Can't insert row in google spreadsheets api with -

could please anybody tell me what's wrong with my code?
Dim service As New SpreadsheetsService("MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1")
' TODO: Authorize the service object for a specific user (see other sections)
service.setUserCredentials("", "1234")
' Instantiate a SpreadsheetQuery object to retrieve spreadsheets.
' Instantiate a SpreadsheetQuery object to retrieve spreadsheets.
Dim query As New SpreadsheetQuery()
' Make a request to the API and get all spreadsheets.
Dim feed As SpreadsheetFeed = service.Query(query)
' TODO: There were no spreadsheets, act accordingly.
If feed.Entries.Count = 0 Then
End If
' TODO: Choose a spreadsheet more intelligently based on your
' app's needs.
Dim spreadsheet As SpreadsheetEntry = DirectCast(feed.Entries(0), SpreadsheetEntry)
' Get the first worksheet of the first spreadsheet.
' TODO: Choose a worksheet more intelligently based on your
' app's needs.
Dim wsFeed As WorksheetFeed = spreadsheet.Worksheets
Dim worksheet As WorksheetEntry = DirectCast(wsFeed.Entries(0), WorksheetEntry)
' Define the URL to request the list feed of the worksheet.
Dim listFeedLink As AtomLink = worksheet.Links.FindService(GDataSpreadsheetsNameTable.ListRel, Nothing)
' Fetch the list feed of the worksheet.
Dim listQuery As New ListQuery(listFeedLink.HRef.ToString())
Dim listFeed As ListFeed = service.Query(listQuery)
' Create a local representation of the new row.
Dim row As New ListEntry()
row.Elements.Add(New ListEntry.Custom() With { _
Key .LocalName = "ldVorname", _
Key .Value = "Joe" _
' Send the new row to the API for insertion.
service.Insert(listFeed, row)

Your code looks correct. Make sure you have added both Imports.
Imports Google.GData.Client
Imports Google.GData.Spreadsheets

I suspect you did an automatic c# to conversion. Remove the Key syntax in your code like this:
' Create a local representation of the new row.
Dim row As New ListEntry()
row.Elements.Add(New ListEntry.Custom() With { _
.LocalName = "ldVorname", _
.Value = "Joe" _
However, running this code stil gives a GDataRequestException saying We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try reloading your spreadsheet.


Website won't release file generated with openxml

Here is the situation:
Asp.Net Web Forms site using Open XML to read in a (via a stream) word document (docx). I then insert some text into the document and then write the file back out to a different location. It is then emailed to an end user. All of this works great.
The problem i am running into is that I can't the new file written by the site. I receive the following error:
"The process cannot access the file (file name here) because it is being used nt another process"
I have confirmed that it is the site (or IIS) that is holding on to the file.
Here is the code that reads the original file and generates the new file:
Private Function GetDocument(worddoc As String) As Integer
Dim byteArray As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes("\\WEB-DEV-1\HR_Documents\" & worddoc)
Using Stream As New MemoryStream()
Stream.Write(byteArray, 0, CInt(byteArray.Length))
'Set Row & Cell variables
Dim rowNum As Integer = 0
Dim cellNum As Integer = 0
'Set File Stream
Using doc As WordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(Stream, True)
'Employee Name Insert
'Find first table in document
Dim tbl1 As Table = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Elements(Of Table).First()
'First Row in tbl
Dim row As TableRow = tbl1.Elements(Of TableRow)().ElementAt(0)
'Find first cell in row
Dim cell As TableCell = row.Elements(Of TableCell)().ElementAt(0)
'Insert selected Employee Name
Dim p As Paragraph = cell.Elements(Of Paragraph)().First()
Dim r As Run = p.Elements(Of Run)().First()
Dim txt As Text = r.Elements(Of Text)().First()
txt.Text = "Employee Name: " & ddlEmployeeList.SelectedItem.Text
'Supervisor Name Insert
'Check for form
If ddlFormChoice.SelectedIndex <> 2 Then
'Reset row to supervisors row in table
row = tbl1.Elements(Of TableRow)().ElementAt(1)
ElseIf ddlFormChoice.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
'Reset row to supervisors row in table
row = tbl1.Elements(Of TableRow)().ElementAt(2)
End If
If ddlFormChoice.SelectedIndex <> 2 Then
'Reset cell to supervisor cell in row
cell = row.Elements(Of TableCell)().ElementAt(1)
ElseIf ddlFormChoice.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
'Reset cell to supervisor cell in row
cell = row.Elements(Of TableCell)().ElementAt(0)
End If
'Insert selected Employee Name
p = cell.Elements(Of Paragraph)().First()
r = p.Elements(Of Run)().First()
txt = r.Elements(Of Text)().First()
If ddlFormChoice.SelectedIndex <> 2 Then
txt.Text = "Supervisor: " & ddlSupervisorList.SelectedItem.Text
ElseIf ddlFormChoice.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
txt.Text = "Manager/Supervisor: " & ddlSupervisorList.SelectedItem.Text
End If
End Using
'Save File to temp location
File.WriteAllBytes("\\WEB-DEV-1\HR_Documents\TempDocs\" & worddoc, Stream.ToArray())
Return 1
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Using
End Function
I close the OpenXML doc and the stream as well dispose of the stream but when I try to delete the file from the main sub that called the function I get the error listed above.
What am I missing?? I closed the doc, the stream and disposed of the stream. Why is the site still holding the file?
Note here the line of code that trys to delete the file;
File.Delete("\\Web-Dev-1\HR_Documents\TempDocs\" & fileAttach)
So after most of the day i finally found out what the problem was. After the document was created, saved , and emailed it was being held by the email method. For some reason i thought that when the method finishes that it disposed of the Mail Message but this not the case.
Once I added the dispose line it all worked fine.
Only been Googling for almost two days. :|

