Entity Framework 6: Turn off Sequential GUIDs - guid

Entity Framework 6 appears to default to sequential GUIDs instead of completely random ones. How do I turn this off?
See CodePlex work item: http://entityframework.codeplex.com/workitem/71

From the changeset linked to that work item, you'll see that the GuidColumnDefault isn't based on any settings, but just returns the default based on the provider type
Looking at this link, it would appear you can set it manually in your migrations though:
// Excerpt from migration in link above:
public override void Up()
c => new
Id = c.Guid(nullable: false,
identity: true,
// You would use newid() instead.
defaultValueSql: "newsequentialid()"),
.PrimaryKey(t => t.Id);


References a sub model from parent in typescript using prisma client

I am learning prisma and I can't figure out how to use the prisma types correctly if the returned data includes a sub model.
For example, I have the following two tables
model Services {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
service_name String #db.VarChar(255)
description String #db.MediumText
overall_status ServiceStatus #default(OPERATIONAL)
deleted Boolean #default(false)
sub_services SubServices[]
model SubServices {
id Int #id #default(autoincrement())
name String #db.VarChar(255)
description String #db.MediumText
current_status ServiceStatus #default(OPERATIONAL)
service Services? #relation(fields: [service_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
service_id Int?
I am then pulling data from the Services model using the following:
const services = await prisma.services.findMany({
where: {
deleted: false
include: {
sub_services: true
I am then in the client side referencing the Services model, but the IDE isn't detecting that Services can include sub_services. I can use it and it works but the IDE is always showing a squiggly line as if the code is wrong, example is below:
import {Services} from "#prisma/client";
const MyComponent : React.FC<{service: Services}> = ({services}) => {
return (
service.sub_services.map(service => {
but in the above example sub_services is underlined with the error TS2339: Property 'sub_services' does not exist on type 'Services'.
So how would I type it in a way that IDE can see that I can access sub_services from within services model.
I found a way to do it, but I'm not sure if this is the correct way or not as I am creating a new type as below:
type ServiceWithSubServices <Services> = Partial<Services> & {
sub_services: SubServices[]
and then change the const definition to the below
const ServiceParent : React.FC<{service: ServiceWithSubServices<Services>}> = ({service}) => {
Although this does seem to work, is this the right way to do it, or is there some more prisma specific that can do it without creating a new type.
In Prisma, by default only the scalar fields are included in the generated type. So, in your case for the Services type, all the scalar fields except sub_services would be included in the type. sub_services is not included because it's a relation field.
To include the relation fields, you would need to use Prisma.validator, here's a guide on generating types that include the relation field.

Getting started querying sync data from Realm

I'm attempting to get a list of items from a MongoDB Atlas instance via Realm into my Xamarin Forms application. I'm pretty sure I've followed the instructions correctly, however I can't seem to see any values come in.
I'm using Realm and Realm.Fody version: 10.2.0
I've uploaded my data with the following script
mongoimport --uri mongodb+srv://[user]:[pass]#cluster0.[wxyz].mongodb.net/[company] --collection products --type json --file products --jsonArray
1057 document(s) imported successfully. 0 document(s) failed to import.
When I go to MongoDB Atlas, I see this
In my App.xaml.cs constructor, I create a realm app and log in with anonymous credentials
public const string MasterDataPartitionKey = "master_data";
var app = Realms.Sync.App.Create("my-app-id");
app.LogInAsync(Credentials.Anonymous()).ContinueWith(task => User = task.Result);
After this, in my first ViewModel constructor (it's Rx, but isn't doing anything fancy)
_listProductsCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create<Realm, IEnumerable<Product>>(ExecuteLoadProducts);
_listProductsCommand.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(x => { /* checking for errors here */ }).DisposeWith(TrashBin);
// note MasterDataPartitionKey is the value I've set on every single record's `_partitionKey` property.
.Select(_ => new SyncConfiguration(MasterDataPartitionKey, App.User))
.Do(_ => { }, ex => { /* checking for errors here */ })
.InvokeCommand(this, x => x._listProductsCommand)
And later, a simple query
private static IEnumerable<Product> ExecuteLoadProducts(Realm realm)
var data = realm.All<ProductDto>();
var productDtos = data.ToList();
var products = productDtos.Select(x => x.Map());
return products;
productDtos (and products) should have a count of 1057
productDtos (and products) have a count of 0
I've looked in my Realm logs and I can see the connections and sync logs
My anonymous authentication is turned on
and I've made it so that all of my Collections have read access (in fact developer mode is on)
Here's an example of one of the records
Here's a snipped of the dto I'm trying to pull down
I feel as though I must be missing something simple. Can anyone see anything obvious that could be sending me sideways?

