Why websocket needs an opening handshake using HTTP? Why can't it be an independent protocol? - http

Websocket is designed in such a way that its servers can share a port with HTTP servers, by having its handshake be a valid HTTP Upgrade request.
I have a doubt in this design philosophy.
Any ways the WebSocket Protocol is an independent TCP-based protocol.
Why would we need this HTTP handshake(upgrade request) and a protocol switching. Instead why can't we directly(& independently) follow a websocket like protocol?

To quote from the IETF 6455 WebSocket spec:
The WebSocket Protocol attempts to address the goals of existing
bidirectional HTTP technologies in the context of the existing HTTP
infrastructure; as such, it is designed to work over HTTP ports 80
and 443 as well as to support HTTP proxies and intermediaries, even
if this implies some complexity specific to the current environment.
However, the design does not limit WebSocket to HTTP, and future
implementations could use a simpler handshake over a dedicated port
without reinventing the entire protocol.
In other words, there is a vast infrastructure for HTTP and HTTPS that already exists (proxies, firewalls, caches, and other intermediaries). In order to increase the chances of being adopted widely, the WebSocket protocol was designed to allow adjustments and extensions to the existing infrastructure without having to recreate everything from scratch to support a new protocol on a dedicate port.
It's also important to note that even if WebSocket protocol were to get rid of the HTTP compatible handshake, it would still need a handshake of almost equivalent complexity to support security requirements of the modern web so the browser and server can validate each other and to support CORS (cross-origin request sharing) securely. Even "raw" Flash sockets do a handshake with the server via the security policy request prior to creating the actual socket.


How do server-side events keep the connection open despite using HTTP?

I am confused at how SSE, despite using HTTP, is able to maintain the connection.
When I look at Web sockets, my understanding is that the most that HTTP is used is only for establishing the TCP connection and asking to upgrade to WS protocol. After that, the client and server both use the WS protocol which is why the connection can be persisted.
With SSE, there is no special protocol, it's just HTTP. Don't browsers have an HTTP TTL? How is the connection persisted beyond the TTL then?
Other HTTP polling mechanisms still suffer from timeout. SSE isn't a polling mechanism, but it still uses HTTP.

HTTP protocol connectionless and use TCP by default, How does that make sense?

I read that HTTP protocol uses the reliable TCP connections by default
,and one of the HTTP feature is connectionless.
Now I am confused how does it make sense ?
How does it use TCP and the same time it is connectionless and as I know TCP is connection-oriented
HTTP and TCP are different things. TCP is a transport layer protocol, whereas HTTP is an application layer protocol. HTTP uses TCP for data transmissions.
IMO this website has a nice explanation:
HTTP is connectionless: The HTTP client, i.e., a browser initiates an HTTP request and after a request is made, the client waits for the response. The server processes the request and sends a response back after which client disconnect the connection. So client and server knows about each other during current request and response only. Further requests are made on new connection like client and server are new to each other.
However, Wikipedia defines HTTP as stateless:
HTTP is a stateless protocol. A stateless protocol does not require the HTTP server to retain information or status about each user for the duration of multiple requests. However, some web applications implement states or server side sessions using for instance HTTP cookies or hidden variables within web forms.
Based on their explanations, the terms seems to be used interchangeably. However, these are not really true as the in-use HTTP versions allow you to identify the users through cookies etc. and create persistent connections.

Are there performance advantages in http2 over http1.1 for service-to-service communication?