Search files based on the date modified entered by user in console application VB.NET

i been given a assignment to create one console application using VB.NET. The assignment will able to open the file that based on the date modified entered by user. can anyone help me to solve my problem. I'm new in and most of the tutorial are using C# . together i put the latest code i has already done but still if i put the date modified the error file will display .
Thank you in advance
Imports System.IO
Module Module3
Sub Main()
While True
' Read value.
Dim s As DateTime = Console.ReadLine()
' Test the value.
If s = File.GetLastWriteTime("path") Then
Dim p As New Process()
p.StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("notepad.exe", "path")
Dim p As New Process()
p.StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("notepad.exe", "path2")
End If
' Write the value.
Console.WriteLine("You typed " + s)
End While
End Sub
End Module
in the code snippet you are not searching for a file you are setting the time last modified which isn't what you want to do.
you will need to search through each file until you find the date modified information which is inputted by the user:-
dim s as datetime = console.readline()
'Target Directory
Dim directory = "C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\TestFolder\"
For Each filename As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim fName As String = IO.Path.GetExtension(filename)
dim datemod as string = File.GetLastWriteTime(directory & fname)
If s = datemod Then
Dim p As New Process()
p.StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("notepad.exe", directory & fname)
'do something else
things that you will need to add are, what to do when it doesn't find a file with that variable.
hope this gets you a little further.

