How to set up IP/domain-wise security rules in Firebase? - firebase

"Authentication requests to Firebase Simple Login are only permitted from domains you specify." and the two default domains are "localhost" and "".
Let's say that my server's IP is "267.156.423.22". How do I setup my security rules so that that the two first domains can read specific data, but only the server can write it?
For example, if a client purchases a product, this fact and associated data needs to be noted on the client's account in the Firebase. For obvious security reasons this information must be 'writeable' by the server only.

The authorized domains configuration for Firebase Simple Login applies solely to OAuth-based authentication providers (Facebook, Twitter, and GitHub), and restricts requests to those origins in the browser.
That means if you're using one of those OAuth-based authentication providers, you'd want to enter in any origins which your end users will use to access the page (i.e. if your user accesses the page via, that'd the be origin to enter).
Keep in mind that Firebase Simple Login is built on top of that standard, one-size-fits-all custom login / token generation in Firebase. It is an abstraction layer intended to make it easy to generate Firebase Auth. Tokens, a secure way of sharing data between you and Firebase.
Once a token has been generated (via Simple or Custom login), you can begin using that token's payload in your security rules (via the auth variable). If you'd want your server to bypass security rules, simple generate a token with the admin privilege, or your Firebase secret. See for more details.


How secure is a firebase app layer firewall based on auth token claims?

I'd like to restrict certain requests to whitelisted IPs.
The implementation seems easy enough; just store the user's IP as a custom claim
that can be checked against a whitelist using security rules.
How secure is a Firebase app layer firewall based on auth token claims?
Alternatively, should the problem be tackled by restricting access to certain oauth providers (Azure AD, Auth0) that provide conditional access controls such as IP and device whitelisting?
Context Object Properties in Rules
Conditional Access: Grant
Control Access with Custom Claims and Security Rules
Posting Frank's comment as Wiki for visibility.
Custom claims can only be set by users with administrator-level access to the Firebase project. So if a certain claim is set to a value, you can be certain it was set by an account with those access permissions. But it's hard to say more about how secure an implementation is going to be, because that depends almost solely on the implementation.

Firebase Auth with admin sdk?

I am using firebase firestore as datastore for my web based application. The application has 2 different actors.
Supervisor: logs in via a common password set for all supervisors plus the ability to generate unique codes.
User: logs in via the unique code generated by the supervisor.
I am using cloud functions to do the heavy lifting for both actors. Now these functions are protected with cors and whitelist for origins.
I am trying to secure the routes created with cloud functions with a Auth Middleware relying on the concept of if the request is not from authenticated account or not.
I have created a email and password accounts for both actors for the frontend section of my application.
The question is if I am to go with firebase Auth api to get the refresh token and use it as jwt in the Middleware, will it be an issue since let's say 100 supervisor are connected and performing some tasks, and the same thing for the second actor ? Because after examining the refresh token it contains the uid of the account authenticated and using the same account for multiple connection is the blocking stone in this scenario.
the point of a token to be used in every operation is to validate the origin of the request
Firebase Authentication uses ID tokens to verify the user's identity, not the origin of requests. A malicious user in your scenario can get the credentials from the app, and use them in their own code - calling APIs on your Firebase project.
If you want to only allow calls from your own app, consider using the new App Check feature of Firebase.

OAuth2 - Authorize with no user interaction

So I'm trying to access my own data from an external app via their API. I only need access to my own data. Not trying to receive data from any of my users' accounts, so they don't need to authorize anything. So obviously I need to avoid any redirects (which seems to be the standard process the more I research OAuth...)
The process is hit the /authorize endpoint, which returns a code. Then provide that code in a request to the /token endpoint. Which then allows me to access my account via the API. I'm 95% sure this process is standard for all OAuth, but figured I'd provide details in case it's not.
How do I provide credentials on the back end to get a code to enter into the request for a token, so that all user interaction is negated? The API I'm using forces me to use OAuth.
The oauth2 grant you are describing is called Authorization Code Grant. This way of authentication has been designed so that applications which want to access resources of a user do not have access to the users credentials.
So if you found a way to interact with the user credentials in this grant it would be considered a hack.
If you do not want the individual user to enter the username and password but you want to access the api with a kind of "system account" this is not the oauth grant you should use.
There are multiple grants that would work for you. The question is which are supported by the authorization server and available to you.
Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant
This grant type is suitable for clients capable of obtaining the resource owner's credentials.
The resource owner password credentials grant type is suitable in
cases where the resource owner has a trust relationship with the
client, such as the device operating system or a highly privileged application.
It is very likely that this grant type is not avaiable as it could be misused to steal user credentials.
Client credential grant
The client can request an access token using only its client credentials.
How the resources are tied to a client is not part of the oauth specification and therefore provider specific.
If you want to read more about oauth2 here is a good article.
The Oauth 2 grant flow that you're describing is the Authorization Code Grant Flow, like NtFreX's answer says. And like they say, if you have the option of using one of the above two grants with that API, that's the easiest solution.
However, if you don't, there's still a way to avoid "user interaction". It's unclear what you mean by "user interaction", but in the Authorization Code flow, that usually means logging into a web app that calls the API you are trying to authenticate into, and then consenting on the consent page. See for an example (I implemented OAuth 2 for Fitbit :)). You'll need to use an automated web browser like Selenium to click the consent button. Then you can capture the code in the response from /authorize and send the code to the access token endpoint.

