ViewController max width / mask? - mask

First of all I want to say that I didn't make this myself but I have to edit this code for a friend of mine.
So there is a storyboard with a ViewController called 'PressViewController'.
In this view there are many images side by side. When I go to 'Utilities' > 'Attributes' the 'Width' of this ViewController is set to '10000'.
In the ViewController I can only see a few images. There are like 20 images and I only can see 15. Although I can't scroll in this ViewController there is a way to add more images to it, but I can't find it.
In the 'PressViewController.m' there is a rectangle drawn.
scrollview.contentSize = CGSizeMake(19170, 450);
scrollview.scrollEnabled = YES;
scrollview.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
The rectangle drawn is '19170' width. This is lager than the ViewController.
So my question is. How can I add more images to my ViewController?
I'll hope someone can help me out. Thanks instead :)


Qt QGraphicsProxyWidget hiding other QGraphicsProxyWidgets

I'm working on a Slotmachine with QGraphicsScene and -View and I'm close to the end of that project. But now I want to add a small rect to the winning-lines that shows the amount of won credits in that line. The rect is a QLabel in a QGraphicsProxyWidget. I don't know if thats the best way to solve this problem but I'm not able to find a better solution at the moment. I'm setting the proxyWidget to not visible in the constructor of the label but when I'm setting this proxyWidget to visible other proxyWidgets in the scene disappear. And I just dont understand why. It's not hiding every proxyWidgets.
As you can see on the picture there's a red rect in the middle of the first square of the winning line. This is causing the problem. It is hiding the lower white border which is a QGraphicsPixmapItem and the first of the normally three QGraphicsProxyWidgets at the bottom, stake(this is not visible), last gain(letzter Gewinn), credit(Guthaben). I don't know why its not hiding the other Widgets on the bottom because they are all equal. As you can see its not hiding the complete lower border. I just don't know why this happens and why it just happens to the lower border and the left widget on the bottom and not to any other elements. I just don't know how to fix a problem like that.
It's a bit long to read but I don't know how to really describe the problem or how I could show you in the Code. I hope someone could help me.
Solved it by using an QGraphicsTextItem. totally forgot that it is existing. Thanks to the QT Forum.

Init QListWidget to show its all content (with no scroll bars)

I was playing with the Config Dialog Example, all was fine. Then I changed something in the right part of the dialog.
Then I found the contentsWidget (QListWidget) in the left part of the dialog became smaller and showed the scroll bars (both Horizontal and Vertical).
I want the QListWidget to show all its content so that no scroll bars are needed.
All items are added at the beginning and fixed. No dynamic.
I guess there is a simply method to let the QListWidget expand to show all its content at the beginning.
Could anyone help me and tell me the magic word?
Here is the code:
contentsWidget = new QListWidget;
contentsWidget->setIconSize(QSize(96, 84));
QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
horizontalLayout->addWidget(pagesWidget, 1);
I tried contentsWidget->sizeHintForColumn(0), but it didn't work. It was 0. I tried some other methods but nothing worked.
I think you should try:
This will ensure that no matters what, the size of contentsWidget will always be at least 128, hence large enough to contains the icons.

making numberpad smaller?

As per screen :
you can see that as soon as numberpad popping up. its overlapping the some text field, I have in the app. moreover its not having have done or return button so that I can make numpad go away. I have made button to make keyboard go away but I want some more professional way.
please suggest. how can I add return or done button with keyboard and if there is another possible way I can reduce the size of keyboard.
As far as i know it is not possible to make the keybord smaller but what you can do is make your view move up once you have tapped on a UITextField this code will help you with that
- (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.25];
self.view.frame = CGRectMake(0,-10,320,400);
[UIView commitAnimations];
Now to the next issue u have to dismiss the keyboard I like to make it so that the user can just tap the background and it will resign the first responder. You can do that like this
UITapGestureRecognizer *tap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc]
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:tap];
In dismissKeyboard
[aTextField resignFirstResponder];
Hope this helps

UISearchBar in UINavigationBar changes width when rotating orientation

This is driving me crazy. I am creating a splitview app on iPad.
I have created a searchBar inside the UINavigationBar - something like this...
UISearchBar *searchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWitFrame:CGRectZero];
[searchBar setPlaceHolder:#"Search"];
[searchBar sizeToFit];
[searchBar setDelegate:self];
[self.navigatioItem setTitleView:searchBar];
this works just fine for me displaying the UISearchBar like this...
I also have this UIBarButtonItem set to show Master navigation controller in sidepane.
The problem happens when the device rotates to landscape and the UIBarButtonItem gets hidden. Then the searchBar appears like this...
there is some space on sides which appears to be there since the barButtonItem got hidden and the size of search bar couldn't be updated.
Furthermore, when I rotate the device again, here's what happens to UISearchBar
How can I update the size of searchbar once it has been added to UINavigationBar. Even using autoResizingMask does not work.
searchBar.autoResizingMask =UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
What am I doing wrong over here?
I had about the same problem (it wasn't searchbar, but some UIView), and that's how I solved it:
Try creating it with fixed size that won't change. I mean if your navbar minimum size is (for example) 320pt, and barbutton is about 30pt, and you need searchbar to be placed right in the middle (which, BTW is not standart, AFAIK), you'd have to make it 320 - (30+10)*2 = 240pt. Searchbar would be placed right in the middle and will have enough place left free.
This way it will neither change it's size, nor it will affect other items.
Or I would suggest you placing it at right position, not in the middle.
Hope it helped.

QWidget is not showing up on entire screen

I am a newbie to Qt and facing issue in my application. So here is what I am trying to do.
I have a class with QWidget as parent. This class has a grid layout on it. I set this widget as a central widget to main window. (this thing worked fine though this widget is not centered on Main Window.)
Now I wanted to rotate this widget in 90 degrees so that it can bee shown on device in landscape mode. So I created a graphics view and added this widget to it. (created a scene added widget to that and assigned scene to view.) then this graphics view was rotated and made central widget. this worked amazingly and it was very well centered, looked good on device as well.
But in final integration we want to have all QWidgets so Graphics View is not an option. To tackle this I created a Qwidget member inside my class. applied the layout to it. added this widget to graphicsView and my class was made parent to it.
This also works but has the similar issue I faced in first step, it sits in the top left corner of MainWindow and does not adjust to center. To make things even worse, when deployed on device it was not applied to entire screen. Widget was sitting in some part of top left area and had scroll bars to it! I even tried the set Window State to maximized but had no effect on it.
Here is what I tried
The widget is created inside my class and been added to Graphics View. this view has my class as parent and it will be rotated by using rotate api.
m_gridContainer = new QWidget();
m_scene = new QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 480, 265);
m_window = new QGraphicsView(m_scene,this);
To use it from main Window
m_window = new CMyWidget(label, m_txtBox->text());
I tried whatever I can but this widget is not being shown full screen (in just a small area) and still have scroll bars to it. I have no idea what exactly is happening there.
m_gridContainer being a graphics item part of a graphics scene, it doesn't receive the resize events of you main window.
You have to handle the resizeEvent() on your CMyWidget and adjust the size of your m_gridContainer accordingly, e.g.
void CMyWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event )
BTW, if you are handling the rotation for use on a mobile device, it is managed by Qt itself (by simply resizing your main window). You don't have to do it in your code (you'll actually end up with a widget looking like it has been rotated twice).