Visual basic and Web request

Basically what im trying to do is make a program that list game information for league of legends.. using there API to extract data. how this works is you Search there username and it returns an integer linked to that account, you then use that integer to search for all of the information for that account, EG account level, wins, losses, etc.
I've run into a problem i can't seem to figure out.. Please not that I'm very new to so have little experience about working with it.. Below is how the search for the user ID is found, The First section is the Username Minus Any spaces in the name the next is the ID which is the information i require.
{"chucknoland":{"id":273746,"name":"Chuck Noland","profileIconId":662,"summonerLevel":30,"revisionDate":1434821021000}}
I must be declaring the variables wrong in order to obtain the data as everything i do it returns as 0.
these are the following class i have to store the ID within
Public Class ID
Public Shared id As Integer
Public Shared name As String
End Class
Looking at a previous example seen here Simple working Example of in
They where able to resolve there issue by making a container class with everything inside it.. My problem is that The data i seek i always changing.. The first set will always be different to the "Chucknoland" that's displayed in the example.. is someone able to explain how i could go about extracting this information?
Please note that the variables rRegion has the value of what server there on, Chuck Noland is on OCE, and sSearch is the Username.. Due to Problems with API keys i had to remove the API key from the code... But the URL returns the Json Provided.
'URL string used to grab Summoner ID
jUrlData = "" + rRegion + "/v1.4/summoner/by-name/" + sSearch +
' Create a request for URL Data.
Dim jsonRequest As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(jUrlData)
'request a response from the webpage
Dim jsonResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(jsonRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
'Get Data from requested URL
Dim jsonStream As Stream = jsonResponse.GetResponseStream()
'Read Steam for easy access
Dim jsonReader As New StreamReader(jsonStream)
'Read Content
Dim jsonResponseURL As String = jsonReader.ReadToEnd()
jUrlString = jsonResponseURL
this is the request i have to obtain the information, and this is the code i tried to use to display the ID for that json.
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim obj As ID
obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of ID)(jUrlString)
End Sub
Is anyone able to explain how i can go about getting this to work?
One way to handle this would be to get the item into a Dictionary where the keys are the property names.
The class you have is not quite right unless you only want name and id and not the rest of the information. But using a Dictionary you wont need it anyway. The "trick" is to skip over the first part since you do not know the name. I can think of 2 ways to do this, but there are probably more/better ways.
Since json uses string keys pretty heavily, create a Dictionary, then get the data from it for the actual item:
jstr = ... from whereever
' create a dictionary
Dim jResp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))(jstr)
' get the first/only value item
Dim jobj = jResp.Values(0) ' only 1 item
' if you end up needing the name/key:
'Dim key As String = jResp.Keys(0)
' deserialize first item to dictionary
Dim myItem = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))(jobj.ToString)
' view results
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, Object) In myItem
Console.WriteLine("k: {0} v: {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value.ToString)
k: id v: 273746
k: name v: Chuck Noland
k: profileIconId v: 662
k: summonerLevel v: 30
k: revisionDate v: 1434821021000
Using String, String may also work, but it would convert numerics to string (30 becomes "30") which is usually undesirable.
While poking around I found another way to get at the object data, but I am not sure if it is a good idea or not:
' parse to JObject
Dim js As JObject = JObject.Parse(jstr)
' 1 = first item; 2+ will be individual props
Dim jT As JToken = js.Descendants(1)
' parse the token to String/Object pairs
Dim myItem = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))(jT.ToString)
Same results.

