how to prevent wordpress to upload photos with the variety dimensions? - wordpress

I am using wordpress plugin fotorama. (see:
My all prictures have same dimension 800px of height. But when I use fotorama I see that some of pictures have named something like :
and not using the original picture which is named like this:
Naturally when I see the slideshow every picture have a different height. How can I prevent wordpress uploading photos with different dimension like: DalyPhotos-074-300x224.jpg or DalyPhotos-074-300x200-1024x550.jpg
If it is not possible how can I force fotorama to use same dimension.

function add_image_insert_override($sizes){
unset( $sizes['thumbnail']);
unset( $sizes['medium']);
unset( $sizes['large']);
add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'add_image_insert_override' );
Or just go to Settings -> Media and set all the sizes to 0.


How do I stop multiple images in WordPress?

I want to stop generating multiple images in wordPress.
I tried to set height & width to 0 in settings>media.
Secondly, there is no option of images size in function.php (in my wordpress theme).
Please help me
Wordpress has a filter built in to modify this behavior, just add this function to your functions.php file
add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced',' prefix_remove_default_images');
// This will remove the default image sizes and the medium_large size.
function prefix_remove_default_images( $sizes ) {
return $sizes;

Limit images sizes created by theme / plugins

I am trying to limit the images sizes created by themes and plugins.
For instance, if you upload an image to a woocommerce product, I only want the sizes set by woocommerce to be created.
The same for my custom slider plugin; When I upload a slider, I only want the image sizes I set for the slider custom post type to be generated.
Then, to make it more complicated, I created a couple of plugins that don't use CPT, but instead an options page (like my testimonial plugin).
I thought this may work, but it doesn't.
if( get_post_type() == 'product' ) {
add_image_size( '1280-thumb', 1280 );//1280px wide, free high
Thank you
Okay, first of all, do regenerate thumbnails and set your image size with same add image size function then check if the image will be cropped or not as per your custom image size try with this one.
add_image_size( 'custom-size', 220, 180, true );
Using this plugin you can do regenerate your existing thumbnails

Wordpress image resize quality could be better

I do use the automatic resize function of wordpress and have already set the image quality for jpgs to a much higher quality via the functions.php file like so:
add_filter('jpeg_quality', function($arg)
return 90;
However, the resulting image quality is still not very good. The pictures could need a sharpening pass or a different resize algorithm.
I did not find any way to tell wordpress to use a different algorithm so far - does anyone know a hook or something similar to increase the quality?
All you need to do is paste the following code in your theme’s functions.php file or your site-specific plugin.
function gpp_jpeg_quality_callback($arg)
return (int)100;
add_filter('jpeg_quality', 'gpp_jpeg_quality_callback');
add_filter( 'jpeg_quality', create_function( '', 'return 100;' ) );
You can change from admin panel .
Setting >> media >> here you can add you size for images.
for thumbnail,small ,large images .

Images of different sizes in uploads folder wordpress

When add an image in media, creates multiple images of different sizes.
When upload image.png, create image-150x112.png
I want have only image upload. How do this?
Wordpress automatically resizes the images to use as thumbnails or posts so to cut down the amount of bandwidth being used up.
If you really really want to, you can unset them but i would advise against it if your using very large images which will use up a lot bandwidth.
Option 1
Go into settings -> media and change all of the numbers to 0. This means the resize wont happen.
Option 2
Add this code to your functions.php file in the theme
function unset_image_resizing() {
unset( $sizes['thumbnail']);
unset( $sizes['medium']);
unset( $sizes['large']);
return $sizes;
add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'unset_image_resizing');

How stop wordpress creating thumbnails?

How can I stop Wordpress from making thumbnails? It uses a lot of my nodes, and memory!
How can I do this?
PS: My Wordpress site creates 3 images per uploaded image. (and I have galleies of 20-30 images per article => sooooooooo much nodes and memory)...
It's very simple to do this...
You have no visible option "stop Wordpress making thumbnails".
You must do the following:
Go to Settings -> Media
Uncheck "Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)" if is checked
Set at Thumbnail size, Medium size and Large size the Width and Height to 0
Now Wordpress won't create you thumbnails.
I hope this will help you!
In wordpress when you upload new image that wordpress set it's thumbnail images accoring to set from admin panel or define in theme functions file.
Here is simple way for stop generating thumbnails by simple put below code in your theme function file.
function chnage_filter_image_sizes($sizes){
$sizes = array();
return $sizes;
add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'chnage_filter_image_sizes');
Here if you want to generate own thumbnails with custome width and height whenever upload any image than just put parametes as below.
function chnage_filter_image_sizes($sizes){
$sizes = array('thumbnail_name'=>array('width'=>'120','height'=>'120','crop'=>true));
return $sizes;
add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'chnage_filter_image_sizes')