I'm just curious if I'm missing something in http2 that would make it more efficient in service-to-service communication, for example in a microservice architecture.
Are its improvements just related to end-users (browsers)?
If you are issuing many concurrent requests between microservices, then there's benefit from connection multiplexing. You do not need to manage TCP connection pools on the client, and restrict the number of incoming TCP connections at the service side.
Some services might benefit from server push, though it really depends on what the service does.
Headers compression can be useful if you have high traffic volumes to the service with repeated meta-data. More information can be found here.
In summary, yes, it is designed more with end users in mind, but there's value for RESTful microservices as well, especially due to connection multiplexing.
HTTP/2 adds an additional aspect to service-to-service communication that was not mandatory with HTTP/1.1. And that is security in form of SSL/TLS.
Although not required by the RFC standard, almost all HTTP/2 servers and clients will only support HTTP/2 over TLS, which makes encryption de facto mandatory.
So if you want to offer and consume microservices over HTTP/2, you have to think about ways to create, manage and distribute SSL-certificates to servers and clients.
Consequently, moving to HTTP/2 means introducing a new stack of technology, e.g. a public key infrastructure, to your service eco system.
Another way to make your services HTTP/2-ready for your service consumers would be to place a reverse proxy between your HTTP/2-enabled consumers and your HTTP/1.1 services.
The proxy would terminate the HTTP/2 connections from the consumers and translate them into HTTP/1.1 requests for your servers (and vise-versa).
This would implement a separation of concern, where your services would only be responsible for their business-logic stuff, while the proxies would handle the certificates and encryption. But again, you would add more complexity to your system.
More Complexity, but also better use of network resources
More complexity is what you are paying with. But you get a smarter consumption of network resources for it. With HTTP/1.1 you can have multiple TCP connections between one client and a server. And opening multiple connection is almost always necessary to overcome HTTP/1.1's performance drawbacks.
Establishing TCP connections is an expensive task, though. In order to create them DNS lookup, TCP handshake and SSL handshake are necessary.
HTTP/2 limits the number of open TCP-connections between one client and one server to exactly one (1). But at the same time, HTTP/2 brings us connection multiplexing, i.e. you can have multiple HTTP conversations simultaneously over the same TCP connection (HTTP/1.1: 1 TCP-connection = 1 HTTP connection).

WebSockets - why is the handshake HTTP? Sharing port 80

I'm not clear why the handshake for WebSocket is HTTP. Wiki says "The handshake resembles HTTP so that servers can handle HTTP connections as well as WebSocket connections on the same port." What is the benefit of this? Once you start communicating over WebSocket you are using port 80 also...so why can't the initial handshake be in WebSocket format?
Also, how do you have both WebSocket and HTTP servers listening on port 80? Or is it typically the same application functioning as HTTP and WebSocket servers?
Thanks y'all :)
WebSockets are designed to work almost flawlessly with existing web infrastructures. That is the reason why WS connections starts as HTTP and then switches to a persistent binary connection.
This way the deployment is simplified. You don't need to modify your router's port forwarding and server listen ports... Also, because it starts as HTTP it can be load balanced in the same way that a normal HTTP request, firewalls are more lean to let the connection through, etc.. etc... Last but not the least, the HTTP handshake also carry cookies, which it is great to integrate with the rest of the app in the same way that AJAX does.
Both, traditional HTTP request-response and WS, can operate in the same port. Basiclally the WS client sends a HTTP request asking for "Upgrade:websocket", then if the server accepts the WS connections, replies with a HTTP response indicating "101 Switching Protocols", from that point the connection remains open and both ends consider it as a binary connection.

what is the benefit of using http hijacker

Go http pkg provide a Hijacker interface, can anyone tell when should I use it.
I check the comment, after a Hijack call lets the caller take over the connection, the HTTP server library will not do anything else with the connection.
I understand it as it's used to support both http request and common tcp interactive within one port. Is it right? Does it has any other benefits.
It means that you take over the control of TCP connection.
TCP is a generic transport protocol, whereas HTTP is an application protocol on top of TCP. The OSI seven layer model describes TCP as layer 4 and HTTP is layer 7.
If you need to implement a different application protocol, this is one use-case for hijacking.
Or if you need to do something specialised with HTTP, like preventing keep-alive connections, that is another use-case.
An example for an alternative web application protocol is Google's SPDY. It's also a good reason why you might hijack an existing HTTP connection, rather than create a TCP connection directly. For SPDY, a browser would first make an HTTP request that included 'accept' headers indicating that it is also able to understand SPDY. So now you could hijack the connection and implement SPDY instead of HTTP.
