me if am wrong.
I configured my https site in this way:
Configure your IIS to accept https through port 443.
Set the website file system place to a certain folder
Publish your website with VS to this folder
Reach it through https://localhost
Hope it works!
My project was not residing in the iis physical path. Therefore, it was not loading my desired pages. Thank you guys.

Host site as HTTPS in IIS 7

I have developed and deployed ASP.Net site in IIS 7. It is working fine. Now my client is asking me to run the application using https only. So I decided to run the host under SSL.
But i am new to SSL or https. In many places it ask me to install the certificate.
How can i just enable a SSL without using X509 Certificates in IIS 7?.
Is there any steps/articles explains simple SSL with out X509 Certificates to run the sites with https? Or using Development Certificate will bring any issues? debug https on localhost

I have to test a method out on my application that should work on https. Is there a way where I can run the application on localhost on https so I can debug it?
YOu could create a self signed SSL certificate and then create a web app with SSL and your self signed certificate on your local machine in IIS (use a URL like http://dummy.test and add that to the hosts file in the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc folder, have it point to, then start VS, attach to the w3wp.exe process and you can debug.
Create a self-signed SSL certificate with IIS 6.0 Resource Kit SelfSSL
Yep, get yourself a self-signed cert and install it. Generally, though, I'd just disable the need for SSL in the local dev environment.