How to get access token from Single Sign On portal for multiple sites

We are building several websites/products, if a user has an account on one site they will also be allowed access to all other sites.
Let's say we have the following setup:
Single Sign On Portal
The Single Sign On Portal supports multiple OAuth providers, such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc and this is all working great built on top of the default ASP.NET Web Forms template in VS 2015 using OWIN and Idenity.
The SSO site is logging the user in an using a cookie for authentication, which works fine while still on the SSO site. Now we need to return a token that the client site can use to know that the user is authenticated
Now the challange here is how do we exchange the cookie to a token that we can return to the client(s) to use in the Authorization header in request sent to our APIs?
Should we generate a token our selves or is there some built in functionality we can use for this purpose?
I've seen most people generate a token themselves and then multiple accounts can be linked to that same user in your account (i.e. a user could log into both FB and Google). Most of the SSO providers have a way to get an identity token or one time use code for your server to use and get user info like FacebookId. The key is ensuring that identity token came from FB and not a third party.
Auth0 is a pretty good service if you want a managed route. Even if you don't use them, they have a lot of good resources on oauth. (I have no affiliation with them other than that we used them before.) we also have a little more info on auth:

Is it possible to use an external Identity Provider in a Web API with ASP.NET 5?

Reading this question, #Pinpoint's answer and the further discussion on comments, I'm well aware that natively we can't add an identity provider to our apps developed with ASP.NET 5. One possible replacement for the legacy OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware is then provided by the AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server as I've found in many places.
Now, there is one point that I'm still unsure about all this because I'm really not an expert in security, so my knowledge about OAuth is not very deep. My doubt is the following: is it possible to use an external identity provider when using OAuth to protect one RESTful API?
Notice that I'm not talking about adding social login to one website, I'm talking about using one external identity provider in one RESTful API.
My point is, this makes me a little confused yet, because I always thought this should be a concern of my app.
So my question here is: when using OAuth and ASP.NET 5, is it possible to use an external identity provider, other than implementing one? If it is possible, how this works in short? I mean, my app still needs to be able to manage the identities of users, in the sense that it needs to manage claims and so on.
In that case, if it is really possible, how the flow would be? The external identity provider should issue the tokens? But how my app would be able to verify those tokens and manage users identities?
EDIT: One of the reasons I feel unsure about that is that when we use the UseOAuthAuthentication extension method, we set up one callback path which is described as
The request path within the application's base path where the user-agent will be returned. The middleware will process this request when it arrives.
Now, if we are developing a site, then this really does make sense. The person goes there, click a button to login with a provider like Facebook. The user is redirected to Facebook's page and then after he logs in, he is redirected to some page of the site.
On the other hand, with a RESTful API this is meaningless. There is no notion of being redirected.
This makes it seems that the usage of external providers is only for sites and not for RESTful API's. This is the main point of my question.
My doubt is the following: is it possible to use an external identity provider when using OAuth to protect one RESTful API?
Yes, it's definitely possible. This is exactly what you do when you use Azure Active Directory to protect your API endpoints:
app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(options => {
options.AutomaticAuthenticate = true;
options.Authority = "";
options.Audience = "";
The next legitimate question is: if you can use the tokens issued by AAD to protect your API, why couldn't you do the same thing with Facebook or Google tokens?
Unlike Facebook or Google, AAD issues completely standardized tokens named JWT tokens that the OAuth2 bearer middleware can "read" and "verify" to determine whether the token is still valid and was really issued for your API (i.e if the audience attached with the token corresponds to your API. You can control this value using the resource parameter when making your authorization request).
You can't do something similar with FB or Google tokens, since they are totally opaque. Actually, it's not really surprising since these tokens have only one objective: allowing you to query FB or Google APIs, not your own ones (these social providers don't allow to set the audience of the access token).
Since you can't read the token yourself, the only option is to ask FB or Google whether it is still valid to make sure your API doesn't accept invalid tokens. That's something you can (easily) do with Facebook as they offer a "token inspection endpoint" you can query for that: (see the Inspecting access tokens chapter). This way, you can ensure the token is not expired and determine the user corresponding to the token.
Sadly, this approach has two downsides:
You have to make an extra HTTP call to the Facebook endpoint to validate the access token, which implies caching received tokens to avoid flooding Facebook with too many requests.
As the access token is not issued for your own API, you MUST absolutely ensure that the access token was issued to a client application you fully trust, or it will allow any third party developer to use his own FB/Google tokens with your API without having to request user's consent. This is - obviously - a major security concern.
You can find more information in the last part of this SO answer (it's for Katana and about Dropbox, but you should get the idea): OWIN/OAuth2 3rd party login: Authentication from Client App, Authorization from Web API
So my question here is: when using OAuth and ASP.NET 5, is it possible to use an external identity provider, other than implementing one? If it is possible, how this works in short? I mean, my app still needs to be able to manage the identities of users, in the sense that it needs to manage claims and so on.
In that case, if it is really possible, how the flow would be? The external identity provider should issue the tokens? But how my app would be able to verify those tokens and manage users identities?
To work around the limitations mentioned in the previous part, the best option is - as you've already figured out - to create your own authorization/authentication server. This way, your API doesn't (directly) accept FB or Google tokens but the tokens issued by your own server, that can possibly redirect your users to FB or Google for authentication.
This is exactly what this sample does:
The user is invited by the client application (Mvc.Client) to authenticate with your authorization server (Mvc.Server) so he can get an access token to later query the API (also in Mvc.Server). For that, the user is redirected to your authorization server, which itself offers you to authenticate with Google or Twitter.
When this external authentication step is done, the user is redirected back to your authorization server (Mvc.Server), where he's asked to give his consent for the client app (Mvc.Client) to access his personal data.
When the consent is given, the user is redirected back to the client application with the access token you can use to query the API endpoint.
