Phishing mail Wordpress Admin - wordpress

I received several mails from wordpress#mydomain.tld inviting me to connect to my administration area to moderate comments.
Example :
WordPress 10/21/2013 04:22:00
A new comment on your post is waiting for your approval.
Comment: [...] You have new comment! Go link ... [...]
Please visit the Administration panel:
Sing in
Link in "Si*ng* in" redirects to a phishing page. I made several changes by changing the administration of wordpress email, but I continue to receive these messages.
I wonder if it is possible to stop sending mail wordpress# mydomain.tld

No, you can't stop someone else from pretending they are sending email from your domain. Best you can do is change the email address your wordpress instance sends email as, and then mark any email coming from the old email address as spam in your email client of choice.

I always change the default email account that Wordpress uses to send mail to something unique because of this very reason. There is no way you can prevent scammers from imitating an email address.
There are several plugins that will change the Wordpress From Email info, but to do this programmatically you can use:
function hidden_mail_from($old) {
return '';
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'hidden_mail_from');
function hidden_mail_from_name($old) {
return 'My Wordpress Install 1234';
add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'hidden_mail_from_name');
If you aren't a developer I would recommend the SMTP plugin:
And most of the other SMTP plugins on the Plugin Repository:
If you are really interested you can look at the mail headers in your email client to determine the origin server of the email and potentially create a rule to filter spam out based solely on that header but the plugins are much easier.


Wordpress ecommerce email

I have to deliver a WordPress eCommerce website but what if I give the role of editor to my client will he still get emails about the orders received on the website? Actually this is my first eCommerce website
The e-commerce email (the address that receives the order notification) should have it's Name and password, it is sure that he can receive the received order notification from the email if you provide him with the credentials of this email address. If he could access the website on the backend he could also access the orders.
You just have to write the email of the client in the Settings section of the WordPress. Your client will still get emails.
He can even get the emails without getting the complete access to the wordpress. This is how I am doing it for my client at maheenandco. You just need to put his email address. You can use multiple emails. You will find the option in woo commerce settings.

On local New User Registered email not sending in wordpress

I am new to wordpress. I am working on Localhost with woo-commerce. When a new user is registered, email verification link is not sending to the user and also for admin.
Should i need SMTP for this or any other settings to fix.
In localhost, an email will not be sent due to lack of access to the server
This problem will be solved by transferring the site to a server and making the site online
If you forgot your password, you can change it through the database
your database > wp_users
It is possible for WordPress to send emails on localhost.
You can use SMTP or find out what is preventing emails from being sent.
For SMTP, I recommend using the plugin WP Mail SMTP By WP Forms. I should add that I don't particularly like this plugin, but it works!!
If you don't want to use the plugin, you can also google 'how to use SMTP in WordPress without a plugin.'
To find out what might be causing the issue, you can use the plugin Check & Log Email. I highly recommend this plugin! It helped me find out the cause of my problem in minutes.
If the problem is that WordPress is trying to send emails from "WordPress#localhost" (I suspect it is), then you can just change the 'from address' and you'll be on your way.
WordPress has a filter for changing the 'from address' used by wp_mail. So you can easily do something like so:
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'get_admin_email');
if(!function_exists('get_admin_email')) {
function get_admin_email($email) {
$wp_from = get_option('admin_email');
return $wp_from;
The code above tells WordPress to use the admin email address as the 'from address'.
Further reading:
WordPress Docs
My Blog