Implementing an ?include=attributes querystring with Entity Framework and AutoMapper

A reasonably common pattern in REST APIs is to support conditional inclusion (or sometimes exclusions) of attributes in a response using a query parameter. For example:
GET /customers?include=notes
In this case, the Notes attribute is optional and won't be included in the response unless specifically requested.
The naive solution leaves a lot to be desired:
var query = dbContext.Query<Customer>();
if (include.Contains('notes'))
return query.Select(x => new Customer
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
Notes = x.Notes,
return query.Select(x => new Customer
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name
Is there a clean, elegant, DRY way to implement this feature with a combination of Entity Framework and AutoMapper in ASP.NET?

Getting the right permitted fields of conditions

Currently, I'm building an app with with following similar logic:
const user = {
isAdmin: true,
company: '5faa6a847b42bf47b8f785a1',
projects: ['5faa6a847b42bf47b8f785a2']
function defineAbilityForUser(user) {
return defineAbility((can) => {
if (user.isAdmin) {
can('create', 'ProjectTime', {
company: user.company,
["company", "project", "user", "start", "end"],
company: user.company,
project: {
$in: user.projects
const userAbility = defineAbilityForUser(user); //
console.log( permittedFieldsOf(userAbility, 'create', 'ProjectTime') );
// console output: ['company', 'project', 'user', 'start', 'end']
Basically an admin should be allowed to create a project time with no field restrictions.
And a none admin user should only be allowed to set the specified fields for projects to which he belongs.
The problem is that I would expect to get [] as output because an admin should be allowed to set all fields for a project time.
The only solution I found was to set all fields on the admin user condition. But this requires a lot of migration work later when new fields are added to the project time model. (also wrapping the second condition in an else-block is not possible in my case)
Is there any other better way to do this? Or maybe, would it be better if the permittedFieldsOf-function would prioritize the condition with no field restrictions?
There is actually no way for casl to know what means all fields in context of your models. It knows almost nothing about their shapes and relies on conditions you provide it to check that objects later. So, it does not have full information.
What you need to do is to pass the 4th argument to override fieldsFrom callback. Check the api docs and reference implementation in #casl/mongoose
In casl v5, that parameter is mandatory. So, this confusion will disappear very soon

Entity Framework Core: Global select filter

In EF Core you can add global query filters to exclude data that fulfill some condition. I was wondering if the "same" exists for globally selecting properties of entities, e.g. to globally exclude sensitive information from ApplicationUser from .NET Core Identity?
E.g. something like this:
builder.Entity<ApplicationUser>().HasSelectFilter(u => new ApplicationUser {
Id = u.Id,
Email = u.Email,
EDIT: I just found that you can use
builder.Entity<ApplicationUser>().Ignore(u => u.PasswordHash);
when configuring relations with the FluentAPI. However, it seems to create problems within Identity.
Ignore properties in data model while keeping them in EF Core migrations
No, by default nothing supports it in EF Core.
Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Entity Framework Plus
The EF+ Query IncludeFilter (free and open source) allows using the filter as a Global select filter as well.
QueryFilterManager.Filter<Customer>(c => c.Select(x => new Customer() { CustomerId = x.CustomerId, Name = x.Name }));
// ...code...
var customers = context.Customers.ToList();
Online Example: https://dotnetfiddle.net/wArKog