combining two textbox values

i called a field from mysql into a readonly textarea and i made another textbox to allow users to add fields into the textarea. how do I combine the values from the textbox into the textarea?
an example of what i want to do is:
15/12: Nothing special today
16/12: another day
17/12: and so on
this is a new input
15/12: Nothing special today
16/12: another day
17/12: and so on
18/12: this is a new input
The textarea is "log1" and the textbox is "txb1". I'm currently using
log = trim(request.form("log1"))
how do I do something like
log = trim(request.form("log1")) <br> date ": " trim(request.form("txb1"))
assuming date is a string variable, You would want to do the following:
log = trim(request.form("log1")) & "<br>" & [date] & ": " & trim(request.form("txb1"))
also, if date is a DateTime variable, you would want to use date.ToShortDateString() and instead of <br/> i would recommend using Environment.NewLine
and even better, you should use StringBuilder:
Dim SB As New StringBuilder()
SB.AppendLine([date] & ": " & trim(request.form("txb1")))
log = SB.ToString()
if you want to store the entire log in one record rather than a separate table, you better off saving it as a list of logs into a varbinary(MAX) column.
here is a full example of how to do it:
1. we start by creating a <div> element that will hold our pretty logs and will be handled by the server, and a text box for new logs:
<asp:TextBox ID="txb1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<div id="Text_Div1" runat="server"></div>
2. now in the code behind, we create a class to hold 1 single line of log:
'create a log class and state that it serializable
<Serializable> _
Public Class MyLogRecord
Public Sub New(_msg As String)
[Date] = DateTime.Now
Message = _msg
End Sub
Public Property [Date]() As DateTime
Return m_Date
End Get
m_Date = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Date As DateTime
Public Property Message() As [String]
Return m_Message
End Get
m_Message = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Message As [String]
Public Function ToText() As String
Return [Date].ToShortDateString() & ": " & Convert.ToString(Message)
End Function
End Class
3. wherever you update the logs, whether its button_click or textbox_keydown, you do the following:
' create a list of logs
Dim MyLogs As List(Of MyLogRecord)
'check if we stored the logs already in the session,
'if yes, retrieve it from the session var,
'if not then create a new one.
If Session("MyLogs") IsNot Nothing Then
MyLogs = DirectCast(Session("MyLogs"), List(Of MyLogRecord))
MyLogs = New List(Of MyLogRecord)()
End If
' create a new log record from the new textbox value
Dim _tempLog As New MyLogRecord(txb1.Text)
'add the new log to the list
'save it back in a session var:
Session("MyLogs") = MyLogs
4. in the part where you save the logs to the mysql db, you do it this way: first convert the list to a byte array and store it in a varbinary(MAX) column
'create a new binary formatter, include System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
Dim formatter As New BinaryFormatter()
'create a byte array to store our logs list
Dim _logsBinary As Byte()
'create a memory stream to write the logs list into
Using _logStream As New MemoryStream()
'use the formatter to serialize the list in to an array of bytes
'directly into the memory stream
formatter.Serialize(_logStream, MyLogs)
'dump the memory stream into the byte array
_logsBinary = _logStream.ToArray()
End Using
' ... save the _logsBinary into mysql as a 'varbinary(max)' ...
5. in the place where you retrieve the logs from the mysql db, you de-serialize the byte array back to a logs list:
Dim MyLogs As New List(Of MyLogRecord)()
Dim formatter As New BinaryFormatter()
Using _logStream As New MemoryStream()
_logStream.Write(_logsBinary, 0, _logsBinary.Length)
_logStream.Position = 0
' de-serialize the byte array back into a logs list
MyLogs = DirectCast(formatter.Deserialize(_logStream), List(Of MyLogRecord))
End Using
6. in the place where you write the logs in your page, you do it this way:
Dim SB As New StringBuilder()
' create a temp date to compare against all the records,
' and initialize it with the first value or else you will have
' a orizontal line before the first row
Dim _prevDate As DateTime = MyLogs.First().[Date]
For Each _logRec As MyLogRecord In MyLogs
'take the date of the currently iterrated item and
'compare against the temp date, note that comparing months is not enough,
'month might be same/earlier but year can be higher
Dim _currentDate As DateTime = _logRec.[Date]
If _currentDate.Month > _prevDate.Month OrElse _currentDate.Year > _prevDate.Year Then
'append horizontal line
'update temp value
_prevDate = _currentDate
End If
'finally append the log: ToText() is the class custom
'function that we created above
'dump the logs into the server managed div:
Text_Div1.InnerHtml = SB.ToString()