Contact Form 7 showing sent message but not receiving email

Experiencing issue with WP plugin, contact form 7. When I fill in the form and submit, I receive a success message stating it was sent yet I don't receive it in my emails.
The mail is not in my junk and I only received the message in my email when I input the email its being send to!?
The email it is going to is an exchange account. I can see the emails coming through using a contact form submission on the WP backend. But would like to resolve this issue.
[text* your-name placeholder "Name"]
[email* your-email placeholder "Email Address"]
[text* your-dob placeholder "DOB"]
<p>Which Challenge(s) would you like to enter?</p>
[checkbox* select-challenge "1" "2" "3"]
Please tick here that you have read and accepted the [popup_trigger
<u>terms & conditions</u>[/popup_trigger] for entry & participation.
[acceptance acceptance-997]
[submit "Send"]
From: Website
Subject: Challenge
Reply-To: [your-email]
From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Eating Challenge Registration
Name: [your-name]
Email: [your-email]
DOB: [your-dob]
Challenge(s): [select-challenge]
I also checked with website host that they use wp_mail() and was confirmed they do. As other contact forms send - bar this one.
Try setting the from: email address to Contact Form 7 support recommends setting the from address as being on your own domain, so that the website's mailer program doesn't think it is spoofing the email being sent (sending it from an incorrect email address).
If that doesn't work, best to use a plugin like WP Mail SMTP Plugin.
I set it up to send contact form emails through our Gmail account, which worked well. Instructions here.
SMTP Plugins are a Band-aid Solution
The reason people use SMTP plugins is because they have not set up their own domains properly; so, they route their emails through their email hosting company under the expectation that THEIR domain is both set up properly and permissive enough to accept the email that needs to be forwarded. So, let's say your website is at and your email is, then you can use an SMTP plugin to send an email to, and then gmail resends it on your behalf.
As you can see, this is a clunky work around, and does not actually fix the problem of not being able to send email from your website directly. There are a few use cases where this is a problem:
If you want to actually send the email from and not expose your address to the public.
If your email provider does not support SMTP.
Some anti-spam tools may block emails routed this way, because SMTP can be a sign of spoofing through a hacked account. This almost always leads to problems when using the Mail(2) feature to send confirmation emails to the client since you are pretty much guaranteed that some of them will use spam filters that will block it.
You may also need to send emails through other means (not contact form 7) that does not work with your SMTP plugin.
A Better Solution
The best way to fix deliverability issues to to set up your DKIM, SPF, and PTR records properly in your DNS.
If you are using cPanel as most hosting companies seem to do these days, you need to go to EMAIL > Email Deliverability and it will show you warnings if you need to update your DNS. If you do, just copy the records it auto generates into your Domain's DNS and this should fix the problem. Unlike trying to route through someone else's server to send emails, this will set up YOUR server to send them properly thus alleviating all of the above mentioned issues.
This is just as easy to set up as most SMTP plugins, and makes it so you don't have to clutter your WordPress install with unnecessary plugins.
If you do not have cPanel access, just contact your Domain Hosting provider and ask that they setup your DKIM, SPF, and PTR. If your Domain Hosting provider and your Web Hosting provider are two different companies, you may need to request the proper DNS records from your web hosting company to either put in your self or give to your domain hosting company.
when I have a problem about wp contact form I always solve that with using smtp plugin. I suggest you to use wp smtp mail plugin.
Easy SMTP WP plugin page on
If any problem after using smtp plugin, reply this post I will try to help you again.
I have this problem in my website.
Some hosting companies block automatic email sending, because some user uses the host for sending email marketing. So, I think you can contact your host provider to solve this problem.

woocomerce - admin is not received any email when order is placed

I have set all parameters in woocomerce -> settings-> email-> new order , processing etc but email is not sended to admin or email id which i have provided in these option. Yes, email is sending to customer which has purchase items of site. Means email is working for customer but not for admin.. I have tried to change status of order but still mail is sended to customer but not admin. Can you help me to get out of this.
Try deactivating all other plugins besides WooCommerce to see if that helps. WooCommerce uses the wp_mail provided by WordPress. As long as other emails are sent, this one should be sent.
A few things to look for:
Make sure New Order emails are enabled in WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > New Order.
Be sure the order is not placed on Pending Order. Keep in mind those emails are not sent to you since the order hasn't been completed yet thus no email.
A spam blocker might be the cause of the issue. The best way to avoid this try a dedicated SMTP provider like Mandrill which resolves most issues with emails not sending from the host. Mandrill has a free plugin.
Hope that helps!
Is it the WordPress admin email? I've just had this problem on version 4.1; i was not able to use the wordpress admin email as recipient of emails from new orders; but any other email i set for recipient when new orders worked just fine; all except the wordPress admin email. Weird hu? I guess i'll have to deal with that later.

Using Wordpress post via email with 000webhost

I'm using Wordpress 3.8 beta 1 running on 000webhost's free servers. I've created an email to post to my blog when I don't want to log in, but I can't seem to get it working.
Mail Server:
Login Name:
Password: The correct password.
I sent a test post with the subject of "Testing WP-Email Post" and body of "I'm trying to use WordPress' post via email system." a few days ago, and the post still hasn't apperd on my blog!
I would suggest using Gmail here. Follow the steps below which have been found on:
Using Gmail
Yes, Gmail will help us big time here.
Start by creating a new Gmail account with whatever username you wish.
You can even go with “” … it
truly doesn’t matter. What matters is what we’re going to do later on.
Go to your Gmail settings. Then “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” and enable
the “Enable POP for all mail (even mail that’s already been
downloaded)” feature. From now on your Gmail is supporting the
possibility of downloading messages via POP protocol (which WordPress
uses for email postings).
This next step is the crucial one. What we’re going to do here is
choose an email address which will be the only one allowed to send
anything to your new Gmail account, and therefore to post something to
your blog.
Go to “Filters” and “Create a new filter.” In the “from” field input
your primary email address and add a hyphen just before it. Example:
– Then press “Create filter with this
search.” Tick the “Delete it” checkbox, and press “create filter.”
That’s it.
From now on every email that hasn’t been sent from your own email
address will be immediately deleted.