PDFs missing EOF section on customer's server

Folks- I'm relatively new to ASP.NET, and have a question that has stumped my peers-- folks much more experienced than myself.
My company created a website that uses iTextSharp to build and stream PDFs. The functionality works perfectly on my company's development and staging/test servers. The customer's functionality isn't working well, however. The customer's server streams a file where the PDF is missing the last block of data representing the EOF section. The PDF seems to build correctly, streams correctly, but when users open the PDF, the following error displays: 'There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired.'
By comparing the PDFs in a text viewer (comparing the PDFs from my server vice the customer's server), I can see that the EOF section is missing from the customer's PDF. I'll also note that no errors are thrown during PDF creation, if that's helpful. To make matters more difficult, I have no access to the customer's servers, so I won't be able to interact with the systems directly.
The version is 3.5. Both of our servers (my company and the customer) are: running IIS7.5 on Server 2008R2; using iTextSharp is 5.1.2; and are configured for FIPS compatibility.
I've read dozens and dozens of posts detailing why a PDF isn't created properly, why it may not be streaming, and all things related, but I haven't seen this particular issue before. I guess what I need to know in the short-term is: 1) what can I provide to help diagnose the issue, 2) where is a good place to start looking for areas of concern?
Also, I updated to revision 5.5.3 last night; same results-- it works fine on my servers, but produces broken PDFs on the customer's server.
Code added:
Public Function BuildReport(ByVal tblReport As DataTable, _
ByRef memStream As MemoryStream, _
ByRef strErrMsg As String) As Boolean
Dim booOK As Boolean = True
strErrMsg = String.Empty
' Create document
' Create writer (listens to the document and directs PDF stream)
memStream = New MemoryStream()
Dim msWriter As PdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(_document, memStream)
msWriter.CloseStream = False
'Create header
Dim ev As New itsEvents
msWriter.PageEvent = ev
' Set document metadata
' Open document, add document content, close document
Catch ex As Exception
booOK = False
strErrMsg = ex.Message
End Try
Return booOK
End Function
Private Sub AddReportContent(ByVal tblReport As DataTable)
' Count report columns
Dim intReportColumns As Integer = 0
For Each col As DataColumn In tblReport.Columns
If ContainedInColumnMask(col.ColumnName) Then
intReportColumns += 1
End If
' Build table
Dim table As PdfPTable
Dim cell As PdfPCell
Dim phrase As Phrase
If intReportColumns >= 1 Then
' Init table
table = New PdfPTable(intReportColumns)
' Add title to table
'phrase = New Phrase(_strMetaTitle, _fontLarge)
'cell = New PdfPCell(phrase)
'cell.Colspan = intReportColumns
'cell.HorizontalAlignment = 1 ' 0=Left, 1=Centre, 2=Right
' Add column headers to table
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim intColWidth As Integer
Dim intColWidths As Integer() = New Integer(intReportColumns - 1) {}
Dim intColWidthTotal As Integer = 0
Dim strColName As String
For Each col As DataColumn In tblReport.Columns
If ContainedInColumnMask(col.ColumnName) Then
strColName = col.ColumnName
If (col.ExtendedProperties.Item("NOTEXTEXPORT") <> True) Then
If col.ExtendedProperties.Contains("FRIENDLYNAME") Then
strColName = col.ExtendedProperties.Item("FRIENDLYNAME")
End If
End If
phrase = New Phrase(strColName, _fontMedium)
cell = New PdfPCell(phrase)
cell.BorderWidth = 1
cell.BackgroundColor = iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY
'cell.BackgroundColor = iTextSharp.text.Color.LIGHT_GRAY
intColWidth = GetColumnWidth(col, strColName, _fontMedium.Size, _fontSmall.Size)
intColWidths(i) = intColWidth
intColWidthTotal += intColWidth
i += 1
End If
table.TotalWidth = intColWidthTotal
' Add rows to table
For Each row As DataRow In tblReport.Rows
For Each col As DataColumn In tblReport.Columns
If ContainedInColumnMask(col.ColumnName) Then
phrase = New Phrase(SetBlankIfNothing(row.Item(col.ColumnName).ToString()), _fontSmall)
cell = New PdfPCell(phrase)
cell.BorderWidth = 0.5
End If
' Init table
table = New PdfPTable(1)
' Nothing to add to table
End If
' Add table to document
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal strMetaTitle As String, _
ByVal strMetaSubject As String, _
ByVal strMetaApplication As String, _
ByVal strMetaAuthor As String, _
Optional ByVal strColumnMask As String = "")
_strMetaTitle = strMetaTitle
_strMetaSubject = strMetaSubject
_strMetaApplication = strMetaApplication
_strMetaAuthor = strMetaAuthor
_document = New iTextSharp.text.Document(_itsPage, _itsMarginLeft, _itsMarginRight, _itsMarginTop, _itsMarginBottom)
If strColumnMask <> "" And Not strColumnMask Is Nothing Then
_strColumnMask = strColumnMask
End If
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal strMetaTitle As String, _
ByVal strMetaSubject As String, _
ByVal strMetaApplication As String, _
ByVal strMetaAuthor As String, _
Optional ByVal strColumnMask As String = "")
_strMetaTitle = strMetaTitle
_strMetaSubject = strMetaSubject
_strMetaApplication = strMetaApplication
_strMetaAuthor = strMetaAuthor
_document = New iTextSharp.text.Document(_itsPage, _itsMarginLeft, _itsMarginRight, _itsMarginTop, _itsMarginBottom)
If strColumnMask <> "" And Not strColumnMask Is Nothing Then
_strColumnMask = strColumnMask
End If
End Sub
